HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/15/1938 "... 606 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 15, 1958 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a .m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the follOWing officers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioner Henson, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits the following were granted,- E.l..McVay, remodel office, Lot 5,Block 51,N.R.Smith's Subd. Wm. Gorsegner, construct dwelling Lot 4,Block 52, Townsite Wm. Gorsegner,construct dwelling Lots 10 & 11, Block 4,Cain's Subd.of Sub.Lot 18 Joe Hurley, remodel dwelling Lots 5 & 6,Block 281,Townsite . Benj.Franklin Thrift Stores, addit~on to building, Lots 8 & 9,Block 1,Tideland ~ of Laurel Street Kenneth E.Harris, construct woodshed & porch Lot 5, Block 550, Townsite to ,1,~1 , Under the head of reading communications the following petition signed by Mrs.Edith M.Lee,et als,was read and referred to the City Engineer: $100.00 5500.00 5500.00 150.0:) 187.50 250.00 I June 14 ,1958 To The City Commissioners of the City of Port Angeles,Washington. Gentlemen: We the owners on the South Side of Block 224,Townsite, request that eight (8) feet be taken from thG 20 foot Parking Strip and added to the road. Under the head of Introduction of Resolution the following resolution was introduced: I RESOLUTION wHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dated June 5, 1958, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of Remillgton's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the Laws of 1929, Page 565, to-wit: . East t of Lot Twelve (12), Block Fourteen (14), of the Puget Sound Co-operative Colony's Sub- division of the Townsite of Port Angeles,Washington, and, WHEREAS, Jack Doran, has offered to purchase the above descrobed real property from th~ City of Port Angeles, for the sum of $75.00, and wHEREAS, The amount offered for the above described real property is in excess of' the amount paid by . the said city for said property, plus all L.1.D. assessments including all interest "00 other charges against , the same, and, WijEREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that t~e offer is fair. value. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said offer be .accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the I said property at private sale to the said Jack Doran, for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying or' d ,.;'^.prty . : said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of ,the City of Port Angeles be, and he is hereby ,instructed to execute said quit claim deed; and that the Mayor of said City be, and he is hereby instructed to c~~~~~s~gUea~~ a~gl~~e~eE~nson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by ~yor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for samel Curr~nt Expense fUnd Pacific Coast Building Officials Conferense Olympic Stationers The American City Magazine Western Union Olympic Stationers Crescent Motors L.Hmvard Seevers Thos.H.Guptill Copy of Bldg.Code Supplies Subscription Telegram Supplies Repairs Pyrene Sign . 1.00 7.10 2.00 ,'15 2.67 7.95 4.52 2.50 <":?" P-J, CITY STREET FUND Marshall-Wells Co., Washington Pulp & ~aper Co., Nattinger-Levy CO'J Nattinger-Levy Co., W.S.Eacrett Thos.H.Guptill Howard-Cooper Corp., Howard-Cooper Corp., Galv.sheet iron Lime,etc. Ins. premium Ins. premium Lumber Lettering truck Nozzle Nose masks Jete. 57.94 97.28 51.78 55.25 45.20 9.50 25.18 6.11 I J.. ?-- ]?b? - WATER FUND Seattle Plumbing Supply Co., Punnaid Dairy Willson Hardware Co., Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Grinnell Company , Arthur Glas s Pipe Rent Supplies Service Fittings Logs [,6 '}-/I - 60.45 40.00 34.12 7.75 16.56 59.00 I~ LIGHT FUND Olympic Stationers General Electric Supply Corp. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Kee Lox Manufacturing Co., Packer-Scott Co., George Zeh Supplies Wire Pmver Bill Rib bon Supplies Car expense 15.60 377.71 5,494.50 5.77 14.20 8.22 {/o :or .5"fJ )1- ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'Ill 607 June 15, 1958 193_ Park Fund Willson Hardware Co., Johnson & Bork Cotton tape Shingle stain,etc. $ 7 ,--0 .60 6.50 Cemetery Fund Marshall-Wells Co., Lawn mower 9.40 I Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions ~he following resolutions were introduced,- RESOLUTION CANCELING AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN STREET IMPRO~ffiNTS I WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles, by that certain resolution adopted by the City Commission,June ~, 1958, and recorded in Vol. 19 of Commissioners' Proceedings on page 599, provided for the improvement of Front Street from Ennis Street to Lincoln Street, Francis Street from Front Street to Eighth Street, Peabody Street from Front Street to the Boulevard, Fourth Street from Peabody Street to Lincoln Street, Cherry Street from Second Steeet to Eighth Street, Second Street from Cherry Street to Pine Street, Pine Street from Eighth Street to the Boulevard, Cedar Street from Second Street to Eighth Street, "C" Street from Fifth Street to Eighth Street, Fifth Street from Tumwater Street to "M" Street and the Ediz Hook Road from the end of the Concrete pavement to the city limits, and, WHEREAS, The State Highway Department has refused to approve the improvement as set up and provided for in said resolution. NmV,.THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said resolution above referred to, recorded in Vol. 19 of Commissioners Proceedings on page 599, providing for certain street improvements be and the same is here- by canceled and resCL~4 and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to make the proper entries showing the ~aid cancelation of record. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted, Seconded by I~yor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION for EAST SIDE STREET PROJECT ,I PROVIDING roR THE IMPROVEMENT OF FRONT STREET FROM ENNIS STREET TO LINCOLN STREET, FRANCIS STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO EIGHTH STREET, PEABODY STREET FROIl FRONT STREET TO THE BOULEVARD, FOURTH STREE:T FROM PEAOODY STREET TO LINCOLN STREET. Resolved, That the City of Port Angeles pave Front Street from Ennis Street to Lincoln te Uu..iI.i1" Street, Francis Street from Front Street to Eighth Street, Peabody Street from Front Street to the Boulevard and Fourth Street from Peabody Street to Lincoln Street, with a Light Bituminous Surface treat- ment, according to the Standard Specifications of the State of WaShington, Department of Highways, for Secondary Highways, adopted by the State of Washington, and approved by the United States Bureau of Public Roads, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The cost of said pavint be paid out of the City Street fund as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1957 and out of any other funds that may be available for that purpose. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I RESOLUTION for lVEST SIDE STREET PROJECT PROVIDING FOR THE nIWROVEMENT OF CHERRY STREET FROM SECOND STREET TO EIGHTH STREET, SECOND STREET FROM Ch"ERRY STREET TO PINE STREET, PINE STREET FROM EIGHTH srREET TO THE BOULEVARD, CEDAR STREET FROM SECOND STREET TO.EIGHTH STREET, TUMWATER STREET FROM THIRD STREET TO FIFTH STREET, "C" STREET FROM FIFTH STREET TO EIGHTH STREET, FIFTH STREET FROM TUMWATER STREET TO "M" STREET. I Resolved, That the City of Port Angeles pave Cherry street from Second Street to Eighth Street,Second Street from Cherry Street to Pine Street, Pine Street from Eighth Street to the Boulevard, Cedar Street from Second Street to Eighth Street, Tumwater Street from Third Street to Fifth Street, "C" Street from fifth Street to Eighth Street, Fifth Street from Tumwater Street to "M" Street with a light Bituminous surface treatment,according to the Standard Specifications of the State of Washington, Department of Highways, for Secondary Highvrays, adopted by the State of Washington, and approved by the United States Bureau of Public Roads. AND BE IT FURTHllIl RESOLVED, The cost of said paving be paid out of the City Street Fund as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1957 and out of any other fund of funds that may be available for that purpose. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION for EDIZ HOOK ROAD PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE EDIZ HOOK ROAD FROM END OF THE CONCRETE PA~1ENT TO THE CITY LIMITS. ...4 II""" 608 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JUNE IS ,1958 193_ .... RESOLVED, That the City of Port Angeles pave the Ediz Hook Road from end of the concrete pavement to tJe City limits, with a Light Bituminous surface treatment, according to the Standard Specifications of the State of Washington, Department of Highways, for Secondary Highways, adopted by the State of: Washington, and a7. ,.:j approved by the United States Bureau of Public Roads. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The cost of said 'paving be paid out of the City Street Flmd as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1957 and out of any other fund or funds that may be available for that purpose. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ~ ' J~~ h~~ City Clerk Mayor ~ / I I I I I