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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
JUNE 16,
The City COMncil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Roll call of Officers revealed the following present: II
Mayor Richardson, Councilmen Smith, Maxfield, Thome, Randall, Caldwell and Ha'iluewood, Manager ,Slanka~,
Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. I;
Mayor Richardson cited the pr~blem created due to certain reluctance on the part of the State Officials in II.
Olympia to make a Legal decision as requested by the City of Port Angeles. Basically the problem is that at I:
the Council meeting of June 6th there,was a conflict of opinion as to whether or not James Caldwell or Nathan
Richard son had been Legally elected Mayor of the City. The State Officials having refused to make a dedsio~
and referred back to the Council for action, Messrs. Richardson and Caldwell agreed that in best interest of I'
the City and the people who are served, both would resign any and all interest in the position of Mayor and I
both withdraw names as candidates for election to be held tonight and let the Council choose a third party, I
if th~y so desire. Mr. Richardson then resigned his position as Mayor an9 declined to accept any nominatio~
to that Office. Mr. Caldwell also followed with the same. It was moved by Councilman Randall that counci:~
accept both resignations from Office of Mayor. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Mr. Richardson,
declared the Office of Mayor vacaht and nominations to that posi1bn were in order. Councilman Caldwell
nominated James Maxfield which was se~onded by Councilman Randall. It was moved by Councilman
Haguewood that nominations be closed. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Council~an Maxfield
was therefore unanimously elected Mayor and accepted the Chair and Gavel. i
Councilman Randall cited minutes of Special Council Meeting of June 6th as not being i'n proper sequence.
Minutes are hereby corrected to show his statement concerning reorganization elections followed Mr.
Richardson's announcement that Office of Mayor i~ now vacant. which immediately followed roll call. It
was then moved by Cou~cllman Richardson that minutes of June 6th be corrected as set out and, placed on file
as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
, It was moved by Councilman Randa H that minutes of June 2nd be approved and placed on file. Seconded by I
Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, Council considered appointment of a Library Board member. The I
Manager read report showing Richard Timm appointed November 5/ 1959 to serve the unexpired term of
Wendell McCain, resigned, his term expiring March 17, 1960., The Mayor then reappoi'nted Richard Timm for
a five year term commencing March 18, 1960. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the reappointment
be confirmed. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried.
The Manager read a report on extension of a second arterial street to connect with Stat':! Highway 101. The
I report cited study previously made for extension of Third Street, also noted disadvantages,. Also cited was
i Front Street, being in direct line with the exiSting Highway 101 and appearing that this would better serve
'the needs of the City and Industries. It was suggested that the Council approve a route and request that the
i Highway Department include in the 1961-'63 Budget, funds to assist in financi~g the project. It was' moved
,by Councilman Smith that any action be po~tponed for further study. Seconded by Councilman Randall. D1s-l[
cussion was opened on the question. It was the opinion of Mr. Randall that there being two possibilities, I
Third Street and Front Street, it seems to postpone is the proper Motion. If third Street is used, an underpas~
or overpass would be necessary. Also third Street being through a residential area would not be of too much "I'
merit. Therefore, favored the motion to postpone. Councllman Richardson suggested that services of a very 1,
capable Planning Qommission be utilized, having acted on the Front Street proposition, their opinion should :
be requested regarding Third Street also. Councilman Smith was reluctant to withdraw his motion, suggestingj
another route, being the Boulevard and Race Street, thereby routing logging trucks eastbound from the business
district. Also, First Street could be extended in width from Alder Street to the City limits making four lane. I
After further discussion the question was requested, all voting "Aye" except Councilman Richardson who
voted opposed. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the proposition be referred to the Planning
,Commission and recommendat'lons submitted to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried I
The Council considered a change order for additional excavation on Water Reservoir No.4, extra cost in
amount of $878.00. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the order be approved. Seconded by counCil-II
man Richardson and carried.
The progress payment for Del Guzzi Construction Company having been certified and submitted by the Enginee1f
in amount of $60,400.88, for work done and material furnished on construction of water reservoir, it was i
moved by Councilman Richardson that payment be approved as certified. Seoonded by Councilman Smith and '
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the progress payment to Kaeser Construction Company for work
done and material on connecting lines between water reservoirs in amount of $i04, 787.00 as certified by the
Engineer, be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Richard son and carried.
One bid was receiiT.ed from Tyee Construction Company in amount of $7,548.32 for rehabilitation of the power
line in the alley between Front and First Streets. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the offer be
accepted and the City proceed with the construction. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried.
Under the head of new business, applications for beverage licenses and renewals were approved as follows: 11'
New Applications: Busy Bee Market, Bailey's Grocery. Renewals: Aggie's Broiler, West Side Grocery,
Sunrise Grocery, Wagon Wheel Tavern, Naval Lodge 353, Cherry Eight Grocery, M. & C. Tavern, Port Angele,f
Aerie 483, Duck Inn, Babe's Tavern, Rollf's RestaUrant, Marine Drive Cafe, Carlson's Grocery, Club Billiard,s,
Brickie's Place, Little Brick Tavern, Harbor Tevern, Walter Akeley Post No. 29, K. & K. Fine Foods, parkWaJl!
Grocery / McGlenn's Thriftway, Tradewell Modern Food Store No. 37. The Police Chief having no objections,
it was moved by Councilman Smith that all applications be approved as read. Seconded by Councilman
Haguewood and carried. i
The Manager read report concerning the contemplated installation of new mercury vapor street lights on
,portions of "C", cherry, Laurel and Oak Streets. The Council approved said installations.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
JUNE 16,
!I Melvin Bondelid, member of the Park Board, spok~ regarding the swimming pooloat Roosevelt Junior High II
IlsChOOI, citing the pool as thirty-six years old, inadequate and in need of repairs. He then asked permission
I to act as Chairman and try to organize a swimming pOol committee and see what can be done toward financing,
a new adequate pool. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that request be granted to act as Chairman of a
pool program. Seconded by Councilmat:l Richardson and carried.
I The following reports received Council approval: Budget reports of receipts and disbursements, Fire and
Police Departments, Treasurer's Financial, Water, Light and Power work reports, and Water, Light and Power
Operating reports. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that reports be accepted and placed on file.
Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. ,
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the following claims be approved as read: General Funds,
$6,086.26. Pipeline Fund, $301.72. Water Fund, $3,889.94. Light Fund $83,765.35. Motion seconded
by Councilman Haguewood and carried.
Councilman Randall informed friends on West 16th Street that their water problems will be over shortly as a
booster pump will be installed large enough to increase water pressure ,in adequate volume until the new
system is in operation. Mr. Randall also stated it has been brought to his attention that logging trucks of '
thirty-five ton loads are using the "I" Street Hill. It was his :Opinion that if the street would stand the loadS!
the trucks create too much safety hazard and moved that the Police Department be authorized to investigate ~
and make report at the next meeting on advi s.ablllty of putting load limit on this hill. Seconded by Councilmah
!, Thorne and carried. II
il Joe Mobray appeared with complaint of damage to his property caused by heavy equipment being used on the
water proJect; Mayor Maxfield stated that the City has a contract for the project and assured that the
Contractor will not be paid until all claims have been satisfied. The Attorney advised that Mr. Mobray has
authority,to erect a barricade to protect his property. Emery Hill, Engineer's Representative, informed that
, the Contractor is buillling a thirty foot right-of-way and there will be no damage to pl\ivate property.
Don Hammerquist inquired about license required for operation of a news stand. There being no license re-
I qulrements, the Police Department will decide whether or not the stand is a street obstruction.
1,'1 Milton Johnson appeared for Gordon Hagan, Commander of American Legion, asking permission to set off
fireworks on a location approved by the Fire and Police Departments and the Coast Guard. It was moved by
I Councilman Randall that the request be granted with specific recommendations from the Fire and Police
'Departments. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried,
Richard Hubbard, Chairman of Independence Day Celebration Committee, inquired if $200.00 provided in the
Park Budget for Special Recreation Expense can be used to purchase fireworks for the celebration. The Counc I
advised that it is up to an efficient Park Board to determine how funds in the Park Budget should be spent.
'I Mr. Hubbard suggested that some of the $350.00 provided for advertising might be used. Councilman
; Randall ;eminded that this was to be used to sponsor a Babe Ruth ball team and a few more dollars may be
ii needed. The Council stated no objections to the $200.00 in the Park Fund and referred the request to the
Park Board to spend as they see fit.
Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read:
A RESOLUTION transferring items within the 1960 Budget.
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Resolution be passed. Seconded by Councilman
Thome and carried.
No other business appearing, the meeting was declared adJourned.
il J' r;. Lcuv-
I! SOTI~i~~; E:~~~~~~. ~;~~~x :J CITY CLERK
S"f\.ll'd bldfl will ,Ill: fC!{'<:,l\"e(l at tllE' I
office of tlte Clt~' i\lall:tgc.t", 110
~~:;~~~ i nI~f~~~ u~~ir~'; [tOi '~:~IO:k n 1;'.~:~: I
AU"'Ll~t 2, 19(,0, and Iwt latCI', amI
. will be O]H'IlCd publlcly by the City
. Council In rl'gular session lil, be
~ 11eld on Al1g11St 4, 1%0, in t~e Cutm-
~ ('11 rhamllpT'E;,frl [" 111l~\ folll)wjn~
Quantities of work ""d Illat.erial,,:
161Jl1 Tuns Bitllml1lo1l8 Plant :MIx.
:i T{'Il~ T!l.('k Coltl
The ta<:'K coat "hall he hea tC'll
C'lltlmck asphalt ::!lld the ,lsplw1t1c
1l]<InL \nix Sf, to 101) !)enett:ltion, T11I'
hidilCl' f'hQII furni!1n a plant full;).'
nncnttNl for mixing plant mix, and
t.lbtrihut'('l" tOI' f1prell,ling tnck coat
Till' bidder f5hall fUl'I:lsh pOWCJ' 0.11(1,
lHblJl' -f<1r rC'pairinK by la;>'ing ll. two~
(~) inch Clllrtpr€:l:>e<l Olilt, iiO feet I
"'We r'llw!\\-aV on Front Street from
Lincoln f'treet to Oak Street: -tt1
fe(>L wil:1e roarlwli}' 1m Laurel Stret't
from l'il'st StrreL tn Railroad A\'~-
nuc: and s::uch lithe!" repairs a.s dJ-
r(''i~~ ~h)' t~i l~~:r l~l~~~~~I'~ilI fur~ t
llilC'h nil n,ltgregato, and l1e1h-('I' 10
mixing fllant l1unke.r, ~id hall I 111:'.-'
ling 1 imitt"d to lCl.OOI1 feet fl'om ill!' I
I Cit)' Crayel (lIt at Mon;() Cl'eek_ Thf'
I City will halll the pln.nt mIx from
~ tht' 111ant to the paving Blte.
'l'11C City reElerYCEI the right to
a~L:I'I.t or rdect any- or all bill>! or
n.nJ' j1oJ-li(Hl t11ereof. A five (5'7~)
I. !lErcent hid. bond (II' rlel)Q.sit check
~hall accompany each bid, The work
'to be I'omplctcd on -or beFore Au-
gw~t 211, 1~(j(), and the bid pr()p()~al
,m~ifl~~~Il<~~-:ion to accept or re-
.1l'N. all hld~ flha.ll he l'Uaoe by th(' I
~ i~~;"'e,coullcll l)ll tho d;~te ,~tfl-tcd I
I 'M. W. SLA:t'KARD. I
l'U))liSlle!.:(};;;:/~~r~~~~~d 2~t, !9~O-J