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Minutes 06/20/1928
448 '., ,"'!.' ; ,,"'.' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington fi/ ,.- _- '..:-L.;:' t'..- ~ " 192L /' ~-:jL M'll:'.~. ;'J._u'<~~'-~:7"/fv_';'t:.!h~W_ ct//t'.t'c;{; -<</;Jj:,U,cL-td.'J.C,<, /2/.4' ;: /' .' // A/ fldft'fY;~~j{-.v:/~/,;~~C: '#?/~9"~"'" '(f,,~ " " ~~?- '. u_a.IY;1.~YlI1."'~,"(E~. L~..'-~"/ ..11;"LL'/f'-.r#(:fWC::fJ'l#'t!(//~J. "l/.dct::~tf; ('''?//rl'.'./",,''N#.L/ ',-i! . /;::~ /IlJ ~ f// ' (1I//'lJfJ ~l. / 'r7/ t'- ~.V// (/..Ji(<:Ud.~0ZrN{ ""(X/I, l(t''l///l!ll<#-...r~. ~ /UA:d.A'/kk/. . .. ,.... ;;;{'~'l ;4U'~r~:;f( l ;"oV;N:f.'1! Naa{/?/lP/#nrd. ,. /J:1:::!fZ:/(Ct,3fz; (?;;."it ~?i.1::;;df~~d""CJ;,;<<i{;:; u..VIU;;{~f'(.t'd/__~_.__.5?3{(r L/ldf-- __._____,,'" ijufkOU.L!C.... . ..'.. (r.J'P .2.2(1"."0 'J/- y' :/, 17 71 1/. Y\ ,,. ./. 1 ;;? h-;' '1' '# ;1.:!J2:/l,(t.kfJ(l7'([)~ . . __ aNH<4. ~r..t..}d.IC;Pf'- '. /c n "_. /;/- / I t.1..e/,d4 ". /Mtf. (J(J" I~../ / ~/ ~ ~/. ~j:tJ~ 'LrJ I T~~:~d~t;r5~7---..d1;,t. UN ~--"- ..-.. ... .-... . --~ --- .~.-<,CJ I Y;J,l3~\o / ,; 7;;"~~ -:;-;):>/;.:;:'{rl(.u_ .." ;.~."" ..~.. /o'(;'&l 1.. &(-111":' lh~fil't'.u(;4 /y'.,II~ . . !L~ ...-;.].-. -r_d,;i;{'Jt(/~"r . . .... .. t5.Ct11 1/1.1' // (l/ 'A-I j /;:;, / //'J /,;J , '~j/ . (1...!JJu<"::tr:.....-------..... .__..//.~..vv;(~a#u.;/:(L~nd;(fi./.:7t7,J (IfJ/77~- - ___u.. 20;'<7<71 U/::~;:;~7&-n--- n.__.~JacA.+.c[~~_.. ___.."u____ '::~6dI! /(O.[JLX;c;[,'~_..n__.__"..__ __._ "nn.. ,{ .. _ __..___..;.60 I;?@~~;a/.__.__._~.__.____ ____..._.___.._.______... ....n..___.... _... ::..50 i l~./.'ritn .-'7" 1\.:~~'}"'Jt/-r-f!J:"'<.(/~.__n_.._.._.., _..__ "__~__...m...____._...,,_,,__._...___...._.._.. ,,_..__. _Z .,~o, '!fZft;4~, ;'-;;;:;'/~Z~-:----- '..m . 20d !f~i~t~<<. f6;;!?t~);:;(Zt2jZdi~ dci:'~~ I n.' Cl"k'~ ,..<?u-t:;--4<:ru'df..-ty/;7J;JI,/li::e'-7. .. (/ _.. ! tnIl: dt pcl~ C~..' ;J /0'0 1 (f/ ~\~:::~I:~nb;,rf~~:l ~.;.~~,~__..no.. __1:__ ___p,j/,/.()(} . .. .f0'Ji; I .2'if' :~1 ~Cw /t;,i:;tu/.._.____ i.< ;,t.;Z () -...! ;i?Oh:f ;i, t{/.t~d: ... - ---.... -_'.Z.!.t .2..5._ 'n' ..... . - .. -- . --. -l~ IPtI chll'cl,' In ~ -/ /' d~ rno"nt'of t de ,;1 /~( /:./ t?,/ P /. t~~,.f.:..; .~ (U(~~C vt-t:./I-E(VU[<<'-/?tJ(pZ-' 71' "';';fE.fV.,/rvtJl./r.---EC ';;"';7' d/{:;$. - the ~Iilc: o~ y7 I / "." " i / /-/f.' , . ru- /f/ j , pde. m...t;, .. rW' ."..\ . /';V/J../' n ///~:'>;;;!..a,'r~ t!k~~/.u//?NU"Uf.Uv, __ _ euful blitder. -PI~,"a 'nnd ,!:'..).."."b'..n.....r"'m~~ z~u r/.~ ~~. y 'W' ;7,~ '/ ' . . . ~ . " ,,' I ~,/J'/fi/V~/ ?flr/. .. ./ HZ /, ~'(~' . .\,;.~u ......Y. . /i) . /: .. /. .// y' j. 7' j ///,Y" /- ~/ · "I'~ '; f;:J;~d:l//~--JU;;:;!;cn~~;;;?~(LP:;,?h//:~/~;~: j ,__ ..>/"ij j.'j?' Ur.~~ 9l~;~..(&.::~7'"'72t-~~;:?Z,\"C;r;j\;~?~~~~!;;~t1d,~.<<:J..C:;-:~ -' fZ:v, ;{ 'U;;?d:C" ,J /...~ ~{ {k-Z'. ~~-/..I<J . I-f.. C2.. 'Z f.W2/k~/1. -i'//V~ ~iY t('~ .:N;z:{. y,. ~"rC'? .. _ ~/ (J/J .../J;/ ) 1) /' #17/ r / ,'.b. / If :,j..:d/:7. /. (} ,. t? {/ .1/tk u' {~f:V. (- '~~~U/b;MP'/ZtJ/' ?".v....c.u~t.Y'..vC;CE<tI/<~ (;tJ.;;"':-d'.:.'-./.)~.J.k""-'dc~ _ 'kv1t:;d4~~=~:/::~"/~~1!~ ;;:;{/dV.r0~/ . ~/!j!t4~~:;;l!zZ;3f?m::~ ~~~~ ~(/.. ~4' - .'.. .. - .".. 'J -~.>.-/~.. ... .m_ -;-..-. /. :'krt/Ij0-$o/<!/~vCi.1",c.. ._ _.__.;//f;/!"? Jr+(J/O dd?t5CZr~o/'?~ & ,/, () j @ If':./. If) '.'/.-_ I . A /::7 ad 14,,2P.v~.u;.Vli?/k.?'1K-\<l- ___ _. __ ~ If~/Cl_ .. .:' '!. ."." ,U~4z..a?'.v. 0.0/ iZ.'r;;t.-----.j? -~'r /;:,t 0 ~~"~.., -.~ .-~? "-- . - .'4c/~~?iu~~(a~" _.. __ / /ScJ __ "___::".~,___,, _~_{/:/~~. _.__ !~...u-uaI~ $._ ._.___.___1/5d _. _" ..._ ,~. --.::__.~ ~ ::-~",:---;-" +~_____