HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/12/1950 ':1 I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19 -50 13 ., June 12. ".,. ."".".."'...".."~,... ,.,.,.... m.. ~ The Commission -met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: I 0' Building Permits: 175'0 -: .. . j John C. Bland Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lots 8-9, Blk. 277, Townsite ~ M. .C. Adolphson Repair Foundation & Put on New Porch; Lot 4, Elk. 270, Townsite I ~~;;;:;:w?t:::wm. HUb:::~a::::: Garage; Lot 14, Blk. 4, Doyles Addition Dr. George H. stevens Massage & Steam Bath 4,000.00, 350.00 400.00 12.00 27.10 Under the head of new business, Mr. Amende, representative of Perkins.. Company, appeared regarding retire- ment of old L.I.D. Bonds. Commissioner Robinson informed that the City has funds accumulated for retire- ment of some of the bonds at 10~ on the dollar, That an Ordinance exists providing for the retirement, and obviously the City should retire amount of bonds the fund will permit. It was moved by Commissioner ; Robinson that the City Treasurer be authorized to use such funds as are available for the redemption of old I L. I. D. Bonds as provided by existing Ordinance. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion I carried. I I Larry Winters requested permission to park his sight-seeing bus at the south portion of First and Laurel Streets, also display a small sign during the tourist season. The matter was referred to Chief Ide. o";oJ~e J~I~tn:;11~B4~II,W~(~~' ~~~~::r.,! I RI~fllJlllillg UOlld.'l, 1'01'( ..\ngelel'i. . \\':tHllln~lon " I Kotl<~c is hel'eby giY~n that the Cit,. of Port Anf:'clcs, '....I\Rhinl?;tol1, has fllect.ed. lo call nJH] doc!! hereb,' call f'H' pllYIII(lnt and l'8(lcmptlon on JUI;.' I, 1 !Iii fl, its (lulfllt~ndlng ,'Vatel' l ~/j~b\ll~~el ;~;T{U~f$~?;5,~gJl~~su~~ ~~~: [It'f [lnte o{ July I, 19014, heftl'iIlg In- l_f'rr,~t at thH rate of 2% per nnllum, llllrnlH~J'l'r] frnm J6G to :'70 InclUsive, an,l maturing' on January hI of e,lcIl 'of thl'! year:; I9lil through 1960. i '1'11<, owners and holders of f'~l('.h of fluid bOllds fire l1ercb)' llot!Cied 10 ]lresf'nt thn i;um" for rc:dt:lUption and pa.yment on or after the ]:st day t~d u 1'[.~e;,~~I~ e: t i~lhc p~~,~jceA]~~e}b~~ I \\'u~hing~on, xoUce I!; Iwreby further gi\'nn that jntel'~st all !laid Ilonds shall ClJase to ['un on Jul\' 1, 19!i{l, 'l'hi!; noLlCG Is, given by' Cot'der o[ llu; Mil)'III' and City Commi!lSloll of the Citv ur I'orl. Angeles. .. Date!1 thiN 2Hh day (If 'Mal", 1950. };LSf].; 111. ~T.Un~, City Treaflll'l'I', Published: MM' 26, June 2. 9. Hl{jO. Commissioner Taylor requested that bids be published for the purchase of a carloacl of galvanized pipe for the water department. Also that bids be called for the' removal of the East Third Street trestle. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the said calls for bids be published and opened June 26th. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission considered disposal of two Burroughs adding machines, now obsolete. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that bids be published for the sale of the said machines. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission discussed re-imbursE!llent of the Water Fund for loan to the Light Fund by cashing Government bonds in which the Light Fund has invested. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Cityrreasurer be authorized to dispose of the series F Bonds for the purpose of re-paying loan from the Water Department. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All m~mbers voted Aye: Motion carried. j Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second reading. i I I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of water revenue refunding bonds of the city in the total principal sum of $405,000 for the purpose of refunding and retiring all of the outstanding bonds of the water revenue refunding bond issue of 1944, creating a special I fund for the payment of the principal and interest of the refunding bonds herein authorized, fixing the date, form, terms and maturities thereof, confirming the sale thereof and the call for redemption of said . outstanding bonds heretofore made, and declaring an emergency. ORDINANCE NO. 1229 1 It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and 'second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i . ,The Commission examined and approved the full owing claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: (J.ftlf i Jonn 1. .lrumbUl.l. :Ed. B. Taylor City Street Dept. Olympic Tribune ~oo~erIgiorage Garage I Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Olym~iC Stationers :> G i*Af~Re;u~6~g. Cente33( -- I l'aylor Heating &- Plumbing Co. ,City Light Dept. :LIGHT FUND: .:217 <('/ ~-n. ~ea~ - ,Taper Oil Burner Co. 'Zellerbach Paper Co. 1~~~dba~O~e~~~t~a6~~es I sea{tle Radio Supply Co. SANITI.TION FUND: ~ II ! 7 'I U.LYlI1P'C 'l'r1bune Earl Davidson City Street Dept. 'Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. I PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Iv1ty otreet Dept. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. [Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating IL. 1. D. GENERAL FUND: /1 ~ f U.Lymp1.C lr~bune _ ... () ANIMAL CONTROL FUND: 'fa r! L.:.ial.l.am l,;ounty liumane Society r{. IS'- - Traveling Expense 6~~vfn~nlJi~ense Publication Car Mileage for May Parts & Labor 1 Mirror Side Office Supplies Paint, Lbr., etc. 23.64 3a:08 ~l. ~g ,. h~ 1:~5 1/W.25 1 .10 30.00 2~.05 1 .71 111. 2 ~ 32.g J. i 3.15 33.61 . IN:~? I 6.62 3.2); 11.79 11l.64 406 .50 15U~ I. I I Mayor .--"'IIIl Pipe Line Mater ial Hauling Poles Service Oil Burner Towels Cros s Arms Hardware Radio Parts Publication Car Mileage for May Gas and Oil Tools, Hdwe., Parts ;21 f>f Gas and Oil 1 Gal. Zerox Gal. Pipe, etc. Public a ti on Budget Appro.; Pound Fees, License Fees L. I. D. REVOLVING FUND: Cny treasurer Olympic Tribune Taxes &- Costs: Publications Lots 16-17, Blk. 303; 11/15, Blk. 298 There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. 1 t:. 'L'3uv f/ City Clerk ~~6?/~~