HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/13/1945 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June ~13~,__ ___19 45_ ~ liThe Commission met in regular session at lO A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call snowed the following Officers present: Mayor RObinson, CPlIlIl11ssioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston, and Clert< Hawkins. Tne minutes at the previous session were read andapp1"Oved. Under the head of applications tor licenses and building pemits the following were granted: License: . Elite Beauty Shop One chair, $ 1.00. fuilding pennUs: C. H. Tisdale Samuelson Motor Co. E. P. Boyd, Tom Millis Resningle roof, Lot 2, Blk. 319; Remodel ~age, Lot 6, Block 30, Remodel Home, Let 15, Blk. 18, Smith &'Stratton,~. Move House Lot 11, Blk. 53 Townsite 100.00 500 .00 200 .00 1500 .00 Under the head of new business, the Commission instructed the City Clerk to issue a call tor bids for furnishing Bituminous cement plant Mi,K, Type-Cla>>F. All bids to be accompanied by a certified check of not leBs than 5% of the amount of the bid or the bid will not be considered. Bids to be received up to and not later than 10 A.M., June 27, 1945. The City Commission reserves the right to'reject any and all bids. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following were introduced: RESOLUTION "WHE:REAS, Tne City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed, dated June 9, 1945, under and by virtue of the authorith of Section 9393 at Remington's Revised Statutes, Cnapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: lots Eight (8) and Nine (9), Block One Hundred Ninety-two (192), Townsite of Port Angele s, Washington, . and WHEREAS, Emil C. Brandt nas offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port . Angeles for the sum of $OSO.OO, payable as follows: ISO.oo as a down ~ent, and $25.00 on or before the 7th day of July, 1945, and $25.00 on or before the 7th day of each and every month thereafter until paid in 1'ull\ Interest to be oomputed at the rate of 7% per annum on the balance due alll paid with the monthly installment, and, WHEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property andill of the opinion that ihe offer is fair vslue I and is in excess of the amount paid by the city for said properly, 'Plus all L.I.D. assessments, including interest and other charges against the same. NfJfI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tnat the said offer be accepted and that the 6ity of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Emil C. Brandt for the sum hrereimbove set fortli. suoject to al\V other valid liens against the same; tnat the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purcheser, and that the City Clerli: of the City of Port Angeles be and ne is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when tll8 purchase price and all accrued interest ther eon has been paid in full. RESOLUTION WllEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is the OiIJ'l9r of the following described real property, naving acquirsd the.' same by Treasurer's deed, dated March, 23, 1943, under am by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of ' Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365. to-wit: lot Ten (10), Block Ninety-five (95), llownsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and WHEREAS, Elmer Kari and Elli E. Kari, husband alll wife, have offered to purchase the above described real property tromt.:the City o~ Port Angeles for the sum of $300.00. and WHEREAS, the City Commission hes viewed the said property and is of the opinion tnat the saiid offer is fair , value and tnat at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it sbould be accepted and fue sale made. I I I I I NCIlf, THERElI'OIlE, BE IT RESOLllED, that the said offer be acoepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Elmsr Kari and Elli E. Kari, for the sum hereinabove set forty, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City lttomey be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Cleric of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quitclaim deed, and that the Mayor o~ tne City of Port Angeles be and he is hereb y instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purcnase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Clity of Port Angelas is tne ovmer of the ~ollowing described real properW having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed, dated August 21, 1941, under and by virtue of the authoriw of Section 9393 of .REmington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16), Block One Hundred Fourteen (114), Th6mas W. Carter's Subdivision of Suburban Lots 11 & 16, Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and :WHEREAS, P. W. Heald has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles I' :for the gum of $300.00, payable as follows: $50.00 as a down payment and $25.00 on or before the second ~ . of July, 1945, and $25.00 on or before the second day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full, Interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per annum on the balanco due and paid w.l.th the monthly installments, and . WHEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion tnat the offer is fair value. and is in excess of tne amount ~id by the city for said property, plus all L.I .D. assessments, including I interest and other charges against the same. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tnat the eaid offer be accepted and that tne City of Port Angeles sell the I said property at private sale to the said P. W. Heald for the sum hrerinabove silt forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorn~y be instructed to prepare s quit claim deed conveying , I I I I I I I I I I i I 175 .20 60.38 87.54 9.32 I 35 .75 aiP'P1 1.29 .26 , 102.71 , 22.84 1s-S'8~ 29.87 i 2.96 10,179.00 '. 84.9B " 40.79 133.90 I 10 '1'-1 :J.,rr l.25 I ,q't,5'7 32.45 I 66.12 I I , .... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington lTnn~ '~J 19--45- ..""'~. ..w"'"u.....n......._"''"T_, la7711 ~ said property to the pur~eer; and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and tnst the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purcnase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full. I RESOLUTIO'NI I \\1lEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is the ovmer of the following describad real property, haring acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dated August 21, 1941, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the lews of 1929, page 365, to-wit: lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), Block One ,Hundred Fourteen (114), of ThOmas W. Carter's Subdivision of Suburban Lots 11 & 16, Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and WHEREAS, John H. Lofs and Sandra Lofs, husband and wife, have offered to purcnase the above described real i property from the City of Port Angeles for tne sum of $506.00, payable as follows: 150.00 as a dol'ill payment and.t25.00 on or before the 6th day of July, 1945, and $25.oo;on ()r before the 6th day of each and every month thereafter until paid in 1'ull; interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per armUlll on the balance due I', and paid with the monthly installments, and I :,. /. . I I WHEREAS, the City Commission has,.v'ieVled the said property and is of the opinion tnat the offer is fair valu~ and is in excess of the amount paid by the said city for said property, plus all L.I.D. assessments, inolud~ ing all interest and other charges against the same. NOW. TllEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that ,the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the I said property st private sale to the said John H. Lofs and Sandra Lofs, for the sum hereinabove set forty, , subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit cleim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clert< of the City of )'art Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of said City of Port Angeles be, and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed, when the purchase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid inJ1'ull. . .1 RESOWTION . \\1lEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquieed thtit , same. by Treasurer's deed dated August 21, 1941, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9395 of . Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lot One (1), Block One Hundred Tvro (102)~, Thomas W. Carter's SUbdivision of Suburben Lots 11 & 16, Tawnsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and WHEREAS, John J. Nicholson and Mary G. Nicholson, husband and wife, have offered to purchase the above I described real property from the City of Port Angales for. the sum of $150.00, and 1 VlllEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property and is of ths opinion that the offer is fair valu. and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for said property, plus all t.IlD. assessments, including I all interest and other charges against the same. NCM THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tnat said offer be aocspted alll that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Johll J. Nicholson and Mary G. Nichols!,p, for the sum hereinaBove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to pJ:epa~ a quit claim dsed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that tne City Clerk of the City of Port l' Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and toot tnellayor of the City of Sort Ange_~les be and he is hrerby instmctsd to countersign said quit cleim deed when the purchase price and all accrued interest thereon oos been paid in full. r It was moved by COOlllissioner Ma;ters the foreglhing resolutions be approved alll adopted. Seconded by . Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted Aye. Tne Mayor declared the motion. carried. ~ 11 The Commission examined the following olaims, and ordered warrants drawn in payment of the same. '~~Fund: Samuelson Motor Co. H. E. Dodge N. 11. Hawkins Marsnall Boggs Recap tire Expense Account Ser. 6 months, Civil Ser. Ser. Animal CUstodian , 8.45 7.68 50.00 l2.SO Cornm . S,/;1-1 Qgz Street FUnd: I Standard Oil Co. I Crown Zellerbach Corp. Morgan Lumber Co. Samuelson Motor Co. ~ D. & B. Battery & Elee. Sta. Harris & Schuller City Treasurer Gas Labor & Material Lumber Tire Repa ir Motor Parts Lalior Expre ss , Water Fund: , Seattle Plumbing SUPN Co. D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta. : Hooker Electrochemical Co. Material & Supplies Truck repairs & Supplies ClU.orine i Light ~: I D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta. C1allam Co. P.U.D. Line Material Co. National Cash Register Co. Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co. Ci ty Treasurer Truck repairs Power for May, 1945 Cutouts Maintenance for cash Reg., Goosenecks, sockets, Freight Sanitary ~: Hoare & Headrick City Street Dept. I Extinguishers Gas - Oil 115~ 116 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington i Park FUnd: 'ILYle.s Perennial Gardens I Edvr. E. Tucher : Kelly & DeVin8 . City Treasurer Harri s & Schuller .w,Epperaon & Sons City Street Dept Radio Ser. & Appliance Co. h n tl h BlaCk Ball Freight Ser. Paoific Tel. & Tel. C . Ha ller Hdwe. Co. Epperson & SOIlS City Trea surer Cemetery ?Fund: City Street Dept ::t.-~;j;"n ':'q'J.-:p:-'.:::;;', ~.,). Sta te Aid Fund: Nelson Equipment Co. Plympic Laundry & Cleaners Samuelson Motor Co. Plympic Stationers Howard Cooper CorP. a. c. Penaey Co. ~ht Dept. War Liquor ~ Fund: Miles E. Brown Moore Business forms, Inc. lIohn Goneis O. M. Brown Janish Motor Co. R. O. Ide Waitkus Supply Co. Tha Benco Co. Hoare & Headrick D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta Guaranty ~: Ci ty Treasurer City Treasurer June_l~,~ __u _~__19 -45. Plants Stove Pipe Tire repair ExprefJs Labor & Material Lumber-Shingles-Nails Gas, Oil Mike - Stand Cable - Connectiors Freignt Call to Seattle Dept. Supplies Lumber Lt. & Water, Garp,age lias nt-i) Dept. Supplies Laundry Service Tubs repair office supplies Hose & supplies 6 pillowscases Light service ,0' t 12.51 , 1.29 1.55 .36 4.79 42.51 17.92 29.24 24.97 I 13.29 1.50 5.39 Jt? S-!. 2.79 29.45 4.25 106.25 I 7.81 U.55 2.51 262.14 a.41 'arb,l~ 13.46 ~4.00 71.21. 100.00 29.36 2.78 24.90 22.74 51.40 I 3.86 1;57.Jj 27.86 Board & Matron Ser. Office Supplies Rent. Club Parakeet for June 1945 Mattresses Car parts Car anileage-.forMay' Dept. Supplies Bars & Stars Re-Chg., Tire repair Car Suppl:j.es ' TaXES, Lts. a. & 9,. Blk. 192, Townsite Assessments,' Ltg- 17, .18, Blk. 114, Carter 's Subd. L.Il~. 131~' .There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 1J,~~ City Clark f ..; '- 86.27 ;} :6~.r(i 237.62, I ~ 4orOL~ I I