HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/18/1959
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 18
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The I:ity Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was..called to order by Nayor Richardson.
other officers present were: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield" Thorne, Randall and Caldwell,
Manager Slankard. Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received.
Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, two bids were received for legal city printing dudng the year
beginning July 1, 1959.
i PENINSULA 1UlRALD: Six cents per line, single column. Tabub.ted matter. at, the same rate, except
one-time publication, when the rate will be 12 cents per line. '
PORT ANGBLllS EVEIlING NEl1S: First publication, 16C per line, except tabulated Ilatter which is 20c
! per line. Repeat :publications, all matter, llC per, line.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the offer by the Peninsula Herald be accepted. Seconded by
Councilman Maxfield and carried.
Bids for installation of street light bases were received as follows: Wilson and Simpson, $4,880.00 ;
Owens Brotbers. $6,174.00; Del Guzzi Construction Co., $4,512.00. !t was moved by CouncilmanSmith that
the bid by Del Guzzi Construction Company be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Pursuant to suspension of license for Beno's Cabs, the notice of appeal for, a ,bearing was discussed.
Co;Incilman Randall asked Mr. Casilio if tbe license was reinstated would"such incidents happen again?
, Mr. Casilio assured that only beyond his knowledge, if impossible to foresee, or beyond his control,
would such incident ever occur. Councilman Caldwell took exception to the wording, of ttle appeal as it
was not purported. The Council ,bad instructed the Chief to suspend the Ji:ense, .not, revoke, and in his
'j' opinion the appeal was somewbat belligerent. Attorney Cbamberlin, assured that ,intent of the appeal was
, not meant to be bellige.rent, only following procedures as outlined in the Ordinance and asked tile
'I Council to reconsider, as he is sure Mr. Casilio has learned his lesson. ,After due consideration, it
was moved by Councilman Randall tbat Beno's cab operator's license be reinstated to the end of the
license year, December 31.. 1959, subject to him being on prObation duringtbis periOd, ancl if such
incident happens again, it 'is understood that license will be immediately revoked. Motion seconded by
Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Councilman Thorne asked that it be made known if there are any such actions by otber companies, the same
course will be taken, as the Council will not condone this type of operation.
The Council baving refused renewal of sign maintenance agreement with Puget SOUnd NaVigation Co. at
Lincoln and Railroad Avenue. it 11a8 moved by Councilman Smith that tile unused portion of deposit be re-
turnee! to the companv. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carned.
The Manager read his
in the Mount Angeles
water sold until the
at ions be accepted.
report after investigation of feasibility to sell wholesale water outside the City
and Scrivner ROad area. The report recOllllJlended that no new c,onnections be made or
new lines are installed. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that report and recommend-
Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Mr. Chapman appeared with proposal for installation of coaxial cable.
Randall that use of light poles for cable installation would not be of
moved to postpone indefinitely any action on coaxial cable. There was
Councilman Caldwell that request be referred to the Manager and, report
Thorne and carried.
It was the opinion of Councilman
best interest to tbe City and
no second. It was tben moved by
to Council. Seconded by Councilman
Under the head of new business. the Council considered appointment of an arbitrator to represent the City
in negotiation of agreement with users of indlG trial water. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the
M3I ager be certified to act as arbitrator for the City. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
1he Council discussed recent Legislation providing forty hour work week and employees effected. The
. Fire Chief informed that other cities are working 56 hour, week, pending outcome of court test. Also
, considered was continuing the rest of tbe year on 63 hour work week and ,after the first of year add
more hoip witb money made available. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all City Employees
effected by this new wage and hour law be reinstated at, their former positions immediately and the Attomley
prepare an Ordinance canplying with directions of tbe Council and lIl1so complying witb .the minimum wage and
hour laws of the State of Washingtoo, keeping within the current budget. Motion seconded by Councilman
I Maxf ie Id and carried.
i Councilman Randall assured tbat the Council wi 11 seriously consider a fifty-six ,bour week in the 1960
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the Treasurer's report and budget reports, of receipts and expend-
itures for the montb of May be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilman Smitb and carried.
Claims payable were approved in to:ta.1 amounts as follows: General Fund: $4,804.70; Water Fund, $1.537.98;
Light Fund, $49,036.67. It :was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all claims be approved and paid. Seconded
by Councilman Thorne and carrit!d..
The following applications for renewal of beverage licenses were approved: Linkletter's Find FoodS, Rose's
Place, Chinook TaveEn. Babe's Tavern, Carlson's Grocery, K. and K. Fine ~o04st Log Cabin Tavern, P.A.
Distributing Co., Don Feeley, Inc., Walt's One-Q..One Service and Grocery, Bailey's Grocery, /IIarket
Basket, West Dependable Super Mart, Corner Cupboard. It was moved by Councilman Smith that renewals be
approved if there are no objections by the Police Department. Secoll.:led by Councilman,Caldwell and carried.
The Man<ger read a Resolution _ passed by the Association of \j~hington Cities. expressing appreciation
for facilities and KcomOc1ations provided for delegates;ftll~ ~et5~, recent convention.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following \'Ias introduced and read:
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles ordering and providing for the condemnation under the rigbt of
eminent domain by the City of Port Angeles of a right-of_way to be used for the maintenance, replacelllent,
r"pair and extension of the presently existing City waterline from Morse Creek to the City of Port I
I Angeles, over and across certain tracts of land located in Sections 19, 29 and 32 ,of Township 30, North, I
R3Ill:eS, West of Willamette Meridian, Oalll\lll County, liashington, and declaring a public necessity.
June 18 continued
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that ,the foregoing Ordinance be approved md adopted. Seconded by
Councilllan Sandison and carried.
There being no further business. the Illleting was adjourned.
t7 City Clerk
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