HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/16/1955 I 1 ~I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 449 June 16 19~ ,.<. "'.", "'mo n."..... ..'..... ..... '.... I The. City Council met in regular session at '7:JO~,;M,;,'. <ilid ':<as.'calle<i'to order bY ~.<ator Smith: Roll call showed the following 'officers present:" M~or Snuth, CouncJ.:J:men Brown, Neer, Sandison, Matthieu, riolfe aiid McFadden, City Manager Vergeer, Attorney SeveI'yllS an~C~erk L~w. It was moved by CouncilJniln Brown that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted A:ye. , Motion ~arried. Under the head of unfitlished' business, bids for purchase of Lot'll, Block'141, Townsite were received as follows: AI Wetherald, $"375;00 ",-."" Howard'Doherty; $390;00 ,...'- . It was moved by 'Councilman McFadden that highest bid by Mr. Doherty be accepted. Seconded by CouncJ.lman Matthieu and carried. Bids for Legal City printing for the year' begiilriing Juli 1 were-alsoreceivea from: ~ TribWle, four an<:! one-hill cents' pef'linefor 'each publication, except tabulated matter which is six, cents' per line ~or first publication onJ;y. .f2tl ~esEvening lim, first publication,'twelve cents per line, except, tabulated matter'~lhich is' sixteen cents 'per' line. Repeat'publications, all matter, nine ,cents per line. Petlinllllla ~,five cents per 6-point'line, single, column measure. ,Tabulated matter, five ~ents per line single column measure' per insertionl.' except when published one time oil1;v, whe~ the rate mll be ten cents per line, single column measure; J.t 'was moved by Councilman McFadden that bJ.d by Port Angeles. Evetling NeWS-be accepted'.'" Seconded bY 111'8. Matthieu. On roll call; four members voted opposed. Motion did not' carI7~' It 'was then moved by Councilman Wolfe that bid by Peninsula Herald be accepted. There being no secom to this niotion, the sane was 'Withdrawn. It was moved by CounCilman Brown that offer by O~pic TribUilebe accepted. 'Seconded by Councilman 'McFadden. On roll call bf motion by Councilman Brown all members voted Alre and Mayor Smith dEdared the motion carried. Mr. Vergeerread collllll11irl.cation frOm the Washington Survey ~d Rating' Bureau approving contract lletween the City and Ra;yonier, Inc., for connection to the Industrial water line, the same to be used for emergencies o~. Council aut.horized the Mayor to execute the contract. , , , Recommendations by the 'Planning Commission 'concerning variances in building restrictions as previousl;y requested were as follows: 'Dr. R. 'P. Moore reconstruction of car port with overhead sleeping accommodat- ions, 705 'E. Caroline Street. Approvai recolIllllended. It waw moved by Councilman McFadden that recommend- ation be approved and variance granted; Application by Grahah VI. Ralston to construct Doctor and/or Dental office, 9th and Lincoln Streets.. Hear- ing adjourned for further information. Kerm.th ThOnipson, City Center Motel, 'Sec'ond and Chase Streets, request for permission to park trailers postponed for further consideration and recommendations by Fire Chief. .. - . - Under the head of neW'business, it was moved by Councilman McFadden 'that City Treasurer's report for the !month of Maor be apprcved and placed on file. Secon:led by Councilman Brown and carried. Fixed Estimate EXpense"clailllil against L.I.D. No. 167 were approved as follows: Robert Clawson~crew car for' M8;y' $10.00 Multigraph-Addiessograph Co., Equipment, supplies-and labor 102.29 It was moVed by Councilman Wolfe that Fixed Esti.m9.te Expense claims be approved and warrants issued on L;I.D. No. 16TConstruction FWld in payment of same. Motion seconded by Mrs. l1atthieu. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Claims paid June 10, were approved in total amount of $6~731.04.' It was moved by Councilman l'1cFadden that claims be approved as paid. Seconled by Mrs. Matthieu and carried. It was moved by COWlci.lman McFadden that 'report of Pollce Judge Te;ylor for the month of May showing $1975.00 fines collected be accepted, and placed on file. SecolXied by Councilman Neer. All voted A:ye. Motion carried. Mnriager' 1Tergeer informed of plans iri preparation for street lighting system, streets to be effected' and pattern of installations contemplated, the same to be accomplished without cost to property owners. M8;yor Smith reported on attendance at Assochtion of j'/ashington Cities annual convention in Tacoma, the lsame being educational and interesting. ICouncilmail Brown inquired regarding progress concerning removal of Pilot Station on Ediz HOOk~ Attorney jSeVeryns cited proceedings to date. It was the opinion of Councilman Neer that Court Order demanding rE!ll.oval by certainchte' be issued. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the Attorney be instructed to contact Pilots Association and Unless satisfactory arrangements for renioval w:e 'in making, the attorney , Ibe authorized to take Legal Proceedings. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden and unanimousl;y carried. I . ,. . . .,. '. . " ',Richard Hubbard, Chairman of Jul;y 4th celebration committee, introduced Charles Dryke, Jr., ",ho appeared in lfo:iTnalattire representing Uncle Sam. ' Mr. Dryke presented the Mayor with scroll thakiilg the Council for tooperation with plans for celebration and invitation to attend the coming festivities. ;Under the head of'introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced and read in full for .consideration by the Council: I ' , . ORDINANCE NO. 1349 . " AN CRDINANCE vacating that portion of First Street in Home Addition within the''rownsite of Port ~eles extendiilg from the East boundary line of Penn Street to the Easterl;y boundaz:y- Moo of the Townsite of Port Angeles. I . . . .. . , ~It'was moved'by Councilman'Meer tliat"tne foregoing Ordinance be approved and adolf,ed. Seconded by Council- man l{atthieu. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I .' ,-- ORDINANCE NO. 1350 ! u AN ORDINA'lCE relating to regnlatltonoand licensing the business of distributing and exhibiting for use and' play 'of certain smusem,mt'machine (s) and devices, fixing'the license fees thereof and repealing brdinance No. 1255 and SI1lending Section three of Ordinance No. D26. I . , . ., , It 'was moved by CoUncilman MoFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be 'Pproved and a dopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandis on and carri ed. I ORDINANCE NO. 1351 AN ORDINANCE proving for the transfer of the sum of $5,000.00 from the Current EXpense Fund to the fire Department'Cumulative Reserve FWld for the purchase of hose and other equipnent'as provided for in the 1955 budget, and . I For the transfer of the sum of $5,000.00 from ::ltr,eet Depa.. rtment Ycintenance, Material and Supplies to the item of surfacing and paving Sixteenth Street........~__".. . , , ,.. 450 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 16th continued 19~ , _~. ...."...n,',..."~'"', '"""", ...... ~ It was moved' by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted as corrected. I Seconded by Councilman jololf e and unanimously carried. " No further business appearing the meeting was declared adjourned. i Ie I f Q. e, ::t.~ ~,j,..,,-+-- ~~ {I City Clerk Ma;yor ' , ' I f I - I I .. - I' - f I ' - ~ .. ,- I - I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I i I i :1" i '. , '- - I I I I - - I I I . 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