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Port Angeles, Washington
June 16, 2003
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Erickson,
Headrick, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilman Campbell.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski,
G. Kenworthy, D. Ireland, and K. Dubuc.
Public Present: P. Lamoureux and S. Nelson.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Headrick.
WORK SESSION: Watershed Plan: Director Collins informed the Council that many of the suggestions
previously submitted by the City have been incorporated into the Watershed Plan; a
Watershed Plan June 20 session will be held with the planning group to further review the plan.
Director Collins reviewed the proposed changes and vetoes in the draft plan, noting that
the Elwha Tribe has requested that the City's service area not extend beyond Morse
Creek so, if the UGA were to be extended, the PUD would likely serve some of the
areas in the UGA. Based on further input, there will be a final chance to recommend
additional changes, and Director Collins indicated the month of July would be used to
review the language in the plan. On July 25th, there will be an opportunity to identify
any language that is not appropriate for inclusion. He noted that all of the 3.3 sections
are still under review, and he proceeded to review the details in the plan relative to in-
stream flows, fish habitat and restoration, limiting factors, and other issues.
Councilman Headrick referenced Section 3.8.3.B. - Habitat, No. 7, expressing interest
in changing the language as follows: "Acquire Small Parcels - Support acquisition by
the City of the many small, low-valued parcels, predominately on the valley slopes, to
ensure watershed protection and creek restoration in the valley and for inclusion in the
City park. Regarding the establishment of a non-motorized trail south to the National
Park, Councilman Williams suggested that language be added that would allow a loop
of the trail from Peabody Creek south to the Park, over to Valley Creek, and then north.
Lengthy discussion ensued, with Director Collins answering questions and providing
further clarification on various aspects of the plan. He reiterated to the Council that,
if the City's suggestions were incorpbrated into the plan, there would be no need to
veto those specific sections. Director Collins indicated there is still concern that some
of the management issues have not been addressed as yet, and the geographical area
still needs to be resolved. The City is concerned about unfunded mandates, as well as
June 16, 2003
WORK SESSION: who will be identified to do the work of the Watershed Council. Director Collins noted
(Cont' d) that the City is a minority voice in this planning effort, as most participants are oriented
toward natural resources.
Watershed Plan (Cont'd) Discussion ensued, with Councilman Headrick pointing out that, if the Elwha River is
the main source of water for human consumption, it would appear that Morse Creek is
being set aside for fish restoration. Director Collins agreed with that conclusion, and
Councilman Headrick noted the danger of that notion in view of low flows in the Elwha
during the summer months.
Director Collins advised the Council that a 2 - 3 hour meeting will need to be held
during the month of July for the purpose of reviewing the plan in its entirety, or a
smaller group of the Council could be appointed to conduct this review. The Council
opted to wait and decide at a later date, pending a further report from Director Collins
on July 1.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quinn asked that a proposed letter to the Economic Development Council be
PLACED ON THIS OR added as Agenda Item 1.2.
Councilman Williams asked for discussion concerning an animal control issue; it was
added as Agenda Item 1.3. He then asked to address a question regarding flags, which
was added as Agenda Item 1.4.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, offered commentaries concerning the watershed
planning issue, noting his realization of the seriousness of the issue. He urged the
Council to give the matter serious consideration in view of the potential for future
growth and the associated need for water. Mr. Lamoureux revisited the matter of
fluoridation, suggesting that marketing money be used to advise Port Angeles visitors
of the fluoridated water. He also expressed concern that the residents will be
responsible for the payment of maintenance of the fluoride system.
RESOLUTIONS: Resolution Authorizing Application to the Federal Bureau of Land Management for
Change of Use of Lincoln Park Property: Parks & Recreation Director Connelly
Application to Federal displayed a map on the overhead projector of the subject property that is being
Bureau of Land Manage- proposed for a change in use from recreational to aviation. The property was granted
ment for Change of Use of to the City in 1904 as part of Lincoln Park and, for many years, it was used for varying
Lincoln Park Property park purposes. However, because of FAA concerns regarding safety, the 17.5 acre area
Resolution No. 4-03 was closed to public access, and it is now being proposed that the City seek approval
from the Bureau of Land Management to change the stipulated use of the property.
Upon BLM approval, the City could surplus the property to the Port of Port Angeles,
who would pay the City the appraised value of the acreage.
Discussion followed, with Director Connelly clarifying the location of the property in
question, and Councilman Headrick inquiring as to where parking would be
reconfigured for the County Fair. Director Coimelly indicated the County is presently
looking at other parking alternatives. Discussion was also held concerning the
appraisals conducted on the property, and Director Connelly indicated that the Federal
Aviation Administration's limited use of the property has had a direct bearing on the
Jeff Robb, Airport Manager, advised the Council that a long-standing avigation
easement encumbered the land previously, but he agreed that the FAA determined how
the land could or could not be used. He assured the Council that he wants the City to
remain whole in this transaction.
Mayor Wiggins read the Resolution by title, entitled
June 16, 2003
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
Application to Federal authorizing the filing of a request to the Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Land Manage- for a Change of Use and Title Transfer of approximately 17.5 acres of
ment for Change of Use of Lincoln Park property west of"L" Street between Lauridsen Boulevard
Lincoln Park Property and 18th Street so that it may be acquired by the Port of Port Angeles to
Resolution No. 4-03 meet federal aviation standards for runway safety areas.
Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Headrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:17 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING S - 1. Public Hearing and Resolutions Adopting 2004-2009 Capital Facilities Plan
OTHER: (CFP) / Tramportation Improvement Program (TIP) and A [location of 2003
-2004 General Funds:
Resolutions Adopting
2004-2009 Capital Aided by PowerPoint slides, Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler reviewed
Facilities Plan / adjustments made to the Capital Facilities Plan based on City Council input from the
Transportation last meeting. In order to provide $25,000 for trees on the east end, he summarized
Improvement Program and various areas in which reductions could be made to accommodate that project. In
Allocation of 2003 -2004 reviewing various departmental projects included in the plan, he noted the State would
General Funds be paying for signal upgrades at First & Peabody Streets. Councilmember Rogers
Resolution No. 5-03 inquired as to why the Deer Park Gateway sign was still included on the list, and
Resolution No. 6-03 Director Cutler responded that it was intended to serve as a placeholder should the
Council wish to fund the project at a future date. Com~cilman Williams acknowledged
it may be advisable to leave the sign on the list in the event the Urban Growth Area is
Mayor Wiggins opened the public hearing at 7:28 p.m.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, inquired as to the proposed White's Creek Crossing that
was discussed at the previous Council meeting, wanting an explanation as to why that
particular location was chosen for a crossover between Race and Golf Course Road.
Councilman Braun explained that White' s Creek, many years ago, had a wooden bridge
at 2nd Street that was ultimately removed because the wood was rotten. Deputy
Director of Engineering Services Kenworthy explained to Mr. Lamoureux that, in
approximately 1996 as part of the TIP, this particular area was chosen as a preferred
alternate route that was intended to mn parallel to the Bonneville power lines.
There being no further public testimony, Mayor Wiggins closed the public hearing at
7:35 p.m.
Councilman Braun referenced the addition of a Recreational Facility Assessment in the
amount of $30,000, noting the importance and timeliness of determining whether the
pool should be part of the proposed sports facility at the Lincoln Park site or whether
renovation should occur at its present location. He indicated the sports facility complex
is at a stage where a conceptual site plan should be developed, as well as estimates of
constnlction costs, and ongoing operation and maintenance. He continued that a
marketing and feasibility analysis should be conducted, and a business plan should be
written. Manager Quinn summarized options for funding this assessment, the first of
which was to provide $10,000 each from the Carnegie Library project, the Fire Station
roof repairs, 8th Street Bridge construction, and communityproject matching funds. A
second option could be to take the entire $30,000 from the matching funds for
conzmunity projects. After further deliberation and due to the fact that a decision
regarding the pool should be made in the next two months, Councilman Braun moved
to accept the proposal of $30,000 for a Recreational Facility Assessment to be
implemented in the next two months, with the funding being derived from
June 16, 2003
PUBLIC HEARINGS - matching funds for community projects. Councilman Headrick seconded the
OTHER: motion. Director Cutler suggested that the matching funds be set at $30,000 for 2003
(Cont'd) and $40,000 for 2004 in the Governmental Fund Project Allocation. A vote was taken
on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Resolutions Adopting
2004-2009 Capital Mayor Wiggins inquired as to whether the Council wished to take action this evening
Facilities Plan/ on the Capital Facilities Plan, to which the Councilmembers responded in the
Transportation affirmative. Therefore, Mayor Wiggins read the first Resolution by title, entitled
Improvement Program and
Allocation of 2003-2004 RESOLUTION NO. 5-03
General Funds
Resolution No. 5-03 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
Resolution No. 6-03 adopting the Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan/Transportation Improvement
(Cont'd) Program (TIP) for 2004-2009.
Councilman Headrick moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Wiggins then read the second Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
designating a portion of the General Fund balance for certain capital
Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. Councilmember
Rogers noted that the Lincoln Street paving project has drawn criticism from the public
as to why the City is paving Lincoln Street and not Peabody. Because the public is
unclear on the fact that the Lincoln Street paving is a State project, Director Cutler
offered to write a letter to the Peninsula Daily News to clarify the matter.
2003 Comprehensive Plan 2. Proposed 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendments (Continued from June 2,
Amendments 2003):
Community Development Director Collins reported that the Community & Economic
Development Committee met to consider the 2003 Comprehensive Plan amendments,
resulting in the supplemental memorandum that was distributed to the Council for this
meeting. It was agreed to withdraw the alternative ordinance regarding an extension
of the western UGA. Director Collins reviewed in detail the notes incorporated into
the draft ordinance by the CED members having to do with the eastern UGA and the
Deer Park Road right-of-way. Concern had been expressed with the proposed
extension of the Commercial Arterial zone a half block to include the whole blocks
north of Front Street from Francis east to the White's Creek ravine and south of First
Street from Eunice east to Chambers. He noted that the members expressed interest in
reviewing some of these issues with the Planning Commission on Wednesday, June 25,
2003, at 5:30 p.m. At the conclusion of that meeting, the Council would then be asked
to take action on the Comprehensive Plan amendments.
Mayor Wiggins opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. There being no public
testimony, the public hearing was closed at 7:55 p.m. Councilman Williams inquired
as to whether the public hearing should be closed absent public input regarding an
extension of the Community Shopping District to include the entire block south of 8th
Street from Lincoln to Laurel. Councilmember Rogers noted that this particular issue
was not discussed by the CED, and Director Collins acknowledged that the proposed
language had been asked for by a Planning Commissioner subsequent to the CED
meeting. Attorney Knutson responded that the Council could keep the public hearing
open and direct staff to advertise a public notice informing the public of this possible
June 16, 2003
2003 Comprehensive Plan change. Director Collins clarified for Councilman Williams the fact that the
Amendments (Cont'd) Comprehensive Plan amendments need to be adopted by June 30, and Councilmember
Rogers expressed concern that the proposed change in the Community Shopping
District is very significant. Director Collins felt the issue did not require action during
this particular review but could be delayed to next year's cycle. Councilman Williams
moved to eliminate from the draft ordinance distributed this evening the language
on Page 74 referencing an extension of the Community Shopping District on 8th
Street from Lincoln to Laurel. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion.
Clarification was provided that the proposed language on Page 73 of that same draft
ordinance is acceptable for further consideration. Brief discussion followed concerning
the County's potential for changing its zoning map. A vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously. Brief discussion ensued, and Councilmember Rogers
moved to jointly meet with the Planning Commission on June 25, 2003, at 5:30
p.m., for the purpose of discussing the Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Braun
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
FINANCE: 1. Amendment to Skillings-Connolly Agreement:
Amendment to Skillings- Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler reviewed the proposed amendment to the
Connolly Agreement agreement with Skillings-Connolly, who was engaged for engineering design services
for various ~vater and wastewater projects. Director Cutler sunm~arized the additional
tasks to be included in the amendment, as well as the budget source, noting the
amended agreement had been discussed and endorsed by the Utility Advisory
Committee. Following further brief discussion, Councilmember Erickson moved to
authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 2 in the amount of $70,385.39 to
Skillings-Connolly, Inc., for a total contract amount not to exceed $256,937.41.
The motion, which was seconded by Councilman Williams, carried unanimously.
Contract for Leachate 2. Award Contract for Leachate Pump Station #2, Project 03-02:
Pump Station #2
Director Cutler summarized the recommended contract award for repairs to Leachate
Pump Station #2 at the Port Angeles Landfill. Two existing pumps will be replaced in
the leachate station that will remain in operation after the closure of the Landfill. Brief
discussion ensued after which Councilman Williams moved to award and authorize
the Mayor to sign a contract with B & H Mechanical, LLC, of Port Ludlow, in the
amount of $31,354.00, for the Upgrade of Leachate Pump Station #2, Project 03-
02. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried unanimously.
Purchase of Surplus 3. Purchase of Surplus Man/iff Truck:
Manlift Truck
Director Cutler reviewed information relative to the proposed purchase of a used aerial
manlift bucket truck from the City of Blaine. The truck was scheduled for replacement
in 2004 at a replacement cost of $250,000; the purchase price for this used equipment
is $120,000, resulting in a significant savings to the City. The Utility Advisory
Committee had concurred that Director Cutler should place a temporary hold on the
equipment pending City Council approval.
Light Operations Manager Ireland provided further information to the Council
regarding the equipment meeting the City's needs and requirements. Brief discussion
ensued, after which Councilmember Erickson moved to authorize the Director of
Public Works & Utilities to purchase the 2000 Chevrolet C-8500 aerial manlift
bucket truck with Graden winch from the City of Blaine in the amount of
$120,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried
June 16, 2003
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City
Council Minutes - June 2, 2003; 2.) Expenditure Report - June 6, 2003 - $786,728.74;
3.) Electronic Payments - June 6, 2003 - $1,149,271.73; and 4.) Household Hazardous
Waste Collection Event Agreement. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion,
and Director Cutler responded to an inquiry concerning the Household Hazardous
Waste Collection Event, which is scheduled for September 26 - 27 at Walmart. A vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Braun reported on his attendance at the Real Estate Committee meeting,
COMMITTEE as well as the meeting of the Public Safety Committee, along with Mayor Wiggins and
REPORTS & Councilman Headrick, at which time discussion was held on third party payers and the
CALENDAR: proposed sales tax. He participated in the welcome of Governor Locke at the airport
and attended the Clallam Transit Board meeting.
Councilman Williams also attended the Real Estate Committee meeting, as well as the
County's public hearing on stormwater, noting that Director Collins testified at the
hearing. Councilman Williams also participated in Governor Locke's visit and ted the
ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Jack in the Box.
Councilmember Rogers summarized roundtable discussions held with Governor Locke,
noting that the Governor had selected Clallam, Kitsap, and Jefferson Counties for an
award of $55,000 to be used toward economic development in the marine industry.
She also attended the National Governor's Association meeting, at which time the local
cluster development effort was highlighted. Councilmember Rogers emphasized that
many states are watching with keen interest the success of the cluster development.
OTHER 1. DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant ,4cceptance:
Director Cutler presented inforn~ation relative to the DOE Coordinated Prevention
DOE Coordinated Grant in the amount of $40,000, which is utilized for solid waste planning. He
Prevention Grant indicated the County previously sponsored this grant, but the City opted to proceed
with its own application incorporating a City match of $10,000. Councilman Braun
moved to authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities to sign the agreement
for Grant No. G00300206. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Economic Development 2. Letter to Economic Development Council:
Council Letter
Manager Quinn referenced a letter to the Economic Development Council that is being
proposed in conjunction with the EDC's strategy and direction for cluster development
and economic development. An opportunity has arisen whereby the Northwest Area
Foundation (NWAF) has expressed interest in providing funding for ClallamNetworks,
the skills center and business incubator currently under construction. The NWAF has
indicated there is $2.5 million that could be sought if there is local support to leverage
the grant funds. The funds ~vould be paid out over the next few years and, in order to
bring this grant proposal to fruition, it has been suggested that the City pledge $150,000
from the Port Angeles Works! Fund for this purpose. Councilmember Rogers offered
additional information on the matter, noting there is an impending deadline that must
be brought into consideration. She was confident that the City would reap many
rewards from this investment. Discussion followed, after which Councilman
Headrick moved to support the application for the grant money from the
Northwest Area Foundation by pledging $150,000 from the Port Angeles Works!
Fund and expect the rest of the public or the private sector to step up with the
additional matching funds. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun,
June 16, 2003
which carried unanimously. It was agreed that this motion would accompany the
letter of support to the EDC.
Animal Control 3. ,~nimal Control:
Councilman Williams reported that an upset citizen had contacted him about a lost cat
that may have been killed. Noting the difficulty of tracking these situations in light of
not having a full-time animal control officer, Councilman Williams inquired about
micro-chips and scanners that might be utilized in order to better track the animals in
the City. Police Chief Riepe indicated the City's dog and cat license tags should help
ti'ack the animals when lost. Councilman Williams suggested that the City may wish
to obtain a scanner because so many animals have micro-chips, and ChiefRiepe agreed
to contact one of the manufacturers to determine if the scanners are being made
available to city government.
Flags 4. Flags:
Councilman Williams inquired as to State law stipulating that the POW/MIA flag must
be flown on all public buildings. Manager Quinn indicated that such a flag is presently
being flown at Veteran's Park but, after discussing the statute with Attorney Knutson,
it was agreed that a POW/MIA flag will be obtained for City Hall.
INFORMATION: Manager Quinn directed attention to the memorandum on compactor repairs, as well
as the AWC Special Award being presented to the City for Creating Community
Partnerships. Councilman Braun noted the Fire Department Reportand the fact that
Sparky Week is in its 68th year. Manager Quinn referenced the success of the Olympic
Discovery Marathon that was held this past weekend. The event was organized by
Larry Little, and it was agreed that he would be invited to the next Council meeting so
that his efforts can be honored.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Glenn Wiggins, Mayor B~-~y J.~J~5o~Ci~y~rk - ~r- -