HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/14/1944 '10 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JWle 14, 1944 19_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.l!.. and was called to order by M:ayor Ro,,;r.scn. Roll call showed the follosing officers present: J.'ayor Robinson, Commissioners Bellm and M2sters, Attorney Johnston and Acting Clerk Irene Thompson. The minutes of the previous session were read an1 approved. Under the head of Applicat~ons for Building Perrr~ts and Licenses the following were granted: Lionel MoLaa;:hlin, to construot bedroom, Lots II & 12, Block 91, Townsit, James W. Brock, remodel addition, Lot 15, Block 22, Townsite Art Berglund, back porch, Lot 5, Block 205, Townsite Lovell ~cuoff, enclosing existing porch, Lot 13, Block 119, Townsite Kenneth Knapman, porch, 10t 5, Block 5, Subdivision Let 17 W. J. Holloway, remodel, 10t 3, Block 179 Basil Decker, construct 1 roo", dwelling, Lot 4, ,Block 99. Townsite F. ft. Suomela, Crystal Baths F. A. Suomela, Soft Drinks I~rs. Gladys Ninemire Beauty "hop, 1 chair Under the head of Unfinished ~siness: The following ordinance was read by title and passed its second reading: 200.00 200.00 I 100.00 2(,0.00 50 . (X) 200.00 60C.OO 25.00 5.00 l.(.,:' I The Acting Clerk reported that purs,"ant to the call for bids to do the City printing ~or the year .nding June 50, 1945, one bid was filed .s foll~~s: AN ORDINANCE rel.ting to, and providing for, a ]ic~r.~" cr occup?tion tax upon cert?in businesses, occupa- tions, p.:..rc:~it~ ;l.~d pri'lilegesj defininG offen!;~s, providing penoltieG and c":;'~l~inb aa erw.er&ency. June 12, 1944 C\ 1.1. 1.'lIB IlII)S Full I iTI'\ I"UI:\"I'I."I;(, I Nllth'l' i~ IlI'r"k. g-iVL'lI tllflt ~'(,Hl('ol j 11111x will he " rf"cehel! ill IlH" (lffil:C' I ,If tlie ('jty Ch"t'k (,t t!H' (:it~. ()f. \'01"1 An~('lel'; up to J{) a.m., till We/l- 11('xdn:>, ,lune H, 1:14-1, lor th.. offl- :~31~.,.f~~~ rll~.~t ;l~~" ~tl~~'il~.~;~:~511~~~\~F:i~ 11"11 p[Il'dl or: SIX p"~llt tYllfl allll ~:H ~~~~ll~':'I'~l \',:l~\ i~, ~~, :~::'~1:~1~~'~.:~ ~ rl:'il~l~ or ('hllr.lt" "]IPr lint'," ('01nll'acl nu'l I",nd 111 lh.. ~U11l of $l,tJIIO.UiJ f(JI" th.. :':\Il~!:fll\~'ilrli~:tr~;;:~ci~'l"{tr ~I~:,~' (~;~~= ml!':-iloll rt,,'('lvel< lIH" I'jght tu )'Pj.,(,\ al?;fl~~~r t;;i1jl:-; 12i!;\1; uor of ~t.:l~', l~q4, :-:, .\1, H,\WI":.i\;~, Clt\ (']i,t'k ['ull. June 1, ~', j~~4. Cit:; Commissioners Port Ang~l~s" WasL1L.ston Gentlemen: Pursu8nt to published c.n, we sulr.it th, following ps our bid on the City Printing for the yea r 1944-1945: Seven cents (7~) per nonporeil line, single colucn IT,easure. Tabulated motter also at seven cents (U) per line, single oolumn measure, ~or eac,) insertiog unless published only one time, in which case the r.te will be twelve cents (12~) per line, single column measure. Port Angeles Evoning News (Signed) John Schweitzer. We will fi~e ~ good and sufficient baud in the event of our bid being accepted. I It was moved by COJr.missioner J.!asters that the bid of the Port Angeles Evening News to do the City Printing", be accepted and that the Moyor .nd City Clerk be instructed to sign a contract with soid poper upon the I filing of a bond, approved by the City Htorney, in the sum of ~lOOO:OO. Seconded by Uayor llobiMon. On i roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Acting ~lerk reported that pursuant to th, cell for bids for the sale of Block 5 in "lellll' s Addition to the City of Port Angeles, one bid was filed as foll~..s : f\\I.J. FUll IIID!" Xoli('\' II' ht>nl,;,' giV"lj rtq\t !':I':l1~ f'>ll hid!': will ),,' I'i>e~l\.<"j h)- th,' Cily "",'k nf "'" ,'f<. nf 1'"" A"<CIe"~' ~'(?t'(\ ~1'~:~lt~v,T1t:r\lI~~t:i\ ~1;I'tt rf~l.a.~~~ !'<,lll-\ tlf lhe roll"wil,~ ,1+>.,.rih~ll Vl"roPCl"ty: '., ~!.f p"I;:O~~~:~I,'(~~ ,V;,{}~V;t":l,':;~,.ljW~U"i:l~ i ".lu:o<t b(' ll('('umll:lll.h'<J..w..lth lO' C.'" the' alTlOunt of th{' l,]!.!. "T'ht' CIty ('l.n," mb"j"ll i'I"l'!('r\'(.'" [hI' nght to ~'ejl'ct llln' [\1\(1 all ldd~, , K '\f. IU.WJ.C.IX~. ('itv (~Ii>rl( of tltf" ("it\' of 1'orl An",elo'l<. \\'it!:;ll. . l'u11. :\ra~' Z!J. .lUll<' ::: fllll1 !!. l:lH, Edward A. White, $50.00 It was moved by C01lIllissic:1~r Masters that t he bid of Edward A. White be accepted. Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The ~yor declared the ~otion CArried. Under the head of New Business.: A letter from F. B. Cottrell, Lieut. Com. U.S.C,G. requesting 8 reV2.1uation of the portion of the Ediz Hook Lighthouse Reservation under lease contract, was read. I It was moved by Corr:missioner Masters tha~ the matter be tabled for further consideration. Seconded by " Mayor Robinson. COJ:lJllUnication ordered filed. Comlld.ssioner !.lasters. moved that the City Tre.surer be instructed to purchase Iot.a J, ?, 3 & 4, Blocl< 152, , Townsite of Port Angeles, for Park purposes. Seconded by M.~'or Robinson. On roll can all members vot.d .ye. Tho Mayor declared the IIIOtion carried. J. A. L.maureux, representing the Recreational Council, proposed that a flood light be erected .t the swimning pool to enable the Police Department to check whether or not the pool was being used during closing hours. The matter was referred to the Light Supt. The First National Bani; o1.Port Angeles and Blythe & Col\1:,aI'lY, Seattle, presented a Modification of for the purchase of the Port Angeles W.ter Revenue RefWlding 3onds. contractl ,I I ! ,I I It was moved by Commissioner Masters th.t {to' Modification of Contract b~ appro',ed. Seconded by !.layor Robinson, On roll call all members voted aye. 'the Ilayor declared the motion carried. 'The Corn:r,ission eJGImined and allowed the follOWing claims and ordered warrants dNwn for same l CllRIl.ENT EXPENSE FuND Stat' Treasurer lnd Ins & Med Aid 10.05 I I I I I Proceedings ofthe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '"~. '"M...~',...n"_D' ..on... ,n" _ II CITY STREET WIlD I: Willson & rdware Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply co. D & B Battery & li:lectric Station Tidewater Associated Qil Co. Standard Oil Co. Johnson & Bark " n Western Tractor & Equipment Co. n II II rl State Trea surer WATER WllD Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Grovel & ~pply Co. S~muelson Motor Co. Underground Conatruction Co. Marckmann & Williams Rensselaer Valve Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. State Tr.~surer LI:lflT WIlD City Treasurer Chas, E. Beam Port Angeles Evening News R. E, Renshaw Johnson & Bark Willson Hard1varo Co. Westinghouse Ele ctTic Supply ep. F\1get Sound Power & Light Co. Home "':e ctric Co. Sta te Trea sure r CEMETERY FUND Johnson & Eork PARK FUND TOdd I s Cycle "hop, Willson Hardware "'0. II 11 Epperson & "ons '.ngeles Gravel & Supply Go. State Treasurer STA TE AID FUJ.'D Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 11 11 II tl James J. Gallacci Agency Epperson & Sons .. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & tieating Co. Tho Ele ctric Co. Willson Hardware Co. D & B Battery & Electric Station Sanderson Safety Supply Co. Home "lectric Co. " 11 HomeUte Corp. WAR UQUOR TAl FUND D & B Battery & Electric Station The Electric Co. II II Hoare & Headrick Perfection Bakery George's Service Station S. L, l'....wkins Waitkus Supply Co. State Treasurer L.LD. GUA.RANTY FUND City Treasurer L.LD. - REVOLVING FUND City Trea surer June 14, 1944 19_ Waste and Brush Hook Handles Cement Shop Work Diesel Oil l'otor Oil Enamel & Brush " Parts " Ind Ins & !led .A.id T~pe Cement, Sand & Gra.vel Truck Repairs Use of "hovel Fitting. Bolts & Gaskets Chlorine Ind Ins & J.~ed Aid Fre ight Ca r Expens e Advertising Truck Lub. Paint Too Is ilete rs POlfer Wire Ind Ins & lled Aid Turpentine & Linseed Oil Repairs Seed Shovel, Scythe, Fork, etc. I.un:ber Sand & Cerr.ent Ind Ins & lied Aid Service n Bond Lumber Plumbing Supplies Swi tches Hardware Battery Supplie e Batteries & Tape " Parts Parts & Labor Servic e Radio Recei ver Parts & Labor Buns & Donuts Parts & Labor Handcuffs Radio Crystals Ind Ins & IIl"d Aid Taxes Assessments b ' ,q" ,/ 7~ v q i- s.,- /' II J , ,~ ") 3r' ICJ<f..-- 5.26 1.05 3.99 17.43 28.01 15.8J 3.23 12.24 60.86 45.12 .,.~ 5.67 18.58 4.?5 501. 50 298.77 20.02 14.88 38.81 .82 20.50 15.75 1.29 4.75 2.16 431. 55 10641. 33 14.18 24.65 3.19 "31 31 -- 1.44 .41 12.44 1.55 8.24 12.23 "11 14.68 54.23 5.00 10.51 20.94 2.47 ll.66 1;1 .48. 20.55 5.00 23.07 P.72 19.93 14.48 5.15 82.74 7.58 10.75 6.00 22.50 25.42 73.94 There being no furt.her businees th~ Commission then .djourned to meet June 16, 1944, .t 10 A.M. 22.95 ~)~ Acting City Clerk ~J Ol~ ~[.yor 11~ ~