HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/20/1934
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 20, 1934.
The Oommission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor
Davis. Roll oall showed the following offioers present: Mayor D avis, Commissioners
Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins.
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of Building Permits and Lioenses the following were granted,-
Asa Parshall, Cold Storage Room, E. t Lot 3, Blk. 1, Tidelands Ylest
Harley E. Adams, Remodel Residenoe, Lot 17, Blk, 349, Townsite
Port Angeles Motors, Inc., Remodel Store Room, Lot 9, Blk. 30, N.R.Smith Sub.
Fred Pol~ow, Garage, Lot 16, Blk. 51, Townsite
L. E. .Stark, Danoe at I.O.O.F. Hall, June 16, 1934
The Qommission examined and allowed the~oliowing claims and ordered warrants
drawn for same,-
~ Ci ty il:reasurer
Washington Emergenoy Relief Adm.
Fllimg Fee
Water Department
Seattle plumbing Supply ~o.
.Pay ftoll
'Flea t Valves
P. S. Navigation Co.
General Eleotrio Supply ~o.
Thos. H. Guptill
Sigh Board
Oity :l'rel!.surer
Oi ty ~reasurer
L.I.D. Assessments on Lots 9 & 10
Blk. 157, Townsiae
Filing b'se
Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinanoes the following Ordinanoes were
read by title and placed on their third readings,-
AN ORDINANCE, Amending Seotion 31, of Ordinanoe No. 1000 of the ~ity of Port
Angeles relating to Intoxicating Liquors.
It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing Ordinanoe be plaoed on its final
reading and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Masters. On roll oall all members
voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried.
AN ,ORDINANCE Am~nding Seotions 10, 20, 21, 37, 77, 78 and 92 of 0 rdinanoe No. 971
of the wity of Port Angeles, being an ordinanoe relating to and providing for the
licensing of certain oooupatiops, vocations, trades, amusements, etc.
It was moved by Oommissioner Masters that the foregoing Ordinanoe be plaoed on its
final' reading and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll oall all members
voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried.
Under the head of Introduotion of Ordinanoes, the following ordinanoe was intro-
duoed, read in full and plaoed on its first reading,-
AN ORDINANCE Creating the offioe of Ele9trical Inspeotor; providing for the li-
osnsing of persons performing oertain olasses of electrioal construction; Regulating
the installation, arrangement, alteration, repair, use and operation of e~eotrioal
wires, oomneotions fixtures andother electrioal appliances in the buildings and
struotures in the City of Port Amgeles, and providing for the inspeotion of same;
providing a penalty for the violation of this Ordinanoe; and repealing Ordinanoes
819 and 834, and all other ordinanoes and parts of ordinances in confliot herewith.
Under the head of Introduotion of Resolutions, the following rtesolution .as
YnIEREAS, The City of Port Angeles, County of Clallam, State of Washington, through
its duly eleoted offioials, have hereto fore entered into oertain agreements with the
Civil Works Administration, to furnish oertain proportion of expenses as sponsors,
pledges for the oonduoting of Oivil Works Administration ProJeots in the City of
Port Angeles.
V1HEREAS, ~he Civil Works Administration oame to a olose on Maroh 29, 1934.
vmEREAS, At the olose of the Civil Works Administrati04 as above stated, proJeots
sponsored by the said City of port Angeles through its duly eleoted offioials, had
not been oompleted as outlined in the work program.
WHEREAS, The said proJects not being oomplete, the City of Port Angeles through
its duly eleoted offioials, oould not oomplete the payment;;of amoUnts pledged as
BE IT RESOLVED that the said City of port Angeles, through its duly eleoted
offioials will contribute the unexpemded portion of their pledges of unoomp~eted
proJects at suoh time as the said projeots are brought to a state of oompletion.
It was moved by Oommissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved
and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. on roll oall all members voted aye.
The Mayor declared the motion oarried. ~
Tfisre being no further business the meeting then adJourned.
7)~~~ ,~~
(Ii ty Olerk. " " Mayor.