HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/13/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Wasbington .TI1r1A l~. 1 9~4 193_ ""IIIIl 217 I I I I I ~ne Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor fiavis. Roll call showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous sesBion were read and approved. Under the head of Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted,- G. M. Brown, Fruit Stand, Lot 26, BloOk'124, D. W. Morse Subd. Wm. Gorsegnor, Remodel residence, Lot 16, Blook 53, Townsite L. E. ;:ltark, Danoe at I.O.O.F. Hall, June 9, 1934 100.00 1,000.00 5.00 A oommunioation from Mrs. Donald Black stating that on authority of the President of the Sunrise Heights Corp9ration that they own 9 lots in one blook, suitab~e for a park and playgroun~, and that they are willing to deed this property to the City, pro~ vided that work is started as soon as possible,- , And~tt appearing that labor wilJ. he available for the development of this proJeot by I~ate st~mer and fall through the Federal Relief Administration. It was moved by Com- missioner Masters that the Oity aGoept title for said lots from the Sunrise Heights Corporation and that development of the Park and Playground be started as soon as possible. Seoonded by Mayor Davis. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. Under Head of New Business,- An endorsement limiting ooverage on money not under proteotion of time look under Burglary Polioy No. 83258 issued by the Maryland Casualty Co. was presented to the Commission for approval. . It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the Mayor be instruoted to sign said endorsement and that it be aooepted. Seoonded by Gomm~ssioner Lutz. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. The Qommission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- CURRENT EXPENSE State Treasurer Glenn's Servioe Station Johnson & B~rk Paoific Tel. & Tel. Co. N II "" n I. C. Groves Kissner Motor Parts Co. Willson Hardware Co. 'Paoifio Tel. & Tel. Go. HowaSd-Cooper Corp. Vim. . Ware Willaon Hardware Go. Harris & Sohueller Eppers on & Sons ~ngeles Gravel & Supply ~o. Automotive Parts Co. Ci ty ~reasurer Johnson Mfg. 00. Washington Pulp & Paper Co. James H!Lrdware Co. Shell Oil "'0. Sohlager Bros. Frank Maodonald & Sons Central Maohine Works ~ndian Valley Lumber Co. ,Willson Hardware Co. Garvin Auto "'0. V. A. Sa.muelsclm & "0. Thos. H. Gu~till Epperson & :Sons H. P. McNutt Lysall Welding & Forge Works V. A. Samuelson & Co. City Treasurer The Austin I/estern Road Mohy. Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. n ~ If ., II ^ ~ "" M. a. Alleman Tie & Mill ~o. Union Oil Co. " Epperson & Sons Western Union Tel Co. n " Y" Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. Garvin Auto (!Jo. Willson Hardware Co. Angel es Furni ture Co. Blackburn printing Co. Pao. Tel & Tel. Co. Evening News J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Pioneer Inoorporated Olympio Printery City T reasmrer Evening News P. A. Conorete Pr~ducts I Filion lUll & Lumber Go. Ind. Ins. & Med. AId Oil, eto. Paint, eto. Service " 64.92 7.25 3.60 3.20 5.48 36.60 4.24 L20 7.90 39.45 212.50 4.48 1.35 2.44 1.00 12.60 360.00 1.71 21. 60 .25 34.70 4.75 4.95 9.89 185.86 10.91 5.35 3.25 .50 8.16 5.10 6.98 6.03 17,66 49.80 69.57 8.65 153.70 34.40 103.63 13.23 3.24 1.80 4.50 L75 .85 6.25 4.75 2.50 54.60 35.60 26.75 40.35 5.00 7.03 LlO 25.00 Meals for Prisoners Lalllls F. L. Bat.1;el'ies Servio e Carbon Tetraohloride Insuranoe Supplies GaL Iron Lumber & Glass " Repa fros Wa ter Repair Parts Cement Hardwar~ Oil Seed, eto. Repairs " Lumber Hardware & ~ools :Rep?-ii's II Sign Lumber Repairs " Shovels Grader Parts Lumber " Crushed ROOk Lumber Gas Lumber "ervioe " II' Repairs Supplies Lino. & Cement Supplies Servioes Publications Insuranoe Suppl1ss " Court Costs Notices Pipe Lumber, eto. .l'j.. )1 '-I-~' ...... ~ 218 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington t~34. 193_ LIGHT FUND State Treasurer Puget Sound Power & Light ~o. ~estinghouse Eleo. Supply Co. Gi ty Treasurer ~ Clallam ~rain Woo Angeles Gravel,8o Supply Co, l!Ji ty Eleotrio"o. J. Lloyd Aldwell, Ino. Union 011 Co. City Eleotrio QOA N.W. Plumbing & ~eating ~o. Blaokburn Prdnting,Co. V. A. Samuelson & woo port Angel es Iron Works dity Eleotrio ao. Jaoob's Plumbing Co. City Eleotrio ~o. H. P. MoNutt Washi~ton State Bank City Water Dept. Ange1e s Creamery Olymplo printery George's Servioe Station P.A, Eve~ing News P. A. Conorete Products Go. Mook's Eleotrio Service Eub8llks ])rug Co, Standard Oil 00. Willson Hardware Co. MoHugh & Peterson rf IT tf it Ulmer Printing 00. Olympic Utility Supply ~ Westinghouse Eleo. Supply o. Westl~house E~eo. ~ Mr,s. C~. Olympic Utilities Go. Bul'roughs Add~ng Maohine Co. The Amerioan ~ityMagazine Olympio Utility Co. Cresoent Seourities Paoifio Tel & Tel woo City Eleotrio wo.~' General Electrio o. Glenn's service 3tatiom WATER FUND State Treasurer Water DepartMent n n Central Maohine Works Angeles Gravel & ~pply 00. Wm. Brenn8lld Epperson & "ons American Water Works Ass'n Amerioan Publio Health Asstn Hersey Mfg. ~o. Union Oil Co. Harris & SShuller Blaokburn printingw V. A. Samuelson & ,0. Jacob's Plumbing Co. MoDonald &, .ons James Hardware Lake & Boye Olympio printery Oity Light Dept. Washington State Bank Angeles EUrnlture Go. LIBRARY FlJND J:ennHu Nonie Paoific Tel u. Be Tel Co. PaOific'Pulp & Paper Go~p. Oi ty '!lreasurer Demoo Library Supplies Union Library Ass~n The Hertzberg Bindery Pugst Sound News ~o. PARK FUND ~ State Treasurer Central Maohine Works James Hardware ~o. n n II Kissner Motor Parts Co. Harris & Schuller Schlager Bros. F. R. Herron Angeles Gravel & Supply C. L. Sarff .. o. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Eleotrio Energy Rebate on disoount Fllimg ieea Supplies Cement 1 Crawford Briok & C'i1s Ins. on ranges Gasoline Commissions, eto. Plumbing Supplies Repairs Supplies & Services Commissioms Services Commissions Sharpen Bars Rent Water Cups Supplies Servioes Advertising Light ~tandard Battery Repairs Supplies Zerolene Supplies Repairs n Rep8.1ra to trucks Suppli es Street Light Fixtures Fittings Repairs to meter Switohb&ard Supplies Clamps, guards, eto. Service Subscrlpti'on ~lire, eto. Blue Prints Servioe Commissions, eto. Gontrlll11ers Repairs &: Tube Ind. Ins. & IAedJ Aid P1ty R~ll Servioes Lumber Rent Shingles Membership Book Itepair .k'arts Oil Gal. IrOn Supplies ilepairs Reduoing Valve Wedges Supplies Signs Supplies Gas 8ouOil Rent Congo 1 eum Sllp'pl1l!'S Service Subsorip~ion Light & a ter Suppl1es- Books n Ind. Ins. & -ed Aid Rspairs to Equipment Repairs .: Hardware &: tools Lamps ' Galv. Sheet :Plants Seed, eto. True Mix Sharpening Lawnmower '3.1- ~.O' ~ 1"1 f:, 0,-1 ~ ?pb b b11~ 21.55 5,132.95 9.04 1.50 2.05 4.00 3.00. 4.14 81. 70 54.39 21.40 29.40 7.85 ' 10.90 84.84 5.25 60.06 .75 85.00 1.95 2.95 12.20 2.50 3.00 40.00 5.25 2.75 5.93 3.46 1.70 4.80 5.90 4.90 74.88 5.62 . 8.18 68.50 176.20 7.75 2.00 104.80 5.00 10.15 82.06 355.58 2.60 I I I 45.15 10.50 ' 38.50 .75 7.80 12.00 6.65 lO.OO 2.16 26.32 1.25 .40 20.60 17.25 10.80 1.20 .15 4.80 4,00 26.86 45.00 3.90 I _ ,l; .,00 4.25 4.00 9.93 3.85 16.19 136.64 60.24 I 14.90 '12.25 15.97 7.65 1.98 1.1"0 30.00 2.28 600.0 5.00 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 13. 1934. 193_ I I I I I Under- the head of Introduction of Ordinances, the following Ordinanoes were introduced, read in fUll and plaoed on their first and seoond readings: AN .ORDINANCE Amending Seotions 10, 20, 21, 37, 77, 78, and 92 of Ordinanoe No. 971 of the Gity of Port Angeles, being an ordinance relating to and providing for the licens- ing of certain oocupations, vooations, trades, amusements, eto. AN ORDINANCE Amending Seotion 31 of Qrdinance No. 1000 of the Oity of Port Angeles relating to intoxicating liquors. AN ORDINANCE Relating to and regulating the use and odoupatiom of and the oonduot of persons in and upon the streets, parks and other publio plaoes of theCity of Port Angeles; Providing penalties for the violation thereof, and declaring an emergenoy. There being no further business the meeting then adJourned. 71?)l1J~ City \llerk. ~~ Mayor. 219 ., ....