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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 19
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The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Richardson presidi. ng. Roll call of office.!
revealed the following present: Councilman Smith, Maxfield, Thorne, Randall IIld Caldwell, Manager Vergeer.
Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
Minutes of the previous session were read III d it was moved by Councilman Thorne they be approved .as read.
Seconded by Councilman Smith and Carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, the Manager reported on meeting with Highland View Association re-
,Igarding water services from main line. It was the opinion of Attorney Chamberlin, representing the Assoc-
'Iiation. that the State has taken action without proper authority and he will write the State Health Dept.
:1 and await reply.
iThe Manager also reported on investigation of request for water service by Joe Scherneck on Highway 101.
This being outside the service area, it will be necessary for Council to decide if Ordinance should be
I amended extending area. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that report be accepted and request denied.
',Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
I .
i Pursuant to pUblications, one bid 'was received from the Superior Painters for painting Civic Stadium and
fence. Mount bid was $4,314.80 for material and labor. Labor only, $3,850.00 plus tax. Mr. Vergeer re-
Ilcommended that contract should include all work ,contemplated. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that
offer be accepted on these terms. Seconded by l;ouncilman Smith and carried.
I. 'f f
Three b1ds were rece1ved or legal city printing or the year beginning July 1st.
PENINSULA HERALD: Six cents per line single column. Tabulated matter at same rate, except for
one-time pUblication whiCh will be 12~ per line single column.
THE OLYMPIC TRIBUNE: pive cents per line for each publication, except tabulated matter"D~ per line.
PORT ANGELES EVENING NEWS: Pirst publication l4~ per line, except tabulat ed matter which is l~ per
line, Repeat pUblications, all mater. eleven cents per line. It was moved by Councilman ThClme that
award of bid be postponed for further study. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
The City Engineer filed tbe second and final estimate for work done and material furnished by Paine &
Gallucci in L.I.D. No. 177, in amount of $2,612,32. It was moved by Councilman Smitb that estimate be
approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
Leslie Everett having previously complained of baseballs hazarding 1nJury at Little League field. the
Park Board investigated and rec01llmended building to present backstop twenty feet on East side and COVer
top with wire as it now has on old part. It was mev ed by Councilman Smith that report be accepted and
wire added as recommended. Seconded by Counci lman Maxfield and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the ci'ty request Clallam County Physicians Service to extend present
jmedical contract to October 1. Seconded by Councilman Thome and carried.
'II Council con~idered proposed revision of power contract between the City and Pibreboard Paper Products Co.
lt was moved by Councilman Maxfield that proposal be ,tabled until Council will have had opportunity to .
:study. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. .
iMr. Vergeer tead coimnunicat ion from Congressman Jack Ijestland stating that the Pederal Aid construction
iprogram for water pOllution control will terminate June 30. 1959.
IUnder the head of new business, requests for beverage license renewals were received as follows: Market
)Basket, Bailey's Grocery, P.A. Distributing Co., Rose's Place, Sunrise Grocery, Cherry-Eight Grocery,
,Linkletter's Pine FOods, Burwell's Grocery, Handi-Spot Grocety, Little Brick Tavern, Chinook Tavern,
"ILee Hotel, Enos Distributing, Marlott's Pood S, ta:e, Tradewell Store NO. 37, Duck Inn, Wagon tiheel Tavern,
Log Cabin Tavern, Olympic Distributing Co., K and K Pine Poods, West Side Grocery, -'iI. & C Tavern, P. A.
Aerie No. 483, lest Dependable Super Market. 1tt was moved by Councilman Smith that renewals be approved.
':, SeConaed by Councilman Caldwell and carried. .
~. . -
iThe City Engineer told Council that C Street grade as established by Ordiullce" Ho. 433 in 1914, does
:!not conform with grade recently surveyed by the State Highway Departm~nt in preparation for contemplated
I'improvement, the State having balanced out with cuts and fills. Council questioned as to whether or not
the City would be subject to damage by chuging grades. Attorney Moffett advised protection 10r the CiiY
Iby formal action if change will effect any property. The Engineer then quoted grades which in his
I opinion were better than original. The following Resolution was then introduced and read:
i WHEREAS, the State Department of Highways has presented to the City of Port Angeles a set of plans
!ShOWing the proposed grade elevations on the route of Secondary State Highway No. 9-A within the corporate
,limits of the City of Port Angeles. and has requested approval of said grades, now therefore
I BE IT RESOLVED, that the grades as shown on Sheets 2 and 3 of 3 sheets of the plans entitled Secondary
'State Highway No.9-A, 9th Street to Lauridson Boulevatd and which bear the approval of the Director
of Highways dated , are hereby approved.
PERMISSION IS ALSO GRANTED to adjust Ie any catch basins, manholes and covers, monuments, water
valve cases and any other facilities necessary to fit the proper line and grades as shown.
Dated at Port Angeles, washington, this 19th day of June, 1958.
It was moved by Councilmlll Maxfield that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Thorne and carried.
Claims payable June 19 were approved in total amount of $36,885.43. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield
that claims be approved and plid. Seconded by Councilman Smi th and carried.
The following departmental reports were submitted for Council approval: Treasurer's financial. Light.
I Water Police Judge, and budget reports. It was moved by Councilman Thome that reports be accepted and
(iled. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Icouncil Noted that June 30 has been set for special meeting for public hearing on proposed LID No. 178.
fonnal notice to be given.
I Police Chief KOChanek requested that meeting be arranged for a committee of three Council members IIld
representatives fr01ll his department between the dates of June 20 and July 15.
,Manager Vergeer requested that danage claims be made of record as follows: Due to po"er failu,,", of June
,9 one Delco motor at Safeway Store No. 188 burned out and requires re_winding at estimated cost of
. $30.00. Also at approximately 1:30 p.M.. June 9, Mrs. J.O. Aumann fell in the lobby. at City Hall. She
I was taken to the office of Dr. Laico and from there to hospital fClc X-Ray. !loth c!a1mB were referred
to the insurance company.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Jlloe 19
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Mr. Vergeer requested .that the following notice be read: ' "Due to circwnstances over which I have
no control I herewith submit my resignation frOO! the posifion of City Manager effective thirty days
from date:' It was moved by Councilman Randall that resignation be accepted. Seconded by Councilman
Thorne. Councilman Maxfield inquired as to what had prompted resignation and was concerned about 30-day
limitation. Mr. Vergeer replied that he had been requested to appear at the Mayor's office at 5:00 P.M.
I June 17. frir. Randall was also present and resignation was requested. Reason given for request 'Was
I apparent friction between the manager and the new councilmen.
I Mayor Richardson explained that it was concensus of new council members that friction had arisen prior to
election which divided the Council into different factions which was evident by the pub.IX:ity received on
the election a nd the new members felt that since the group was ",lit on such divergent opinions, it would
be of better int erest to t he City and Council to start with new manager. It was the feel ing that if there
cannot be harmony in City Government, the council can't effectively go about its business in a workmanlike
manner when friction and divergence of opinion exists. which was apparent prior to the e1 ection.
Councilman Randall stated tha.t in opinion of Council members, it .was the honora.ble thing to do, giving
Mr. Vergeer a Ch~e to resign so there would be no black mark on his record in event he would want to
get a jOb elsewhere. The question was requested and l:ouncilmen Randall, Caldwell and Thorne voted in favor
of acceptan ceo COWlcilmen Smith and Ma.xfield voted ,opposed. Motion carried. .
Mr. "ergeer thought ~ouncil had ,acted in haste, only being in office for two council meetings, although
tIlis is their\privilege and under the circumstances he could ha.rdly be of benefit to the City. He also
expressed ,a.pprecia.tion for .support he had in programs of improvements to the City in the past six yeus
and particularly the very excellent relationship with Council up to this time. On behalf of employees,
hoped they will coniHnue to enjoy privileges ,as in the past.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Vergeer for years of service and hoped him best of luck in lilY endea.vor he may
wish to go into.
Councilman Smith sta.ted it has been a pleasure working with Mr. Vergeer in improving the City and especiallY
in the operation of a three and a half million dollar lIudget. !
: Mr. Vergeer asked about time allowed for interviews, also vaca.tion to which he is entitlecl. l:ouncil assurell
I that time would be permitted f or interviews and vaca.tion as defined by Resolution.
, Engineer Warder was questioned as to whether or not he would consider acting as temporary manager until a
professional can be obtained. He replied that he did not have qualifications, ability or a.spirations
for the position. That he has been .employed and worked with Mr. Vergeer'in some small degree to obta.in
some of results for which he is responsible and concurs with what has been done and planned. He expressed
doubt that Council would be satisfied with what he would do and a.sked that they give much cbnsideration.
After further discussion, it was mOled by Councilman Randall that Mr. Warder be appointed temporary
manager until capable replacement can be obtained. Seconded by Councilman Ca.lJ1well md carried.
Council considered the process of hiring a new manager. On advice from the Attorney, it wa.s moved by
l:ouncilman Randall that the City advertise for manager in suitable papers' or bulletins. Seconded by ,
: Counci~man Thorne and carried.
Under the head of intrOduction and reading of Ordinalces, the following was introduced and placed on fiut
AN ORDINANCE appropriating the sum of $300.00 to cover the purchase of one 'tape recorder for the Clerk's
Department from a.vailable current expense funds, and a.ppropriating the sum of H,250.00 from a.vailable
library funds to cover City ';"'ployees .Retirement and Prior Senk e Expense for the Library Department,
and appropriating the sum of $5.000.00 from available Park Department funds to cover the cost of painting
the Givic Field stadium and cll;>.rgeable out of funds available in the different departments, and declaring
an emergency.
It w~ ~ond bll Counc;i~man Thorne that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first reading. Seconded by Council.
~re"Rerng itS f5~g~~~usiness. the meeting was declared adjourned. I
50, 1958.
City Clerk
city Council mat in Special Session at 7:50 P. ~l., with the following Officers present: Mayor Richardson,
Councilmen Smith, Maxfield and Caldwell, Acting Manager Warder, Attorney Severyns and Clerk ,Law.
I ,
Pursuant to proper notification, the Mayor declared public hearing open 'on proposed L. I. D. No. 178.
Fred strange, Planning Commission Chairman, described area, what will be accomplished and cited merits of
the same. Don Morrison also cited need and health conditions.
The Engineer read protests filed in total amount of $1,621.37 or 1.601% of District. He then read
recommendations from state and Local Health Departments,
Protests filed were: Harry Sandhagen, Lots 11, 12, 15, Elk. 454, Al Huse, Lot ll, Elk. 415,
Alice B. Jewett, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, Elk. 448, Mildred L. Doyle, Lots 13, 14, Elk. 431, Harry B. POllard,
Lots 1 to 6, Elk 457.
No other objections being made or filed, it was moved by ,Councilman Maxfield that hearing be closed. Seconded
by C ounci1man Smith and carried.
Property owners present thanked Council for interst in their community and establishing the sewer district.
There being no further ):>.1siness, the meeting was adjourned.
y. C :L~
City Cl,erk