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Minutes 06/17/1896
Record of the Proceedings of the City Council of Port Angeles. Washiogton. J!tlJ','?Cd J<-~,:/".~f",'/d" :::::: 1ss6 '.J~-.f-~_ 311 ,-,-~.._r"",~~'" _~=---",,"~,.~'_'_" _'",,,-~""""~.''''--'''~_. ,............. .....-__._ ",~''''_' ...... -il..~_...... - , . ,&~, b:~- thtr~j;:.-d'?(;'d' /~//~, , ! l;?f,,,:," ,/ ,/-'.C.k/// tf~#n"/,:,,,,/p/'2,;,/: :l/,~" ,d/<, :-,,,,::/ ~ (},/'- -: .4:'/1< ~'.,t/:'~ /'/d'i'.,y?/ ,."?? r: ~ ,/O/?<,,/A;z? l!1f.d//, ',??/",/ ! ,/': p , 1 ,1-", ,,/' /7 ,/ '" /",' '\"'/";.(/ ," ,'.~' '/Y""'. ',,7 .',:/4;'>'/ c.'-C/ '/ /' ""/.', '71.-t'ffA'/ 'z:CJ ,f'iP'/ ,<' ~.I" 6/"'"",- . v "'t:.-., , /;~_ / . ._-O/~. .~:;: .:v/r~'j;T;/""" ... -- --- _~.-o.:--/' J - . - ~ .-- V 9' -... ../ , . //:" .' '.' " ~ . ,/ /' .,:; /7/ ,'/t.?t:-?-n< //;,:.:;:::. et.rcc';;'..'?d-c.C/ ??~0~""';"C",,., ,:&C-'7"./ ~ /;-,/,'~:0/. "'" ,Y'",://~~&<#,/:;- /<.1'~~7' ,.I,.f';/-";/L>2.4/j[{' //~u :::./~ /5-'2::: ?f:;'?:-~/:Y' //Y/./ / -de ;b.;7;;:'?/, f ~ .' ,j Y / --- /" \ I { , Ii :1 f-? / A/ ! :~ (Y'/-:C??i"?;c?- >/1 ?,y' i ',,/~ .~ j: /,~u/ cS:d>/f.. I tfJ tfJ&~ l-ifar UV~ ,.;7 Ii il " i ' Ii --1Z: .-/- -'/ '/. /.''- ./ / ' , . {/(.7'Z'?/ t2#/;/ ~/ h/;7-;J&..i'/,;l-;?2;":'--? ./2//;7/ /2.c:~fP"..vc-/?;(. '.d,~.:/dZv~/--?<; . 'II , //.-/.-/ /? . t/ / ,It' '" '" /. ?:7 /- ~ - : . " c ~/2/4(,.//.:-; {';:'/2/!CTZ/b.~?:/7/?7// ~Z-C--c.4>,:j7! f:2/LL{~.p;:?;Z:i/, I, t2tvVJ y/ ~/7<n/-z.r;:'z.::z::;/ -77}'Z;::lN#. ?!'lz.d:/jJ':Zi/M il {i7~,t.h: &-~/. :/;/Z-aJ.z,;:,J'Z,d,td'/ t::?-7--za:; 'i';?z?z<"//!;~ ~c;;:;;;;;;~;;,;?//~- ii c7 v P , 11& // - - .--- ii::~'P2>8t',',?.vn d'7Z/ ..ed,:dR.;;:;:; .-?i/7/..e! ',c::.e?e:zL:.d-' 9/'2 f-;Y.P7/ fr a->>-z-.::- I ;/ ;>' ;:' : /-/ ,: .- .. z.;' ?cC::;/ P'" j;:;~.. .t:c:.d-7'. ///zc.?u:nq. vPb?.L';;-zba-d a:-;7.?d~ ! ~ / / /. ' // v " /;;Z~/J...z/r//!-'d---; ( , '-#--- -- - - - -- --- ~ I ,_ I 'I 1:: ,// ,,-/ i Ii 'j-:~~:C:/ - S?C;?7'Z-;?72>~C::/U.Pc:C..~z,~-;u/':?pee/ .. " 7 ~ c;..) /4//<'.4/-1' L, ;,',: ?--/.;:/ //'I:./U/~?-r:::7_.-((/.-a.d-- /7U'0 ?-:-/",E.-/? ?;?; z-..w;/)c;{C:2-/ /?r:,yc.eC-/t3 . /.1'%2:2-/ Ii .../'"", /? . /. . f /..' :[..,(P;?2',u:;'.z:ZC .t:~ /7;Z'2.d~/ '?z/A!..c;;:;?P7/i !I t!/ ------- --------- ~ -- --- ,- ---------. i .------.-.--.-.--. k~;?V7;?Cf!CJ':/'l /A~/?,,:,i.:f;-C,;<72 ,/ ~.h;t:/.;? J~:i";/" /:v/ r:CC:: ....z/'k.7? ... k;~. ii, 19?b7Z;~ z/~/24~4;?- Z/ /!..?,,:-j''''Z'2.,.;:-/' Z;;;/d:.?-,~<<.f?;oz?d': li:l ,f :/1./ . . /./ /' /" /f ..-:: /.. ZZ,#7;V/ .:;:' tf..0'c/Zv2 ?c;/-;Z&/:?/?[., #.c# C7C?, ,/}.-,2. '. '~':?~rr r /1Z-?'C'://~ )?kz/- ;ff!;;;~~(/ ('~;:;:::C: /rC;/ c:f;?C"2,:c//',z/;/Z/Z("';:/ ?~",A;'z-'/c:.,'~b /;? /.,.::/.c/i ,;r/.C;i::'z.:r/ 4J.:Z ?;"?:?zrd:>~, . ! I.J7 ,t, ';:r' - '--'? .' i'i' /ib {$.F;;:-~";-/7;/':;Z:VCu::<,ZP2Z/ A:.':::&/tYJ?/!./ d//J;.'P'u-:-v/?tYG.C.;4fL ,I r __~___m -- - ----- -- ,-.- __~_~___n ~-- !II /;'<{L/~./.dbK ~z/7'<'!;-;:";] ~Z/;?? -Zd' ,-,-;;:,$'7/. .zv/;'~;-;/?'<."!'?;::?>2P. 1)1. J I /I l?/,ey ,'(d'N7:<!(-!-'lc l!tl.f! /7)'// /' -:<2J?z&~~~~~~ 01; J~,?FIr !;/'r..p';r/tY-/7z//.F7/4Z,P7-Ct-J ..d--f.-;, &NO e3 S' b::i~w:?/Zdfi...n-,.;;r /!.-f/&-u:>/f7./-p,f/-,;{. d ~/'.rc.r:;,<n:'J?cf.r.'/ C~a.&/.4/ c.'3f'~.b~ ~d'~Z/ &~~.-2#,,?a/ ft.????; f"&- ,/ .-_ ->Ie !!~hr... &~~7-Yi'7if~~~44'f!/~-, , /" ,- / ;/" /./ ff/.'" ('V';'I~/. ,', ,'Le./ ",J//. /f 1'(; i ;::?--;7;".?,';' .~?&#~ .- c./ , I' i ,I 77/cFf. I' ,;26ot? " :d-Q'oo I ~.n?