HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/18/1985
Port Angeles, Washington
June 18, 1985
Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Quast, Stamon.
Members Absent:
Councilman Schermer.
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Saville, L. Glenn,
J. Pittis, M. Lannoye, A. Rose, D. Wolfe, M. Campbell.
Public Present:
B. & W. Goldie, F. & W. Rix, J. Hahn, D. & B. Stephens,
S. Gorss, W. & L. Adams, D. & M. Burke, H. Thanheiser,
L. Clayton, K. Gilbertson, S. DeCou, T. Connely,
D. & D. Parrish, S. Fahnestock.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received
the minutes of the May 28th special meeting and the June 4th regular
meeting. Councilman Stamon seconded the motion which carried.
Councilman Quast moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda including (1) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor
Control Board; and (2) vouchers of $296,012.07 and Payroll of $206,828.88.
Councilman Gerberding seconded the motion. Following discussion of the
purchase of a turbo meter package, on call for the question, the motion
1. Payment Authorized to CH2M Hill for DelHur Westside Annexation EIS
Councilman Gerberding moved to approve payment of the bill less 20% retain-
age for a total of $2,500.15. Councilman Hordyk seconded. Councilman
Stamon noted the need to correct the amount listed on the agenda. On call
for the question the motion carried.
2. Payment of $9,680.96 Authorized to Riddell, Williams for WPPSS Legal
Councilman Quast moved regretfully to approve payment of the May 31, 1985,
bill in the amount of $9,680.96. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the
motion carried.
3. Bids Awarded for Petroleum Fuel Products
Councilman Quast moved to award bids as recommended by staff as follows:
Bauman Olympic, premium leaded gas, $ . 958/gal. ; Bauman Olympic, Diesel
automotive fuel, $.860/gal.; Bauman Olympic, Dextron II, $3.35/gal.; Bauman
Olympic, Hydraulic fluid, $2.73/gal.; Buckeye Products, Propane, $.576/gal.;
Oil Heat of Port Angeles, P.S. 100 heating oil, $.8/gal.; Oil Heat of P.A.,
P.S. 200 heating oil, $.81/gal.; Oil Heat of P.A., Solvent, $2.20/gal.; Oil
Heat of P.A., Insulating oil, $2.12/gal.; Peninsula Fuel, Regular leaded
gas, $ . 836/gal. ; Peninsula Fuel, Premium unleaded, $. 936/gal.; peninsula
Fuel, Regular unleaded, $.876/gal.; Peninsula Fuel, Delo 400 oil, $2.96/gal.;
peninsula Fuel, Gear oil, $.4775/1b.; peninsula Fuel, Heavy duty gear oil,
$.5025/1b. councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
June 18, 1985
4. Bid Awarded to Breaker Construction for Eighth and Peabody Traffic
Councilman Hordyk moved to award the bid to Breaker Construction subject to
the approval of the Urban Arterial Board in the amount of $82,983.50.
Councilman Gerberding seconded. Following lengthy discussion of the need
for signalization of Front and Ennis, on call for the question, the motion
5. Public Works Department Instructed to Remove House at Sixth and Albert
Mayor Whidden reviewed a memo dated June 18, 1985, from the Public Works
Department recommending City employees salvage materials during off hours
from the building as no bids had been received. Councilman Hordyk opposed
City employees removing the building and moved that the Public Works De-
partment remove the building as expeditiously as possible. Councilman
Haguewood seconded. Following discussion at length, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
6. Bid Awarded to San Juan Safety Supply Co. for Jaws of Life
Following an explanation from Fire Chief Glenn, Councilman Quast moved to
award the bid to San Juan Safety Supply Co. of Friday Harbor, Washington,
in the amount of $8,160. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Upon inquiry
from Councilman Hordyk, Manager Flodstrom confirmed that $3,160 would be
used from money saved in the Fire Hall expansion. On call for the ques-
tion, the motion carried. Mayor Whidden reiterated that the City will have
a Jaws of Life, thanks to the generosity of the Rotary Club which came
forward with $5,000.
Art Rud, 1419 West 16th, representing Carpenters' Local 1303, requested a
breakdown of the budget on the beam lamination project underway at the
William Shore Memorial Pool. He asked if the employees were permanent or I
temporary; he asked if the cost was under $25,000 and if quality control
existed. Manager Flodstrom answered that the work was being done at the
Pool as a result of emergency maintenance and structural repairs. He
stated there is a structural engineer on site who is an expert in the
repair of glue-laminated beams, particularly beams in this type of atmos-
phere. He further explained the work is being performed by regular em-
ployees of the Street Maintenance Division of the City. Manager Flodstrom
also noted that if a project falls under the category of maintenance of a
structure or emergency repair, there is no requirement to go out for bids.
Mayor Whidden instructed staff to prepare the information requested by Mr.
Rud and submit it to him.
Councilman Gerberding added Item No. 13, Consideration of Preference of
Local Labor; Item No. 14, Open Discussion of the Possibility of Limiting
the Terms of Office for City Councilmembers.
Councilman Quast added Item No. 15, Recommendations for the Parks Depart-
Public Hearings
A. Rix Street Vacation (SV-85(6)3)
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the
audience. Fred Rix, 360 Viewcrest, explained that at the time he and his
wife purchased their home, they were unaware that the Peabody Street
right-of-way extended so far into their property and had become aware of
this when considering building a carport. He stated the application for
vacation was for the purpose of building a carport and to make the property
more saleable in the future.
David Stephens of 404 Viewcrest, across the street from the Rixes, stated
he was not against the vacation but requested information from the City on
how much right-of-way they need for an arterial street at that location.
He also requested assurance from the Council that the City did not plan on
June 18, 1985
coming east onto his property
matter with staff at length.
closed the public hearing.
for right-of-way. The Council discussed the
Mayor whidden asked for further comment, and
Councilman Quast then moved to instruct staff to somewhat rewrite the
ordinance not asking for any compensation from Mr. Rix but indicating and
describing the exact right-of-way trade, so to speak; that 10 feet of
right-of-way along the northern property line be granted to the City, and
on the eastern property line adjoining Peabody, 25 feet be vacated to Mr.
Rix. Councilman-Gerberding seconded for discussion.
Mr. Rix stated this arrangement would be unacceptable to him as it would
result in City right-of-way being too close to his front door. He stated
he would be willing to compensate the City.
Councilman Haguewood then moved to table the matter to allow time for
Councilmembers to personally inspect the site and review a court order
referred to by Mr. Stephens, Councilman Quast seconded. The motion to
table until the July 2nd meeting carried with Councilman Gerberding voting
"No" . Upon request, Mr. Stephens presented a copy of the court order to
B. Thompson Street Vacation (SV-85 (6)2)
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Bill
Thompson, 1436 East Second street, applicant for the vacation, addressed
the Council, outlining the reasons for the application. Craig Miller,
attorney representing Mr. Thompson, addressed the Council, further review-
ing the reasons for the request and urging the vacation be granted. During
discussion, Mr. Miller requested the Council approve the vacation but not
reach a final decision on the financial compensation from the applicant
until review of a memorandum presented to the Council by City Planner Carr.
There being no further comments, Mayor Whidden closed the public hearing.
Councilman Hordyk moved to proceed with the proposed vacation, the compensa-
tion to be established at a later date. Councilman Haguewood seconded.
Public Works Director Pittis requested inclusion of a utility easement.
Mr. Miller indicated Mr. Thompson had no objection to a utility easement as
long as it be located near the present property line.
Councilman Gerberding moved to amend the motion to include a utility ease-
ment to be negotiated with the applicant for consideration with the
vacation ordinance. Councilman Stamon seconded. On call for the question,
the amendment carried. On call for the question, the motion, as amended,
2. Planning Commission Minutes of June 12, 1985
A. Conditional Use Permit Extended - Thunderbird Boathouse
Request has been made for an extension of a permit allowing RV parking at
the present Thunderbird Boathouse located on Ediz Hook. Councilman Quast
moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to grant
a_two-year extension of the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the original
conditions. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
B. Conditional Use Permit Amendment Approved - Thanheiser/Burke
Request has been made for an amendment to a permit allowing a retail stand
in the Central Business -District to review a change of ownership of the
Weenie Wagon located on the northeast corner of First and Lincoln Streets.
Councilman Hordyk moved to concur with the recommendations of the Planning
Commission and grant approval of the amended Conditional Use Permit
effective when the Weenie Wagon transfers from Thanheiser to Burke.
Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
C. Parking Variance Granted - Lydia Clayton
Request has been made for a reduction of the required 8 parking spaces to
6, located at 314 West Eighth Street. Councilman Gerberding moved to
concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant the
parking variance subject to the following conditions: (1) The applicant or
subsequent business operator live upstairs in the residential portion of
the building and work in the business below1 (2) The final parking lot
June 18, 1985
layout is subject to Public Works Department approval; (3) The requirements
of the Uniform Fire Code are met; and citing the following findings: (A) A
reduction of two parking spaces is appropriate because the applicant lives
and works in the same building. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion
Councilman Quast clarified in Condition No. 1 that the applicant be the
party purchasing the property. On call for the question, the motion
Public Hearing Scheduled for July 2, 1985 - Dennis C. Alwine -
Rezone Request
Councilman Hordyk noted the location was the northeast corner of Peabody
and Sixth Street, rather than the northwest corner, as listed in the
Planning Commission minutes. Councilman Stamon moved to set a public
hearing for July 2, 1985, to consider the request for a rezone from RMF to
OCD, Office Commercial, located on the northeast corner of Peabody and
Sixth Streets. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
E. Temporary Use Permit Granted - Gilbertson
Request has been made for a temporary use permit to allow a mobile home in
a residentially zoned district for a three-year period located at 334
Rhodes Road. Councilman Hordyk, for the sake of being in agreement with
the City's past practice, moved to concur with the Planning Commission's
recommendation that the temporary use permit be granted for a three-year
period subject to the following conditions: (1) That if the mobile home is
no longer occupied by Mr. Gilbertson's brother, it must be removed; (2)
That the underlying setbacks be met by the mobile home; (3) That smoke
detectors and fire extinguisher be installed in the mobile home; and citing
the following findings of fact: (A) City utilities are available and
adequate for an additional dwelling unit on the property; (B) The subject
parcel is large enough to support an additional dwelling unit without
overcrowding the property. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion I
F. Conditional Use Permit Granted - Lyndell Hanson
Request has been made for an extension of a Conditional Use Permit allowing
a bookkeeping service as a home occupation in the RS-7 Single-Family Resi-
dential District located at 2139 West Seventh Street. Councilman Quast
moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and
extend the Conditional Use Permit for two years subject to the original
conditions. Councilman Gerberding seconded; inquiring if any complaints
had been received on this operation. City Planner Carr noted none had been
received. On call for the question, the motion carried.
F. Conditional Use Permit Extended - Judith Hahn
Request has been made for extension of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a
beauty shop as a home occupation in the RS-7 Single-Family Residential
District located at 538 West Sixth Street. Councilman Stamon moved to
concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to grant a two-year
extension of the Conditional Use Permit. Councilman Quast seconded and the
motion carried.
G. Conditional Use Permit Extended - Davi Parrish
Request has been made for extension of a Conditional Use Permit allowing a I
beauty shop as a home occupation in the RS-7 Single-Family Residential
District located at 1206 South Vine Street. Councilman Gerberding moved to
concur with the Planning Commission recommendation that the Conditional Use
Permi t be extended for two years. Councilman Quast seconded. Following
discussion, the motion carried.
H. Interpretation - Car Wash in the ACD District
The Council reviewed the Planning Commission's interpretation that a car
wash is a permitted use in the ACD District. Mr. Nebert, owner of a car
wash located on Front Street, inquired if this was the final decision on
the matter. The Council explained that the matter had been referred to the
Planning Commission for final decision as to whether a car wash was an
outright permitted use; that the Planning Commission had determined this
June 18, 1985
was so, and Mr. Nebert now had the authority to remove the fence from his
property if he so desired. Manager Flodstrom hoped that Mr. Nebert could
come to an amicable decision with his neighbor, Mr. Ward. Councilman Quast
recommended to Mr. Nebert that he install a "yield" or a "stop" sign on the
northern side of the property.
I. Minutes Accepted
Councilman Hordyk then moved that the Planning Commission minutes of June
12, 1985, be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Gerberding seconded
and the motion carried.
3. Ted Connely's Request for Consideration of Solving Water Problem
Outside City Limits - Denied
Councilman Hordyk emphasized it has been a standing policy of the Council
not to extend water service outside the City limits. He then moved to deny
Mr. Connely's request to assist County residents who re'ceive City water
through private water lines to improve their water pressure. Councilman
Gerberding seconded. Councilman Stamon stated for the record that the
easement had been reviewed, making it clear the City had not extended water
to the residences in the area. The motion carried.
Ted Connely asked why residents of the County were charged a higher rate
for water. Manager Flodstrom answered that the Council had decided during
the last rate ordinance to add a surcharge for outside customers. Mayor
Whidden then clarified for Mr. Connely information that the Public works
Department had received that the water lines serving these residences were
installed and maintained by the private residents of the area.
4. Gambling Tax Ordinance Amendment Adopted
Manager Flodstrom stated that Mr. DeCou and Mr. Goldie, members of the
Trade Stimulant Association, were in the audience and that they had met
with staff to develop recommendations incorporated in the ordinance. Mayor
Whidden read the Ordinance by title entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
changing the rates at which amusement
games and card rooms are taxed, and
amending Section 1, Ordinance 2308;
Section 1, Ordinance 2263; Section 1,
Ordinance 2219; Section 1, Ordinance
2164; Section 1, Ordinance 2095;Sec-
tion 1, Ordinance 2039; Ordinance 1939;
Section II of Ordinance 1847; and Sec-
tion 1, Ordinance 1848 and Section 23,
Ordinance 1831; and amending Sections
3.52.020 and 3.52.025 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Attorney Knutson noted that an additional amendment was included in the
Ordinance, deleting the tax on amusement games.
Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Stamon seconded. Councilman Gerberding spoke in opposition to the motion.
He felt one group should not have priority over another group in tax reduc-
tion and if he were considering reducing a tax, this would not be the tax
he would choose. On call for the question, the motion carried, with Coun-
cilmen Gerberding and Hordyk voting "No". Councilman Stamon thanked Mr.
DeCou and Mr. Goldie for their patience in dealing with the Council in this
5. Resolution Passed - City's Intention to Establish Parking and Business
Improvement Area
Dennis Holman, representing the Downtown Association, presented a petition
for the establishment of a Parking and Business Improvement Area (PBIA) in
the Port Angeles Downtown area, explaining this would accomplish a se1f-
imposed LID on the business owners of the Downtown area. The revenue would
go to the acquisition, construction and maintenance of parking facilities
June 18, 1985
Downtown. Following discussion with Mr. Holman at length, Manager Flodstrom
presented a Resolution to the Council for their consideration. Following
further discussion at length, Attorney Knutson explained the map attached
to the Resolution would need to be amended to include one block at the west
end of Front Street which was not included in the petition boundaries. He
stated the Resolution could be adopted and staff would make that change
Jerry Cornell addressed the Council, explaining this block was in the CAD
and was not exempt from the parking ordinance. He stated the PBIA being I
implemented in this area would result in double assessment for parking. He
outlined three alternatives: (1) Excluding this block from the PBIAl (2)
Rezoning the property to CBD; (3) Amending the parking ordinance to exclude
from its provisions anything included in the area of the PBIA. He felt the
third option would be the most appropriate and requested if the Council
considered this option, they begin setting public hearings on the amendment
of the ordinance at the same time public hearings are scheduled for adop-
tion of the PBIA.
Following further discussion at length, Mayor widden read the Resolution by
ti tle, enti tIed
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
stating the City Council's intention to
establish a Parking and Business Improve-
ment Area and setting a time and place
for a public hearing to consider
establishing of such an area.
Councilman Hordyk moved to pass the Resolution
man Stamon seconded and the motion carried,
as read by title.
with Councilman
6. Street Closure Granted for Arts in Action - Laurel Street Between
Railroad and First Streets - Exhibitor's License Granted
Following discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved to grant the request of Arts
in Action for the closure of Laurel Street between Railroad and First
Streets on July 20th and 21, 1985. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the
motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk then added to the motion approval of the application for
an exhibitor's license for Arts in Action. Councilman Gerberding concurred.
On call for the question, the motion carried.
Manager Flodstrom introduced Jack Gray of the Rotary Club. Mr. Gray ex-
plained the Rotary Club's intent to provide a beer garden as a fund raising
project during Arts in Action. Councilman Quast spoke in opposition to the
beer garden because there are a number of establishments in the vicinity
that could provide this type of refreshment.
Councilman Haguewood, a member of the Drug Alcohol Board and the DWI Task
Force, then moved to deny the request. Councilman Hordyk seconded. Coun-
cilman Gerberding inquired of the City Attorney what types of liability
could be incurred. Attorney Knutson stated any liability would be indirect
for not taking the proper precaution for the use of City right-of-way. He
stated these liability concerns could be alleviated by requiring a hold
harmless agreement and insurance coverage. Councilman Stamon stated she
basically concurred with Councilmen Quast and Haguewood. She encouraged
the Rotary Club to look at something similar to what Derby Days was doing -
a non-beer garden. Councilman Gerberding felt this would not be condoning
the use of liquor any more than other businesses of that nature in town.
The motion carried with Councilman Gerberding voting "No".
7. Leases Renewed with Pisces, High Tide Seafood and Olympic Peninsula
Art Gallery on Oak Street Dock
Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the lease
renewals for Pisces Seafood, High Tide Seafood and Olympic Peninsula Art
Gallery. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Quast discussed with
staff past problems with repair work on the dock. Manager Flodstrom
June 18, 1985
explained problems the owners had been faced with at the time and felt
these problems would not occur again. On call for the question, the motion
8. Bond Ordinance for City Hall Financing Adopted
Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
providing for the issuance and sale of
limited tax general obligation bonds of
the City in the principal sum of
$2,400,000, for the purpose of providing
funds to pay the cost of constructing and
equipping a new City Hall; providing the
date, form, terms and maturities of said
bonds; providing for the disposition of
the proceeds of sale of such bonds; pro-
viding for the annual levy of taxes to
pay the principal of and interest on
said bonds; and providing for the sale
Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Gerberding seconded.
Councilman Hordyk felt this would be an additional tax levy. Manager
Flodstrom explained the debt from the bonds will be serviced by the operat-
ing revenues of the City of Port Angeles, that they will not be serviced by
additional taxes on the property owners of Port Angeles as would be the
case in a voted general obligation bond issue. Councilman Haguewood
strongly opposed the issuance of $2,400,000 in general obligation bonds
without a vote of the public. He spoke in opposition to the ordinance.
Councilman Hordyk felt this would eliminate the possibility of removing the
half-cent add-on sales tax. He also felt it should be voted on by the
public and spoke in opposition to the ordinance.
Following further debate on the issue, Councilman Hordyk inquired of the
City Attorney if the issuance of general obligation bonds without a vote
was legal. Attorney Knutson stated that it was, and the true expert on the
subject would be bond counsel and that in their opinion this was legal.
Councilmembers debated the issue further at length. On call for the
question, the motion carried, with Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood voting
9. Resolution Passed Setting Public Hearing for Six-Year Transportation
Plan for July 2, 1985
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a public hearing date for review
of its Six Year Comprehensive Street
Councilman Hordyk moved to pass the Resolution as read by
man Stamon seconded. Councilman Hordyk suggested the
Safety Committee of ITT be included in the public hearing.
question, the motion carried.
title. Counci1-
letter from the
On call for the
10. Request to Participate in Coastal Cities Promotion Effort (City's
Share $200)
Mayor Whidden updated the Council and staff on a request for the City of
Port Angeles to participate in the Coalition of Coastal Cities in a project
called the Holiday Coastal Highway_ Councilman Quast moved the City join
the Coalition of Coastal Cities and pay the $200 membership fee. Following
discussion, Councilman Haguewood moved to amend the motion that the Mayor
June 18, 1985
attend one more meeting and report back to the Council. Councilman Hordyk
seconded. On call for the question, the amendment carried, with Councilman
Quast voting "No".
11. Proclamation from the City of Port Angeles Thanking the People 's
Republic of China for Symphony Hospitality
Mayor Whidden proclaimed the enthusiastic support of the City of Port
Angeles for the cultural exchange visit of the Port Angeles Symphony
Orchestra to the People I s Republic of China and designating Craig D. I
Knutson, City Attorney, as the official representative of the City of Port
Angeles on this visit.
12. Resolution Passed Authorizing Mayor to Sign Weatherization Contract
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute Amendatory Agreement No. 13
to Contract No. DE-MS79-83BP91362 between
the City of Port Angeles and the United
States Department of Energy, Bonneville
Power Administration.
Councilman Haguewood moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Coun-
cilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
13. Discussion on Preference for Local Labor
Councilman Gerberding requested further information at a later date from
staff on the City I S legal rights in preference of local labor. He re- I
quested this information be submitted prior to the beginning of construc-
tion of the new City Hall. Councilman Quast stated the EDC and the
Planning Department had already worked out something similar in regard to
the Waterfront project and felt this might be used as a prototype for the
City Hall construction.
Councilman Gerberding then mentioned previous ordinances vacating Chase
Street. Manager Flodstrom explained these vacations had occurred specific-
ally to support the construction of a community center and convention
facility. He stated that if the construction of a City Hall resulted in
the need for a vacation, the issue would be brought back before the City
Council at that time.
14. Discussion of Limiting Terms of Office
Councilman Gerberding read into the record the following:
June 17, 1985
I believe that the City of Port Angeles would be best served by
limiting councilmanic terms of office to two consecutive elected four year
terms. There are several benefits to this proposal.
First: There would be more positive campaigning. Persons with more
positive perspectives would be apt to run for office. As it is the
most likely campaign against a two term councilman would be highly
Second: More persons would become involved in local government, both in
campaigning and in holding elected and appointed positions.
Third: There would be less political decision making and electioneering in
the final months of a term of office. There would be more
analytical analysis in the best interest of the City of Port
June 18, 1985
Following are several excerpts from the RCW's which give the council
authority to make such a decision. I hope that a full council can review
an ordinance that would allow such limitations and after due deliberation
vote on the matter at the July 2, 1985 meeting.
Rex W. Gerberding
Councilman Quast supported having an ordinance drawn up to be considered
for discussion purposes by the Council July 2nd. Councilman Gerberding
then so moved. Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman Gerberding clarified
this would be for discussion; that there would be no commitment whatsoever.
Councilman Stamon agreed this was a topic that needed to be discussed but
was concerned that the July 2nd Agenda was beginning to become too full.
Councilman Haguewood spoke in opposition to the motion. Councilman Quast
supported limiting the terms to 12 years. Councilman Quast felt the timing
for discussion of the subject might be inappropriate and difficult on July
2nd, as the City Attorney would not be available for that meeting. He
requested postponing this discussion until the July 16, 1985, City Council
meeting. Councilman Gerberding concurred. Following further discussion,
on call for the question the motion carried, with Councilmen Gerberding,
Stamon and Quast voting "Aye", Councilman Haguewood voting "No", and
Councilman Hordyk abstaining.
15. Recommendations for Parks Department
Councilman Quast noted there were a number of planters Downtown with dead
plants in them, particularly on the Waterfront.
Councilman Quast also noted there was one dead tree on the eastern side of
Lincoln Street between the two entrances to Haguewood' s Restaurant, and
there is a tree close to the entrance door of the Chamber of Commerce which
blocks their sign. Parks and Recreation Director Marsh explained that some
slight pruning would be done.
Councilman Quast also noted more waste disposal containers are needed west
of Oak Street.
Councilman Quast then brought up a letter received from KOMO in regard to
Seattle's Medic I program. He noted the response time in Port Angeles is
better than that in Seattle. He noted the Mayor was invited to be a
participant of the KOMO program. The Council instructed staff to contact
KOMO to obtain more information about the program.
Councilman Hordyk asked that staff respond to the letter received from a
recipient of services of Medic I and that copies of the letter go into
personnel files of the individuals involved. He then referred to the Fire
Department Report, stating the sprinkler display trailer was quite an asset
for the City of Port Angeles. He also noted he had been receiving com-
plaints about the PA system at Civic Field being too loud. He shared this
opinion as he lives in the area.
Councilman Stamon noted another letter of appreciation on the summer water
rates had been received. She then commended John Marsh and the Parks and
Recreation Staff for working so diligently on the yard-of-the-month
program. she urged other Councilmembers to keep an eye out for yards that
might be worthy of nomination.
Councilman Quast suggested to the Parks Department that the planter boxes
Downtown be farmed out to volunteers who will maintain them. He also
discussed with Fire Chief Glenn the upcoming trip of Fire Department rep-
resentatives with the sprinkler trailer to Yakima. Councilman "Quast
thanked the individuals who had volunteered to go on their own time and
gave them his blessings on their trip.
Mayor Whidden then referred to a letter regarding the Derby Days non-beer
garden and an invitation for a Counci1rnemer to speak. Councilman Haguewood
was appointed to speak at the non-beer garden. Councilman Haguewood sug-
gested talking to the tavern association about the suggestion of soliciting
for donations of, say, 5C a beer for all beers sold the day of the non-beer
garden, to be donated to Derby Days, Inc.
June 18, 1985
Mayor Whidden then referred to other correspondence received by the Coun-
cil. He informed those present that Public Works Director Jack Pittis will
be acting City Manager from June 19th through June 21st. He also discussed
with staff the situation involving the Greyhound markings at the Tourist
Trap. Staff indicated this matter will be brought before the Council at a
future meeting.
Mayor Whidden referred to items on the Information Agenda, including a
letter from Clallam County Commissioners indicating they have no objections
to the City's proposed annexation of the USCG Air Station on Ediz Hook. He I
also discussed with staff the trip to the Yakima Fire Chiefs' Convention
for the residential sprinkler display trailer. .
Manager F10dstrom updated the Council on the meeting which occurred with
the Port of Port Angeles in regard to the Waterfront Associates' project,
at which further consideration of the Waterfront Associates' lease and
financing of that project was postponed until June 28th, or thereabouts.
Manager Flodstrom also discussed with the Council the possibility of
privatization for the new City Hall facility. He requested Council's
concurrence to authorize pursuance of the privatization option.
Councilman Hordyk inquired if the City would still have the decision over
the design of the building. Manager Flodstrom explained that the City
would have the authority and the building would be built according to the
City's specifications. The Council concurred to pursue the matter.
City Manager Flodstrom then presented to Councilmembers invitations to the
grand opening of the Harbor Towne Mall scheduled for June 27, 1985.
Manager Flodstrom commended very highly the developers of Harbor Towne.
Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:19 P.M. for
the purpose of discussing litigation.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:30 P.M.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:35 P.M.
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