HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/20/1957 ,.. 550 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington j>.lIe ?n 19~ n", . ~.... ''''M. ..."..... ''''nn . ..... .... Port Angeles City Council met ill regular session at 7:30 P.M. and 1IIas called to orcler I>y Mayor !'leer. Roll call of officers showed the following present: CouncilJllen Smith, Sandison, Wolfe, McFadden, and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer. Attomey Severylls and Clerk L"",. It w~ moved by CouncilJllan MCFadclen that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as recei't'ed. by CouncilJllan sandison and carried. I Secondet1 Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing on final assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 176 was openet1. There having been no objections made or filet1, it was movet1 by CouncilJllan Smith that hearing be closed, the assessment roll confirmed and referret1 to the City Treasurer for COllection. Seconclet1 by Counc:illlan Wolf e and c arriet1. ' First estimate for May,for .work done and material .furnished by Randall Kilmer Construction Co., alleys in L.I.D. No. 171 was approved in amount of $3,484.37. It was moved by.C6uncilman Smith that estimate be approved and warrant issuet1 on L.I.D. No. 171 Construction Fund ia payment of same and the City Clerk authorized to issue warrant no. 111 for $2,000.00 and warrant no. 112 for $1.484.37 on L.I.D. No. 171 Fund, bearing interest at the rate of 4 5/8$ per annum, dated June 24; 1957. proceeds to be deposited in ~he L.I.D. No., 171 Construction Fund. Motion, seconded by CouncilJllan Sandison and carried. Fixed estimate claims for expenditures in L.I.D.'s were Willson Hardware Co., toolS and hardware, Olympic Printery. w!.rrants Tacoma-Port Angeles Auto'Freight. frt. on samples City Trea.surer, postage follows: approved as $5.13 3.10 4.10 1.41 L.I.D. No. 173, Port Angeles Evening News. publicatiell Jack King, work on prints It was moved by Councilman McFadden that fixed estimate of same. Seconded by CouncilJllan Smith and <:arr~ed. . The thirty day period having elapsed since COmPletion and acceptance of work don~ am material furnished in L.I.D. No. 174, the City Engineer recommended that 15r. retained. ($474.21) be paid Milone and Tucci. Inc., contractor. It was moved by Councilman Smith that recommendation be approved and warrant issued in payment of lS'? retained. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. 12.05 9.74 claims be approved and warrants issued in payment Pursuant to request. for miniaum price for lots 9 and 10, Block 374, Townsite, after proper investigation and appraisal, it was moved by Counciiman Wolte that miRimum be fixed at $110.00 for the two lots and , the City Treasurer authorized to publish <call for bids for 'purchase of same. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. Property owners having "petitioned that 16th Street be re-estab1ishet1 an~pened from B to C Street. the following deeds were received for recording: William F.,James F.. Lloyd G. ,:Gallauher, Artie and Alta Stark, Lots 13. 14, 15, Blk. 429, Townsite. Albert T..and MiIla.C1ayton. Lots 14. and 15. Slk. 429, Townsite. Veron C. and Allene Kie1e, Lots 1..2. 3. Blk. 442, Townsite. V. A. and Maxine Elaine Rambo, lots 11 and 12. Blk. 429 and Lots 7. 8. 9, 10. B 1k. 442. Townsite. Joseph H. and Janet T. Catlin, lots 16 and17. Blk. 429. Townsite. Claude S. and Lura Crocker, Lots 18. 19, 20, Blk. 429, Townsite. The I'ire Baptized Holiness Church, by Oran M. Hare. C. H. Wells, . Joe R. 11are, Harry Devolt. Harold Armstrong, Lots 4. 5/1 , Dlock 442, Townsite. It was moved byCbuncilman McFadden that deeds establishing 16th street fromB to C street as open thorough- f are at width of 55 feet be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Under the head of new business, claims paid June 6, 10, 17 and18 were approved in total amount of $34,462.86. It was moved by Councilman liolfe that claims be appro't'ed as paid. Seconded by CouncilJllan Maxfield and carried. Clal1am County connnissioners appeared before the Council regarding use of City garbage dump for County garbage collections. stating that they p~ to extend area of collection but quantity would remain about the same. Mr. Vergeer informed that collections South of the City have been going to City dump for j about 13 years. such collections being a direct City benefit, but questioned increase of voluae without 1 extensive improvement to present site. It was moved by .Councilman Wolfe that the County and City Engineers also sanitarian. work together to ascertain if co-ordination would be feasible and satisfactory, and submit' recommendations before contract or agreement will be considered. MotiOll seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Council conidered request of Masonic Lodge for assistance in sloping steep bank along their property caused by cut made necessary for grading and paving alley. Council members questioned legality of the City improving private property even though this is a beneficial and worthy organization. The Attorney would not definitely assure legality unless the City is receiving some direct benefit. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that if the Lodge arrange to fumish labor, the City loan necessary equipment for project. llI1d the Lodge to make their own arrangement for compensating City operating personnel. Seconded by CouncilmaD Maxfield and carried. Claims for damages were filed for Council consideration as follows: W. J. Holloway, 124 B. First, water damage fromlroken main, $320.99. It was moved by Councilma 'Smith that claim be referred to.the Attorney for further action. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. A. L. Kemp. 316 W. 12th St., damage to eaves trough by garbage truck, $15.00. A. B. Nelson, damage to car by garbage truck. $33.99. It was moved by Coundllllan Wolfe that claims be referred to the Attorney. A second was made by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Applications for beverage license and renewals were received as follows: New application: Shamrock Tavem and Cafe. RBNBWALS: Bailey's Grocery. Tugboat T.....em. Palace Tavern. Sunrise Grocery. Cherry- Bight Groceny. Westside Grocery, seeway Store No. 188. Bnos Distributing. Tip Top Tavern. Salad Bowl Cafe. Harringtou and Giles, Haguewood's Restaurant, Rose's Place, Don Peeley. Inc., Olympic Recreation, Chinook Tavern. Log Cabin Tavern, Burwell's Quick-5ervice Grocery, Duck Inn, Corner Cupboard, Tradewell Modern Food Store No. :rT, Port Angeles Distributing Company, Harbor .Tavera;. Order of Eag1!s, Aerie N... 483, K. ,and K. Pine Foods, Carbonetti Grocery. Blagdon's Grocery, Parkway Grocery. Olympic Distributing Co. and M. and C. Tavern. It was moved by Councilman Smith that applications be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison .and Carried. Council ~pted and ordered filed, reports of City departments as follows: an lot' Chell.' Falil'e'epUtoibs'ty. Treasurer and Police Judge reports for March. It was moved by Councilmaa Smith r .1 r rt lie ~ I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 551 ~ June 20 continued 19JL H.. . '.Moo, ...", ..."...... ,,,,.... m.. ..... ll(:cepted and placed on file. Seconded by'-'ouncilman ~ICFadden and carned. The Building Inspector and Fire Chief having investigated condition of buildings on Lot 9, Blk. 66, Town- site, recommended that the same be condemned and removed. It wa.s moved by Councilman McFadden that Council authorize condemnation of the dilapidated buildings. Seconded by Councilman Wolf e and carried. The Mayor read a letter from Harold McLaughlin, athJ!tic director for Junior and Senior High Schools, expressing appreciation for cooperation from manager at Civic Field and fine condition of lIlroundS during school term. Also a letter frOJll G. C. Stewart, executive vice president of the National Safety Council, extending congratulations on award to this City for School Traffic Safety Education. The Mayor also reported very interesting and educational convention of Associated Cities at Bellingham. Mr. Vergecr informed of satisfactory progress in water main installation, Lincoln Street lighting and L.I.D.ls under construction. under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following were read and placed on final reading: ORDINANCB NO. 1391 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles forbidding the use ....d discharge of air guns, "B BU guns and all other appliances or apparatus capable of shooting pellets. slugs, "B an shot, buckshot or any missile or pellet upon any street, alley or public property or in a reckless or negligent manner within the City I of Port Angeles, and prodding for and specifying the pellalty therefor and for the confisication of such appliance. ! It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be passed final reading and finally adopted. I Seconded by CouncilJllan Maxfielt1 and carried. ORDINANCB NO. 1392 AN ORDINAlCB of' the City of Port J\ngeles appropriating $4,700.00 to cover additional cost of the Chllam County Health District for the polio service to the residents and citizellS of the City of Port Angeles and sait1 Health' District. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the hearing be c:~osed and the Ordinance passed {iaal reading and finally adopted. Seconcled by Councilman Sandison and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Q. e. u ;;Ceuv- City Clerk a Mayor ?h fro < .) CAI,L FOR BIDS Bids wJlJ be received at, the of- fice of the Cit~r'Manager, 140 West ~r~~OS~"cfc6k~ ~~~l~$Ul;Vfi,hi'95u.r., ~~rthXnf:~I~~~l1~~i.l~vered F.O.S; Copper wire c1)nctuctors, dou-bJe braid. weatherproof, medium hHd drawn~ in fun reels and C~~lf011~~~tlties apprtndmate), Item No. QUlUlty. Gaure No. Type: 1 2.000 Lbs. 4/0 Stranded 2 5.000 Lbs. 3/0 Stranded 3 8,000 Lbs. 2/0 Stranded i 6,000 Lih. 2 Solid On 5 6,000Loo. 4 ~l~~Slin 6 3,000 Lbs. 6 ~11~lslin Bids may be submitted Ol;O~~er Item or lump sum basls. '!be City I:~fr:i; h~~. rLght to ~ccePt or re. G. Q, VERGEE!!. City Manager I~~ne 28, July S, 1951T. ...... ,.- - 5d2 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ '''"' , _.." .w... ".",,,... ....'''' ..... .... I I I I a.....