HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/15/1932
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June l5
The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to o~de~ by Mayor
Davis, Roll oall showed the following offioers pr2sent. Mayor Davis,Comm~ss~oners Beam
and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins,
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of applioations for permits and liaenses the following were granted,-
Mrs.D.lloInnes, Remodel residence
Arnold Levy et als
Lot 3 Blook 5Z Townsite
Elwha Theatre License
Under the head of reading communioations the following was read,-
Port Angeles ,Washington,
6 - 6 -32
The Honorable Ralph Davis
Mayor of Port Angeles,~ash.
Dear Sir:-
On behalf of the 4th.of July Committee of the Amerioan Legion,I hereby make
application for exclusive rights to all ooncessions during the ooming celebration on
July 2nd,,3rd. & 4th.
Yours sincerely
General Chairman.
It was moved by Commissioner Filion in aooordance with the foregoing request that
all street oonsessions be granted the Amerioan Legion for the oelebration on July 2nd.,
3rd. & 4th, 1932. Seaonded by Commissioner Beam. On roll,oall all members voted aye.
The Mayor deolared the motion oarried.
I' c.u,]: ]"O\\,,,:~~~i\ton Cl'I'Y j'
NOTICE is her~'nr given- thnt
Eealed bids ,\'ill lie received, In the,
O~1'iC6'Oi the City Cle,'k of the S:;ity
o Port .-\ngcJcs up to 10 n.m., onl
-\ e'dnesda)'. June 15, In:!, fOl' th\'
t ~'~l~fialn'~~:~~,hl~r O~hethi'e~.it;}~ot~~
, rnencJn,p: Juli>' 1, 1022. TIle printhlg
to be in non ph-re,ll 0:' six POlllt
,j tytH~ ;tJlll lIubllshefljn ,'eglllal' I!I._
sues of the newspaper. awan'led j'
such contl'fH~t. l:l:icls to be. submit.
tell IOn "f' llasls (/fcharge "pal'
;it~." QfO$i~S&'.~o a~~I. bt~ed r~~th~~l
performance of this contract will '
lJe 'reQu!r'eo. Tha Comm1ssion I'C. I
:lel-ve:; the right t.o reject any and I
nil bid!::. #).
Dated tlllll 31st ('ll.~' ()f. l\Iay. '1932.
".:.; .' .<.: ',~itilfCl~~':.!<l~S.. J
ub. -Mnv 31--illne-1-3:' HIll":: ,.
Under the head of unfinished business the following
oall for bids to do the City printing for the ensuing
year was read,-
Pursuant to said call for bids the City Clerk
reported one bid on file as fOllows,-
Port Angeles, Washington.
June 13th.1932
Hon. Board of City Commissinoers
Port Angeles,Hash.
Gen tlemen:
Pursuant to published call,we submit the following as our bid on the oity
printing for the year 1932 - 1933.
Seven cents per nonpariel line,sinele oolumn measure. Fourteen oents per line,
single column measure, for tabulated matter,when published only one time, If published
two or more timesttabulated matter also at seven oents a line single oolumn measure.
TIe will file a good and suffioient bond,in event of our bid being aooepted,
Yours very truly,
Port Angeles 3vening News
By John Schweitzer, 3ecy,
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the bid of the Evening News for doing the City
printing be aooepted and that the Uayor and City Clerk be instruoted to sign the oontraot
with them upon the filing of a bond approved by the City Attorney, Seaonded by nmyor Davi
On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motiOn oarried.
It appearing that many vacant lots in the city have been planted with gardens and the
Commission believing that under present oonditions it is right and proper to do every thi g
possible to help and encourage all persons, so engaged, It was moved by Commissioner Beam
that all sprinkling oharges be discontinued for the year and all those having paid said
charges be given credit on their aooounts for such payments. Seconded by Mayor Davis.
On roll call all members voted aye. The IAayor deolared the motion oarried.
The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn
for same,-
Current Expense Fund
Street Department
Pay roll
Light Fund
City Treasurer
Ray Wolverton
Filing fees
Labor and material
Light Investment Fund
Ci ty Treasurer
Purchase of Munioipal Hater '[forks Repair
Fund warrant
l1. 27
There being no further business the Commission then adjourned.
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City Clerk Mayor