HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/17/1954 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ 397 ., ! Jlme 17 ,"0. . ."~". "on" """.m ,"'.".. ..... .... The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the fallowing present: Mpyor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Acting Attorney Tyler Moffett and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes .of the previous meeting be appraved. Seconded by Council- man Wolle. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of unfinished business, bids for the official city publications during the year beginning J~ 1st were opened as follows: The Olympic Tribune: 3~ per line for each publication, except for ta~ ulated matter -.hich is, 6~ per line far first publication e~. Peninsula Herald: 5~ p~r line six point single column measure. Tabulated matter at 5~ per line, single column measure fer each insertian unless published o~ one time, in which Case the rate is 10~ per line, single calumn measure. Port Angeles Evening News: First publicatian, 12t per line, except tabul!'ted matter which is 16~ per line. Repeat Rublications, all matter, 9~ per line. After cemments by John Schweitzer of the Evening News and Mr. and JIlrs. Poolton of the PeninsUla Herald discussion en the bids taok place. Some members collllllented that the Olympic Tribune had little circulatien. Councilman Neer said that based on circulation the Evening News was low bidder. Others contended Peninsula Herald publications were still published as news in th~ daii,y papsr. It was'moved by Councilman Wolfe that the bid by Peninsula Herald be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Brown. On roll call, five menbers voted opposed. l-lotien did not carry. It was then moved Iv Councilman Neer that the bid by Pert Aru!eleS Eveni"" News be accepted. Motion secanded llY CoiInci.lman II'l()Fadden. On roll call, l,;ouncilmen Neer, Brown~l1cFadden and Pewell voted Aye. M1:vor Sinith and Council- man l..alle veted opposed. Councilman Sandisen refrained from veting. The Mayor declared motion carried. " I Ob(l.~ bid fo:[ jobdPrinting \i9-S r_<lceived from the Peninsula Herald. As call for bids was not ad-"ertised, the I J.a was rel"erre to the (;J.ty Manager. The Ceuncil cansidered approval .of re-plat comprisi~ area of Reid Priest improvement district. Manager . Vergeer advised that accbrding to the City Attorney s opinien, although the Planning Commissian has re- commended approval, the Cauncil cannat take formal actian as the re-plat i", not a legal instrument and a mutual agreement cannot be entered inte without first helding public hearing am appreval of abutting preperty owners. According to recemmendatien by the City ~lanager, it was moved by Cauncilman McFadden that the matter be tabled. Motian. seconded by Councilman Holfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mr. Vergeer then read minutes of the Planning Commissian meeting confinning approval 0/ that Cemmission of the re-plat. A previaus request by Guy Bellinger for Council approval of a plat in district he is develeping known as Grandview Heights was considered. Manager Vergeer reminded that the Planning Commission has recemmended dis- appraval of the request due to elimination .of alleys. It was the opinion .of Mr. Vergeer that the district I should be arranged to canfarm witll adjacent property with alleys included. It was moved by Councilman Welfe that request fer plat approval as designed be denied. Secanded by Cauncilman POl"lell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Manager Vergeer read correspondence from the State Highway Department informing that funds for paving .of 8th and C Streets are not available at this time, assuring that the project will remain en the calendar and .when definite action is taken, the City will be properly informed. Mi. Vergeer alse read a letter frcm Clallam Ceunty P.U.D. Ne. 1, acknowledging receiji of preposal from the City concerning tenninatian .of power contract and informing that the matter will be discussed in the near future. . Requests for minimum prices fixed for sale .of lctt.s were censidered as folloWs: Lot 1, Blk. 440, 16th and D. It "as moved by Councilman Neer that the minimum charge be $100.00; Seconded by Councilman Brawn. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Lots 11, 12, 13, 1.4, 15, Blk. 4361. 16th and K. It was moved by Ceuncilman ~,olfe that minimum be 'set at $75.00 per lot. Secended by Counci.1Jilan McFadden am. carried. . Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, Blk. 448. No investigation having been made, it was. moved by Counc:l.lman Brown that the request be tabled until such time as preper appraisal is campleted.' Seconded by Councilman Neer. All veted Aye. Motion carried. I jWilliarn Maye having reconsidered his request, na minimum was fixed fer lots 17 ani 113, blk. 96. Purchase .of lots 3, 18, and 19, in Blk. 34, Townsite by the City was considered. Manager Vergeer, the City Attorney and Council members examining the 'preperty recemmended purchase of the lets far protectien against loss of improvement assessments still charged against the same, costs to be paid from the Local Improvement Revolving FWld. It was moved by Ceuncilman Brown that the recommendatian be appraved and property purchased~ Secended by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. Manager Vergeer filed repart en pregress of sewer district in the Penn Street area and informed fiat owners of seventy lats have agreed ta advance Fifty Dollars cash payment per lot. Considering these cash payments the estimated deficit weuld be $34,0113.00. When the cash pledges are available, the project could be undertaken by unanimous vote of the Council if the area is declared an emergency by the Health Department and decision .of the Attarney is favorable. The bends wauld be guaranteed by the Local Improvement Guaranty Fund and seld te Bond Broker. The imprevement would net include any area outside the cerperate limits of the City. ~lr. Vergeer cited various ways .of financing. Alse that a bom buyer could appear before the Cauncil with infonnation and recommendatians, suggesting that such a meeting be arragged. It was moved by Ceuncilman BrCMn that the ~lanager be autherized te arrange meeting as suggested and further action tabled until the next meeting. V>otian seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. V",tion carried. Urder the' head of new business, E. A. Stewart, having established residence outside the City, requested that the Council accept his resignatien frem the Planning Cemmission. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the request be tabled for consideration. Seconded by Ceuncilman Brown and carried. One request was received fer transfer of beverage license a5.dfo11ows: Gateway Tavern from Guy I... and Jeanette JOel te Elaine M. Scheeneman Guy W. am Jeanette J. Oel. It was meved by Cauncilman BI'O".m that the I r~quest for transfer be approv~d. Seconded by Ceuncilman Sandison. All voted ilYe. Motion carried. It was meved by Councilman McFadden that the City Treasurer I s report for Ha.y be accepted and placed on file. Secanded by Councilman Wcilfe and carried. Claims paid June 13th were filed fer approval inttotal ameunt of $3,521.20. It was moved by Councilman Powell that the claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. }lotion carried. Petitions with 172 signatures wefe filed for Cauncil cansideration, requesting that a Local Improvement District be established en Cherry Hill for grading, draining, am paving with wpe 1-1 asp?alt. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the Engineering Department be insttmcted te prepare estJ.mate .of cost the project. Seconied by Ceuncilman McF(ldden. ~lotion carried. for I ~ 398 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 19.$4- June 17 conti nu~d ,.<< . ""~". ...m< ,,"'...... ,,,........... ... j. The report of the. Police Department for the month of ~!ay, was filed for approval. It was moved Iv Councilman Bre>.n that the report be accepted and placed en file. Seconded. by Ceuncilman Pawell. All voted Aye. Motian carried. ' , IrHanager Vergeer requested that he be authorized to publish calls for bids for the constructien of : approximateq three and one quarter miles of 66 KV transmission line and installation and erection, of a substatien at 2d and Valley Sts. Mr. Vergeer informed that the Crown Zellerbach Carporation has agreed ta re-imburse the City fcr cost of moving certain lines and transformers included in the preject. It -flUS moved by Councilman Brown that the manager be autherized to publish call for bids as requested, the same to be opened July 15. Motien seconded by Councilman MoFMden am unanimeusq carried. I l..aino Saari appeared llar the Civil Service Cammission and thanked the Council and Manager fer co-operatien during the process of appointing a Police Chief. Alse expressed regret that the City has no Ordinance providing that employees of the Police and Fire Departments reside within the City limits as he has been questioned why s,d:d employees are perffiitted to live .outside the City ,,,hile sustained Iv taxpayers of the' City. Mr. Saari then cited five Jl'rmanent and one temporary employees of the Police force now living lautside the City .and requested that the Cauncil consider adoptien of an Ordinance prohibiting; Manager Vergeer assured that it. is the desire of the Ceuncil and all concerned to ca-operate in the future as in I'the past, and ~lished Mr. ICochanek all success in'l1is appaintment. Mr. Vergeer cited his responsibility ,as-appointing .officer, but did not feel responsible for the, success or failure .of any city employee. 'Y~. Vergeer alse expressed willingness to attend Civil Service meetings and be .of any assistance pes sible. 'IThe Council was in faver of Ordinance as preposed and it was maved by Councilman McFadden that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance requiring that residence be established in the City by .all appointees en the Police and Fire Departments. ~lotion secorrled by'Cauncilman Brown. All voted lIye. 'Motion carried. I Under the head of intoduction of Reselutiens, the following Resolutien was introduced and read in full fer 'consideration by the Council: RESOLUTION NO.5-54 A RESOLUTION fixing time for hearing on 'Assessment Roll for Local Imprevement District Ne. 165 of the Cil:iY .of Port Angeles and directing the gi ving of natice thereef. I' WHEREAS, the Assessment Rall far Local Improvement District No. 165 of the City .ef Port ilI)geles has been prepared and.is now an file with ,the City Clerk .of said City; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council .of the City .of Port Angales as fellows: I That Thursday the 15 da;y of July, 1954 at 7bo P.M. of said date be fixed as the time .of, and the Cauncil Chambers of said City at l20 Narth Oak Street as the place where said hearing will be held. I ' II., That the City Clerk be ani is hereby directed to give natice of the hearing and the time and :place thereef, which natice shill specify the time and place of the hearing and shall natify all.persons .Who may desire to .object thereta. I 1. Ta make their objections in writing and to file them with the City Clerk at or prier ta the ,date fixed fer the hearing;". I 2. That at the time and place fixed and at times te which "the hearing may -be adjaumed, the Cauncil .will sit as a board of equaUzatien far the purpose .of cel1sidering the roll; and . , I 3. That at the hearing the CouncilwU..! consider the .objections made and will correct, revise, Ta1se, lower, change or modify the roll or any part thereof or set aside th'e roll and. order the assessment te be made de nove, and at the c~nclusion thereof confirm the roll by ordinance. . I . .It was meved Qy Councilman Brown that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Ceunc1lman Pawell. All members voted Aye. Hotion carried. I No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned. I 1 Q. ~ (j :::e. o.-..v" . NTICE OF HEAB.IHG ON FINAL ASSESSMENT .ROLL N<Y\'Wm IS Hl<;H1i:BY Gl\'J~N Lila! the Cl~y ("(llJn011 Ill' tl~e pq' o,~ ,Port Angeles wtll hoW a- tJtro!iri11g,' "p~\ tile FJnal AsIOlCFl!<lllf'nt HoH' """ ;Pr~:'IrC'(l' ~~o;:~a~~t~' n~:~1~I~rerN~~.!rfg,~(~~= lJrl.\:llng Eighth Sll'eet frOm ~ 'West fl'PPI'oltC'h ot 'I'lImwatl'.J' Brldgt to hE" Rh'('ct and "C" Street from tb~ SOUtll Margin of Rlg-hth fi(r('et to l~~~~~e~,tre~; a11h~n ~~;S~~J;n})O~}, icurbs, /-\,uttc-n:l ilnd .'l\;\'11 :o;t01'1ll 1iIl('W- el'fi Rlld ca.leh ha~lns ROl may he 1<J- CJuired all<1 illcidC'lltal Iherr-tn, IllH1C'r Ordinance No. 1324 of tlw CJty of Port Angelo:", Said IIp.arlng to he- held on Thursday. .the 15rh !i.:J\' of July, 1954, III till! hOllr of 7:~(i o'_ clock r. M. 11.1: th~ efty-> Counoll Chambors at 120 :\'ortft Onk Str......t. At :-ucli limA H~lrj pla.ce llnd at :'Iuch other tln~e.H IIH !''l(l('ll hearIng" &loa~~lclt~ ~7?:1~1]~1!f'P'~\ l~.'f ~~~~nt9~}' ~oQ ~~:~a ~J~~~H~~~I~n ~OI~j~c1i~ dO ~\?~~ t ~~~,~ reet. re\'ls(', l'ai!O,-" 10\\ler, nhang-e 0;- mo('1Jf~' Hurh Roll, (1)' any p::lrl l!lt>l'e-: of or 5('t aside Sllf'h Roll and or('l(']' that su<::b assesHlTleut be m':tde de juo;t na;o t~'!J~~fJlll1~~1l~ha~L~r~~~~ ,fJ1>O<:81'1I Lu ('rmflrm li3,iJJ Roll by Qfdl~("e. who may <18.<;11'(' t(l I-!IlJl1 noll are herebv Ilntj. llHlkt, . ,"Illch objeclions in llCJ w"flle tl1e >lame with (:If'rk at or prior ~o the ijxet1 fol' sHch llearJt'Lg, . - -.t. E, LAW,~CIl~' CIClrk Publishr>{] Jmw ~1 nnd JlIly 1, 1\1;;,1. I City Cl,erk If-~d.;:I/f, Mayar NOTICE TO BIDD It. S0aled Illlb will he,Te1c"lve(l hv tlltl CITY OF rOHT ANGELRS, P0RT A~n-F.LF.~, WASH'.r1\'"GTOX, "tInttl 7:30 P.M., PST. J~V'l!}"', 19f)~, at: . wl1tch Urn!' th'lloy w ..f'fJ opened nno1 publiclY rl'nct nl.oUO:"KlS will cover t1](~ nt)n.~t ppro:;:lmntrly t11r'-'e IInd (S,2S) mIles of 'if, KV line and the inf'tnllation n of a :ouo- 'lmtion 'l1.t ia Valle}', Port An,;<:'lci"l, "'flRII!n on.. ;.'.. C I~\~s(Jr;,a~O~~TmA~8Et:1g~:j.OF.~{~C~ ~~G~:NE:~C{''!'A~IN~li*g~~~o ;~.fv~ : ~ft 1 ~~~~rBl~~n~;~~Ot]I~~f'rl~~il \:~~~;; 'in pen'on l<J tllC' City Council ffil'l't- Ing untll the lime of opeHIIlji1;. ,\11 hill>, :-<llall DO:>: lLlll.inly mllrkl'd: "TR..\. X."11>H:'lRJ(IN LTXE A~D S[,B~T,\'J'. ION ('(l:-'-~Ttt{:C:T[(lX-Bm lI'\,'YI- ,TA'T'JOX NO.' 3M-'J3.3", ~ , Plrm:;; ailil>>'!'IlJO,t4:t~atlud~ lfia)" be e~aJllillCll II.L nw ()tfie!'!, ar lh~ ('111~ ::\fanager. f'oi'1 Alll{el~<V.'aJlhrng-joli or fI l the nrri('-H of Hle.F.liJrlneer, T. :K SJlRrljn~ ('0., li15 r~:kP\'lilw Rl\'d:~ Sefl ll:1... \\'a-"hlwa(lll. r"1Rn~ and 1"1)('. i ~~:C~~:~~./1~;~~~el]p~~'~'I~~t~dmf~~1:5f:~~ planl< ;u]/] HJlf>e.ifif'1rtiQni:.~_ I'~~lmrr, :.~~I~~JP~{'!~~no~ .1f'H!' tl,r.J.n ":.et.~"l..1.'Ie!l:~l'IW,,'\1, I rlav~hl.. trlb! POI'L-,,'v'rIJ..~folPR , The City". 11' '~lal"'t'~, -th~ .-l~hl 11-.. w:R!\;t> any lnr()rmltlll~' .In llit1,.; lUlIl to re,lf'l't IU1Y or all hl.ll'l. lh' .r. l~. LA"', Cltv Cll'rk Plll]li~ll('r1: .TLIll<:' ?( nnd July i, 1~54. I