HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/15/1993 2498 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 15, 1993 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:10 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun and Ostrowski (arrived - at 6:19 p.m.), Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilmen Schueler (arrived at 6:19 p.m.) and Wight. Members Absent: Councilman Nicholson. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey, J. Pittis, B. Titus, G. Thomas, K. Ridout, D. McFarland, C. Kasicki, T. Smith, V. Daugaard, M. Shamp, D. O'Donnell, and B. Raemer. Public Present: J. Pards, P. Hannah, J. Ulsky, J. Spiess, and D. Milligan. Computer Network Local Area Network Training Training As part of the City's automation plan, each member of the City Council has been scheduled to have a personal computer installed in their home in order to become a part of the City's local area network. This will enhance communication between the Council and staff. In preparation for the installations, Charles Kasicki, Information Systems Administrator, and Dorothy McFarland, Administrative Assistant, conducted an orientation and training session for the Council members. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order REGULAR MEETING: at 7:10 p.m. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Boy Scout Troop 1458, sponsored ALLEGIANCE: by the Moose Lodge, Paul Carmean, Scoutmaster. Scouts participating under the leadership of Mike Wilson were: Travis Wilson, Wade Griffith, and William Hanley. APPROVAL OF Councilwoman Sargent moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of MINUTES: June 1, 1993. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wight and carried unanimously. CEREMONIAL None. MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: CITY COUNCIL Councilman Braun attended CFP meetings; efforts to rate projects are ongoing. He COMMITTEE participated in the City Light Centennial and the Safety Week events. Additionally, REPORTS: Councilman Braun attended the Utility Advisory Committee meeting, the Museum Board meeting, as well as an open house for Banbury Corner. Councilman Schueler had nothing to report. Councilwoman Sargent attended the EDC Executive meeting. In addition, regarding the Banbury Corner day care center, she noted the entire neighborhood originally opposed the day center. Now that it is in place, it is generating high praise due to an improved neighborhood, excellence in design, and innovative concepts. It is a success story worth sharing. Councilwoman Sargent also noted the new day care center on site at Crestwood Convalescent Center which is proving to be extremely successful. -1- 2499 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 1993 CITY COUNCIL Councilman Wight reported on his attendance at the lengthy meeting of the Utility COMMITTEE Advisory Committee. He indicated it was a pre-cursor to the rate adjustments which REPORTS: must be made before the first of October. The committee is anticipating a (Cont'd) significantly increased cost in power from Bonneville, and staff is going through a cost-of-service analysis to make sure costs are equitably distributed. A great deal of effort went into discussions and negotiations with the City's industrial customers, which has served to be somewhat therapeutic in that all perspectives have been considered. He noted that staff has been working with the industrial customers in a partnership atmosphere for several weeks in trying to resolve issues and exchange information. One of the issues to be forwarded to the Council for direction has to do with City Light's proposal that interest from light reserves be applied in certain ways in the cost-of-service study. A recommendation was formulated by the committee members that the use of the reserves should probably be referred to the City Council for resolution. Additionally, Councilman Wight reported that the UAC will be recommending that the City proceed with the water utility in developing annexation policies in a facilities exchange agreement with the PUD similar to what City Light has done with the electrical utility. Councilman Ostrowski attended meetings of the Clallam Transit Board. The final design for the new maintenance facility will be forthcoming, and the land is just about acquired. The Board is looking for additional grant funding. Mayor Hallett, along with Councilmen Ostrowski and Nicholson, attended the meeting this past week with Governor Lowry. Elected officials had the opportunity to discuss concerns of the City, County and the region, which proved to be helpful. Mayor Hallett also referred to the Utility Advisory Committee meeting and noted there is a great deal of work ahead. There will be a special meeting on June 28 at which time the UAC will meet with representatives of BPA to discuss their proposed rates. FINANCE: 1. Equipment bids for automated collection vehicle and lO-yard dump truck replacements [93.01 (J & I)] Automated Collection Vehicle Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public and 10-Yard Dump Works. Truck Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the bid from Western Peterbuilt for the refuse collection vehicle in the amount of $131,489.05, and the bid from Sturdy- Weld for the 10/12 yard damp body in the amount of $13,540.76. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun. Councilwoman Sargent inquired as to whether the UAC has discussed the future of recycling efforts in the City. Mayor Hallett responded the UAC met this past month and discussed the many issues relating to the landfill, recycling, and how waste will be handled in the future. Public Works Director Pittis indicated the Solid Waste Advisory Committee will be meeting in the next couple of weeks to begin considering the potential changes over the next ninety days. They hope to provide options other than the landfill for disposal of waste. Councilwoman Sargent was concerned with the continued use of the 300 gallon containers; however, Director Pittis noted a decision must be made as to disposal. It will still be possible to do away with the 300s, as the trucks can pick up the smaller size containers. Manager Pomeranz noted the SWAC is being asked to formulate a recommendation in the next ninety days, as time is of the essence. After further discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. City Light Flatbed 2. Equipment bids for City Light flatbed truck Truck Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by City Light. Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the bid for a flatbed truck with crane from Pacific Utility Equipment Co. in the amount of $91,067.61, including sales tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schueler and carried unanimously. Landfill Expansion 3. Landfill Expansion Project No. 91-25B final payment No. 9 and acceptance Project of project Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public Works. He noted the corrected memorandum just distributed which reflected the correct vendor's name. -2- 2500 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 1993 Landfill Expansion Councilwoman Sargent moved to concur with the recommendation from Public Project (Cont'd) Works and accept the project, authorize final payment of $10,155.19 to Seton Construction, payment of $493.93 for retainage to SeaFirst Bank, and authorize release of the total retainage, $32,632.27, upon receipt of clearance from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schueler and carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: At this time, Councilwoman Sargent requested that Item No. 2 be considered separately. Councilman Schueler asked that Item No. I be considered separately. Mayor Hallett reviewed the information submitted by the Fire Marshal on the request for a public display of fireworks. Councilwoman Sargent moved to approve the recommendation for Western International Fireworks to conduct a public display of fireworks on the 4th day of July from the Waterfront Trail. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wight. Councilwoman Sargent pointed out that the City Council has encouraged the public to view the public display of fireworks rather than have private displays, as fireworks are the cause of many accidents. Over the past few years, this company has conducted a safe and enjoyable display which has proven to be a great community event. Councilman Schueler felt that any display of fireworks has no merit; it should be discouraged. He has observed such displays of fireworks over the years, and has concluded there are better things to do on the 4th of July. Councilman Wight noted the decision to be made by the Council is not on the merit of the display, but rather the safety and welfare of the public. A vote was taken on the motion which carried by a majority vote, with Councilman Schueler voting in opposition. Concerning Item No. 2, Councilwoman Sargent pointed out that the City would only be saving approximately $40 by having the employee drive to the meeting in Tucson, Arizona. She questioned the need to drive, particularly since the trip would be so lengthy. Public Works Director Pittis indicated the employee was planning to take this trip also in conjunction with his vacation. Lengthy discussion ensued and consideration was given to whether this would be wise utilization of a City vehicle. The Council concluded that such a matter should be resolved by the City Manager. Therefore, Councilman Wight moved to approve the out-of-state travel request and ask the City Manager to arrange the most cost effective and efficient means of having it accomplished. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ostrowski and carried unanimously. Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept Items 3 - 7 on the Consent Agenda, including: (3) Washington State Liquor Control Board correspondence; (4) Wire transfers for May, 1993, of $940,311.21; (5) Concept Administrators through May, 1993, of $83,199.60; (6) Payroll of June 6, 1993, of $338,632.52; and (7) Voucher list of June 11, 1993, of $1,250,805.65. Councilman Wight seconded the motion. Discussion followed concerning the Voucher List, and Councilwoman Sargent requested that future lists clearly define the different departments in the expense categories. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. 1TEMS FROM THE Mayor Hallett noted there will be some changes in the order of the agenda this AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ evening. Moved forward from the Information Agenda was a proposal submitted by STAFF TO BE United Way pertinent to Human Services funding. CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A Human Services Funding FUTURE AGENDA: - Tim Fredrickson, United Way President, and Patty Hannah, Director, reviewed Human Services discussions held with various Council members which prompted the submission of Funding the United Way proposal to administer the City's funding of human service agencies. This would be an alternative approach to the administration of funds by the County. It is intended to serve as a discussion and negotiation document. Councilwoman Sargent indicated she and Councilman Nicholson have been very interested in this matter, as the City is the largest funding agency to human services in the area. The City has been interested in reviewing other means of distribution of the funds. In the event a change is made, she inquired of the City Manager as to when a decision would have to be made. Manager Pomeranz responded a contract would commence as of January, 1994; therefore, the issue must be addressed in the next sixty days. After further discussion, Councilwoman Sargent moved to appoint an ad hoc committee to deal with human services funding for this coming year. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schueler. Volunteering to serve on this committee were Councilwoman Sargent, Councilmen Wight and Schueler, and -3- 2501 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 1993 Human Services Manager Pomeranz. Councilman Schueler agreed to serve as Chairman. Manager Funding (Cont'd) Pomeranz reported he has discussed this matter with the County, who has indicated total support of the Council's ultimate decision. The possibility of community representatives participating will be considered by the ad hoc committee at a meeting to be scheduled in the near future. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. Planning Director Collins referenced the first item on the Information Agenda, having to do with the Spiess Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Spiess is planning on arriving at the Council meeting after 8:30 p.m. this evening, if the Council wishes to address the CUP tonight. This was so noted by the Council. Mayor Hallett announced he would like to change the order of the agenda with the report from the North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau being submitted next, to be followed by the Veto Burton marketing report. North Olympic Peninsula I. North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau's 6-month update by Visitor & Convention Rick Hert, Executive Director Bureau Rick Heft, Executive Director of the North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau, advised the Council that the NOPVCB is working as an umbrella group in promoting convention and tourism business, with accountability to all of the funding partners. Efforts are underway to foster a working relationship with all other organizations which traditionally and non-traditionally are involved in tourism promotion. The NOPVCB promotes convention and travel trade in areas such as convention sales, international promotions, and group tour sales. Mr. Hert reviewed the specific efforts of the VCB staff in area promotions, educational seminars, and familiarization tours. Following the presentation, Council members offered suggestions such as creating a strategy to capture tourists just passing through the area, capitalize on Commonwealth Games in Victoria, and increase promotion on the ferry. Mr. Hert acknowledged these suggestions and agreed every effort must be placed on keeping tourists in the area, and to get the ferry passengers to return to the area. VBMCC Marketing 2. Demonstration of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center Marketing Plan Products Plan products Tim Smith, Contracts/Projects Administrator, summarized the development and implementation of a marketing plan for the newly renovated Vern Burton Memorial Community Center. The plan, funded by a grant from the Department of Community Development Timber Community Assistance Program, was initiated by the City and coordinated by a committee comprised of the following, which Mr. Smith introduced at this time: Council members Sargent and Schueler; Manager Pomeranz; Tim Smith; Erl Hansen, Chamber of Commerce; Sheila Groves, North Olympic Peninsula VCB; Mari Bilsborrow, City of Port Angeles; Joanie Ulsky, North Olympic Peninsula VCB; Sue Gunderson, Aggies Inn; Julie Vanderbmg, Portside Inn; Mike Gentry, Lindberg Architects; Peggy Larson, Chamber of Commerce; Dennis Sanford, Peninsula College; Gary Fisher, Best Western Olympic Lodge; and Luann Yager, Chamber of Commerce. Councilwoman Sargent indicated City staff played a major role in this project. Joined by the other Council members, _ Councilwoman Sargent commended Tim Smith for his efforts. The Council viewed a marketing video prepared by Darwin Gearey and Dennis Bragg of Port Angeles TV Productions. Various printed materials were distributed for the Council's review, and John Johnson and Fred Barrett of Johnson Graphics then presented a computerized digital brochure. In the ensuing discussion, Councilman Schueler queried as to the possibility of future expansions of the digital brochure. Mr. Johnson explained the capabilities of the digital brochure and assured the Council that updates and adjustments can be added as may be necessary. In addition, marketing efforts within the brochure can be expanded to add other businesses which may wish to be included. Councilwoman Sargent moved to accept the final products developed for the Vern Burton Center marketing project and commend all those who have worked on the project. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion which carried unanimously. -4- 2502 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 1993 VBMCC Marketing Mayor Hallett returned to the matter of funding for the North Olympic Peninsula Plan Products (Cont'd) Visitor & Convention Bureau, reviewing information provided by the City Clerk. Coundlman Schueler moved to direct staff to prepare an amendment to the contract authorizing the extension of the contract in the amount of $18,524.00 through December 31, 1993, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the contract amendment. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Sargent. Councilwoman Sargent noted the definite improvement in the VCB and their efforts to improve the handling of conferences. She was pleased the City is seeing a return on its investment. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. Break Mayor Hallett recessed the meeting for a break at 9:02 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:15 p.m. LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings Public Hearings 1. Annexation Request - ANX 93(04)01 - Lappier, South of Melody Lane to Woodhaven Lane: Request for annexation of approximately 52 acres south Annexation Request - of Melody Lane, west of Golf Course Road to Woodhaven Lane. Lappier Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. Because there are many unanswered questions concerning the obligation of utility acquisition by the residents, the Planning Commission continued its public hearing to August 11. Mayor Hallett opened the public hearing at 9:17 p.m. No one appeared to offer testimony. In that it was recommended that the public hearing be continued, Councilman Wight moved to continue the public hearing to August 17, 1993. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Street Vacation Request - 2. Street Vacation Request - STV 93(06)04 - Levick, Fifteenth Street west of Levick - Cedar Street: Request for vacation of City right-of-way Ordinance No. 2766 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department, noting the amended Pages 9 and 10 of the Planning Commission minutes of June 9, 1993, pertinent to this vacation request. He then opened the public hearing at 9:20 p.m. Nydia Levick, 1422 South Cedar, applicant, was present to answer any questions the Council may have. In response to a question from Councilwoman Sargent, she indicated her neighbor does not wish to purchase land in the vacation. There being no further public testimony, Mayor Hallett closed the public hearing at 9:22 p.m. After limited discussion, Councilman Braun moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Street Vacation STV 93(06)04, citing the following Conditions, Findings, and Condnsions: Conditions: (1) The City Engineer shall determine where the top of the ravine is located. No portion of the Fifteenth Street right-of-way located below the top of the ravine may be vacated; (2) An 10 foot easement centered on the existing electrical service crossing the vacated street shall be granted in favor of the City Light Department; Findings: (1) The request is to vacate 7,000 square feet of the Fifteenth Street right- of-way west of Cedar Street; (2) The property abutting the street is zoned RS-7, except where the right-of-way may be located below the top of the ravine, where it is zoned PBP; (3) The right-of-way is not improved with roadways or utilities, except for power lines crossing the site; (4) The site is located adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area; (5) Comprehensive Plan Policies found to be most relevant to the proposal include Goals 1 & 3; and Open Space Policies Nos. 2-4. The site is designated Urban Residential in the Comprehensive Plan; and (6) Ownership of most of the lots between the site and Tumwater Street are owned by the City. Lots 17 and 18 are owned by Gunhild Sund, who also owns the contiguous north half of Lots 19 & 20, Block 417. Access to Lots 17 and 18 from Cedar Street on Fifteenth Street would be precluded. Access would still be available from the 14/15 alley. Lots 17 and 18 are in a steep-slope environmentally sensitive area and cannot be developed without benefit of a development exception as provided for in Chapter 15.20 PAMC; and Conclusions: (A) As conditioned, vacation of this portion of the Fifteenth Street right-of-way is in the public use and interest and would be a public benefit by placing into private ownership property that is not needed for public access or utilities and maintaining ownership of the right-of-way in an environmentally sensitive area; and (B) As conditioned, the street vacation is consistent with the Goals, Policies and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically those listed in Finding No. 5. The motion was seconded by -5- 25O3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 1993 LEGISLATION: Councilwoman Sargent and carried unanimously. (Cont'd) Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled Street Vacation Request - Levick - ORDINANCE NO. 2766 Ordinance No. 2766 (Cont'd) AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of West Fifteenth Street west of Cedar Street. Councilwoman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by ritle. Councilman Schneler seconded the morion. Councilman Wight noted the compensation is typically established at $.55 per square foot. The final compensation amount cannot be determined until the time the City Engineer has determined the location of the top of the ravine. Therefore, Coundlwoman Sargent included the compensation amount of $.55 per square foot to be incorporated in the Ordinance. A vote was taken on the morion which carried unanimously. PBIA - B. Ordinances not requiring public hearings Ordinance No. 2765 I. Correction to ordinance amending downtown parking standards (PBIA) Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. He read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2765 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising off-street parking requirements for the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area, requiring preparation of a Parking Management and Development Plan and amending Ordinance 1588 and Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Wight moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by ritle. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Public Nuisance - C. Resolutions requiring public comment Resolution No. 21-93 1. Consideration of Public Nuisance Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. A revised Exhibit "A" was distributed to Council. Mayor Hallett inquired as to whether there was any public comment pertinent to the nuisances. There was none. Mayor Hallett read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 21-93 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the existence of a public nuisance and requiring the elimination of such nuisance. Councilman Ostrowski moved the Resolution be passed as read by title. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. Discussion followed concerning the number of repeat offenders, four of which are out of town owners. Councilman Wight indicated there are several levels of punitive action which can be pursued. He queried as to the possibility of levying £mes. Attorney Knutson indicated f'mes can be levied and, as a matter of fact, the Public Works Department recently recommended this be done with regard to one of the nuisance situations. However, Attorney Knutson indicated that tines must be imposed by the court. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. Designate Sole D. Resolutions not requiring public hearings Source Vendor - Desktop RS6000 - I. Designate sole source vendor for purchase of a desktop RS6000 Resolution No. 22-93 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Finance Department. He then read the Resolution by title, entitled -6- Ii.r 2504 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 1993 LEGISLATION: RESOLUTION NO. 22-93 (Cont'd) A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Designate Sole Port Angeles designating the IBM Corporation Source Vendor - as the sole source for acquisition of an Desktop RS6000 - additional RISC 6000 Central Processing Unit Ordinance No. 22-93 (CPU) and declaring an exception to normal (Cont'd) bidding requirements. Councilwoman Sargent moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried unanimously. Planning Commission E. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items Minutes/Action Items Planning Commission Minutes of June 9, 1993 Shoreline Management Permit - Daishowa 1. Shoreline Management Permit - SMA 93(06)135 - Daishowa America Co., Ltd: Request for a permit to allow the replacement of approximately 9feet of sewerline in the shoreline area Mayor Hallett reviewed the information pertinent to Daishowa's request for a Shoreline Management Permit. Councilwoman Sargent moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Shoreline Management Permit SMA 93(06)135, citing the following Condition, Findings, and Conclusions: Condition: (A) If any spoils are to be deposited on the site, a plan shall be submitted to the Planmng Department for approval indicating the location(s) where those spoils will be deposited to ensure compliance with the Shoreline Master Program; Findings: (1) The approval is for replacement of a ten foot length of sewer line which includes a flow-measuring flume and sensing devices to read the level and solids content of that sewer line; (2) The proposed modifications will not change the intensity of the use of the shoreline; (3) The Mill is located on or near an area that once sited the Klallam Village Tse-Whit-Zen. There have been findings of archaeological deposits of historical significance during recent excavations on the site; (4) The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program designates the site as Urban Environment. The Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance designate it for heavy industrial; and (5) The City of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance on May 26, 1993; and Conclusions: (A) As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, specifically General Regulations C. 1, and C.4; Land Use Element D.7; Natural Systems E.12; Use Activities F.7.a-b, and F.18.a-c; (B) The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, specifically Goal No. 3, and Industrial Policy No. 5 which encourage minimizing impacts to the environment and land use compatibility; and (C) As conditioned, the proposal will not be detrimental to the shoreline. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Shoreline Management 2. Shoreline Management Permit - SMA 93(06)134 - City of Port Angeles: Permit - City of Port Request for a shoreline permit to allow further extension of the Waterfront Angeles Trail, including paving and improvement to the existing roadway and public area on Ediz Hook Mayor Hallett reviewed the information pertinent to the City's request for a Shoreline Management Permit. Councilman Ostrowski moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Shoreline Management Permit SMA 93(06)134, citing the following Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions: Conditions: (1) If the paved parking area is expanded, the parking lot shall be graded to flow into catch basins which shall have an oil separator "T"; and (2) If the paved parking area is expanded, the expanded parking lot shall include at least one tree, or other appropriate vegetation, for each 10 parking spaces provided. (Trees shall be of a type approved by the City, 2-inch caliper at planting time and have a height of 20 feet at maturity.); Findings: (1) The approval is for paving 3700 lineal feet of the waterfront trail, from the sail paddle park eastward; (2) The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance have been reviewed with respect to this proposal; (3) The property is zoned Heavy Industrial (M-2) and is identified as industrial by the Comprehensive Plan; (4) The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program encourages public access to the shoreline. It also encourages aesthetic and environmental considerations be made in reviewing development proposals; (5) The City of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on April 29, 1993; and -7- 2505 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 1993 LEGISLATION: (6) The Trail is located on the northerly side of the existing power poles; and (Cont'd) Conclusions: (A) The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, specifically General Regulations C.2 and C.3; Land Use Element D.2 and Shoreline Management D.7; Natural Systems E. 1.a, E.2, E.7.b and E. 12; and Use Activities F. 19.b & c. Permit - City of Port a,c,d&e; (B) The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, Angeles (Cont'd) specifically Goal No. 3, Industrial Policy No. 5 and Land Use Objective No. 3; and (C) As conditioned, the proposal will not be detrimental to the shoreline. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Councilman Braun moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of June 9, 1993. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Sargent and carried unanimously. The Council noted the Planning Commission's decision to hold extra meetings during the months of July, August and September due to increased workload. The Council members asked that Planning Director Collins extend their appreciation to the Commissioners for their efforts. Funds for Lee Hotel F. Other Considerations Abatement 1. Allocation of funds for Lee Hotel abatement Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Assistant City Attorney. Attorney Knutson reported that an update has been received from the Fire Chief in that two of the three major items have been accomplished. There is still a need for in intrusion alarm, so the overall cost to the City can be decreased. Councilman Braun asked that attention be given to the removal of the broken windows above street level, as he was concerned about pedestrian safety. He mentioned the possibility of boarding up the windows, and Planning Director Collins asked that aesthetics be considered when covering the windows. Fire Chief Glenn indicated the intent is to get the broken glass removed, and it may not be necessary to further cover the windows. Property Manager Ridout reported the glass removal was on the original list of things to be accomplished. Councilman Wight moved to authorize the funding for the abatement work that is needed at the Lee Hotel in the amount of $5,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried unanimously. Donation to Project 4. Proposal for possible donation to Project Care Care Mayor Hallett reviewed the request submitted by Project Care for the City to donate an IBM compatible personal computer to Olympic Memorial Hospital's Patient Services Department for use as a site for a computerized resource directory. Councilwoman Sargent spoke to the matter, advising the Council that an employee of the hospital is willing to do the work necessary in preparing a computerized resource directory for the elderly. Councilman Schueler felt the City should do its best to support this endeavor. In response to an inquiry from Councilman Wight, Attorney Knutson indicated this would be permitted if the computer is donated to another governmental entity, such as the Hospital District. If Project Care is an entity dedicated to the support of the poor and infirm, then the donation would also be allowed. He recommended a contract be executed to assure the computer will be devoted to the intended use. Manager Pomeranz suggested the possibility of loaning a computer so the City could retain ownership, and Councilman Wight suggested a lease at $1 per year. Councilman Wight moved to loan a computer to the hospital for the duration of the need. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schueler. Councilwoman Sargent inquired as to whether there is extra equipment for this purpose. Manager Pomeranz noted the City has ongoing training which often times requires the use of the extra equipment. Finance Director Godbey reviewed the plans to install 286 computers in Council member homes. In that a couple of Council members have opted to not have the computers installed, it will be possible to use one of those now available for Project Care. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. Contract for Art 5. Contract for Art Center Director Center Director Mayor Hallett reviewed a memorandum submitted by James Butler, Chairman of the Esther B. Webster Trust, requesting an extension of the contract with the Arts Center Director and recommending a change in employment status from 3/4 time to full ,. time. -8- 2506 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 1993 LEGISLATION: Councilwoman Sargent expressed concern with the proposal, particularly in view of (Cont'd) the recent changes on investment policy. She noted there hasn't been sufficient time to realize increased revenue and based on appearances, the increase in the Director's Contract for Art salary would be paid by the juggling of budget figures. Further, Councilwoman Center Director Sargent discouraged the use of any reserve funds for the purpose of balancing the (Cont'd) budget. She asked that consideration be given to maintaining the position at 3/4 time. Councilwoman Sargent moved to have staff return with a contract for the Fine Arts Center Director at 3/4 time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schueler. Councilman Wight noted his opinion that it is procedurally incorrect for a motion to be made in the midst of discussion. Nevertheless, he felt the Art Center Board had come forward with a recommendation to adjust the budget; the Board has obligated itself to augment the budget rather than ask the City for additional funds. He felt the request worthy of consideration. Mayor Hallett spoke in opposition to the motion, as he felt the Board is only asking for internal adjustments, and it would be in the Board's best interest to increase revenue as opposed to using reserves. Councilman Schueler indicated the Council has a responsibility to make sure they money donated to the Trust is kept in tact. If there is any question of losing any of it, then he would be uncomfortable making any change in what exists today. Jim Butler, representing the Fine Arts Center Board, emphasized the Board does not plan to utilize any of the reserves for this purpose, but rather will be using cost savings generated by previous budgets. The Board is committed to using these savings to balance the budget and work with the Friends of the Fine Arts Center in a fund-raising effort to make up the difference. Additionally, he noted the Director is aware the position may revert back to 3/4 time if financial conditions necessitate such a change. Councilwoman Sargent indicated her willingness to consider this change after the beginning of the year, when more substantial financial information would be available. However, Mr. Butler stressed the importance of having the Director working full time in view of upcoming events at the Center. Mayor Hallett questioned the City's fiduciary responsibilities in the event the Fine Arts Center's fund raising efforts don't result in anticipated revenue increases. Attorney Knutson responded the City could be held responsible for the term of the contract. Mr. Butler indicated that, if the fund raiser is not successful, the Board will use the surplus from the previous three years; the City will not be asked to assist financially. Attorney Knutson noted there is a 30-day cancellation clause in the contract. Parks Director Brodhun indicated that, if there is a financial shortage, appropriate action would be taken to reduce programs. Councilwoman Sargent noted the proposal also included health insurance coverage for a half-time employee, which Mr. Butler felt was an appropriate reward for a loyal employee. Manager Pomeranz clarified this insurance is not provided through the City's self-insurance, but rather is acquired by the Fine Arts Center. A vote was taken on the motion with Councilwoman Sargent voting in favor and the remaining Council members voting in opposition. The motion, therefore, failed. Mayor Hallett noted the time, and Councilman Ostrowski moved to continue the meeting beyond 10:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried unanimously. Councilman Wight moved to approve the employment contract presented for 1993 for the Fine Arts Center Director as proposed and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schueler and carried by a majority vote, with Councilwoman Sargent voting in opposition. Governor's Marine 6. Designation of Council member at Governor's Marine Oversight Board Oversight Board meeting on July 16, 1993 Councilman Wight moved that the City Council designate someone to attend the Governor's Marine Oversight Board meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun. Councilman Wight noted his willingness to attend the meeting, but felt the Council should be aware of his reservations about the entire program. He felt it important to determine if Coast Guard and the EPA officials truly support this, especially since it is federally mandated. He was interested to know if this is a duplicate program at the State level. Councilman Wight agreed to research this further and report back to the Council. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. -9- 25O7 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 1993 LEGISLATION: Z Urban Growth Area mediation (Cont'd) Mayor Hailett summarized the memorandum submitted by Deputy Mayor Sargent. Urban Growth Area Deputy Mayor Sargent noted that, in order for the County to meet the October 1 Mediation deadline on designating an interim urban growth area, the County must notify the DCD of its intention to adopt this development regulation. The deadline for the notification is August 1. Therefore, if a study of large scale commercial sites is to affect the County's interim UGA designation, then the study must be completed in the next month and a half. She urged the Council to give staff some direction as to how to proceed, as the only point of disagreement left was the eastern boundary of the UGA. The reason the County advocated going to Deer Park Road was because it didn't consider the City as having enough commercially zoned property within the UGA. Planning Director Collins expressed the need for a market analysis of available land. Also a report should be written which explains the characteristics of property within - the UGA, particularly the area between the current City limits and Morse Creek. The expertise to do this is somewhat available in-house, but staff may not be able to complete the entire analysis on its own. There is merit in obtaining help from someone knowledgeable in real estate. The timeframe and the ability to provide useful information to the County are short; every effort will be made to accomplish the task. Appreciation was expressed by the Council to Deputy Mayor Sargent for her efforts in the matter of the UGA designation. Public/City Council 8. Public/City Council recognition Recognition Mayor Hallett summarized the memorandum submitted by Manager Pomeranz, as well as a memorandum just distributed by Councilman Wight, which was intended to serve as a discussion paper. Councilman Wight suggested the possibility of interpretive plaques and noted the need to determine associated costs. The Council was in agreement that a policy consistently administered should be formulated. After limited discussion, it was suggested that City Manager Pomeranz draft a proposed policy on the matter of City Council and public recognition. Volunteering to assist him were Mayor Hallett and Councilwoman Sargent. Councilman Wight offered to be of assistance in this endeavor as well. Councilman Schueler noted the need for a historical journal. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 10:31 p.m. -10-