HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/19/1940 ".- 176 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,lnnp. 191 1940 19_ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. and ViaS called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind, !l'ttorney Conniff and Clerk lla.wk ins . The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted: Arthur Thompson, rsmodel house, Lot 9, Block 51, Townsite I Elsie H~/ley, remodel house, Lot 5, Block 42, N.R. Smith's SUJd. C. F. Cay-anus, Construct Ser'Vice Station, Lot 1, Block 258, Townsite Hoare & HeadriCk, Repair Building, Lot 1, Bleck 69, Townsite David Joseph, Peddler's License, 1 day (6-l4-40) 750.00 500.00 2500.00 500.00 10.00 I Under the head of Unfinished Business: Further consideration of bids for electrical equipnent for the f,thletic Playfie1d came up and it was moved by Commissioner Beam that the bid for floodlights be awarded to Graybar Electric "ompany for Crouse Hinds I @ $13.50 and $17.25 each. Seconded by Commissioner Lind. an roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor I declared the motion carried. The Commissim examined and allovred the following claims and ordered warrants drawn forsame: I CURRENT EXPEl/SE FUND Olympic Stati.oners II It Carbon Paper Supplies Cement, etc. n " Columbia Market George's Service Station- Olympic Stationers F. ]V. Woolworth Co. Qui ck Print Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Nails, etc. Weiners Repairs Supplies Plates, Spoons, etc. SuP?lies Badge Pins Light BUlb 9{ /" .3.\-'7 1.55 9.67 44.57 247.55 20.85 9.18 6.52 2.04 1.58 5.57 .77 .56 Angele s Gravel & Supply Co. " n " If ft CITY STREET FUND ~"ngeles Gravel & Supply Co. " " "II It Lumber, etc. Concrete, etc. Part s Laoor, Loading Sulphite Liquor Yellow Markers 9)- \ \~ 16.60 14.04 2.96 51.45 54.88 I Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Weshir~ton P~lp & Paper Corp. Charles R. Watts & Co. WATER FUND V. A. Samuelson & Co. Truck Repairs 52.86 ~ 6.00 V 2.00 )0 2.00 10.61 35.65 147.65 b"" 4.11 b<>~/ 54.86 I CEMETERY FUND Roy Searles R. W. Searles A. L Messersmith Labor .!:M!LFJ!!iQ Rudy's Radio Shop Light Fixt ure s GUf.RANTY FUND City Treasurer ASGessments CITYWIDE SIDEV~LK CONSTRUCTION FUND Seattle Steel Comrany Angeles Gravel & ~pply Co. n It II 11 II steel, etc. Nails L~~ber, Nails, etc. Under the head cf Unfinished Business: The fcllowing ordinance was read by title and passed its second reading: AN ORDIlI.~NCE relatilOg tc r9ci,,-lating and licensing the business of distributing and exhibiting for use and play certain amusement devices and automatic music playing machines; fixing license fees and prescribing penalties; and repealing Ordinance No. 1047. ~~~ (\!7I/P~ /> I There being no fUrther business the Commission then adjourned. City Clerk MElyor ... r:;;,