HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/17/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ...... 397 June 17, 1936 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the fallowing officers present: Mayor uavis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under tile head of Applications far Building Permits and Licenses tm ::'ollowing were gran ted : J. L. Coffey, Remodel Building, ';1. 30' of Lot 14, Blk. 16, N.R. Smith Subd. Inez V. McLaughlin, Build Chieken.House, Lot 8, Blk. 225, Tovmsite Co-operative Laundry & Cleaning Ca., Cleaning ani pressing D. G. McLennan, hi &: C Grill (Restaurant) ~2,OOO.00 50.00 5joO 15.00 Under the head of reading and passaEc of Ordinances the following Ordinance was read by title and placed on its third reading: AN ORDIN.lliCE vacating certain portions of an alley in the City of Port Angeles, desoribe as follows, to-wit: That portion of the alley between 17th and 18th Streets, "B" and "C" Streets whioh abuts the following described lots, to-wit: Lots One (l) to Ten (10), inclusive, and Lots ileven (11) to Twenty (20), inclusive, Block Four Hundred Forty-nine (449), Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on its final reading and adapted. deoonded by Mayor Uavis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion earried. The Commission examined and allbwed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT E7.PEl'ISE FUND Remington R~nd Inc. Lynch 1 s :SE;rvic e Shell Oil va. Hooker Storage Garage Paris Motor Co. 'ilashiLgton Pulp &: Paper Corp. V. A. Samuelson & Ca. V. A. Samuelson & Ga. Shell Oil Co. King .-rt & Photo .:ihop Lynch's "ervice Maintenance Fee Repairs Gasoline Oil Repairs Lime, etc. Repairs Repai rs Gasolin e Prints Lieht Globe ,Z )....1 - 10.00 4.66 25.30 .35 3..,;5 50.63 19.09 8.90 91.45 11. 00 .35 WATER FUND Purma id Dairv Getchell & Ga,mon Hooker Electr;chemical Go. Grinnell Company Seattle Plumbing & Supply ~o. LIGHT }'UNJ) Rent of store bldr(. Lubricate Truck - Chlorine Fi ttings Ma tel' ial qy J'l'f 40.00 .75 14.32 71.42 19.4,5 LynCh's Service Angeles Co-operative Creamery C. H. Peaeh Burroughs Adding Machine Go. Tir e .'epair Drinking Cups Lubricate TrUCk Service Agreement .1 II, - .75 3.01 4.50 7.75 LIGHT INVES~'MSNT FWiD City Treasurer ~arrants Purchased 3118.30 L. I. D. GUARANTY FUND City Treasure!' Taxes 695.87 There being nil further business the C6mmiso:ion then ad,journed. y~ 1/ ?m!d-<~~ , , Citl' Clerk ThTayor ...IIIl