HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/16/1926 .. .. J' 1 .~; '~ """ '''':;; , ~';~-, -_t,~_H;f':.,' ~-, ,i;"_j , . Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Poit Angeles, Washington , /Q~h 192 L 35 r? II >. fl A..<v>. II if; Ie-U.r IJ\ " ~l.O' }' I :1- . ,~~ .J:' ,".1 ____ --. =--t/tnYv~~ ..-rnvC ,. ~-.ru.r,UJ _~~$S-<-'.r.,j_ l.VV>:'~ ...~~ ,_c. a.lLJ ~. ~:-l_ "-- ........) .J., .l...). ,0, 'J j:-~<yk.. ~--J\. J1. ,,-a.LR._~L,..J"" 9.. I -I ~>-'-l,rLt~-~'f'r~~i) -~r~t=~<h1 ~r:L.. .J~.~":-~./4:. . ~t, V-TV'> rv-- ~~,^ulh_}~cdlJ~.. <L/'v-.R _Jo~ ~d90 -t.uU, c8~~t: ~~J~v..."-(:._<"" ~~~Jh... '</\r.- ~ .tfL...v~-;--t~S-<..<;.~~'s..,-~ ' ""Y\n.' ,- I . - : J --'-J-t; L .. '" L_ I () I n --.-~.--~."-- ___u-.:-:~~_. J':r~:-~ L~,_' ~-~-_:~L~l--~-t.Iv\-.a.. ~t~/"L-~\. ~ ,---..:s... j -.' ."--,,.-.--.---- --------.-----..-...-.---...------.-..--.... ....... J ~~~'~~e~~:::.~~~:r:~E~~::~~I-~t= .t_-:Jt:.:P~,:~._ . ...e-a-U.__) --~~ e-t-~'I! :id~ewm1:rb'hI:l"~1~~d ioO\ti~':~uur'~r I D ~, 0, I . 0'- Itt,o"t"!oek A. ),I. iantl..not later) on r D>> ~ Wodneada)""-lbe -lGth da:)." or JUne. 1Sl ::19 t\ ::i6.0:Q~h~~bi~~I~ ~,.:il~Ac,.t:~ll:r~~; -- - _."L ~ .:G.\,', . -~r~\' -. 'fLuv.. ~-- u..rr., ..."'" O'~~L_ -~. L-. ---" , lthe_C'unen:: Y(-ar'bep:inDiQi:"-.JuJy~;_~t.- VD _ n fJ 0 r.~ 41 { LL ,'l;'''~;I';;'';;'III'~omi'~;oe~-~u _~ _- '--. <'\ ',~ 1. --1 h'- _.C""AA9i.-c.r-'~_ .-:-11--'- G......""~~~ rno ICe& :~Fl~~.:;;~~~!f:~iF;~~~%~!~ - - 0 ~ _::k~~},*;~~~~PO~~~m:~t;~n. p~i:'tt~t~on~; _.__~-tiL ___ G~tJV\. ~_ 0 =-.~v..- -c -R .=-_ t' P 'c._L~ _ ~ tt) lL:~~'~' 0--0 -1---0-. '~I '. an'~.other,pllhttcatloJt..., that'~ may. be ~ V n ordered- by the ell)' Commt..lon;" or -- l ~:A J sul I otber ,Clt," umclaJ8. _ when - Ih$h,ueted -'.~t~;,~o ~'bYc'h'C.~~. C"'.,Comm~"; -~ ~~:-G ---;" , .. ~"-'-~. "W'>:--' "",'.:t- · Sa~d pubUCil.:.lons' to '~\.e printed - In 1 k l.rtl n~ 3i" I :'non~!:Iren or sb .polnt tn be - \Itlntell k --;'ID-sald bIds 10 be sUbmitted DpOD the ----:: L. - - ,,-~~ '\ ' vL~, 0L..Jl \ -- '. l1V-. L - C,y-....... "" ~~f basil!; oC" a charge "b:r tbe llne:.' Saill \ J ~ \ ;bUfo \vlll be cons!dcrell b)-. the City t '0 I 1 CommlS!'llon at thdr- re~ular mectlnK U ~ ~ r I q :2.. (g q;;6~~~~~~d.J's':;~~~~~ef}"_.b'I~3~;~~~~lli ~- - -- -~ -_: --~-- ---- --- --- ._~- ----- - i enter into a contract wJlb - the Clt)" ~ ~ L or -Port .\n~f!]ell for the faithful IlQr. C ~ p" _".:o.m.heo o( hl..""I",.",....I..".., .___.L';' ~~C"....... ~- I -'h.""''J''. '., L'-~1^"'" ~~1l;~I~~1~."..~~..~~~:L:2-;;~::=~-1~'J- -~j H_~6) L_. 6nr~"%A-~~'_~:" ___I ---. _ -------- ----- .__0____ .-'-'~ (:3";~ . g . '-'L C,-t_hL~" ,. ';""1' I~ -Ur>\CU"'-V1'v-.~ _ .'LcrV_ ~_:u-ziL _<r~_-t~'- . Gc~,.~v~S-~" _t~l~ _ _ ._____ c..,.;...-+J\_~l.:..~u.n,...'~__ ~"- J- ...J __ *' __-nL .. ~./lf'U n..:. ~1-":~ ._ U/" 0\ .: t : L- u Jl-L"--IlT- CV\....R _.T Lt.-_G-~-~.f\~:~._~~_a..wrL~/~..,M ...t.L~ LcA.J ~T"^ +1.>- L",,",~~,,1 c'V\ -= j.{ L _ a. J.l.; 12/\.-n-::-v\>~ -IL. __, ~L~ 'L(___~'] _J"""l_ ____ _._____."..____ _H___"___ c ,. ,~ i! . I l ]:" ,.;' ;;; ." :t ~" ,Ii' e.<. I, .__,}Jt.:LlF"'-/~_:h> ort. /\....:~ _':~iJ'YV'~H~j..~<~n^"jJ .J</.lLUlL /"'.,,~. ~ t ai ~-tt_ ~ ~ _.: r-",-c.-l~ -'f'~~ u.~ cr-t..~. -' ~L~ C;;,. tLl- .-' 4..vL)3 ~c)_hcttl:.f 'tsJ <.~A... ',di~J <VV'L. n-. --t"--~'l\ :X"-'-:fh;'~c... .1~--1t. ! 1./, '/1" '-JJ.(L(f~~"" ':'" ,t'-L --I, J~h- r-~1-0<A0-:fo~- J.cZtzJf-l-~,,;-L~,.Q-t--.1 t - Aa--L ;-t~b,) Am{'WF . ~ ".f ~ ,_-"~-'lc..~~~..ll_~ "--';"dd _ i/. 'L, .J..-.....~ e/~ __ '....... ~_ <:',<."/"'/1.-,-" ,<.,Q'-~I c f lL In' . f ," . \ ftuh. . a/V\. ~, .",,",'JC""LL.~.L(_ ,.~tc,_J~.f "--, C~,: ~". C'. .\'-<-:T';>. ""'_. ._....____..____..__...._.. u.__ ~...CJ.k~:~;:n~- ~~-M jt~,iJ~,fin.W -!r,t~)'~/~ ~l Ir'-t.J./2.~- ~\ ,_--I...~_.1 ~, j~.jo:S-,,_ ~"'~{J..'::::{ .~'f...Moooc. ===:=~__,cJ lL..;L,~I1' ~--~~-J~=:L2-~L~=~~-);~- '-1/ , -tJ- ~1-t-'! r r::~". ' . J' - 1.1 k _ 'Wl1 af/1vvV"<5U--l_IOL-l..__ ~!r_f '-L., U .1Yy,^,,,,,,,d.L<-<n .:-.---------.-..----..---.,---- <<?.;k;;d\_m:.Jr~'\, L<L-ft- ~, _/4 4- t1 --<...A.J c:.J1o.. hJ.__ ~,;-<-i:, __.__. ___ _____ : .i!j~&J11,-7~~_-k.~~. ~:~ ~~;Jt;.-~-a/)1.f.._~f-~~,-/si.77tL-1l (L/},kI3~'- t~,_ r:1J:1L;r J kd\ :kur.VV'l> _ Lct/>...s.{ ,--- ._-/ -----~ ~o_,,~~c.I.~(,-c{J~_~_ ___~____ .._ ..." ~ .~,. . I . I , , 0'