HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/12/1935 ,.... 300 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ June 12, 1935 The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll Uall showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioner Lutz, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under tile head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses, the following were granted; C. C. Brieland, Garage, Lot 5, Blk. 86, Tonnsite, J. E. Burke, 2 Card Tables, 135 E, Front St. 60.00 10.80 I Under the lie ad of Introduction of Resolutions, the following Resolution was intro- duced: RESOLUTION YIHEREAS, Section four (4) Chapter 45 of Session Laws of 1935 provides for the formation of a finance Committee for the cities in the class of Port Angeles, and, VffiEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance is the chief financial officer of the city; NOW, THErrEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; That pursuant to the said law the City Finance Committee be oomposed of the three members of the city Commission, and the said committee proceed with its organization and duties in aocordance with the provisions of the statute. It was moved by Jilayor Davis that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 1 Under tile head of New BUBiness,- The Commission instructed the ~i ty Clerk to issue a call for bids to do the City printing for the year ending June 30, 1936, said bids to be opened June 26, 1935. The Commission examined and allowed the followi~ claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND State Treasurer Johnson & Bork The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Olympic Stationers Evening Uews Olympic Stationers The Pac Tel & Tel 00. M. R. ,aleman Standard Oil "0. Shell Oil Co. R. L. Fernandes Willson Hardware Co. Garvin Auto ~o. B. Vail P.A. Concretc Products Ang~les Gr~vel ~ Su~ply Co. G o. " Garvin Auto Co. Epperson & "ons Lysall TIeldin~ & Forge Works Buhler Motor vo. Olympic Forests Products Go. General Pa int Gorp. n n n K. E. Ericks on Co., Inc. City Treasurer Getchell & Gagnon Harris & Schuller The Pac Tel & Tel Go. Il II II II II II Blackburn Printing Co. Standard Oil Co. C. L. Sarff The Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Automotive Parts Co. Union Oil Co. Automotive Parts Co. n II II James Hardware Go. \'lATER FUND State Treasurer VI. Sherman cftiy-LightDepartlllen t Light Department Elmer Kelly Getchell & Gagnon Central Motor Parts & Machine Works Crane Co. II II Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Angeles Foundry Co. E. A. Thomas Fisher Pharmacy Lysall Welding Forge Co. ~ Ind Ins & Med Aid Varnish, etc. Servi ce Supplies Publications Supplies Service Lumber Gas Oil Repairs Hard ware Repairs Labor with Shovel Street Markers Drif:t Bolts & Cerrent Gravel Repai rB Lumber Repairs Cleaning Car Lumber Lacquer " Supplies GaB Filing Saw, etc. Servic e Repai rs Gas Repairs Repair Parts Hardware 11 I'D - 43.03 2.65 1.25 3.55 26.32 3.50 1.80 47t34 166.08 24.46 21,52 8.77 5.85 40.00 6.00 9.56 10.10 9.15 1.58 2.00 1.53 29.75 36.50 8.00 30.00 1.00 1.20 62.50 1.15 3.75 13.25 54.00 2.25 7.55 12.00 54 .00 2.71 <:.20 2.52 I I Rubber Flappers, etc. Stamps Oil Galv. Iron & LUnch Boxes Service " I Ind Ins & Med Aid State Examiner Light s at Reservoir Gas & Oil GaB Donkey Hire Cas & Service Repairs Hydrant Univershl Pipe fI II 27.57 145.00 1.28 20.68 74.00 <:.83 1.25 114.70 293.61 72.44 81.16 11.22 6.42 19.13 7.93 Meter Parts Concrete & Lumber Castings, etc. Repai rs to truck Firs t Aid Ki ts Repairs Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 1 301~ June 12. 1925 193_ Meter Parts 16.29 Tools 10.53 T;1pe 3~ 4.68 Cedar Lumber 13.06 Freight Charges /1').-'1 3.54 Pay Roll 197.00 Ind Ins & Med Aid 16.62 Meter Books 5.10 May Pow€l.r Bill 5507.39 Plants 4.79 Filing Fee .50 Office "upplies 3.26 Repairs 1.3:5 Fre igh t Charges 1.63 First Ai,d Kit 3.83 Gaso line 50.76 Wood 9.50 Freight 1. 95 Meters, etc. 44.72 To ols 12.12 Repairs 3.19 Off1c e Supplies 14.07 Insurance on ranges I)- 4.78 Servi ce s719 15.55 Water at Substation 1. 95 Printing & Supp li es 14.85 Cement & "and 1.;;8 ' Light & Wllter 8.74 Service 4.;;5 Binding 97.04 Books 31.13 Extl'a Work 2.50 Supplies 3.25 Petty Cash 4.05 Supplies 5.50 Hose, etc!. 1)- 2.39 Lamps, etc. I S-1, 5.50 Books 16.07 " 2.37 6.00 I I I I I I Buffa 10 Meter Co. Mar~hall Ileps C?. Epperson & Son s puget Sound Yavigation ~o. Water Department LIGH T FUND State Treasurer Olympic Stationers P.~, Power & Light Co. Schlager Bros. , Auditor, Spokane vo. Olympic ~tationers Lysall Welding & t.'orge "orks P. S. Navigation vo. Fisher Pharmacy Standard Oil ';0. Chas. Clayton City :rreasurer General ~lectric ~o. Marshall Wells & ,0. Pine Hill ~ervice~ Olympic Printery J. Lloyd tldwe~l, Inc. Pac Tel & Tel vo. , Ci ty ria ter Departmen t ,Quick Print Angeles Gravel & Supply vo. LIBRARY FUND City 'rr easure r The Pac Tel & Tcl va. Washington Bindery The Puget ~ound News go. Ethel Os terhou t Blackburn Printing ~o. Jennllu Norris Zellerbach Paper ~o. James Hardware Co. City Electric "0. Frank Hixenbaugh Lowman & Hanford Co. American Corporation PARK FUND 'State Treasurer jWillson Hardware Co. James Hardware C. L.' Sarfi' Johnson & Bork Schlager Bros. CEMETERY FUND SChlager Bros. Johnson Mfg. Co., Inc. Marshall "ells & Go, Ci ty Treasurer Todd Cycle ~hop LIGHT INVESTMENT FUlID City Treasurer Ind In s & Me4 Aid Hardware " '!.po ("t~ 7 .49 14.15 . 69 2.50 7.50 32.13 Grinding Power Lawn Mower Paint, etc. Flowers, etc. Seed Hardware Garden Hose Hardware Sharpen & Repair Lawn Mower ,... I~ .,.~ .55 2.62 10.50 .55 2.00 Warrants Purc msed 3648.77 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?7~ Gi ty Glerk. ;r0~ May or . ~