HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/18/1947 I I I I I 353 --, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ."",...,,~.................It"_.llINYULla17.~ June 18. 194~ I The Cor.unission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call of officers showed the following present: If.ayor Epperson, Conuuissioners Johnson and Steele, Attorney Wilson, and Cler]( Law. [Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. IUnder the head of applications fur building permits and licenses, the following Ylere granted: Building permits: <i()IJ CD Rose Hurley .J 0 . I Ague s Willi s I JaniSh Hotor Co. . Raymond J. Taylor iFrank Vannausdle I Earl-Goodrich 'Emil Heggeland Licenses: i Windsor Hotel , Birney I s Drive II 11 1(" ~t - in II Siding & roofing on dwelling, Lot 15, Block 4, Cain IS Subd. $ Addition, Lot 18, Block 20, Townsite Remodel, Lot 10, Block 55, Townsite Remodel dwelling, Lot 14, Block 108, Townsite Repair dwelling & garage, Lot 15, Block 286, Tovmsite Remodel Dl1elling, Lot 11, Block 234, Townsite Construct dwelling, Lot 10, Block 121, Townsite 500.00 100.00 500.00 . 500.00 100;00' 500.00 2000.00 Rooming House - 12 rooms Restaurant 15 months 1 !!.usic machine 13 months Soft drink 13 months 2 &~usement machines 15 months 1 beauty chair 12.00 15.00 15.00 5.45 52.00 1.00 I La Petite Beauty shop I i Under the head of unfinished business, the hearings on proposed improvement districts were opened. Resolution No. lSO was given first condideration, and there being but one objection filed, it was moved by COlmlissione,) Johnson that the resolution creating Improvement District""!lo. 150 be approved and accepted, and bids be published for construction of concrete sidffilalks from the west end of TumYiater Bridge to the east ~rgin of ' E Street. l!.otion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. lLotion carried. Hearing was then opened on Resolution No. 149 for Pine Hill Improvement District. Mr. E. R. Johnston presented a petition .nth signatures of property owners opposed to the said improvement, and discussion was opened to those present. After opinions had been expressed for or against the improvement, it was decided to circulate another petition to ascertain which property ~Nners are in favor of the improve~ent and the , property to be included. I I James K. 1'1000 appeared on behalf of the Model Airplane Club, requesting a suitable location to fly models one or two day.s a week. Commissioner Johnson infonned that the Civic StadiUlll was not available, but Pine Hill field is being graded, and may be used after work is completed. Under the head of new busine ss, a petition was presented requesting removal of a signboard at 8th & C Sts. There being no ordinance prohibiting signboards on private property, the petition was ordered filed. Mayor Epperson a~~ounced the appointment of Leroy Jagger 'I who resigned. Mr. Jagger expressed appreciation for the the Co~mission and public. II Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following were introduced: Herman F. Schaefer I Leonard L. Newell Daniel Beutler as Supt. of the Sanitation Dept. to replace Roy Pike appointment and will try to give satisfaction to both Lot 8, Block 502 , Townsite, Lot 6, Block 15, P. S. C. C. Subd. of Townsite Lot 17, BlocIl: 2, Hartt and Cooke's Subd. of Sub. Elk. 51, 200.00 200.00 175.00 It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolutions be approved and the property sold. Seconded bJ' Gommissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. ltotion carried. The Corow,ission examined and approved ~ Expense FUnd: 75.~ Fred "II. Epperson North Coast Chemical & Soap Vlks. I Thompson's Studio I Olympic Printery Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. n' 11 Schreiner Chevrolet Co. , ~ Street F\1nd: il'l,~ I G. & W. Fire Service :iP. A. Upholstering & Furniture Olympic Printery Middleton Motor Parts Co. 'Iwater Fund: ~ 7. .z:, , Johns - ll.anville Corp 'I.' Clallam Adjustment Corp Montgomery Vlara & Co. Olympic Printery Palmer Supply Co. P. A. &mning News I': Middleton Uotor Parts Co. Light 1')1nd: ;:,z,~ Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Clallam Adjustment Corp I Middleton Motor Parts Co. Ii Angeles Machine Works I Sanitation Fund: .751 ! Clallam Adjustment Corp the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the 1 sante: ,I Ii Photos & Mailers ''-'001 pads 6 doz. Velox Envelopes, office box MirroD Supplies Saw blade s - rags Motor parts $ 27.74 2.16 2.41 2.78 5.29 8.98 18.59 10.14 62.50 26.00 20.81 10.54 5.85 .72 3.28 10.57 .92 16:80 1.79 23.71 3.S1 1.19 5.75 .75 Extinguishers & re-charge Seats Re ports Thinner - Dis cs Co:npound Co:nm on Collections Too Is Paper Parts A<tvertising Part s Meter Sockets - Pliers Collection Comm. Tools Repair Commission on collections .....4 354 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 18. 19~ !'Libr~ Fund: :n,~ ,\ Betty ~. Avallone Catharlne Richards Park Fund: '16,.~ Bob FoX- T. W. Roeser. i Cemete!::!:: .lli!!9.: I' K. Goodman Extra Labor Extra Labor (I 18.00 20.25 52.28 44.40 1:90.00 97.96 607.19 I Hauling Dirt Hauling Dirt 19"< Top Soil h k Revolving Fund: ,I City Treasurer h h Guaranty .lli!!9.: City Treasurer Assessments paid Taxes & Assessments paid j, There beillg no further business, the session was declared adjourned. .1 (lt~. C7 Clerk ~~() ~"'~- Mayor I I I ~.