HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/20/1963
Procee~ings of tne Gity Gommission of lne Gity of PorI Angeles, . Wasnington
I, a.HP.RIHTIN<O';:O, P-HU4__~
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Maxfield, Council
Fen Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Warder, Attorney Moffett and
iClerk McNeece.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be a~proved as received.
Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried.
Councilman Willson, Chairman of the Committee appointed to make recommendation regarding the wooden
walkway on Second Street between Oak and Cherry, reported that the committee inspected the walkway
and found that even though it is barricaded, it represents a hazard which should be removed. He
then moved that the City tear down and remove the walkway. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and
unanimously carried.
Relative to the sale of Lot 13, Block 315, T.P.A., Councilman Smith, Chairman of the committee ap-
pointed to make recommendations, recommended and moved that call for bids be published and the
minimum for this lot be set at $330.00. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried.
The following bids for printing for the City for the next year commencing July 1, were received:
The Peninsula Herald, 7 cents per 6 pt. line single column; tabulated matter -
same rate, except for one time publication - 12 cents per line single column.
Port Angeles Evening News, 16 cents per 7 pt. line; tabulated matter - 20 cents
per line; repeat publications, all matter, 11 cents per line.
After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the low bid of The Peninsula Herald
be accepted for the City's printing for the next year. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimOUS1[
The request from Rayonier, Inc. for consent of the City to sublease to Foss Launch and Tug Company
a portion of Rayonier, Inc. 's sublease from the City was again read. The City Attorney having
approved as to form, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the request for the sublease be granted'l
Seconded by Councilman Willson. During discussion it was pointed out that Rayonier, Inc. would
still basically be responsible for maintenance of the roadway abutting their subleased property.
On called vote, all voted "Aye". Motion carried. I
Under the head'of-new business, minutes of the Planning Commission, June 18, 1963 were read. Meet-,
ings for the study of arterial improvements over the next few years were set for July 16th and 30t~.
Mr. Poole reported that the second stage of the Clallam Regional Planning Program has been approve~~
and the commission gave tentative approval to a list of suggested policies and objectives to govern:
a comprehensive plan for the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the
Planning Commission minutes be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Smith and
The following resolution, relative to the transfer of funds from the 1952 G.O. Bond Fund to the
1954 G. O.Bond Fund, was introduced and read in full:
A letter from the Park Board and one signed by John B. Gray, Resident Manager, Rayonier, Inc.,' and I!
representing Mr. F. W. Flynn, Resident Manager, Crown Zellerbach Corp. and Mr. C. V. Basom, Resident
~Manager, Fibreboard Paper Products Corp. relative to the City creating a public park at the Industrial
. r
~Water Line intake site on the Elwha River, was read and acknowledged. I
[Thirty days having elapsed since the completion and acceptance of work done and material furnished'!
:by J. E. Work, Inc., on the street improvement in Pine Hill LID No. 184 and no incomplete or de-
fective work having been discovered for which the City of Port Angeles makes claim, it was moved
'Iby Councilman Haguewood that the retained per.cent in total amount of $30,718.43 be paid to J. E.
Work, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried.
lilt was moved by Councilman Smith that call for bids to modify Second and Washington sub-station be
~Published. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried.
Ii The following applications for renewal of liquor licenses were received for approval:
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles correcting an error and amending the
1963 budget.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing resolution be adopted and that the $6,788.03
surplus left in the 1952 G. O. Bond Fund be transferred to the 1954 G. O. Bond Fund. Seconded by
Councilman Willson and unanimously carried.
The American Legion, Walter Akeley Post No. 29; Margaret Ann Bailey, Bailey's
Grocery; Edward J. Becker, Olympic Recreation; Elson A. ~ Helen M. Brewer, Club
Billiards; Richard Lee & Phillip E. Brown, Port Angeles Distributing Co; Ulanda
Carbonetti Carlson, Carlson's Grocery; Loren J. Cooke, The Rose's Tavern; Jack &
Bruno Del Guzzi, Lee Hotel; Walter E. Dier, Walt's Boulevard Grocery; B.P.O.E.,
Naval Lodge No. 353; Beverley Wayne Estes, Estes Grocery; Leonard M. Grey, Sunrise
Grocery; Russell E. & Edna S. Goodwin, Silver Dollar Tavern; Russell E. & Edna S.
Goodwin, Little Brick Tavern; Samuel J. & Hubert R. Haguewood, Haguewood's Restaurant;
Van E. & Rosemarie Hill, West Side Grocery; Glenn A. Hurlong, Handi Spot Grocery;
Lova L. Mariani, Market Basket; Frieda T. and Murl Moore, Babe's Tavern; Beatrice
Mary Owens, Cherry Eighth Grocery; James E. & John B. Robinson & Walter W. Warren,
Harrington;s; Doris Russ Rogers, Wagon Wheel Tavern; Norma L. Peterson, Marlatt's
Grocery; Safeway Stores, Inc., Safeway Store No. 188; Danny Sults & Arthur J. Snydal,
Peninsula Distributing Co.; William W. Walker, Log Cabin Tavern; Keith M. Wallace,
Olympic Distributing Co.;
Procee~ings of t~e Gity Gommission of tne City of Port Angeles, Was~ington
JUNE 20 ,
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It was moved by Councilman Smith that the applications for renewal of liquor licenses be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Willson. On called vote, all voted "Aye" except Councilman Haguewood who
refrained from voting.
Mr. Warder reported that the following trips have been taken by City employees during the month of
June: Two of the police personnel (June 20th) to Portland, Oregon to bring back a prisoner for
trial; Police Chief attended a meeting of the Olympic Peninsula Law Enforcement Association in
Bremerton, June 5th; The City Librarian attended a conference of small and medium sized libraries
in MOlmt Vernon, June 12th. Also that the Mayor, Councilman Cornell and Acting City Manager Warde
attended the Association of Washington Cities Conference in Longview, and put in a strong bid for
the 1965 conference to be held in Port Angeles.
The following reports were presented for approval:
I Light Dept. Billing and Work Reports; Water Dept. Billing and Work Reports;
Monthly Budget Report of Receipts and Expenditures; Police Dept. and Treasurer's
Financial Report for May 1963. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the reports
be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried.
The high cost of fuel for Children's Hall was discussed, and a suggestion made that the cost of
installing electric heat be investigated.
The following claims, including the payroll for June 1 - 15, 1963, were presented for approval
in amounts of: General Fund, $55, 317.81; Water Fund, $7,667.59 - warrants No. 12029 - 12045;
Domestic Pipeline Fund, $1,459.98 - warrant No. 375; and Light Fund, $64,478.96 - warrants No.
11925 - 11952. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the claims and payroll in total amount of
, $128,924.24 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried.
Relative to the change in charges on the west one half of parking lot meters, Mr. Warder reported
that the meters, due to difficulty in splitting the cycle will probably have to be changed to 59 I
per hour for the first six hours or a quarter (259) for ten hours.
Mr. Warder informed that unless otherwise directed by the Council, the Water Dept. will abide by Ii
the ordinance applying to the water department as concerns the Ahlvers Road extension. The lines :1
will not be extended at this time. Extension of the main line beyond forty feet.at no extra charge.
to the customer would be a violation of the ordinance.
Possibility of a petition for an LID in the Lincoln Heights area (A to C Streets from 5th ~o 13th
Street) and the cost of installation of larger water mains in this area was discussed.
A letter from the Soroptomist Club was read, requesting that the Youth Circus group from Wenatchee
be allowed to swim free in the Municipal Swimming Pool on the evening of July 22nd. After consid-
erable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Willson that the Soroptomist Club be advised .that
the pool, if it can be scheduled for that evening, will be available on the usual fee basis.
Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried.
In answer to the request for a Stop traffic light at the intersection of Cedar and Marine Drive, I,
the Police Dept. will check by putting a traffic counter at this location.
Pursuant to State of Washington Session Laws 1963, relating to the two dollar ($2.00) addition for
each twenty dollar fine imposed, or fraction thereof, on all offenses involving a violation of a
state statute or City or County ordinance relating to the operation of motor vehicles, a resolution
will be prepared to set up this fund which is to be paid into the driver education account of the
state treasury'to provide financial assistance to enable high schools to offer a course in driver
The Mayor presented to Police Chief Kochanek an award of commendation to the Police Dept. from the II
Dept. of Defense, Office of Civil Defense, for outstanding community leadership and co-operation
in furnishing fall out shelter facilities for the public. I'
,The Mayor announced that a new City Manager has been selected for the City of Port Angeles. Mr.
Donald D. Herrmann, of Oak Lawn, Illinois. The following resolution was then introduced and read
in full:
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles retaining the
services of Donald D. Herrman as City Manager.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Seconded by
Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried.
Councilman Cornell moved that all of the heads of City departments be commended on their co-operat~on
in keeping the expenditures of their departments down to a minimum, as requested by the administration
at the beginning of 1963. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. Ii
The over expenditure of the City Manager's budget for 1963, due to the unforeseen expenses of chanAng
city managers was discussed. 'I
,Councilman Wolfe moved that the Council "Thank" John Warder for the way in which he has stepped inJo
; and filled the managers position so very ably. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carriep.
Councilman Cornell expressed the thought that the Mayor should be given credit for the' way in WhiC~1
he conducted the search for the City Manager. He kept the Council informed at all times and when I
time came to select a man, the vote was unanimous. .
Procee~ings of tne City Gommission of tne Gily of Port Angeles, Wasnington
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. .19..!iL
Mr. Donald Bettger, President of the Lions Club cited the fact that the flags which the Lions C1Ub~
presented to the City to be hung on holidays and special occasions, have been up since May 8th. AJ
the time of presentation, it was understood that a City employee would put them up in the morning
and take them down at night on these special days. During the discussion, Mr. Bettger expressed I
the hope that the City could see their way clear to continue to put up and take down the flags but;
if not, he said the Club would have to find some way of doing this.
There being no further business, the meeting was
IJ It 7h./ '7l0.A' ~ /"
HMICE 01' CALL 1"0:2 BIl:I8
XOT1~EISI~I'~R~B\: GlVJo;),j that
,senled bId!! will be Mlcejycd bv the
e]'!'y OF: POI'.T ANGELES, i~ORT
"A)\;GELF.:::;. WASlJINQ'l'Ol' until
II :30 P.M., July 16, 1966, at. which
lime the~. will be opened and 11Ub~
,1Icl;r rood aloud In the City Council
ChllmliCrs. -
lJidl'! will co..er the deslgll and
_~~;tal~~~~~U~~ia. ~~l~~t~~el ~fWJt[~~;
j,eXiStlllK WOOd. pole .switch l>trUl:lure;
!':ll.lv!1gc and clean up work. and eel'-
1..1.ln 69 KV line work relating to the
BidH may b~ mailed or delivered
to CITY OF' POR'l' ANGELES, 01"-
!~~~T Z;;G~~~, ~,~I~H:~b~,~~~~~
arrive not later th~n 1:30 1'.1\1., ,Jul;)'
Hi, 1!16.~. AU hlds ghall be plalntv
marked "2nd & WA!-iHIXGTQN SUB.
Planfl alld speC!ific:Hlol\8 mA.~' be
(lXamhled at thc offlcc (If the City
Managcl', P01't Angcles, \Va3hln~ton
Plnnfl' and spccifiCf\.tions ma}' be
pUI'chased at $6,00 per 15et. No refund
will be made for plans and speclfi.
I DId::; must be neconmonJe(l by a
certified chf:ck for the 8um of not
. ~~'l~iJh~~n~ ~e~~~~\ ~;nlJt~;t,~~~~~~ J
to lil.. Cily of P[Jrt Angelefl.
Preqallft(~ation of bidders is reo
Ql11re11 am] the Citv n'SIH'\'ef> the
right tIl rf!rll~e to q"aTlfy any hid.
The Clt", Counc!J reserves the
right to watve any jnrorrn~~lJty In
bids and to reject Ilny or all hids.
Officlnl acceptance, rejection or
rontinuation hy the City Council
Will he made In the Clt)' Council
Chambers at 7:::0 P.M., July HI,
lly: City Manager
Publli'lhcd: June 27 and July 4, 1!l6~
1r0TIOJ: 01' s.a.LII: or
XOTICB is hereby giycn tha.t tlle
,l, CIt}. Of Port Angeles will sell to the
'''highest an(l best bld(lcr the follOW.
't hlg_ described real property:
:LOT 13, SLOOE a1S,'%'. P. A.
Xlnlmum .. ..t bJ' Oit,o CoUJLCi1
-S=~ bids will be received for
same at ell)' Hall, 140 \Vest. Front
Street, until !i:(JO p.m.. .Tub: 18, ]063.
Tho bid must ~)e accompanied by
d8posft of not les!'! than 10 vercent
of _amount, bit'l. The City Council,
rwerveB the rIght to ndel'-l a.nY~o'
all biaS, City Marul.ger
F:ubp~~cd: JUlle 21 and July f, 11163
\ I
ii'oTtCE or CALL rOR liIDS
Nlled bins will he rpccived hy the
ity Clerk, at tIle City Hall, 140
\Vest Front Str~et. Port Angeles.
~'wa.s:hlngton unUI 1;:1)0 P,M" Thllr~
R)", August J, 1!l63, for, furnlRl1111~
ne (1) ne1\', ]963, 2 Cu!)ie Yard
_Dump Truck wltll followmg mini.
mum .'1pc-clflcR,.UonR:
Not less than 3500 pound Fr(l1lt
, Axle- 7000 pouno Rear Axle,
I Hea.vy Duty Front a.nd Rea-I'
26~P~I~1~~ Inch () Cylinner Engine
~ 4 Sneed Tl'a.llsmlssiol1, Heavy Duty
Low Ratio Rrad Axle.
7:!iO x 16, S Ply Tires, Dual
Tractloll Type on Rear.
BOOHler Brakes
FE'nder Mounted Turn Signals
.0 Amp, B!lttery
Color _ Red
Truck: to I::le €([UITllled with 2
Cuhic Ynrd Steel Dllmp Body
ann HVClraullc Holst, Colol' -
~ Yellow'
Real' ]~l~htll Rlln Ac('essorl~R tn
'meet S.tnto Hl~hway RegUlatloH'!'
Bids -sban indIcnte toWl cost, plu!'
i'lale:; t~, with nnd without tnld~-111
'allowance for one (1) 1953 Inter.
~nRlion31 '" Cubic Ynrd Dump Truck.
,Model L-HO, The Clty reserves the:
jrh:ht to accept of reject tra(le-In;
allOWAnce. Rn<l allY 01' nll bl~s.. :
.' . R\{,h.lel'S shall submit speClfHlstlO. n.'
l'In~td~)~fl~Y b~a.t~vened by the City,:
Council at 120' North Onli: Street atL
, 7:30 P.M" -AllgU~I~'yl~~NACEP. j,
~1IS!hed: Jul~.. i1 and 18, 10li:. ..;