HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/19/19901639 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 19, 1990 I CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:33 P.M. II INTERVIEW WITH CANDIDATES FOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT VACANCY The Council interviewed Ray Franklin and Frances Burch for the vacancy on the Board of Adjustment. The special meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M. III CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 7:03 P.M. IV PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Second Place winners of the National History Day Competition from Stevens Middle School. Teacher: Leanne McComb; students: Dan Pursley, Joe DeScala, Gordon Thomson, Ryan Church, Rob Walton. V ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Lemon, Nicholson, Ostrowski, Wight. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Acting Manager Pittis, Acting Attorney Dickson, Clerk Maike, S. Brodhun, M. Cleland, B. Collins, B. Titus, B. Coons, B Upton, T. Smith, H. Hutchison, S. Roberds, M. Campbell, G. Kenworthy, S. Hursh, K. Ridout, G. Beck, B. Jones, B. Becket. Public Present: L. Beil, L. Sunny. VI APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR M~ETING OF JUNE 5, 1990 Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 5, 1990. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion, which carried~ unanimously. VII FINANCE 1. Consideration of Bid Award for Landfill Equipment - Dozer Councilman Ostrowski moved to award the bid for a tractor-type tractor and all factory-installedLandfill equipment options, to NC Machinery of Port Angeles, in the amount of $229,614, including tax. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion. The Council and staff discussed extensively the single bid received, the methodology of the bid specifications, using the life cycle, and other options, as well as used equipment; and the laws regarding bidding requirements. Staff discussed with Council the specialization of the piece of equipment to be purchased for the Landfill operation, giving an explanation of the use of the equipment and the type of work to be performed because of the implementation of the Department of Ecology standards regarding the daily covering of the Landfill and several other functions of the equipment. Councilman Gabriel stated he would not be in favor of the motion, as he did not believe this piece of equipment should be purchased, citing that staff could have further reviewed the option of purchasing used equipment; -1- 1640 CITY COUNCILMEETING June 19, 1990 and further, that he did not believe the work that the equipment would be required to do would justify the cost. Councilman Wight stated this issue had been discussed extensively by the Utility Advisory Committee, noting there are certain Landfill requirements the City must now meet and will be more in the future. The Council should look at the reality of the Landfill having the best-fitted equipment. He requested that the Council approve the motion. The question was called and the motion carried, with Councilman Gabriel voting "No". VIII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Wight moved to accept the items as listed on the Consent Agenda, including (1) Request for payment to Lakeside Industries for DelGuzzi Drive LID of $29,113.42; (2) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (3) Vouchers of $395,655.75; and (4) Payroll of 6-15-90 of $268,815.80. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion. Following a short discussion of the items as presented, the motion was voted on and carried unanimously. IX ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL/AUDIENCE TO BE CONSIDERED/PLACED ON THE AGENDA Councilman Wight placed Item 14 on the Council Agenda, Discussion of the Library Parking Lot Contract; and Item 15, Discussion of Noise Ordinance - Harborcrest area. X LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PLANNING A. Amendment to City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map - Ord. 2312, City Clerk's File #84: Proposed Redesignation of Property Located in Blocks 1 & 4, Cooper's Addition to Port Angeles Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 7:38 P.M. Craig Miller, 401 East Front Street, representing Dick Hopkins, applicant, gave a brief background regarding the error that he and his client saw in the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map, and because of this error, they have requested that the Council delay consideration of the rezone until a revision can be made to the environmentally Sensitive Areas Map. He stated that he believed former Planning Director, Paul Cart's, intent in drawing the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map was to protect the Ravine areas within the City, giving the example of White's Creek, Tumwater Creek, Peabody Creek, etc. It was Mr. Carr's hope that the line would follow the top of the bank in those areas. However, Mr. Miller discovered that the lines drawn by Mr. Carr were from aerial photographs, topographical maps, and not from detailed site-specific analyses. The request of Mr. Miller and his client is that the map lines be drawn to the top of the banks in those area. He referred to a spur ravin~ in the northern boundary of the property. It was the request to the Council that that property be designated below the bank of Tumwater Creek Ravine as environmentally sensitive and also that the Council not designate the spur ravine as environmentally sensitive. The reason for the request is that the spur ravine is not very deep; it is relatively narrow; there is not a running body of water through the ravine one hundred percent of the year. It is basically a run-off area during the wet season. He also spoke to the Council about categorical exemptions which do not apply in the area, referring to the SEPA rules. It was his position that there is, in fact, a difference in degree between the spur ravine and the main Tumwater Creek Ravine. Referring to height and width, he suggested the area does not need and should not be included in the Environmentally Sensitive Area designa- tion. The Council discussed with Mr. Miller clarification regarding the area he was referring. Dick Hopkins, 912 West Fourth Street, provided a description of the property in question to the Council, stating the depth of the Tumwater -2- 1[ 1641 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 19, 1990 Creek Ravine on the east side of his property from the top of the bank to the bottom is approximately 200 feet. Towards the south end of the Ravine, there is a bench at the bottom of the property. Across the spur ravine, the average depth is approximately 30 feet following the Ravine 200 feet from south to north. The north end is approximately 54 feet deep by 140 feet wide. He stated he did not believe the area should be environmentally sensitive, since there was no presence of water except for the run-off that is present during the rainy season. Mr. Hopkins stated he would hate to lose that portion of the property, stating it would be easy to fill and it would be wasted if it was designated environmentally sensitive. Councilman Wight asked what type of vegetation grows in the north end of the Ravine. Mr. Hopkins stated there are second-growth trees, about 40 to 50 years old, as well as other vegetation which is native to the area, such as Devil's Club. Jim Nelson, 1121 West 17th Street, representing the Olympic Outdoor Sports- men, stated the Sportsmen's Club was not aware of the proposal to determine the significance of the Environmentally Sensitive Areas in the Tumwater Creek area. He stated Tumwater Creek is recognized as a potential protec- tion project of the Club. He requested that the Council allow time for further review by the Olympic Outdoor Sportsmen Club. There being no further comments, Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing at 8:00 P.M., and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2594 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending the Port Angeles Environmental Policy, Ordinance No. 1886, as amended by Ordinance 1980, as amended by Ordinance No. 2312, and Chapter 15.04 PAMC, and the Port Angeles Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map. Councilman Hallett stated he would be offering an amendment to the Planning Commission's recommendation, as he was in agreement with the minority of the Planning Commission which voted against the motion of the Planning Commission because of the arbitrary redesign of an environmentally sensitive area without grounds or guidelines for the selected number of feet. Councilman Lemon asked for clarification regarding the staff's recommendation. Planning Director Collins stated staff believed that the top of the bank should be the area designated for environmentally sensitive; the primary difference being that the City does not have a clearing and grading ordinance, and the issue is whether or not the area could be filled. Director Collins provided the Council with clarification regarding the areas being recommended as being environmentally sensitive. Following discussion of the Planning Commissionfs recommendation versus the staff recommendation, Councilman Wight moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title; to authorize publication in summary form; citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: (1) The property was designated as RS-9, Residential Single-Family, when it was annexed to the City in April, 1990, per the City's Annexation Policies; (2) The property is designated as environmentally sensitive by the Port Angeles Environ- mental Policy Code; (3) Following field survey, the top of the bank, except 175 feet down the center of the ravine from the most southwest point of the top of the bank in the northwest ravine, is east of the currently designated line, as shown on the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map, and is an environmentally sensitive area; Conclusions: (A) Designation of the property as shown on Exhibit 1, as amended by the Planning Commission, is compatible with other uses in the area and protects the environmentally sensitive areas along the Tumwater Creek Ravine; (B) Redesignation of the property as proposed in Exhibit 1, as amended by the Planning Commission, benefits the public use and interest. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion. -3- 1642 CITY COUNCILMEETING June 19, 1990 Councilman Wight, in speaking to the motion, stated that it seemed there may be merit on the part of the applicant to consider going further to the north with the exclusion line for the environmentally sensitive areas, but he saw the City in the position where approximately 75Z to 80% of the property has been taken out of the Environmentally Sensitive Areas. He believed the Planning Commission's recommendation was rational and reasonable and that the action is appropriate. Following discussion of the motion as presented, the question was voted on and carried, with Councilmen Lemon and Hallett voting "No". B. SCHNEIDER REZONE REQUEST REZ-90(02)i Tumwater Truck Route Area: Proposal to Rezone Property Presently Zoned RS-9, Residential Single-Family to LI, Light Industrial~ and PBP~ - Public Buildings and Parks Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 8:35 P.M. Craig Miller, 401 East Front Street, representing Dick Hopkins, requested the Council concur with the action of the Planning Commission to rezone the property fromRS-9, Residential Single-Family, to LI, Light Industrial; all the property with the exception of those designated as Environmentally Sensitive. Planning Director Collins pointed out to the Council the procedural problems with continuing on with the Planning Commission and the Planning Department's recommendation to rezone to PBP. He believed with the additional information received from the applicant on the site, it would be appropriate to modify the mitigated Determination of Non-Significance so the areas in Exhibit "A", as designated from RS-9 to PBP, in fact could be rezoned. He also noted that the legal description in the Ordinance does not include the area which was designated non-environmentally sensitive. He recommended the Council continue action on the item to the July 3rd City Council meeting. Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing at 8:40 P.M. Councilman Hallett moved to continue the issue to the July 3, 1990, City Council meeting. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA-90(05)3 LAND USE PROCEDURES AMENDMENT: Citywide Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 8:44 P.M. John Didricksen, 731 East llth Street, spoke to the Council regarding the Home Occupations section of the proposed Ordinance, and the separation for the Adult Entertainment Businesses. He stated he felt the separation requirement for the adult entertainment business was a good idea and he was in support of the concept. He expressed concern regarding the Home Occupation section of the proposed Ordinance and the exemptions noted. He felt there needed to be more precise definitions; that there are people in the City who are in violation of this Ordinance without even being aware of it. He was also concerned with possible implications and questioned if the Ordinance is not enforced extensively, then what is the reason for _ having it. Councilman Wight explained that the Home Occupations Ordinance is designed to protect the residential neighborhoods. Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing at 8:58 P.M. and read the Ordinance by title, entitled -4- 1643 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 19, 1990 ORDINANCE NO. 2595 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising and clarifying the authority of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Planning Director with regard to certain land use matters; establishing a standard method of providing notice of public hearings; establishing a fifteen-day appeal period; and amending the Zoning Code, Ordinance No. 1709, and Ordinances 2033, 2103, and 2531, and repealing certain sections of Ordinances Nos. 2483, 2038, and 2471. Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and to authorize publication in s-mmaryform. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA-90(05)4 - RETAIL STAND AMENDMENT: Citywide Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 9:00 P.M. There being no public comment, she then closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2596 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending the retail Stand Chapter of the Zoning Code, Ordinance No. 2070, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 2471 and 2536. Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and to authorize publication in summary form. Councilman Wight seconded the motion. Following a long discussion regarding the wording of the Ordinance in Section 17.87.100 - Permit Limitations, sub-sectionB, regarding preference to be given to renewal extensions requests, Councilman Lemon stated it was his intent that there be variety in the types of retail stands allowed and he believed this wording did not allow for variety. Councilman Ostrowski offered a friendly amendment, to change the word "shall" to "may". Councilmen Hallett and Wight concurred. The question was voted on and the amended motion carried. BREAK Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 9:28 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:50 P.M. 2. Planning Commission Minutes of June 13~ 1990 A. PARKING VARIANCE REQUEST PKV-90(05)2 - OLYMPIC MEMORIAl. HOSPITAL, 939 Caroline Street: Request for a Reduction from the Required 304 Spaces to 272 Spaces to Allow for a Proposed Expansion of Existing Hospital Facility Councilman Wight moved to concur with the Planning Commission recommenda- tion to approve the Parking Variance, subject to the following conditions, and citing the following findings and conclusions: Conditions: (1) The proposed site plan be redesigned, per the approval of the Department of Public Works, to eliminate access and circulation conflicts and the necessity to back out of certain aisles, due to aisle obstructions from time to time; (2) The proposed site plan be redesigned to provide convenient transit areas (bus stops) and rider facilities, and an employee transit ridership incentive program be developed with Clallam Transit Authority; Findings: (1) The required off-street parking requirements for the combined uses of the Olympic Memorial Hospital site is 304 spaces, per Exhibit I; (2) The proposed site plan provides 262 on-site parking spaces, and a revised site plan provides 272 on-site parking spaces; (3) The access -5- 1644 CI~YCOUNCILMEETING June 19, 1990 points and circulation for the redesign of caroline Street, as shown on the proposed site plan dated 1,30-90, have not been approved by the Department of Public Works; (4) At 'leaSt 32 of the required off-street parking spaces will not be provided by the revised site plan dated June 11, 1990; (5) The Planning Commission may impose such conditions upon the variance as it deems necessary to comply with the purpose of the Parking Ordinance; Conclusions: (A) A revised site plan and redesign of Caroline Street were necessary for efficient utilization of the 272 parking spaces provided; (B) The development of an employee transit program and re-design of transit facilities are needed to mitigate on-street parking impacts that can occur without adequate off-street parking; (C) The parking plan, as conditioned, will meet the off-street parking needs of the mixed uses at Olympic Memorial Hospital and will assure that traffic flow of the street is not impeded. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion. Following a brief discussion of the on-street parking problem, the motion was voted on and carried unanimously. B. REZONE REQUEST - REZ-90(06)2 - ALWINE, Lauridsen Boulevard and Oak Streets: Request to Rezone Property Currently Designated CSD~ Community Shopping District, to RMF, Residential Multi- Family Councilman Ostrowski moved to set a public hearing for the July 3, 1990, City Council meeting. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP-90(06)9 - HUTCHISON, 519 South "K" Street: Request for a Permit to Allow a Duplex in the RS-7, Residential Single-Family District Councilman Lemon moved to set a public hearing for the July 3, 1990, City Council meeting. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. Acceptance of Minutes Councilman Hallett moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commis- sion minutes of June 13, 1990. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. It now being past 10:00 P.M., Councilman Hallett moved to continue the items on the Agenda. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of Resolution for Abatement of Public Nuisances The Public Works Department provided the Council with a revised Exhibit Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 12-90 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the existence of a public nuisance and requiring the elimination of such nuisance. Councilman Nicholson moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Presentation on Public Works Trust Fund Funds and Real Estate Excise Tax - Pete Butkus Pete Butkus, representing the State of Washington Department of Community Development, manager of the Public Works Trust Fund, gave the Council a brief explanation of the Public Works Trust Fund, provided a slide presentation, and a packet of information to the Council on this issue. In the discussion with the Council on the Public Works Trust Fund and the moneys available from it, Mr. Butkus stated there is a caveat: That a City -6- Ti 1645 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 19, 1990 must have a capital improvement program in place and the local option real estate tax of 1/4 of 1% in order to receive the funds available. Councilman Wight asked Mr. Butkus if he could provide the Council with insight as to why the State Legislature decided to use the caveat of the Real Estate Excise Tax. Mr. Butkus stated that by the implementation of the Real Estate Excise Tax, this would prove some level of local involvement; and the Capital Improve- ment Program would provide some level of planning by the municipality. Following a discussion on the issue, Councilman Hallett moved to set a public hearing for the July 3, 1990, City Council meeting to consider the optional Real Estate Excise Tax. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 5. Request to Set Public Hearing on July 3rd for Solid Waste Rates Councilman Lemon moved to set a public hearing for July 3, 1990, for consideration of Solid Waste rates. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of Resolution Setting Public Hearing for Six-Year Transportation Plan (Draft Plan Attached) Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 13-90 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a public hearing date for the review of the Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program. Councilman Hallett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The public hearing will be held July 17, 1990. 7. Consideration of Ordinance Amending Ordinance #2449 Regarding Medic One Board Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2597 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles recodifying Section 10, Ordinance No. 2449, relating to the Port Angeles Medic I Board, and repealing Section 5.08.120 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Lemon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, and to authorize publication in s,,mmary form. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 8. Consideration of Appointment to Board of Adjustment The Council was polled for its choice of candidates to fill the vacancy on the Board of Adjustment. Councilmen Ostrowski and Lemon voted for Fran Butch. Councilmen Nicholson, Wight, Hallett, Gabriel, and Mayor Sargent voted for Ray Franklin. The Council appointed Ray franklin to the vacancy on the Board of Adjustment. 9. Consideration of Authorization for Director of Administrative Services to Sign Contract with State to Enable City to Purchase From State Contract Councilman Wight moved to authorize the Director of Administrative Services to execute the Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. Coun- cilman Hallett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. -7- 1646 CITY COUNCILMEETING 3une 19, 1990 Councilman Wight requested that staff provide the Council with complete details as to the types of items available for purchase off the State Contract. 10 Consideration of Contract and Funding with Clallam County Human Services for Early Intervention Funds (for DARE Program) Councilman Nicholson moved to authorize the Police Chief to sign the contract between the City of Port Angeles and the Clallam County Human Services for intervention funds for the DARE Program. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. It should be noted that this money will be used for the purchase of curriculum materials for teaching DARE and is in the amount of $2,147. 11. Consideration of Contract with BPA for Continuation of Weatherization Program Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 14-90 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract No. DE-MS79-90BP93014 between the City of Port Angeles and the Bonneville Power Administration. Councilman Lemon moved to pass the Resolution as read bytitle. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion. City Light Director Titus noted that in the title, it should state" · authorizing the director of City Light. ." and not the Mayor. Councilman Lemon amended his motion to state the Director of City Light. Councilman Gabriel concurred and the amended motion carried. 12. Request to Set a UAC (Utility Advisory Committee) Meeting to Discuss Electrical Rates and Hook-Up Charges A meeting date for the Utility Advisory Committee was set for June 27, 1990, at 4:00 P.M. 13. Report and Recommendations from the Real Estate Committee Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the recommendations of the Real Estate Committee, which are hereto attached and incorporated by reference. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 14. Discussion of Library Parking Lot Contract Councilman Wight asked staff whether it would be possible to move the date for the call for bids for the Library parking lot sooner than August 21, 1990. Director of Public Works Pittis explained to the Council that if it is the wish of the Council to elevate this project to a higher priority, the Department would be happy to do so. Council and staff discussed this issue briefly, and it was the concurrence that staff would do certain items sooner, if possible. 15. Discussion of Noise Issue Harborcrest Area Councilman Wight provided the Council with an update on the meetings being held with the neighbors in the Harborcrest area regarding the issue of noise from ITT Rayonier. He stated a report has been submitted by the noise consultants, who have noted minor noise violations during the day. The criteria for the night time depends on the interpretation of the Code. He stated the report has made several recommendations for ITT Rayonier, such as putting rubber pads on pieces of machinery, operating restrictions on machinery, and other in-house recommendations. -8- 1647 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3une 19, 1990 Councilman Wight stated it was his understanding that ITT has implemented these recommendations. One final recommendation made was to install baffling fences between the Mill and the properties in question. ITT has offered to do a design study to figure the financial implication of the installation of the sound-baffling fences. XI CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS/LATE ITEMS Councilman Hallett referred to Information Item 16, regarding the May 20th disaster drill. He suggested that staff look into signage at the entrance of the City of Port Angeles regarding a number to call or a radio station to dial in case of emergency. Mayor Sargent requested that a letter of thanks be sent to the attorneys representing the Fair Toll Coalition. XII AD3OURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no need for an executive session. XIII AD3OURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:18 P.M. CC.164 ORDINANCE 'NO. 2595 ORDINANCE NO. 2596 ORDINANCE NO. 2597 ORDINANCE I~O. 2594 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE PORT ADOPTED BY THE PORT ADOPTED BY THE PORT ADOPTED BY THE PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL ANGELES CITY COUNCIL ANGELES CITY COUNCIL ANGELES C TY cOUNCIL AT THE REGULAR MEETING AT THE REGULAR MEETING AT THEIR REGULAR AT THE REGULAR MEET NG OF JUNE 19, 1990 MEETING OF JUNE 19, 1990 OF JUNE 19, 1990 OF JUNE 19, 1990 An Ordinance of the City of An Ordinance of the City of An ordinance of the City of An Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles clarifying the Port Angeles amending the Port Angeles moving Section Port Angeles amending the ~ authority of the City Council, Retail Stand Chapter of the 10 of Ordinance No. 2449, Port Angeles Environmental i Planning Commission, and Zoning Code, Ordinance No. which relates to the Port Policy, Ordinance No. 1886, as ~ Planning Director with regard 2070 as amended by Ordi- Angeles Medic I Board, to a to certain land use matters, nance Nos. 2471 and 2536. different Title in the Port amended by Ordinance No. 1980, as amended .b.~. Or.dj- establishing a standard meth- Ordinance No. 2596 provides Angeles Municipal Code. nance No. 2312, anCl [Jnapter od of providing notice of public for the promotion and diversi- This ordinance shall take effect 15.04 PAMC, and the Port hearings, establishinga 15 day ty of retail stand activity, sets five(5) days after publication. Angeles Environmentally Sen- appeal period and amending forth specific location stan- Full text of said ordinance sitive Areas Map. the Zoning Code Ordinance dards, application procedures, shall be mailed upon request. This ordinance shall take effect No. 1709, and the Ordinances scheduled hours of operation, Michelle M. Maike five(5) days after publication. 2033, 2103, and 2531 and and gives preference to renew- City Clerk The full text of said ordinance ~ repealing certain sections of al extension requests before a Pub.: June 22, 1990 ~ new application for a retail shall be mailed upon request. ~r~*~h~-es N-~s~ 2483, 2038, stand location shall be Michelle M. Maike J and 2471. considered. City Clerk J This ordnance shall take effect This ordinance shall take effect Pub.: June 22, 1990 'J five(5) days after publication, five(5) days after publication. i | The full text of said ordinance The full text of said ordinance J shall be mailed upon request, shall be mailed upon request. ~ Michelle M. Maike Michelle M. Maike [ City Clerk City Clerk [ Pub.: June 22, 1990 Pub.: June 22, 1990 -9- ATTACHMENT 6/19/90 ITEM 13 MEMO: June 14, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City Council's Real Estate Committee SUBJECT: Real Estate Issues Before the Committee and City Council ISSUE: The following issues came before the City Council's Real Estate Committee. Recommendations follow. BACKGROUND: The Real Estate Committee met on Thursday, June 7th At this meeting, the Committee considered the following items. 1. Letter from Clallam County Historical Society requesting the use of "old" City Hall for museum space. The need for this space is prompted by the Museum's need to replace space expected to be lost at the Clallam County Courthouse. (letter attached.) CONCLUSION: Clallam County Museum will look at the old City Hall and write a letter to the City suggesting a possible leese and the terms of a lease that would be acceptable to The Museum. 2. Considered a proposal from Mr. J. Hofrichter to trade property 'with the City. CONCLUSION: The Committee reviewed the assessed values of the properties suggested for trade and determined that the properties were not of comparable value. However, while reject- ing the trade, the Committee does recommend that the City Council declare Lots 1 & 2 of Block 407 (Southeast corner of 14th & I Streets) surplus and call for sealed bids and sell the lots. The suggested minimum bid for these lots would be $10,000 each. 3. Letter from Mr. & Mrs. Larson requesting to purchase two lots (14 & 20 of Block 408) on 15th Street between "H" & "I" Streets. CONCLUSION: Declare lots surplus and call for bids. Minimum bid for Lot 14 to be $3,000 and $2,000 for Lot 20. 4. Inquiry from local realtor regarding status of City's four lots at 7th & Peabody. CONCLUSION: Lots may be needed for Senior Citizen Center. However, notify inquiring realtor that the Council would like more information regarding his proposed use and suggested price. 5. Discussion of minimum bid or fair compensation for property recently vacated along Tumwater Truck Route. Page two Mayor & Council June 14, 1990 CONCLUSION: Assessed values of property in the immediate area place the value of the property at approximately $2,600. The Real Estate Committee and the staff will pursue these conclusions and reco,',a~endations with the approval of the City Council. DF/jg _ Attachments