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ProGee~ings of t~e City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 15 _ 19~
Lilt H PIHNTIN~ (;1;1, P'lI.lIM ~
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were Mayor Willson, Councilmen Max-
field, Thorne, Cornell, \-rolfe, Bettger and Schroeder, Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece.
A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded b;r Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept as received,
I and place on file the mnutes of May 18, 1967". "
I A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to awaId "the bid for
City Printing for the year commenclng July 1, 1967 to the low bidder, The Peninsula Herald.
, A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, that pennission be
granted to call for bids for underground street light reoonductoring on First Street, l<ith an alternate
bid showing cost to bring the lighting up to standard.
A motion was made by Council\nan C2rnell seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, that the request for
payment of service charges!cSW'et@!;alillPce\utdoor Recreation, ($550.00 - re: Hollywood Beach) be referred
to the City Manager for review of the contract and recomnendation on "action to be taken.
A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, that the
final payment to CH~1 for engineering services in connection with the Booster Pump Station in a~ount of
$744.00 be approved for pa~'J1lent.
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Wolfe arid unanimously carried, to approve
payment of $4,933.86 to CH21"\ for engineering services (April 24 through May 24, 1967) in connection with
the Sanitary Sewerage System Improvements.
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Co\mcilman Cornell and carried, to approve for payment
Clai1:ls Vouchers in amount of $24,802.53 and Payroll Transfers in mount of $42,382.18.
Action on the Driftwood sign was tabled for another month.
The following ordinances were introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE at the City of Port Angeles amending Section
16.35 of the Code of the City 5f Port Angeles with
reference to license fees and giving the Chief of
Police control over the operation of !'ides, exhibitions
and ganes at carnivals.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carried, the foregoing or-
dinance be adopted as read.
AN ORDUIANCE declaring an emergency and pro'l!iding for the
appropriation of funds for the Street Department.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Haxfield and unanimously carried, that
the foregoing ordinance be adopted as read. ($13,000.00 appropriation to Street Budget for rock rip rap
for Ediz Hook)
~, ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles with reference to
abandoned drivewa~ys.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, that the
foregoing ordinance be adopted as read.
A letter from the City Engineer was read relative to L.I.D. No. 188 showing that during the thirty day
period after passage of Ordinance No. 1610, property mmers protesting the improvement represented
$70,887.23 or 50.4% of the total estimated cost to be assessed, $140,663.39. The following ordinance
was then read:
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles repealing
Ordinance No 1610 with reference to an L.I.D.
for First Street.
I A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman Bettger, that the foregoing ordinance
. be adopted as read. All voted "'4-0" except Councilman SChroeder, who voted "No'J Motion passed.
AN ORDINANCE designating streets to carry one way traffic.
A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, and seconded by Councilman Thorne, that the foregoing ordinance
be adopted as read with the date corrected to June 21, 1967. All voted "Aye" except Councilman Schroeder,
who voted "No". Motion passed.
A motion was made by CO.ncilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, to concur
with the request of the City Accountant for permission to write off the ledgers, for examdnation purposes,
the balance of $2:,000.00 owing the Water Dept. from Harbert Construction Company.
The City Manager armounced the appointment of Beulah B. McNeece as Director of Finance also to retain the
position of City Clerk; Jack L. Napiontek to be Assistant Director of Finance and Accountant, and Patricia
Rodman to be City Treasurer, effective July 16, 1967, at the time Gene Williams, the present Director of
Finance - Treasurer leaves to accept a position with the Cit(Yl of Auburn, Washington.
,I The Council thanked Gene for a "job well done" and ,,,-shed him well in his new posi ticn.
I "'. ~""' ".,. "" """ '''.'. :.""''''' .","',i', " M"''' ~.~ " " .. """.oo Men ". '"'"
ProGee~ings of the City Commission of t~e Ci~ of Port Angeles, Was~ington
19 --.6:L
,." ..,"n"o co. ..,"~~ _
June 15
A motion ,;as made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to approve the appli-
cation for liQuor license renewal of Aggie's Broiler, B.P.O.E. Elks Naval Lodge No. 353, Birney's Restau-
rm t, Cherry-Eight Grocery, Chinook Tavern, Club Billiards, Dunrrire's Grocery, Fairmount Grocery and Ser-
vice, F.O.E. Port Angeles Aerie No 483, Gateway Tavern (added Partnerl, Graldview Grocery, Haguewood's
Restaurant, Hm di-Spot Grocery, Harbor Tavern, Jack's Pour House, K and K Fine Foods, Lee's Fairmount Rest!.1
aurmt, Little Brick Tavern, Log Cabin Tavern, Loren's Tavern, J.I and C Tavern, Olson's Grocery, Olympic I
Distributing Co., Smitty's Fine Foods, Sunrise Grocery and West Dependable Super Market. :1
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried, to accept and place
on file tie Planning Commission minutes of June 6, 1967 and the Park Board minutes of June 1, 1967.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman ]'olfe and unanimously carried, to author-
ize the Library Board to make applicaticn for a gran t from the Ste:tmfor a study of the Port Angeles Public
Library. (Ref. letter from City Librarian dated 6/14/67)
A motinn was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger rod Carried, to approve and place
on file the Library Board minutes of June 13, 1967.
A report from the Sanitation Supt. stated t\at the City has been a;rarded the bid for collecting refuse
for the Coast Guard Air Station, the Cutter Winona, Puget Sound Pilot Station and the Thunderbird Boat Hou e.
A motion .ras made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to approve, as presen I
ted, the monthly Reports of Budget Revenues and Expenditures, Fire, Lig~t, I~cipal Judge, Recreation,
Police, md Water Deparunents monthly Reports, the ]vater and Light Revenues and Expenses Reports and the I.
Utili ties Monthly Billing Report.
I, A motion l~as made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, to grant
permission to move the Bus Stop to the north side of Front Street, in front of Rollf's Restaurant, with
the permission of the adjacent property owner. (Based on Front Street being designated a one-way street.)
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by CoUncilman Thorne and carried, to take no further
action at this time regarding the request (a letter received from E.N. Altman,--West Coast Airlines)
that the council .'1 thdraw it's request for terminatLn of 'West Coast Airlines' service to Port Angeles.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by CounciJJnan Thorne and unanimously carried, to con-
cur with the Police Chief's reccmmendation that no Dance License be granted to 111'. Cooke for Loren's
Tavern until he has shown he can abide by tho law for at least a year without various violations.
Other subjects of discussion were the appointment of Frank Platt as Judge pro tem, and the Coast Guard's
construction of new electric pOHer lines.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.H.
. City Clerk ')
.~ ~A~:stD~-
NOTleY- lS HERF.RY ~rvF,~ thtl.t
ll{'nled hjo~ v:ill .ll€! rf'Cel'Vf'Q. by the
Clt~. o[ Port A!'1~"les, "'IY11811111gton
IIntll r.:l}(j P.M.. J1Jl}- 6, l!1B7 at the
eLtv Han and will 1)(' nllPIlf'd IJun-
llc>lr a.nd read at 7::\0 P.M.. Mm~
{lntc in the Council Ch~mbeTs at
Jo'rol;t IIml nllk Stre(ot~. 1'01' tlit' Curl1M
Il'Jhln~. hallHI1J:(' find nll1('ln~ npproxl-
mntcl;y 2,400 TnnS" of Dock nip J}llP
111(\r,~ the northerlv cdr-'C or l<,dl1.
Hook from Crown :'Ifill !':Up I'll-lill'rly
nnp"oxhl\atl'lv 4,r,OO 1'",('1, Th~ roelt
flhnl1 h(' s(>}ln. C1Nl.ll anll fl'N' of
.11I't, ano:1 ~hall w{.'lltll a minImum of
Iii!! llOUlH18 per cunlc fr)('It; It I'lhl1l1
he plnN,a ns dir('ct€d hy the CI1)',
It ,1mll Il~A'rnde{l :UI follows: r,o~
n\'er '" ten, :?5% nl'twf>('1l 2 nllll 4
ton~ l1.nd 2;;r;, unoo>r 2 tnll. S1lnllfl
l(,R~ than 1 ten phaU not excM(\ 5%
of.r~h~i\~~t~Je;;;~llifi"1r) or total hle'
clqH1Rlt Chi:CK or hid bond of cOllnl
amo'mt shnJl nccom!)[lny ench hlrl
All hl{ls Aha II h(' mad(' on iorms
3\'3,ilnbll' nt Clt~' Hall.
'1'he City Counell r(''''llr\'N:t thl'
rlgl:t tfJ r('~('ct lU"lY ('11' ~dl lIirll'l nnrl
t(l wnive an)' lnf(}J'mlthtlNl in lhe
bJddh1g. f)OX~\LD n, HEHRlIL\:N
City Mnnn.ger,
I'ubllshed: ,Tune 1:; ft.nd :2, 1967,
. 11ayor
w- ':Oll':e C:;~I~rct~~i~e~~~a~ ~e-~l~dll'- N~TICE or CALL rOR ~I;;;-
IJlcls wlll b~ received by the City 0[', ,,,. ~TY PJtIN~NG
Port Angeles until 5;00 P.M., .July I NOtICE. l/<h('rcbj-- I>1','CI1 thftt RI.'al.
I ~'p~~~7 P~hlfdl;~ ~~ll r~:II~I. :~1117_~~ .;~a~:~~~rW~~. ~'h:,'~~\~~'rl1::iill~Yl Gti~~
P.M" same dale, in th~ Cf1un(-'1l Cltj-' uf_POrt_Allgclc.<< until ;;:0(11-'.111"
i~hra~~~~~'g~.~:~~~lJllfilt~~I~~ ~~~tS~~~~~~~i ;~:~nc olfu, t\?~"d~;: t~li W(;~~la~l~~'~l~:~
dUl'torlng- ? dll~'lnB" the F~nl' COlllllll'ndtlA' .Iuly 1.
C()ntra~t wlll Incltlfle the rt'con_1j1!lfi7,. The, Ill'ill,tlng- lil to he nOli-
~~:t~~l.ll! c~~d~lrt~rrOX~il~~~'~~~ ~:;.~~~ r~l'j;ll ~'~g~la/,oi~~ub~p~rnt(t~)u:;~'\~I~:
ll/;'ht ('llble ill two foot dltell and paJl()!' nwnrdccl such c()nlmct. J31(ls to
n::placcmcnt Ilf ['Ilnerere nnd ll~T1hfl1t I!~{' HUbm!,ttcd on a. ha~IR of chan;c
(no br&'lk-our of concrete will be )J'"'r 1l1l(:' .-
necessary), Includes ('lennlng of. ,The CJt~' Council 1'{'RN:'f.'11 the
luminaires, repalntJng of poles Ilfldll'll;"ht to r.ej~('t nny or fl.'.1 hl<ls,
reumcement flf Rel'l{.'s ballasts wltb ~ nO~ALD D. lIEnn~1A~ (
"'1)~ll'~I~~~;if~eBr:l~~I\~\l(l neeept(>d h~lJbJji'hc~~t~u~lrCa~a~;r,j 1:;, l~Hii, j
(01' IL l:hange 0\'1.'1' to 760 ,Vatt lum- \. , ~.
1~~a}~~~li~17~d, tmllnsts. Conductor WUI.
I A fh'e percent (5%) of to1fll bldl
d('110s1t ChP.('K or bId bllnd of (l(lllaJ~
C lOllDt .shall accompany .eAch bid,
\1I hll'ls sl1l\lI be made on forms
a ,dlahlc at Cln' Hnll, ,
The Clt)' Ctlllncll r(-'.o:er\'C9 th(l rIght
to reject lIn)' 01' all bids an() to
wi"ljve :U1Y Inf()rmalltlcs 1n the b1d-
~PllblJShed.CIJ~n:r2~a~~~ 29, ~