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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 19, Iff~
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"The City Council met at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of Officers showed
the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilwoman Powell, Councilmen BroWl'\, Sandison, Ivol(e, and McFadden,
City Attorney Trumbull and City Manager Vergeer.
IThe City Jltanager reviewed financial reports for'the month of May as previously submitted to each member of I
I the Council. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by
fCOUncilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The manager announced contents of all reports were
available to the press and radio. ' I
.Under th~ h~ad of unfinished busin~~s, one bid was received from Arnold Levy for'~urchase of Lots 12 to 20
inclusive, Block 249, Townsite, in amount of $550.00. Earl Davidson recommended the b:l:d be accepted. It
Iwas moved by CounCilman Brown that the bid be tabled until the next meeting when membe,'s of -th'. Council
lwill have had an opportunity to inspect the property. Seconded by Councilman ~Iolfe. All members voted
Aye. Motion carried. I
jWilliam Hilburn requested minimum prices be established for the sale of Lots 19 and 20 of Block 144, and Lee I
,J. Gormley asked the same on Lots 15, 16, 17, Block 303. Council detennined it will view the premises and ,
i report at the next regular meeting. I
:Bids for purchase of General Obligation Bonds of the City of Port Angeles in amount of $67,500.00 were I
submitted as follows: First National Bank of Port Angeles, $67,525.00 plus accrued interest to date of
delivery for 2~ coupon bonds. Subject to unqualified approving opinion of Messrs. Preston, Thorgrimson,
iand Horowitz, Attorneys, cost to be paid by bidder.
'IState of \'lashington, Finance Committee, by Ernest lunor, Secretary; par and accrued interest, with interest
IPayable semi-annually at 2i% per annum. City required to furnish complete transcript of all proceedings
Ileading up to and purporting to authorized bond issue, ani subject to approval by the Attorney General.
Manager Vergeer recommended the bid of the First National Bank be accepted. It was moved CT.f Councilman
McFadden that the recommendation by Mr. Vergeer be approved and the bid of tlle First National Bank be
laccepted. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted'IAye. Mction carried. " ;,c' " .,,, -
iThe hearing on Local Improvement District No. 160, for sidewalks, curbs, and gutters on Seventh, Eighth,
iFrancis, and Race Streets, WaS opened. The Council discussed advisability of continuing with the L.LD. as
ian extensive program is proposed which includes this district. The Attorney was questioned regarding legal
Icomplications and replied that none are apparent. Frank Feeley advised that the City has no alternative, I
,as signed petitions have been filed in proper form. The Engineer's Department not being able to notify all
,property owners as yet, regarding cost of improvement, the Manager recommended that the hearing be postponed I
,until the next neeting when 'all property O1roers will have proper notification. It was moved by Councilman I
,I,olfe that the hearing be postponed as recommended. Seconded by Councilman Bro"TI. All voted ,\ye. Motion
IThe Council discussed the improvement of l"est Lincoln Heights district by installation of sewers according
Ito petitions filed. The Manager reconrnended that the Council refer to him the preparation of maps, property I
,valuation, etc., necessary prior to fixing dat e of hearing for the improvement. On motion by Councilman
~rown, the reco~~endation was accepted.
The Statewide City Employee Retirement System requested adoption of a resolution authorizing city employees
'includir.g Paul T. Poulsen to retain their benefits after termination of their employment. City Manager I
,vergeer recommended approval on the grounds that both the City and employees paid into the fund in good i
faith for specific benefits and thus he felt the City should not deprive its employees of benefits so earned.'
It was moved by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilwoman Powell the City Attorney be directed to prepare '
a resolution authorizing employees to retain benefits accrued under the CER program after temmination of
'municipal employment. Motion carried unanimously.
The City 11anager reported~n progress of the police station under construction and stated he felt the City
was obligated to pay assesment liens against the property utilized less amount paid out on taxes to Clallam
County. A special written financial report was issued. Miss Elsie Stahl, City Treasurer present in the
audience volunteered her opinion that the City had iimi1ar receipts derived from'property sales 'in the
City's L.LD. Revolving Fund and that bond holders could probably not be contacted as the issue was 35 years
old. City Attorney Trumbull said he did not feel the City needed to be concerned over the lien debt. He
,did admit litigation might result from the City's appropriation of the property to its own use. It was
moved by Councilman Br<Mn, seconded by Mayor Smith that the City Attorney obtain an opinion from the
State Auditor's Office as to their viewpoint and otherwise rule on the legal aspects. Carried unanimously
and so ordered.
The State Liquor Board informed of permit transfers as follows: Vllirine Drive Lunch from Clarence Cole to
b. L. Hulse. Babe's Tavern, from Fred R. Payne ani Floyd and Pearl Ludwig to Herbert R. Burns. It was
fnoved by Councilman Brown that the trensfers be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye.
Hotion carried.
Rey Fox requested that the City sell him the timber on City owned property near intake of the Elwha Industr-
ial water line. 1vater Supt. Dodge advised the amount of timber available is not worth the trouble caused
by removal and recommended that the timber not be placed for sale. It was moved by Councilman McFadden
that the recomnendation be approved and timber not sold. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye.
~i:otion carried.
/I>anager Vergeer discussed with the CounCil, a deficit in the City Shop Fund and a voucher in amount of
$1,869.88 which if paid would clear up said deficit. Also by authority of the CounCil, the amount may be
~istributed to several departments for value received. It was moved by Councilman !,volfe that the matter
be referred to the Manager ,,'ith authority to distribute cost and charge out to departments receiving
material and labor. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye.
:The Treasurer reported that property sales contracts of Astrid Fredricksen and Sam Sturgeon have been paid,
deeds for the same to be e;"ecuted. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the Mayor and Clerk be author-
ized to execute deeds for delivery to the purchasers. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. Motion carried.
The Attorney examined bond filed on behalf of the Manager.
by Councilman Brown that the same be approved am accepted.
Aye. Motion carried.
Manager Vergeer received notice of meeting to be conducted by the joint fact-finding committee in the Elks
110dge room Saturday, June 20 at 10:00 A. M. The meeting is called in regard to highways, stl'eets and
'bridges and all officers are urged to attend if possible. Mr. Vergeer also reported that he had received
lonly one letter regarding the bus situation since his arrival.
The bond being in proper form, it was moved
Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 19 continued
,,'.. . ""'H "'"., "'..".,"' ...,,", u,.. ...,
The report ,of Police, Judge ,Reynolds for the month of May, showing $2,137.00 fines collected, was approved
an:! ordered filed.
Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced:
l BE IT KNO\VN, THAT \.:!JEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, pursuant to a special election held for the pur-
pose, did on the 2nd d3lf of June, 1952, change its form of govel~ent from the corrmission form of govern-
Iment to the council-manager plan of government; and
IVHEREAS, pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided the Council of the, City of Port
Angeles 'did employ a City Nanager at a salary of $9,000.00 per year; and
WHEP~AS, said election was held and said council-manager plan of government adopted and said City
I Kanager employed subsequent to the making and adoption cf the budget of the City of Part Angeles for
the year 1952, by re3son of which said budget contains no appropriation or classification of funds for
Lhe payment of the salary and expenses of such City Manager and the members of the City Council; and
WHEREAS, by reason of the foregoing it is necessary to reduce the classification and appropriation
of certain funds in certain Departments in the City of Port Aneeles, .,hich funds will not be otherwise
expended during the year 1952, and reappropriate such funds and reclassify them for the payment of the
salary and expense of the City l1anager and the ffiembers of the CityCouncil; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles (lS follCl/s. That the funds appropriated
and classified in the budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 1952 for the following Departffients
and classifications be reduced as herein3fter set forth:
Salaries and wages from $2,291.61 to $S44.41
Bond from $62.50 to $50.00
'Salaries and wages from $2~ 500. 00 to $76C. 00
Bond' from'$75.00 to $18.50
Salaries and wages from $2,208.31 to $760.00
Office records and Supplies from $50.00 to $11.64
Travel expense and car mileage from ~~lOO.OO to $74.49
Extra lLabor for capital outlay, improvements to water system, engineering service,
contracts, salaries and \<ages from $24,436.00 to $23,036.00
and that all of said DJ))2.rtm8nts, classifications, appropriations and items of the budget of the City of
Port Angeles for the year 1952 be, and they are hereby, changed to read as above set forth.
That there be, and there is hereby, oreated, appropriated and classified new Departments, classifi-
cations and budget items designated as City lI'anager's and City Council Departments reading as follOW's:
Salaries and wages, 7 months $5,250.00
]ojaintenance and operation, 7 months
Office Records and supplies
Travel' expense
275 .00
Salaries and wages (7 mohths at $10.00 per
1I',0nth per member)
Travel expense
Telephone - printing - advertising - postage
$ 800.00
"'-1, '
and that the budget of theC1ty of Port Angeles for the "'ear 1952 be, and the same is hel'eby, amended and
changed accordingly." ' ,
ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1952.
It was moved by Councilman Brmm that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman 11cFadden. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
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