HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/18/1951 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ." 139 June 18. 19.5],_ ....'.":' ~ "".""":_":"'':~:.~:_~''!~~~'' ....".'.:_ . toft.. ~ The Comnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Comnissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Mi~utes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building pennits and licenses, the following >rere approved: . ....... Building Permits: I/()O LeRoy Jagger Move House to 14th & P Sts.; Sub. Lot 84, Townsite Floyd Midkiff Move Existing Dwelling; Lot 9, Blk. 172, Townsite Hugh Brown Enclose Porch; Add On Breakfast Nook; Lot 16, .Blk. 228, Townsite Melvin Adolphson Remodel Residence; Lot 1, Blk. 18, N.R.Smith Add. Licenses: ,/I.!-S Kenny I S Secom Hand Store Kenny's Secom Hand Store 100.00 200.00 300.00 500.00 16.25 25.00 Secom Hand Dealer Auctioneer Under the head of unfinished business, the Park Board requested that an additional $750.00 be included .in. I the Emergency Ordinance providing for ~penditures at Elks Hemorial playfield.. The additional amount was requested for purchase of a power mower. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Attorney be instructed to include the amount in proposed Emergency Ordinance. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Naval Lodge No. 353, B.P.O.E., having presented to Mayor Feeley a Quit Claim Deed to Lots One to Twenty, Inclusive, Block 391, Original Townsite of Port Angeles, it was moved b,r !~or Feeley that the City officially accept the property and deed to the same. Motion seconded by Comnissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Dr. Culver of Seattle informed the Commission that on May 19th his ,dfe had fractured her right ann due to a fall while crossing Front Street at Laurel. It appeared that the accident I was caused by failure to repair a hole in the pavement. The Culvers were instructed to meet with the Attorney to formulate agreeable settlement. Commissioner Taylor informed that he is meeting with the Park Board to discuss finanCing the 1952 budget and Emergena,y Ordin~~ces to be included. Also that the State Examiner has advised that the City is not permitted to pay money into the recreational fund without written agreement between the City and School District. Also discussed was replacement of stain1ay at First and Laurel Streets. The Commission authorized Comnissioner Taylor to ascertain responsibility regarding the replacement. Commissioner Taylor reported that property owners favor improvement of Railroad Avenue and North Laurel and Lincoln Streets by Bituminous asphalt paving. It was agreeable with the Commission that Mr. Taylor and the Engineer continue with the proposal. The Comnission discussed sale of City property on North Laurel Street and Commissioner Robinson was authorized to prepare for sale of the same. The Engineer submitted a petition signed qy property owners, requesting that the City grade and furnish : ballast for improvement of Twelfth Street from Lincoln to Chase Streets. It was moved by Commissioner I Taylor that the petition be referred to the Engineers Department and a resolution prepared fixing date of hearing for Local Improvement District. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 91;) 73 I Edward B. Taylor Expense Acct. 44.87 Elsie M. Stahl Expenses 21.49 Olympic Tribune Legal Publications 13.29 Port Angeles Evening News Publications 13.40 City Treasurer Light, 'lIater, Garbage 267.20 The Texas Co. Gas 0 line 361.22 Pemilsula Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 40.35 Olympi c Printery Envelopes, etc. 2.94 'Willson Hardware Co. Brushes, Washfms 1.10 The Electric Co. Switch, Box, Plate 1.19 James W. Caven Pipe 7.48 Harris & Schuller Iron 5.88 I Lippincott Hardware Paint 6.03 Howard Lanctot Travel Expense, Fire Convention 38.15 i Ivor Smith Travel Expense, Fire Convention 88.14 i /" 0 7 CITY STREET FUND: /3 c'.o:> - City Treasurer Owens Bros. Eng. & Const. Co. 7 f'C, ~J? Flushtanks 1st & Final Estimate, Storm Sm/ers 66.66 1,238.41 CITY SHOP FUND: City Treasurer Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Richfield Oil Corp. Bow Lake Eouipment Co. I The Texas Co. I Samuelson Motor Co. WATER FUND: /~ &>7'7 - 1Clallam County P.U.D. No.1 Jas. ~i. Caven I Hooker Electrochemical Co. Palmer Supply Co. Johns-Manville Corp. ,Rensselaer Valve Co. James Hardware Co. . , Olympic Electric Co. .<7 Light and Water at Shop Parts, etc. Motor Oil Roller for Shovel Gasoline Switch, Line ll.74 19.32 42.86 30.18 681. 79 .79 5.72 8.35 53.32 180.47 I 12,355.88 I 62.52 16.23 14.78 Elec. Service Fittinge Chlorine Pipe PjJpe Hydrant Ext. Powder and Fuse Wiring Materials 11'(1 Express Chgs. 7.80 I PARKING METER & TRAFFIC Railway Express Agency, I ! CONTROL FUND: Inc. ~ 140 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washingtoll "" . ...... ""''', '''''''''', ~'m",..... .... LIGHT FUND: /~ 73. 35 City Treasurer Quick Print Olympic Printery Evening News Press Buasi ng Offi c e Supply Columbia Wiping Cloth Co. Pacific Shoe Shop General Electric Supply Corp. Robt. Bamford Port Angeles Evening News M & K Furniture Co. Puget Sound Nav. Co. Wodack Electric Tool Co. Line YlOterial Co. Boyd I s \vood Specialties l,estinghouse Electric Supply Co. C. G. Beutler Truck l'1elding & Equipment Co.. c' SANITATION FUND: n !.:.> Co-operative Laundry & Cleaners Automotive Parts Service Earl Davidson PARK FUND: p.. & 7 ;):l City Treasurer Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co. Patterson Williams Mfg. Co. Samuelson Motor Co. CEMETERY FUND: City Treasurer ~..,; /0 - , If", //,;,[; - L. 1. REIlOLVING FUND: City Treasurer Port Angeles Evening News. <I L. 1. GUARANTY FUND: . SO -' Port Angeles Evening L. I. GENERAL FUND: Port Angeles Evening News &:L 7- News LOCAL IMPROVE-!ENT DISTRICT NO. Owens Bros. Eng. & Constr. Co. June 18th. continued. Envelopes Office Supplies Supplies Printing Pens and Drafting Supplies Wiping Cloths Repair Lamps Expense Adv. Ladder Frt. Chgs . Drills Ins. Pins Cross-arms Cur. Transformers Expense Install Body on Truck Coveralls Cleaned Brush and Handle Car Mileage for May 19...5.L Light, Water, Garbage Plywood, etc. Safety Platform Slide Vulcanize Rubber on Pitchers Plate Water Taxes and Costs Publication Publication Publica tion ...5-<- 15, FUND: .:< ,/3 c, ~ 1st & Final Estimate, There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. Q. t: ~. (j City Clerk l 5th St. Sidewalks /.-D'L6' .d'&1~ 450.00 41.82 32.71 8.65 19.30 45.04 5.15 91.6) 12.27 2.76 38.62 5.18 28.54 26.67 173.04 216.30 9.08 466.59 2.68 14.37 30.80 89.27 7.88 168.00 2.06 10.00 164.16 1.00 .50 7.62 2,936.52 Mayor I I I I