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JUNE 20, 1972
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor
Basom, Councilman Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson, Ross and Wray, Manager
Puddy, Attorney Moffett and Deputy Clerk Hobbs.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file, as received, the Minutes of June 6,
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to accept the bid of The Daily News for the City Printing for the
year commencing July 1, 1972. Bid is as follows: First tabulation is eighteen
(18) cents per line, except tabulated matter which is twenty-two (22/ cents per
line. Repeat publications, all matter, twelve (12) cents per line. The bid
from The Daily News was the only bid received.
A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and
unanimously carried to accept the low bid of Avon Miller for the culvert in-
stallation and trenching at Ocean View Cemetery in the total amount of $1,954.00.
A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and
unanimously carried to accept the bid of 'Book Publishing Co. for the codifi-
cation of the City Ordinances in the amount of $3,350.00 and to include the
supplement service of updating. Book Publishing Co. was the only bid received.
A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to approve for payment Claim Vouchers in the amount of $172,606.79
and Payroll Transfers in the amount of $72,919.90.
The Public Hearing on the review and revision of the Six Year Comprehensive
Street Program was opened at 7:45 p.m. The following resolution was read in
A motion was made by Councilman Lukey, seconded by Councilman Wray and unani-
mously carried to adopt the foregoing resolution as read.
A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and
unanimously carried to close the hearing at 7:50 p.m.
A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and deny
the request of Carroll Realty to renovate dwelling at 114~ Vashon as building
had been vacant since January, 1968 which was sufficient time to remove the
pre-existing, non-conforming status and place it in the abandoned category.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk, and unan-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and ap-
prove the request of Richard A. Parker to allow enlargement of his pre-existing,
non-conforming single family residence at 1019 West 7th Street.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to approve the request of Minnie F. McNew for a variance to per-
mit her to enlarge her home at 822 East Second Street by constructing an addi-
tion to the south side of the existing building. concuring with recommendation of
Plannlng ~ommlsslon.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve
the Conditional Use Permit as requested by Cliff G. Swain with the same restric-
tions as those attendent to the 1954 action.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and
unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and
approve the request of Rocky Brecht to operate a vacuum cleaner agency out of
his apartment in the San Juan apartment complex. Request approved for a six-
months trial operation and no repair work is to be done on the premises.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and ap-
prove the request of Ray Nason for a gravel pit operation on Suburban Lots 134,
13~, 136, 137, 138, 170, 171 and 172 and that truck traffic be allowed to move
al'Ong 18th Street between the gravel pit and tiLt! Street across the airport, to
the Boulevard and the Truck Route during regular daytime work hours only.
June 20, 1972 (Continued)
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and ap-
prove the request of Leonard Eder to operate his Mini-golf course on the property
west of KONP Radio Station on the same basis as last year.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the Planning Commission Minutes of
June 12, 1972.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanil-
mously carried to approve, on the basis that no further objections are re-
ceived within a 30day period after publication, the Port of Port. Angeles
dredging permit, modifying permit approved at last meeting. Application
should have read -450 instead of -400.
A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to approve the request of ITT-Rayonier, Inc. for a Shorelines
Management Permit for construction of a Spent Liquor Recovery System.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and later
withdrawn to concur with the Public Works Director's recommendation regarding
Valley Street sewers. The City Attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance
for an emergency appropriation to allow the City to install a sewer system, to
include an extension on the east side of Valley Creek from the 3rd/4th alley
south to approximately 5th Street, and on the west side from the 4th/5th alley
south to 9th Street; approximately 3,000 feet would be involved.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson
and carried to authorize the City Manager to enter into negotiations and
proceed with the Comprehensive Water Study as outlined by CH2M Company. All
Councilmen voted "Aye, TI except Councilmen Wray and Lukey, who voted TlNo. rr
Motion carried.
A letter from the Washington State University regarding the City's participa-
tion, on a basis of 59 per customer per year, in funding a Power Professor- I
ship program was read in full. A motion was made by Councilman Olson,
seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried to instruct the City ,
Treasurer to look into the Light Department Budget and report back at the
next meeting informing status of money in budget to cover this.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to refer to the Budget Committee at the time of budget hearings
the request of Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority for the 1973 contribu-
tion of $1,645.00, or 109 for each person residing within the City.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to instruct the City Manager to follow through on any action that
can be taken regarding representatives being sent to the Town Affiliation Asso-
ciation Youth Conference to be held August 16-19, 1972 in Seattle at th~ Olympic
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to authorize the installation of a 4-foot cyclone fence running
north and south along the east edge of the blacktop parking lot at Haynes Park.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unani-
mously carried to take from the table the Civic Field circus and carnival prob-
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk and seconded by Councilman Haguewood I
to limit the use of Civic Field to participating sporting events. Council-
men Lukey and Hordyk voted fTAye,TI Councilmen Ross, Olson, Wray and Hague-
wood voted TlNo. TI Motion denied.
A motion was made by Councilman Lukey, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Fire Chief's recommendation of hanging all
banners llear Rayonier Truck Route and Front Street intersection;. City to buy
banners and rent for fee of $5.00 and each organization to furnish own paint.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the Park ~ Beautification Board
Minutes of June 8, 1972.
June 20, 1972
A motion was made by Councilman Lu~ey, seconded by Councilnan Wray and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the following reports:
Financial Statements for Light, Water, Sewer, Sanitation, Street
and Equipment Rental; Off-street Parking and Treasurer's.
Light Work Report; Water Work Report; Utilities, Fire, Municipal
Judge, Park & Recreation, Police, Revenue & Expenditures, and
out-of-town reports of Sr. Citizens, Police, Personnel and City
A motion was made by Councilman W~ay, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried that the United States Flag be flown twenty-four hours a day
over the Police Station and be spot lighted.
A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and
carried to instruct the City Manager to contact the Milwaukie Railroad asking
that perhaps repair work on Ediz Hook could be postponed until after the
Derby Days in Septembef. All Councilmen voted tlAye, II except Councilman Olson,
who voted tlNo, tI and Councilman Lukey, who abstained.
Other subjects of discussion were the BPA Letter of June 15, 1972 regarding /
Hydro-Thermal Power Program; Library Board suggested members; entire town V
needing to be swept; two-can over one-can sanitation service; CATV company
requesting additional meeting regarding franchise; Car rinse completion near;
and Chamber of Commerce asking for housing for crew members from the Winona.
A motion was made by CounciJwoman Ross, seconded by_Councilman Hordyk and unan~
mously carried to approve the figure of $9,263 from the Port of Port Angeles 1\
for City owned property for the relocation of their truck scaling station; sale
contingent upon Port completing the relocation as planned.
Meetirgadjourned at 10:10 p.m.
I Deputy Clerk
", 6272 \
th~t the City 01 Port Angeles, ,
Washington ,,:,ilI a~cePtlrb)lls 1~~
the City En~Ineer s 0 Ice,
West Front Street until June 19, I
1972 lor the instaJlal1onpE~
'TRENCH WORK at the City ,
Cemetery site wlthm the.ICI,\Y I
LimilS. Bid for"!s are. ava. a e
at the Engineer s offIce. rd '
John B. Wa ar'
I City Engmeer
I..- Pub,: June 2.:. 9.~2, , J
r::::--wi2B ~
, Bids for the Codification of the ,
'Ordinances for the City of Port.
:Angeles, Washington, consisting I
,of the publication of 50 copies 01 .
the cOde and annual supple- l
mentation service will be
ireceived until 10:00 A.M"
,TUesdaYj June 20, 1972, by the'
City C erk, Port Angeles,
'Washington, for submiSSIon to
the City Council. I
,Each bid must be
, accompanied by a Certified or I
Cashier's checI<: or bid bond in .
I the amount not less than 5 per
cent of the amount of the bid. All . -
printing and binding to be done
In the Slate of Washington.
Detailed information and bid
,forms may be obtained from the
office of the City Clerk, City
,Hall, Port Angeles, Washington,
,98362 or . by telephoning the City
Altorne~ at 457-8525. ,
I Cill' of Port Angeles,
Washington .
, B. B. McNeece'
; City Clerk
Pub.: June 9, 16, 1972. J
No, 6972
City Printing
NOTICE is hereby given that.
sealed bids will be received by
',the City Manager at the City'
'Hall in Port Angeles - P,O. Box
711 - until 5:00 P,M., June 20,
1972/:;for the official printing for
,the ity of Port Angeles during
the year commencmg July I,
1972. The printing is fo be non-,
pareil or six point tyPe and
published in regular Issues of
the newspaper awarded such
contract "Bills to be submitted
on basis of charge "per line."
The City CounCil reserves the
; right to reject any or all bids.
Hal Puddy
I City Manager
Pub,: June 9 an~J6, .!9.72",..