HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/19/1950 ,. 14 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 19, 19~ '""" . ...", ...no, ""'~'", '".m,. 00'00 ~ lThe Co~~issionffet in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by ~~j~r reeley. Officers present were: J.~yor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney TI'lm,1:r.111, and Clerk law. ~:inutes of the previous session were read and approved. under the head of aB~lications OJ()O - E. F. Roth /~, Fred Rasmussen Lloyd H. last Indepe ndent Eible for building permits, the following were granted: fuild 5-Room Dwelling; Lots 5-6, Blk. 65, P.B.C.C. Add. fuild 4-Room House; Lot 16, Blk. 156, Townsite fuild Garage; I,ots 9-10, 1J1k. 418, Townsite Church fuild Additions to J:resent Church; Lot 9, Blk. 27, Townsite 7,000.00 5,000.00 300.00 6,000.00 Under the head of unfinished husiness, bids for the sale of Lots 15, 16, and 17, Blk. 303, Townsite, were suqrnitted as foll""s: h:rs. Elmer Bond,~305.oo. Earl Davidson recommended that the bid be accepted, and it .was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the recommendation be approved and property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. At this time the hearing for L. 1. :J. No. 153 was opened by the Commission. The ~!aj'Or reque,st.ed that Fred Strange, Planning Corr~,issioner, review the proposed program. . Hr. Strange informed that no money has been spent in twenty-five years except for maintenance and that asphalt surface applied was only dust palliative. That the community is faced with the problam of separating storm water from sanitation water and !I' ovision must be m.ade for the same. Also that the Commission should. be congratulated for initiating the improvement program with the Planning Commission. :Jon lawson infomed that the Cherry Hill residents do not know whet they are gett.ing or' at whet cost. That they are. opposed to paying for straet construction that will not be permanent. Also cited notices of a ssessments received and lack of information as to storm sevmrs. Mr. Strange explained how a1:r.1tting property on arterials will pay the same as Cherry Hill, and as each individual area is improved, storm sewers will be installed. That arterials should be concrete, whereas the asphaltic cement laid as per State Highway specifications is sufficient for residential areas. /!lso that curbs will be installed by separa,te item in contract and ;:aid by p;ropertJ' owner, and if and when the project is completed, all will be pleased and well satisfied, no doubt other district,; y,;,11 be wanting the same , improveme nts . Mrs., McGee, also memb~T of the Planning Commission, assured that the Planning Commission are not trying to force improvell'.ents on the propertj" owners. Inquired as to how those present liked their streets and how they expected to get improvements. Frank Fisher', J!.rs. Shelleberger, /.lrs. Thompson, Forrest Utt, and others spoke regarding mis-understanding :when 'petitions signed, logging truck menace, and prospacts of outlet up Tumwater Street. It was the opinion of Attorney Johnston that those signing petitions have been mis-inforrnd and that if a meeting is held for further explanation and revie., the project would be more favorable. Commissioner Taylor expressed willingness for a public' hearing as did Commissioner Robinson. Mayor Feeley informed that what the people want is what the Commission want them to have. Attorney Johnston then with- drew temporarily the petitions filed and the City Attorney informed that those not requesting in writing that their names be \Vi thdrawn, will still be opposed to the improvement. It was then moved by Commissioner Robinson that the hearing be recessed for one week until ;."onday at 10 o'clock, A.M., and in the meantime, hold ar. open hearing on the proposed project. Motion seconded by CO~'TIissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. 1lotion carried. The session was then recessed until 1:30 P.M. Pursuant to recess declared, the Commission. convened at 1:50. P.l'. with all. officers present. Ur,der the head of unfinished business, a letter from Golonel E. C. Itschner, Corps of District Engineers, regardiag protection Qf Ediz Hook, was read before the Commission. Indications were that results Df study 'TIny justify such project and the same has been forward~d to !)ikher authority. The Commission ordered the letter filed. Commissioner Taylor reported tha t mDney from Timber sold to Jones and Newell is still due the Water Depart- ment. Attorney Trumbull informed tha t legal actio;) can be instituted. It was re/,'Ularly moved by . 8ominissioner RobinsDn that the matter be referred to tbe Attorney for collection-. Seconded tv !layor Feeley. All: voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new tnsimss, the Mayor announced appointment of Emerson L9wrence as Civilian ])9feIlGe and Disaster ~ Co-Ordinator. It was moved by CO~'TIissioner TIobinson that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by '~yor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Engineer Ahlvers reC[ucsted that bids be called for installation of concrete pipe in the canyon caused by erosion at Ocean View Cemetery. It was moved by COITmissioner Taylor that the call for bids be published and' opened July 5rd. Motiun seconded by Cornncissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion 9arried. Attorney Tr~mbull reported on topics discussed at the convention of Associated ~ashinbton Cities as follows: provision for fact finding body for planning Commission and Zoning Ordinance, prot.est hort.icultural growth and removal, should State provide for crosswalk striping on State art.erials, nuisance-abatement, and fact finding body for same. under the heRd of readir~ and passaGe of Ordinances, the follu"ir~ was placed on third and final reading: ORDINP.IiCE NO. 1229 AN ORDINANCE of tbe Cito' of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of water revenue refundine bonds of the cit,- in the total principal sum of C405,ooO for the purpose of refunding and retiring all of the outstanding bonds of the water revenue refuniing bond issue of 1944, creating a special fund for the paYJOOnt of the principal and interest of t.he refuniing bonds herein authorized, fixing the date, form, terms and rre. turities thereof, confirming the sale thereof and the call for redemption of said outstanding Ibonds heretofore made, and declaring an emergency. lIt was moved land adopted. I I ! ... 1 by Commissioner Robinson thet the foregoing Ordinance te passed the third and final reading Seconded b'; Conunissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Mot.ion carried. I~ I I I ,I \~I' ~I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 15 I The report of P"lice Ju:lge Phillips for the month of l;ay showing (iI,781.50 fines collected, was approved 1 and ordered filed. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same' I' ' 17 i CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 7.)./- . Vernon J. Robinson I Aiken Hotors Fitchard's Ass. Service I Hooker Storage Garage Art & Eddie 's Si!:ell Service Hoare & Headrick I James H"raw~r~ United Janitor 0Uppiy Co. ~ The Texas Co. I Willson Hardware Co. Deines Studio I Huirard-Cooper Corp. ,.5.3 I CITY S'lllliJ;;'l' FUND: 1~3'1-- I Union Oil Co. of Calif. I The Texas Co. Luvaa s Firestone Service Northwest Motor Parts & Mfg. Co. . Schreiner Chevrolet Co. 11'ruck & Equipment Co. Lincoln Welding Automotive Parts Co. Willson Hardware Co. Eklund Lumber Co" Nailor Lumber Co. '15 WATER FUND, 13S... I City Street Dept. Hersey Mfg. Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. LIGHT FUND: :z "1'1 I f 1 Remington Rand, l'nc. City Street Dept. J. J. McLean Ganeral Electric Supply Corp. R. E. Uptegraff Mfg. Co. 11~5 SAN ITA nON 'FUND: 'Lincoln Yielding Vfillson Hardware Co. PARK FUND: /fJ.:!'f ,James Hardware Co. Automotive ~arts Service City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. \'/heeler Hdwe. & l<i1rn. Co. Angeles Millwork & Lbr. Co. PARKING Mt;TEIt & TRAFFIC CONTROl. M. H. 'Rhodes, Inc. Clark & Edwards Lbr. Co. G. & L Paint Supplies Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. James Vi. Caven Willson Hardware Co. Railway ],;xpress Agency IL. 1. D. REVOLVING lUND, S;J. 21 City Treasurer Jllnp. 1 9t.hJ cont,i nUAd. Traveling Expense Cycle Repair, Battery Chg. 2 Tires, Gar P.epairs &It tery Chg. & Fuses 1 Tire Repair Car Repairs l<use s and Globes Paper Towels Gasoline and Oil 1 Toggle Switch; Fire Dept. Supplies Photographic Supplies 2 Fog Nozzles Unoba Urea se Gasoline, Motor Oil, Tire and 'f'u be. Repair Gaskets, Cartridges 1 Shackle Parts Parts & Labor Parts, Tools, Paint Tools and Hdwe. Lumber J,wnber etc. Gas, etc. Parts Swi tch & Cutout Parts Gas and Oil Expeos e B.11bs, Meters Transformers Parts & Repair Fork, Scoop Shovel Staple Puller, Adze, Handle Gas Tank Hose Light, Water, Garbage Service 3851 Tools & Ildwe., Calvo Pipe Lumber 3'1 FUND: ~, Parts Cedar Posts Paint, etc. Scotchlite Bushings 5 Bolts Express i There being no further wsiness, the meeting was then adjourned. Taxes & Costs Lots 19-20, Elk. 432, Townsite, 19_5~ 28.09 9.02 53.98 1.28 1.03 13 7 . b8 1.U:5 13.91 322.48 !l 31.99 22.51 98.:57 6.94 609 . 52 38.11 34.4B 1.18 9.01 14.14 261.32 37.81 14.83 7.19 96.83 .61 38.51 6.18 99.28 74.51 133.67 2,677 .85 13.19 5.36 7.03 .44 86.12 3.30 40.99 5.56 210.52 94.55 97.56 27.00 1.25 .44 9.27 52.77 (J : t i!-a-ur {I City Clerk ~/4 ;?.y Mayor .'VP'I"CF, 'I'H IHlHU.;U"i 1'11~0t ~~i~ I i:;l/~\'I;~~~~i ~~~i('J: ,\lh:::1 ,;'f~(~\Y~ ~\!~~]I;rt~i,~~~ sl~rl' (({it~:()}i~li\~r~~:i~i ~~~fl:I;~'?;;( l%~;~~~~YJI:~tl~~:r~l~~~g~ J jHl~;}~~~j ~~~t~~ 7'~I/~~';'fl~'OI~;ri'3~~ !,'~lIrllt~k~:~:\;,y 'rf~~;~~~tl:~~;~1~~:.~:~i~~~~ri:~~;~J~~~~1 }f;ht T~1;'ef~lt~I~~(l~~~larrb1:j~~6 the l~~i~~J';' {~,~:,r2~~I~~, ~~~~~