HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/20/1977305 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 20, 1977 I CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Mayor Olson, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. ' ..Councilman Buck then moved the Council elect Councilman Haguewood to serve as Mayor Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk and carried. ~ II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: Mayor Olson Staff Present: City Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish. D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, J. Honnold, P. Carr, K. Rodocker, H. Kochanek, D. Frizzell, C. Caso. Guests Present: L. Sunny, M. Stolley, R. Philpott, C. Philpott, R. Anderson, R. Schulze, J. Dailey, K. Eager, Mr. and Mrs. D. Britton, J. Livingston, H. Robb, J. Robb, M. McCall, Mr. and Mrs. E. wilkelhausen, V. Cameron. III MINUTES Councilman Ross moved the minutes of the June 6, 1977 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it ' carried. IV FINANCE 1. BID CALL AUTHORIZATION Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Light Department to call for bids for the sale of 71 surplus distribution transformers. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 2. BID AWARD Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood announced that there will be a delay in the consid- eration of bids for the sale of scrap metal at the City Landfill site. This agenda item was then deferred to the next Council meeting. 3. L.I.D. NO. 200 - VALLEY STREET Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $7,5D0.00 as the first and final fixed estimate of work done and material. furnished by the City of Port Angeles in the construction of streets and drainage on L.I.D. No. 200, as established by City Engineer warder in his Certification Letter dated June 16, 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried with Councilman Anderson abstaining. Councilman Wray moved the Council accept L.I.D. No. 200 as complete as re- commended by City Engineer Warder in his Certification Letter dated June 15, 1977. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried with Councilman Anderson abstaining. 4. VOUCHERS PAYABLE, L.I.D.'S Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve Vouchers Payable of $492,357.12 and L.I.D.'s of $2,790.21. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. Q ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 20, 1977 V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. L. Sunny inquired about what the City is doing regarding public transpor- tation. After a brief discussion regarding the financial feasibility of operating a public transportation system, and the possibility of using the Senior Citizen Bus, Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood referred the problem to the staff for investigation and a report to the Council in approximately four weeks. VI LEGISLATION 1. PLANNING COMMISSION , Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission's June 7, 1977 meeting with the following action being taken by the City Council: A. Conditional Use Permit - Robert Ramsey: Councilman Anderson moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant a six month conditional use permit to Robert Ramsey to operate a mobile pressure cleaning business as a home occupation at 1032 East Fourth Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. B. Conditional Use Permit - Robert Schulze: Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant a six month extension to Robert Schulze's conditional use permit for instruction in transcendental meditation as a home occupation at 223 North Chambers Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried by the Council. C. Conditional Use Permit - Peter Chase: Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant a six month extension to Peter Chase's conditional use permit for conducting an upholstery business as a home occupation at 1026 East Fifth Street. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. D. Temporary Use Permit - Clark and Fiynn: Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a temporary use permit for the express use only of Alice P. Mader to occupy a mobile home at 1910 West Seventh Street for one year. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it was carried by the Council. E. Final Plat - Old Orchard Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the final plat of Old Orchard, consisting of five single-family lots on 0.97 acres, located at the S.E. corner of Lauridsen Boulevard and Euclid Avenue, subject to (1) all improvements to be made to the specifications of the Public Works Department, (2) standard Light Department easements be provided, (3) repair of any damage which may occur in installation of utilities from Lauridsen Boulevard are to be paid for by the developer. Counciman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. F. Rezone:- Kenneth 0. Harrison - Public Hearing ' Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read the Planning Commission's report on K.O. Harrison's request to reclassify 2.5 acres, located west of the Golf Course Road, from RS-7 (single family) to RMF (multi-family.) The public hearing was then opened. Mr, J, Miller, who developed the neighboring area, voiced opposition to the rezone request because it is not compatible with single-family residences in that area and would threaten the view of adjoining single family areas. Mr. Miller also felt that he and the City CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 20, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 3Q7 1. Cont. have agreed in the past that if multi-family units were to be built in the area they would be located further west toward Melody Lane. Several other property owners expressed their concern regarding the increased traffic on the Golf Course Road, the possibility of multi-family units obstructing the view, and the general incompatibility of the rezoning. During the discussion, Planner Carr explained that there is a technique available in addition to a rezone, or a planned unit development approval to accomplish what Mr. Harrison wants to do - that is a contract rezone. Mr. Carr then gave a brief review of contract zoning and planned unit developments. A planned unit development amendment to the existing zoning ordinance could be done since it is being developed far the re- vised rezoning ordinance. After several more comments from property owners speaking in opposition to the rezone request. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny K.O. Harrison!s rezone request for the reason that although a Planned Unit Development is a good idea, the City does not have the tools under present ordinances to permit the rezone and safeguard the surrounding area, and concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and place a high priority on the development of a Planned Unit Development ordinance or amendment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. Councilman Ross also requested that a high priority be placed on addressing the need for "contract" zoning. G. Street Vacation - Public Hearing Date - Port Angeles School District: Councilman Hordyk moved the Council set a public hearing date of July 13, 1977 to consider a request by the Port Angeles School District to vacate a portion of 14th Street and portion of alleys in Block 397 and 412, Townsite of Port Angeles (Stevens School). Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it was passed by the Council. H. Street Vacation - Clallam County - Public Hearing: Mayor Pro; Tem Haguewood read the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding Clallam County's request for vacation of portion of "D" Street and 18th and Boulevard and portion of 19th Street and alleys in each half of Block 454 (Clallam CountyMaintenance Shop). The public hearing was then opened. Mr. Leach, Director of Public Works for Clallam County, spoke briefly to the Council explaining the County's need for vacation of these streets and alleys to better utilize their property when future revision is done on the existing maintenance shop. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Clallam County's street vacation request with the following conditions: 1) Utility easements to be retained by the City, 2) that there be no building over the utility easements and 3)~ tfiat tfie'property revert to the City if it is not used for public purposes: Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1927 entitled, Ordinance No.'I927 AN ORDINANCE of the City ox Port Angeles vacating portions of "D" Street, alley in Block 454, and 19th Street, Town site of Port Angeles, at the Clallam County garage. CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 20, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 1. Cont. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. I. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission's June 7, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. 2. SIX YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET PLAN Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read City Engineer Warder's Notice of Hearing on the City's Six Year Comprehensive Street Program and opened the public hearing. H. Kochanek, of 1033 Homestead Avenue, requested that McDougall Street be added to the proposed street program. At present the street ac- comodates about thirty families. Recently the Council approved two plats in the area and Mr. Kochanek feels the existing roadway is too narrow to accomodate the increased useage brought on by approximately thirty-four additional families. The Council discussed Mr. Kochanek's request with Public Works Director Flodstrom. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council in- clude McDougall Street in the 1978 Comprehensive Street Program. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. At this time Councilman Ross recommended that a by-pass over White's Creek, either on Second, Third, Fourth or Fifth Street, to provide another access onto the Golf Course Road be also included in the Six Year Comprehensive Street Program. Councilman Ross felt that this by-pass would alleviate some of the congestion on Golf Course Road. After a brief discussion with Public Works Director Flodstrom regarding possible funding of these Street Improve- ment projects, Councilman Ross moved to include a White's Creek by-pass in the 1978 Comprehensive Street Program. The motion was seconded by Council- ' man Anderson and carried. As there were no futher comments from the audience on the proposed street programs the public hearing was closed by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood then introduced and read Resolution No. 11-77 de- claring that the City has reviewed it's Six Year Comprehensive Street Pro- gram and has filed a copy of this program with the Director of Highways of the State of Washington. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the Resolution as read by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 3. ALLEY VACATION - ANGELES AUTO ALECTRZC Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read by title Resolution No. 12-77 entitled, Resolution No. 12-77 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a time to hear and consider a petition to vacate a portion of the alley east of Valley Street between Second and Third Streets. Councilman Buck moved the Council'. adopt the Resolution as read by title by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood and refer the vacation request to the Planning" Commission for a recommendation. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. It is noted for the record that this Resolution sets a public hearing date of July 13, 1977 to consider the above street vacation. CITY COUNCIL MEETING ,S t)9 June 20, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 4. HOME OCCUPATION GUIDELINES Councilman Ross moved the Council table this agenda item until the next City Council meeting, and direct the City Manager to publish an ad in the local newspaper outlining the guidelines and setting a public hearing date of July 13, 1977 so that the Council can hear from the public regarding this matter. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. 5. ARTERIAL STREET ORDINANCE Attorney Walrath explained to the Council that the purpose of this Ordinance is to comply with a state requirement that sets a design criteria for certain streets, RCW 35.78.010. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood then mntroduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1928 entitled, Ordinance No. 1928 AN ORDINANCE repealing Sec. 17.11 of the City Code and certain related ordinances and designating and classifying arterial streets, (Major Arterial Streets; Secondary Arterial Streets; and all other streets designated as Access Streets.) Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried unanimously. 6. DERBY DAYS Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read a letter from J. Livingston, Derby Days Parade Chairman, requesting permission to hold the Derby Days parade on September 3, 1977 and outlining a new parade route. After conferring with Police Chief Kochanek on the proposed route, Councilman Buck moved the Council grant permission to hold the Derby Days parade on September 3, 1977 and approve the parade route change which begins at Valley Street and continues up First Street to Francis Street, then up to Erickson Playfield where the parade will disband. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. 7. ORDINANCE - EDIZ HOOK BEACH EROSION PROJECT Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read a letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers informing the Council that they are advancing the date of advertising for the extension of protection work on the Hook, and requesting a letter by July 8, 1977 from the Port Angeles Branch of Seattle First National Bank (Escrow Agent) acknowledging receipt of $76,000 from the City. This amount is the City's estimated share of additional cost required for the extension of protection work on Ediz Hook. Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve the transfer of $76,000 to the Port Angeles Sranch of Seattle First National Sank as escrow agent. Councilman Wray seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance Dio. 1929 entitled, Ordinance No. 1929 AN ORDINANCE authorizing an appropriation of $76,000 from Interfund Distribution to fund City contribution for an extension of protection work on the Ediz Hook Erosion Control Project. Councilman Anderson moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck aiud carried unanimously. 3 ~ O CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 20, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 8. COMMUNITY EMERGENCY DROUGHT RELIEF ACT OF 1977 Manager Whorton informed the Council that a meeting was held at City Hall on Jund 15, 1977 with V. Cameron and two officials from EDA and C. Martin from CH2M/Hill to discuss the way in which the City of Port Angeles might qualify for funds under the Community Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1977. On June 20, 1977 the City received authorization from EDA to submit a formal appli- cation for financial assistance. Mr. Whorton then introduced Mr. C. Martin who was present at this meeting to describe to the Council the engineering feasibility of various projects which could be applicable for funds under the Act. Mr. Martin began by reviewing the purpose and key points of the Emergency Drought Relief Act which is designed to assist areas stricken by the drought to meet public health-and safety needs, to alleviate the economic effect, or to provide funds to assist in watez conservation efforts. He also explained that to meet grant terms, drought relief projects must be related to the 1977 drought period, must relieve short-term water shortage by providing water during the short-fall period, or September 1977, and be completed by April 30, 1978. Mr. Martin then presented the proposed projects that would be applicable under the Emergency Drought Relief Act and their amounts as follows: 1) Ranney Collector (11 million gallons per day) - $601,800; 2) Supply pumps - $245,000; 3) Transmission pipeline - $549,000; 4} Settling basin - $200,000; S) Industrial filter plant connection - $50,000; 6) Meter installation - $550,000; 7) A conservation program - $5,000. The tentative package for this project is 1) EDA - $640,310; 2) DSHS - $935,360; 3) Local (loan) - $1,625,840. Item number 3 will be a 40 year loan at 5~ interest. Continuing on, Mr. Martin explained that the construction schedule for com- pleting the projects before the November 30, 1977 deadline will be based on a system called "fast tracking", a procedure where construction begins before the plans are completed. He also pointed out that permit and bidding re- quirements can be waived under Senate Bill number 2620 which will speed-up ' construction time. Since the preliminary design work is basically complete, Mr. Martin recommended equipment procurement should begin immediately as the equipment is the most difficult phase of the construction schedule. Following Mr. Martin's presentation, the Council discussed a Ranney Collector ,~ System on the Elwha River and a pipeline to bring water to Port Angeles at length with Mr. Martin, Manager Whorton, Attorney W. Helsell, V. Cameron from EDA and Public Works Director Flodstrom. During the discussion, Mr. Cameron informed the Council that the City should have an answer from EDA regarding funding within a week from receipt of a completed application. He also ex- plained that the reason for selecting a Ranney Collector System is that a conventional filtration plant could not be built within the water shortage period. Councilman Anderson then moved the Council authorize City Management to proceed with the EDA Package. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Councilman Ross moved the Council declare a drought emergency condition to exist in Port Angeles and authorize Manager Whorton to make application for a waiver on all permit requirements for the proposed projects. At the re- commendation of Attorney Walrath, Councilman Ross amended her motion to in- clude the phrase "If the permits are not waived the public interest will be significantly affected in a detrimental manner." Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion as amended and the amended motion was passed by the Council. Councilman Ross then moved the Council authorize the Staff to acquire the , required right-of-way for the above projects. The motion was seconded by " °" Councilman Hordyk and carried. CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 20, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 8. Cont. Resolution No. 13-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring a drought emergency condition affecting the public health and welfare of the citizens of the City of Port Angeles. Resolution No. 14-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Manager to make application with the United States Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration for a Federal grant and loan for water supply augmentation and conservation. Resolution No. 15-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Manager to make application for the waiver of all permit require- ments for the proposed water supply augmentation and conservation project. Resolution No. 16-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Manager. to make application with the State of Washington, Depart. ment of Social and Health Services, for Referendum 27 ; ' Grant Funds in accordance with SSB 2620 as adopted. 9. LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS ACT 3 ~.1 Manager Whorton briefly reviewed the timetable for resubmitting grant appli- cations under Phase II of the Local Public Works Act. He pointed out that under the regulations of the Act cities of our size must share planning target funds with the School District. It is possible the School District may be willing to sign off from the grant in exchange for a site for a bus garage and an agreement on use at Civic Field. Manager Whorton then re- ~ ~ *~, commended that the Civic Field Project be resubmitted under Phase II of the Local Public works Act in the amount of $854,000. Following a brief discussion with Manager Whorton, Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to resubmit the Civic Field Project grant application for $854,000 and authorize the appointment of Councilman Hagvewood and Manager Whorton as a neggtiating committee, representing the Council and empowered to act on their behalf, to meet with the School District. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried with Councilman Wray voting "NO." 10. SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION SURVEY A presentation was made by Consulting Engineer J. Butts of CH2M/Hill on the Port Angeles Sewerage Facility Plan Project, to bring the Council up to date on the Sewer System Evaluation Survey portion of the Study. The phase of study just completed was evaluation of the existing sewer system problems. The areas covered were locating inflow (stormwater), locating infiltration (groundwater), and analysing the seven overflow locations which spill into ,.a. the Port Angeles harbor. The conclusion of CH2M/Hill is that infiltration is minor and removal cannot be economically justified. Inflow is signifi- cant (peak flows up to 50 million gallons per day) but removal depends on the next phase of study which will look into the feasibility of removal. The total volume of overflow is about 30 million gallons annually and no visual adverse impact can be seen on the beneficial uses of the harbor. It was also noted by Mr. Butts that the original study cost presented was $278,000. This cost is now reduced to $156,000. This reduction was due to certain studies being completed in less time and certain remaining tasks do not need to be completed. ~1 2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING A. June 20, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 11. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE COASTAL ENERGY IMPACT PROGRAM Councilman Anderson moved the letter from Clallam County Government Con- ference Director L. Torres regarding the Department of Commerce Coastal Energy Impact Project be taken from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. Manager Whorton explained that the County no longer plans to participate in an application for a grant from the Department of Commerce, Coastal Zone Energy Impact Program to fund a planning study of the impact energy resource development would have on our area. The County is now requesting the City and other local governmental agencies to participate in funding the study. Councilman Ross briefly reviewed the County's position of the study in relation to the Clallam County Governmental Conference. Councilman Ross then moved the Council authorize the Staff to assist the County in information gathering only, but the City not participate in any funding of the project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Buck explained that the County is challenging the validity of the Coastal Zoning Management Act and found it undesirable .to participate in a grant application for the planning study through the Coastal Zone Management Energy Impact Program. The County's plan for funding the study is the County would provide SO$ of the cost with the remaining participants providing the other 50~. Following the discussion Councilman Anderson moved on an amendment to the motion to authorize the City to participate in the funding of the Study. Councilman Buck seconded the amendment. On call for the question, Council- men Anderson and Buck voted "AYE", Councilmen Hordyk, Ross and Way voted "NO". The amendment to the motion was denied. The Council then voted on Councilman Ross' motion that the Council authorize the Staff to assist the , County in information gathering only but the City not participate in any funding of the study. The motion was passed by the Council. 12. CITY CREDIT AND DEPOSIT POLICY This agenda item was tabled until the next meeting. 13. PROCLAMATION /, ` ~ Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read the PROCLAMATION declaring the week of June 27th to July 1, 1977 as Salvation~Army Week in Port Angeles, 14. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS No appointments were made at this time. 15. LATE ITEMS Manager Whorton informed the Council that he received notification from an official of the Canadian Government that Mr. J. Crosby, a member of the Canadian Parliment, will be in Port Angeles on June 21, 1977 to review the oil port situation. Manager Whorton also advised the Council that in April the City submitted a census figure of 17,036 population to the State Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. This State agency determined that the City population count was 1b,890. The reason for the difference was the method used fn com- puting the City's housing vacancy rate. Manager Whorton recommended the Council accept the State's figure so that the City will not have to conduct an actual census. Councilman Ross moved the Council accept the Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management's Census figure of 16,890. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3 June 20, 1977 VII STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Ross: Informed the Council that there has been some problems associated with the "Notice of Sale of Real Estate" by the City and pointed out the phrase in the Notice "The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids." 2. Councilman Hordyk: Remarked on the policy of parking tolerance and asked Police Chief Kochanek to see if something can be done about it. 3. Councilman Anderson: Requested that D. Frizzell look into the possibility of parking for the Little League at Lincoln Park. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 E.M. to an Executive Session to discuss Water Litigation with Attorney Helsell, the Sprague Case and Labor Relations. City Clerk Mayor 61477 - ~~ 77 NOTICE rw-:-._~.. - { NOTICE OF - ' ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY ~ ?GIVEN that the Port Angeles 'Cify Council will hold a public i ~~ - ~ 1 ITEM FOR SALE ~ ~ White Goods and Scrap Metal j i\`~~fY' 0 ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY ~ 'hearing on June 20, 1977 at 7:30 ! - ~ ' ~ ` 1 GIVEN that sealed bids will be ~ ~ IP.M. in the Council Chambers, X ' f 530779 , received by the City of Port til 2:00 134 Wesi Front Street, to jconsitler a request for NOTICE OF HEARING Angeles, Washington un k P M., June 15, 1977 in the City reclassification of 2.5 acres ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ch t th P rt A t Manager's office of City Hall ~ from RS-7 (single-family ngz es a e o ncil ill hold a ublic Cif C . and opened at that time. Bid ~ i resitlencel to RMF (multi- y w p ou fy !,kill be awarded by the C ' jfamily resitlenceJ. + hearing on June 20, 1977, at 7:30 } Council at 7:30 P.M., June 20, LOCATION: West of Golf p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1977 in their Council Chambers i Course Road, north of The l U d 134 West Front Street, to consitler vacation of that. at a regular meeting. These hallbeforthepurchaseof j ~ bid j p an s. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The ~ South 692 feet of Government } portion of "O:' Street between - .1Bth antl Boulevard, and a ss approximately 1,000 tons of k white goods and scrap metal LOT 2, Section 11, Township 30 '. North WM ' Ran e b W sl Portion of 19th Street and alley in East half of Block 450, ~ Stockpiled at the City Of Port gngetes Landfill Sife in Port i , g e , , Clallam County, Washington,' Townsite of Port Angeles,, - ashington. Location: Clallam gngeles, Washington. cashier's I A rtified check Except that portion thereof (platted as Bellevue Hills; also County Maintenance Shops, " " , ce check or bidtler's bond equal to lexcept the East 30 feet thereof f t k ~ 19th and D Streets. All) interested parties may 5 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each bid. or coun y road nown as Golf Course Road; also except ifiei appear at the hearing and express their opinion on this- ~ Condition of sale may be f the South 130.73 feet of the North f t f th 1 • ~ Proposal. ~~ obtained in the office o Director of Public Works, Cify ee 190.73 o e South 210.73 feet of the West 140 feet of The - ~ Marian C. Parrish Hall, 140 West Front Street, 'East 170 feet of Government ~,,~~"""~~~ City Clerk p,0. Box 711, Port Angeles, WA Lot 2, Section 11, Township 30' North, Range 6 West, WM.,' ~Lb:: Ma~977. ~ ~~ 98362. ~ Pub.: une 3, 1977. Clallam County, Washington. - AppliCant: Kenneth O.l Hdrr150n Property owner: Melvin C.' and Verne L. Adolphson All interested parties may appear at the hearing antl, express their opinion on this proposal. MARIAN C. PARRISM~ - City Clerk Pub.: June`74~1977~J 3 ~.4 1 ' ~ ~ S1B776~~~r Fi7UF6~Sma~11 poodie:aouthj NOTICE OF Center. 4529489. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS GIVEN that a FOUND: 2.3 year old cov public hearing wiq be held by Upper Mt. Pleasant Roai the Port gngele5 City Council at Itleniify. 457.5400, before 5:31 7:30 P.M, on Wednesday, June ask for Ron. ~ 8, 1917, in the Municipal Chambers at 134 W. Front PLEASE return my blecl Street, City of Port Angeles motorcycle racket. Ni , Washington, for The purpose of questions asked. Leave a, considering tAe Planning downtown Toggery. J. Deady; Commission's reCOm mentlati0n STILL MISSING, Black Lat concerning the vacation of a ' PUPPY Offering reward. Eas~ portion of 14th Street and alleys 4th area. please call 457-437, on Block 397 and Block 412 as , days. Ask for Rosie. requested by the Port Angeles School District No 121 LOST: RUUnd tortoise-Shell . . All Interested parties may glasses, gold case. 9283722. appear at such time and 1 express their opinion on the LOST: Sequim - 6 year, gray Norwegian Elkho d hit proposAtl street vacation, Parrish Marian C un , w e curled tail. Owners' . City Gerk heartbroken. REWARD. bfi3- 3485 Pub.: May 16, 1977 . ~0 Homesfor5ale -- -- _. - _ pring Water Realty Inc. ~.. 1