HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/12/1940 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 171~ June 12, 1940 19_ 1 I' '1 I I The Commission met. in regular session at 10:00. A.M. and was c"lled to order by Hayor Beetle, P~ll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Cle rk Hawkins. The mindes of the previous sessicn were rea d and approved. Under the head of ~.pplications for iluilding Permits the following were granted: w. H. Cox, Build House, Lot 5, Block 148. TDmnsite Joe Lonn, Addition to House, Lot 7, Block 206, Townsite General Petroleum Corporation of Californda, Construct Oil Distributing Plant, Lots ll., 12, 13 & 14, Block 36, 10wnsite 1000.00 . 700.00 10000.00 Under the head of New Business: The City Clerk was ins tructed to issue a c811 for bids to do the City printi:1g for the year beginning July 1, 1940. Bids to be receiVed at the City Clerk's office up to June 26, 1940, at 10:OOA.lr.:, and not later. The Commission then brought up the matter of the request of the ueneral Petroleum Corporation of California for an easement to lay and maintain a pipe line across the alley lying north of Lots 11, 12, 15 and 14, Block 36 of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington. The said pipe line to be used for the purpose of conveying petroleum products from the wharf of the Port'of Port ~geles to the distributing plant to be constructed on the foregoing described property. ~fter due consideration it was moved Qy Commissioner Beam that the easement above requested, be granted. Seconded-by Commissioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the followine; resolutions were granted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Ihe City of Port Aneeles is the oymer of the following described real property, having acquired the same by Troasurer's deed, dated June 11, 1940, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lots Eleven (11) } Twelve (12) and "ourteen (14), Block Thirty-six (36) of the '!ownsite of Port Angeles, Cla11a1l1 Lounty, Washi.l1gton, and WHEREAS, The General Petroleum Corporation of California has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $1500.00, and WHEREAS, The City Comnission has viewed the said property and is of the opllnon that the offer is fair value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for said property, plus all L. 1. D. assesslTents, in- cluding interest and other cha rges against the same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said General Petroleum Corporation of California for the sum herein- above set forth, subject to any other valid liens a&ainst the samej that the City ,Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Al".geles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quitclaim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Aneeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed. It was moved by Co:tunissioner Lind that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOWTION WHEREAS, the City of Port ~ngeles is the owner of the foll~,ing described real property, having acquired the same by Trsasurer's deed, dated April 19, 1940, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lots Thirteen (15L Fourteen (14) and rifteen (15), Block One Hundred Fifty (150) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, and WHEREAS, W. F. Phillips has offered to purchase from the Uity of Port Angeles the above described real property for the sum of $150.00, payable as follows: $25.00 as a down payment and $5.00 on or before the-8th day of July, 1940, and e5.00 on or before the 8th day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full, together with interest computed at the rate of 7% per annum on the balance due and paid with the monthly installments, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the op'IUon that the offer is fair value and is in exceSS of the aln01mt paid by the City for the said lots" plus all L.1.D. assessments, including interest and other charges against the s~~e. Nmv, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said W. F. Phillips for the s urn hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens ageinst the sa~ej that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said ~uit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the "ity of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase ~rjce and all accrued interest thereon has bsen paid in full. It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed, dated June B, 1940, under and b.f virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 565, to-wit: I,ots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14), Block Three Hundred Fifty-four (354) of the Tovmsite of Port Angeles, Clallam L:ounty, Washington, and WHEREAS, Harold Messersmith has offered topurchase the above described real property from the City of ~ ".... 1-72 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 12, 1940 19_ Port Angeles for the sum of $73.00, payable as follows:. $8 .00 as a d own payment and $1.00 on or before the I 5th day of July, 1940, and $1.00 on or before the 5th day of each and every month thereafter until paid in -full. Interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per annUm on the balance due and paid with the monthly installment, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the oninion that the offer is fair value and that at this time it is to the best ,interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI.VED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port lAngeles sell the said propert,' at private sale to the said Harold Messersmith for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim I deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and thbt the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is herehy instructed to execute' said quit claim deed, and that the L~or of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said qJit claim deed when the purchase price and all accrued , interest thereon has been paid in. full . j It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoing reso~ution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. lhe Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following Ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed on its first reading. I I AN ORDIN~NCE relating to regulating and licensing the business of distributing and exhibiting for use and play certain amusement devices and automatic music playing machinesj fixing license fees and prescribing penalties; and repealing Ordinance No. 1047. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EIPEmE FUND The National Cash Register Co. City Treasure!' Olympic Printery Quick Print Olympic Printery Port Angeles.Evening News City Treasurer George E. Mitchell OlymIli c l' rin te ry Port Angeles Evening News City Light Departw~t Evening News Press , Pacific Teltphone & lelee;rapll Co. Willson Hardware vo. City Tr~asu..er II II Nails Ind Ins & Wed Aid 42.53 .46 1.73 13.77 {.49 26.60 .46 24.41 2.65 4.00 50.00 9.95 4.40 2.45 606.75 19.56 53.80 3.6.l .36 4.50 2.75 11.20 15.00 17.30 2.55 9.08 11.33 6.55 24.55 10.80 22.81 ?l. 32 11.22 22.12 25.50 2.69 5.50 8.93 32.66 5.99 634 .03 15.55 31.86 96.51 15.87 10.10 22.12 58.15 15.40 19.20 4.21 21.97 I Larrick 1 S Cafe The Fehly Studio V.. A. Sam.'lelscn & Co. Palmer Auto Robuild Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 11 "11" ft Parts & Agreement Adding Machine Ribbon Supplies Printing Supplies Publica tions Adding Machine Ribbon Repairs to Instrunents Supplies Publications Office Rent Census Sheets Service Rope street Lights Light & Water for WPA Offices Meals for Prisoners Prints, etc. Repairs Repairs Servi ce n Olympic Hot Springs Pacific Emblem & Mfg. Co. Olympic Laundry Aneeles Cooperative Creamery City Treasurer Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer Pineola Mfg. Co. Evening News Press, Inc. Schlager Bros. Ci ty Treasurer Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Foundry Citv Treasurer paci ric Telephone & Telegraph Co. Port-Angoles Concrete Products Co. Johnson & Bork Port Angeles Evening News City Light Department Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. JAmes Yf. Caven Epperson & SODS The Electric Co. Pacific Telepfione & Telegraph Co. Athletic Supply Co. Inc. Kaufman-Leonard Co. Harry Palmquist Charles Payne Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Sta te Treasure r Rent of Swimming Pool Junior Safety Patrol Buttons Laundry Butter & Ice Cream Bars Ca sh kllowed Paint, etc. Light & Water Cleaner Posters Plants Cash .tdvar.ced Hardware Curb Inl et Light & Water for Barn Service Sewer Pipe Paint, etc. Publi ca ti ons Wiring Materials Drain Tile Plumbing Work Kitchen Cupboard, etc. Electric Supplies Service Base Ball Home Plate, etc. Linoleum, etc. La bor n I I 7" g./ .,..i CITY STREET ,'UNO Automotive Parts Service Parts 1.02 17.50 13.95 149.27 27.88 15.72 11.53 15.38 6.29 Standard Oil Co. Tidewater Msociated Oil Co. " IT sed Fly Wheels Shop Work Expense Account Kerosene & Gasoline n " Motor Oil Asphalt Diesel Oil Loop Au to Wrecking Co. D & B 8attery &. Electric Station Cha rle s Lind Shell Oil Co. lro. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 12. 1940 19_ 173" 1 I I I I City Transfer Co. Willson Hardware Co. Peninsula Fuel Co. Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Angeles Gra7el & Supply Co. State Treasurer WATER FUND Dan hurley Ol)'mpic Printery Epperson & Sons Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. A. J. Sesar Willson Hardware Co. Standard Oil Co. Schreiner-Kyle Chev. Co. Montgomery Ward Co. E. E. Nichols Evening News, Inc. V. ft.Samuelson & 00. Madge H. Nailor Rudy's Redio Shop H. P. McNutt Port ,Pngdes Motors Angeles Foundry Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. J ames Hardware eo. D & B Battery & Eleotric Co. Kelly & Devine Gils' Welding & Forge Works City Light DepartMent II . fl t1 Shell Oil Co. Mc Clellan Hardware & Furniture Co. Palmer Supply Co. H. G. Purcell II Rensselaer Valve Co. " Hooker Electrochemical Co. II " Hersey.Mfg. Co. American Waterworks Ass'n. A. H. Cox & Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. State Treasurer LIGHT FUND Olympic Printery Os ta E.. Eddy Rudy'S Radio Shop Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Cu. Harris & Schuller Ci ty Water Dept. S. H. ~ite Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Willson Hardware Co. Port "ngeles Motors The Electric Co. H. P. McNutt Evening News,. Inc. Puget sound Navigation Co. Shen Oil (;0. United States Pencil Co. General Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Line t~aterial Co. State Treasurer LIBRARY FUND Mrs. Annis Young Florence McLane J ennilu Norris Ci ty Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Americana Corporation Power Book Company The lOa cmillan Co. The Puget Sound News Co. PARK FUND City Light Dept. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Schlager Bros. Thos. Iredale Coal Hardware Diesel Oil Parts Cement, etc. Ind Ins & Med Aid "77 563 Car Expense Supplies Lumber Servi ce Hauling Pipe H. S. Blades Grease Truck Parts Top Material Trucks jete. Publicati ons Repa i rs Cash Payments Tube & Battery Sh op flo rk Truck Repairs Castings Serlrice Boxes Supplies Truck Pa rts Gaskets Shop j'ork Liehts at Reservoir Office Rent Gas & Grease Tools Pipe, etc. Pipe and Fittings Hydrant Parts Hydrants.& Valves Gaskets Chlorine II Meter Parts Booklets Pump Parts ConcreteJ etc.. Industrial Insurance y" /' ,l,f"o Office Forms Rent of Ga~age Materials Service Meter Box Water at Store Ca r Expens e Power Bill Fly Killer Repairs Lamps Shop Wor'~ Advertising Freight 41arges Ga soline Pencil s Oil Tester Meters, etc. n ,& Case cases Meter Parts, etc. Line Hardyrare n II 1S ./ i gl 1 Stubbing Bands Industrial Insurance Emergency llelp " n Petty Cash Light & Water Service 1940 Annual Books Range &. Wiring Material Tools Sewer Pipe, etc. Flov.Ter s Repairs to h!Ol'ferS 3.06 6.75 14.79 200.49 lJ,.08 1'1.66 9.30 16.83 .46 4.<5 28.50 1.65 1.38 2.68 1.79 16.32 5.6'1 21. 96 1.06 3.32 12.50 3.52 15.30 19.58 5.48 .66 9.18 14.38 4.47 25.00 26.76 55.08 397.56 3678.94 2.50 1895.24 12.40 14.84 14.87 20.08 .75 30.55 29.50 18.52 29.58 3.00 13.19 25.90 6.03 2.01 44.45 5997.51 1.11 8.62 13.77 2.55 23.03 1.10 20.54 6.94 206 . 55 294.81 153.13 26.52 123 .00 257.55 186.07 46..16 8.23 11' ( ) ~lo 7.38 5.38 5.08 7.34 4.25 6.00 9.94 10.87 132 .48 146.34 .92 9.59 51.00 4.25 ...4 r- 174 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ June 12, 1940 City Treasu:-er II " ~ngeles Grm-el & Supply Co. State Treasurer CITYWIDE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION FUND Epperson & Sons Ane;eles Gravel & Supply Co. t! 11 II 11 I' L.I.D. CUARANTY FU1ID Ci ty Trea surer II . L.I.D. REVmVING FUND City Treasurer . " Under the head of Unfinished Business: Light & .Vater Light at Playfield Lumber Industrial Insurance Lumber II J etc. Sidewalks, etc. Lumber ASsesslllents Taxes Treasurer's Deeds Taxes Taxes II "2- 25.56 .78 '2{f' :j.l.82 6.41 41. 31 I> 12<;.89 ?,,] -- 574.69 59.24 127.46 JV 345.38 %~ ( ,. 245.74 108.56 1.80 66.40 <(" )"~ ;$ ./ 111.61 971. 79 The bids for furnishing the electrical equipment for fioodlights at the ~.thletic Playfield opened June 5, 1940, and entered on page 170 of this Journal having been checked by the City Engineer and the Supt. of Utilities, are as follows: BIDDER WIRE & CABLE ,1- MAKE Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Line Mate,rial Company II fI II ,. General "'lectric Su. pDly Company Globe Electric Company Graybar Electric Lompany Stusser Electric (;ompany I Olympic Utility Supply 'Co. 1.",::, ,"",,,, "ow" ", n 11 II Line Material Ccmpar.y II II General ~lectric Supply Corr~any " 11 It " Glo be Electric Company o n II Graybar Electric Company . II Stusser Electric Company II Ii Olympic' Utility Supply CO. 'I II " 11 I BIDDER Westinghouse Electric SUpply Company I Line Material Company n n II I Gen~ral Ele~tric comr,any I Globe Electric Company Graybar Electric COI"pany I.M tF II I Stusser Electric eompany I Olymp1C Utility Supply Company I " . · . I ... Anaconda Durasheath American Steel Wire Co. G. E. Type R.R. Anaconda All hubber Ila birshaw Anaconda Anaconda FLOODLIGHTS MAKE & TYPE Bidder I s Sheet Item Item Item 577 #8 .0705 .116 .102 .116 .102 .0765 WIDE BEAM Westinghouse 81119654 Type VHR 14.25 u Sl119652" " 8888055 AF (Enamel) 9.69 5888063 AFA Revere Electric Company, Cat. #4201 14.00 II . "#4206 General Electric, Cat. #L68A52G3 15.00 " " 11 #L68A52G13 S & M Cat. #1052CA " . . #1072CA Crouse Hinds Cat. #43909 " " . #43910 Brightlight Silv-A-King, Cat. tI n Revere Electric vornpanYJ Cat. II II ft TR~NSFORlIE[lli 1.1.6 KE & TYPE Westinghouse Line Material Company, Cat. #4T6P n n #4T8P General Electric Co. 47n02 47n04 Uolone'.f General "'lectric 47Xl02 471104 Standard Type A Line Material Co. 4T6P 4T8P 15.00 13.50 #8750 #8754 #4201 #4206 15.75 14.00 IS KVA 149.50 133 .89 159.30 153.89 398.00 128.71 133.89 #000 #2 .1221 .0505 .1-221 .132 .125 .1221 .122 .1221 .0505 .0546 .05187 .0505 .0505 .0505 NAllROW' BEMl 18.24 lJ. AD 18.00 19.20 19.20 17.25 17.60 18.00 37! KVK 261.80 251. 63 261.80 251.65 748.00 241.90 251.65 I I 1 I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""'IIIl 175 June 12, 1940 19_ I I I I 1 METERING OUTFIT AND PANELS (Items 4 and 6) Meter 10 c. Ou.tfit Panel 24 c. Panel BIDDER MAKE Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. n 11 n 11 Westine;house " 296.97 24 .40 58.20 Line Material <"'ompany " " Separate G. E. Transformers Square D Co. 70':'A-IOCIR " '". 175-A-24GIR General Electric 7lX26 G. E. (Alternate - Separate Transformers) Trumbull NRP5GIOWjP NRP5G24WjP 203 .55 20.00 55.20 General EJ.ectric Supply Co. . " 328.44. 205.55 35.40 49.20 35.40 49.20 35.40 98.40 20.00 35.20 20.00 35.20 5 Pole Globe Electric Company " n Graybar Electric Company II If 11 & G. E. Special " 275.00 Stusser Electric Company n General ~lectric Co. Square D Co., 11 !l 11 328.00 7lX26 NRP3G12 NRP3G24 Transformers 70AlO cir. 175A24 cir. Olympic Utility Supply Co. n II 11 Separate G. E. Square D CO. 'I U 205.55 OIL SWITCHES BIDDER 2 Pole !lAKE CloT. NO. Line Material Co~pany " Westinghouse FOl1-504244 99.00 n FOll-504246 115.00 Line Material 350l0-A 68.58 ,,- 35012-A 82.94 (Alternate) 35070-A 54.89 " 55072-A 75.76 350l0-A 68.58 350l2-A 82.941 Genera 1 Electric 169l063G2 105.00 . 169l063G5 115.00\ Roller-Smith Type LFl.' 60.00 " n LPM 76.00 Line Material 35010-A 68.58 " " 35012-A 82.94 (Hternate) 54.89 General Electric Supply Co. n II II Graybar Electric Co. " " Stusser Electric ~o. II II Olympic Utitlity Supply Co. n 11 II 11 75.76 It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the bid of the olympic Utility Supply Company be accepted on the following items and the contract awarded to them to furnish the same: #8 Wire & Cable @ .0705 #WJ n @ .1221 #2 @ .0505 Transformers 15 KVA 37~ KVA Oil Switches 2 Pole 5 per foot n " - 4T6P each $135.89 - 4T8P n 251.65 Line Material $54.89 n 75.76 Motion seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Comnission laid over awarding the contract for the other i terns in the call for further consideration. There being no further business the Comnission then adjourned. ?:~ 7d7J(l~ City Cl erk Mayor ~