HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/15/1949
,.. 556
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 15.
"The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Roll call C I
Ishowed the following officers present: Mayor Feeley, Commissioner Taylor, Attorney .Trumbull and Clerk Law.
Ii I
Minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
:1 I
'Uaier the head of unfinished business, one bid by N. C. Larkin to purchase Lots 8 and 9, Block 577, T'Jf/nsite,
Ifor ~6.90 was approved and accepted. I
,The hearing for vacation of an alley in Block 125 of D. W. Morse's Sl.lbdivision of Suburban Lot 8, was aga~n .
postponed until the next session.
Commissioner Taylor discussed estimate received for alteration of the heating plant at the Police Station.
Due to lack of funds in \11dget items, the project will be 'le~d over until next year and included in the
1950 budge t.
,~ ~"t1~'l> III hcr(lb~' given tllat "r.fll~d
fjirh' will l>c received by the City
.klo:rk o[ the Ut)' o( Port Angeles,
<'\\,l~ldnKtull, 1..l1ltiJ June 29, ]9~~, _~n
-]U ,\. :\1. i.\.nd llllt lutcr, at th,} oUle,"
"f llJ~: \ 'ilY Ulel'k o[ the (;Ity of
}'Ol L An"d<::':l, \\'a~hinS'ton, at the
IClTy Hall uf :said City. 'Ihe work
l'''IHf'l1l[l1alo.:d 1>\ lor the furnlsili~S'
',,( j:!tullIinuLls Cement Pktnt 111j!:
IT~'))l"(1Iab~ I", apllruxi:nate quulltitJ.
_.~O() tons. All 1)ll1s ~hall he "accon1"
: 1I:lllku IJY <L cl'l.tU"lell c1ieck in lIw
sum lI( nut JN~." tlmll 5% of' t~
ili~tll~';'.~i~y b!~r~~~l~I'~l~l~l~e t~:Ylg;:~ ~~
1'''lt .\llgC'lL'"" \\'<Ls.ll.'ngI.IJll. ur the
I"titl will llol be el)n"ld~l'elj
'l'tit;' (lily Cul11mlfl,;ion re;;enlf>S the
["j~ht tu I'dect Hny or all blOs
. J" E. LA,Y.
Citf Clerk
'ul.l1flh JunC' 16. n 1~4~.
s/,ick.. ~} 0,.1" if
The Commission discussed designation of arterial highways ill the City.~ a"'-l.
maO,RtaiR9Q b~' tb.9 ~t eh ) The Commission confirmed the original plan as set up by ,
the former Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that no revision be ..
made until the City Engineer has consulted the State Engineering Department.
Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. I/.otion carried.
Under the head of new Cusiness, Commissioner Taylor requested'that bids be
published for 600 tons of lJituminous Cement plant mix patching material. It was
regularly moved and seconded that .the bids be published and opened June 29th.
The Fire Chief reported that tlje Olympic Laulllry is opposed to connection of
suspension wire to their building for traffic light at 5th' and Lincoln Streets.
It was moved by COImlissioner Taylor, seconded by Mayor Feeley, that the matter be
referred to the City Attorney.
Chief Wolverton also info:nned that the County is authorized to prohibit sale or use of fireworks the same as I
the City. The Chief agreed to contact the County Fire Districts and tha Clerk Ylas instructed to write a
letter to the County Commissioners urging them to enact regUlations to conform wi th the City prohibiting the
sa-le or use of fireworks in the County.
The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issusd in payment of same:
Frank A. Feeley
Pacific &~blem & Mfg. Co.
City Treasurer
PARK !'UND: 1tf1 ~
Augu st Contesti
Tra va ling Expens e
School Patrol Buttons
Cash Paid for Flag Jy'.aterial
There being no further tusiness, the session was declared adjourned.
Drain Field for Septic Tank
City Clerk