HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/14/1933 . Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 14,1933 193_ 121 " I I I I I The Commission met in re@llar session and was called to order by Mayor Davis,atJ10 a.m. Roll oall showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davie, Commissioner Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Co-operative Laundry and Cleaners, Under the head of applioations for lioenses the following was granted,- Gleaning and pressing 5.00 Under the head of New Business,- P.G.Piedmont having offerred to purohase approximately 2000 feet more or less of steel waterpipe 12 inohes in diameter,now in the ground running along a line commencing at approximately the interseotion of the Golf Club road with the Chambers ranch East- of Port Ange1es,running thenoe in a northwesterly direction to the relief tank at Jones street,port Angeles,at the price of 2~ cents per lineal foot. ~50.00 to be paid upon the execution of an agreement of sale and the balance to be paid on or before 90 days of the date of the sale agreement. ~t was moved by Commissioner Filion that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to execute an agreement of sale with P.G.Piedmont for the pipe on the terms above mentioned. Seoonded by Hayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion clj.rried. The following olaims were examined and allowed by the Commission and warrants ordered drawn for same,- S$llIte Treasurer Benjamin Franklin Thrift Stores Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Olympio Printery Quiok Print Evening News J.M.Davis Lysal1 Welding & Forge Works Paoifio Tel & Tel Go Walkling Motor Co. Lee- Cafe James Hardware Co. Johnson & Bark Laura Burns ParIs Motor Co. Epperson & Sons Standard Oil Co. Lamoureux Servioe Western Traotor & EQUipment Co. V.A.Samuelson & Co. Johnson & Bork 17m. Schrader Automotive Parts Co. Central Machine ~orks Willson Hardware Co. n n Associated Oil GO. Lysal1 Welding & Forge ~orks P.A.Concrete products Co. East End Trading Co. Martin Doyle Garvin Au to Co. James Hardware Co. City Treasurer G. E. Coolidge Willson Hardware Co. n tI Zellerbach Paper Co. ~i11son Hardware Co. City Treasurer Elk-Drug Co. Central Machine Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Willson Hardware Co Assooiateu Oil Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Crescent Seouri ties- Co George's Service Station Lowman & Hanford Go. State Treasurer Light Department G.C.-King City Treasurer Clallam Hardware Co. puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. George's Service Station McHugh & Peterson Standard Oil Co. Associated Oil Co. Current Expense Fund Ind.lns.& Med Aid 2 mop heads Service Supplies Supplies Publica tions Insuranoe Repairin chair Service Repairs Meals for prisoners Floor cleaner Stenoil paper Rent Tires t11J!lber,;"! -J"_ on Repairs' Tractor parts Repairs Green stain,etc. Filing saws Repairs Repairs Bronze washers' HarClware Hardware Gas Repairs Pipe Marlin pin Cable Repairs Powder etc. Water Repairs Hardware Repairs Supplies Supplies Fuse adjuster Supplies Remove saw shaft & replace Service Lamps Gas Extinguisher fluid Service Blue prints Repairs Supplies ~~ I~'i ~ 067.52 .90 1.85 12 45 3.75 26.46 35.60 .80 4.65 15.80 16.10 .75 .15 10.00 19.35 21. 50 l? .56 10.45 20.77 33.25 16.65 2.50 4.30 4'.75 1.35 24.29 17.04 330.30 36.80 17.40 ;58 3.00 6.12 14.30 360.00 3.70 1.40 12.20 10.00 3.29 3.20 3.70 .50 6.95 5.98 72.00 59.25 4.25 .72 3.25 3.12 Light Fund Ind Ins. & Hed Aid Pay roll Labor Cash advanoed for E^~ress Washers for water faueet Electric Energy Freigt Repairs Repa i rs Oil Gas 20.68 90.00 2.00 2.51 .20 4484.98 5.16 1.25 3.90 6.98 70.20 ...olIl ,... 122 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 14,1933 193_ V.A.Samuelson & Co. Central Servioe Station Harold '['. Caven (~uick Print Quick Print Blackburn Printing Co. Willson Hardware Co. J.Lloyd A1dwe11,Inc., Washington State Bank City Treasurer S.T.Eddy J.L10yd Aldwe11,Ino. Arthur 'rrudeau Clifford Cowling Walter Beutlher Chas. ;learn' Floyd Barnett Ed.B.Tay10r Ed.B.Taylor G.E.Supp1y Corp. Willson Hardware Co. Central Machine ':Iorks James Hardware Co. Lysa11 ~elding & Forge ,"larks Mook's Auto Electrio Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Westinghouse E~ectric & lifg. Co. Northwestern Power & Light Co. Johnson Transfer Co. Graybar Zleotric Co., Montgomery Ward Co. Ga te' Oi ty I.!achine Shop Johnson & Bork Line Material Co. Westinghouse Electrio & Mfg. Co. Fobes Supply Co. G.E.Supply Corp. Graybar Electric Co. Central Machine Works Ed.B.Tay10r Byron. 'Un tel' Mrs.F.L.Ha1stead Angeles Furniture Co. Washington Stove Vlorks J.C.Breit1auch Washington Stove Works Evening Hews W.W.Ebbett Puget Sound Navigation Co. I State Treasurer I G. E. Coolidge . J.Llloyd A1dwell,Inc. Associated Oil Go. Garvin Auto Co. Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. P.A.Concrete Produots Co. C1al1am Hardware Co. Olympic Printery Quick Print Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. I Seattle -"lumbing Supply Co. Ida J.Morse Washington State Bank Puget Sound navigation Co. !:l.R.Alleman Tie & Lumber Co. Paris I.rotor Co. City Treasurer L.W.Koch Ira Jacobs Geo.Rice Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Standard Book Co. Puget Sound News Co. Charles ','1. Clark Co. Pacler-Scott Co. Gaylord Bros.Inc.. Jennilu Horris The Union Library Ass'n. ..... Adjus t brakes Tires Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Lamps Insurance Rent Yla ter Rent Rent Ylood .Gar hire Traveling Expense Traveling Expense Plumbing P1umbin" I~sta1l0water heater Radio set Swi tch, etc. Repairing steel tape Hardware Dressing mattooks Repairs Service Servioe Transformers ,etc. Wire Hauling Poles Pole preservative Electric supplies Repairs Paint,etc Fuses,eto Hook strick Range. etc. . Ildse Water heaters,etc. Making bronze washers Making coils for range' Wiring for range Rebate on range Parts for range Heater etc. Installing water heater Hea ter, etc. Ad ver tising Car hire Freight Wa ter Fund Ind.lns & Med Aid Sharpeni,ng pioks, e tc. Insurance Gas Repairs Pipe Pipe,etc. Corp Cook Saddle Service boxes,etc. Coupling Supplies Supplies Beaver rachet die set Set of dies for rachet set Rent Rent Freight Lumber Repairs Li brary Fund Light & Ylater Wood Hood ~Iood Service Books Books Books Luster wax Supplies Petty Cash Books , ~IJ L3?>1- '1' 6'()~ ;' :;0 107 - .75 26.40 2.00 2.15 6.00 48.00 118.04 81. 00 45.00 1. 95 3.00 50.00 2.25 25.00 10.80 15.00 8.10 5.20 5.15 22.05 4.53 .75 .20 1.05 2.00 8.75 7.65 172.00 64.00 45.00 30.00 .50 12.08 49.99 l22.75 7.76 :li76.3l 26.18 40.88 1.05 5.00 27.50 20.00 26.90 14.70 5..90 35.52 45.45 15.00 2.40 21. 85 6.40 31.55 27.00 .75 188.82 72.83 11.61 8.33 12.00 1.12 5.00 6.00 lO.5l 1. 65 10.00 45.00 27.70 10.24 ll. 05 8.93 9.00 28.50 9.00 4.25 13.26 .38 8.25 6.00 9.02 7.73 3.26 I I I I I June 14,1933 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ 123 " Park Fund Fred Ylescott Jaok Kirk Grange rlarehouse C.L.Sarff James Hardware Co. Sharpen and repair Lawn ]"ower Repair Power Lawn Mower Seed,etc. Grinding Lawn Mowers Hardware and parts I There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. '/i.'J/J 1/.~-'&,,- ~......J I Ci ty Clerk Mayor I I I 2.50 3.00 11.92 5.25 {"1?- 13.05 3 _ ~