HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/21/1939 I I I. I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .hlnp. 21, 19?1q 19_ l~IC~ .. '"U"'.', .~'nl.'" 1lT'.ION~'" Pft'NH.O. 1111'"0" The Commission me~ in regular session at 10 Ul.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the follOWJ.ng officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following was granted: Windfred Trudeau, Construction of House, Lot 12, Blk. 15, P.S.C,C. Subel. Under the head of Ne>r Business,- The representatives of the Peoples Wharf Company and the City Commission under the provisions of Sec. 2 of Ordinance No. 755 (said Ordinance being a Franchise Ordinance for the wharf at the foot of Laurel street) took up the matter of readjusting the annual rental for the last 5 year period of the lease for I the wharf and fixed the annual rental at li25.00 or a total of $125.00 for the 5 year period, which said an ount was paid into the City Treasury. .1 500.00 IA petition signed by James Hanley and 0 thers asking thot a road be built up Tumwater Valley at the City's expense, was read and referred to the City Engineer. Under the head of Unfinished Business,- (' \ 1,1, ...HII IIII}!'" i;'flH en"" l'nl'\"'I'I~'I; ;";o~I('(' i~ lJ.'l'l?hr gh't'll 11Ial ~(,[\l-I Nib!.']!' \':.ilO I... 1"t".lTl\t'd .il1. lh~ ,,[- fir'!' of Ilw ('it.\" t:krl, or Ihi' Cit~.. 01' PClrt AI1~'dhi up to In a.m.. on 'Y('<lll"~llll\'. .11I1H' 2], l!q~l. fOl" tlH' ~0{,:~I:.:,:~:;:':;\:!r:;;~":,l,(;\;,lji~:~:f::\:~:i~ ' :l~~~~l~.:~~'I"~1' i \\ \tl~.~;~~i11' 1l.:~~~"'~O ~~.l'l~~\~ l' II:lth< to he ~uhmltt<,(l Oil :t 11:L~l~ ~,r j'ehntg'p "1"'1' Illll'_" l'Ulllr,H't Hill! j ;l]~(l,ldr~l \ ~lh r~~e l;'~l~~or~\~ II ~~;;l\II;_;~n I f.~~ I l:::'::~:g:; '~~~~;~E'~~;~jj::,;;~'~';~::~; I elly ('lei k !.:.2!), JIII1:....::.=-l~~_ City Commissioners Port Angeles, Washington The City Clerk reported that pursuant to the call for bids to do the City printing for the year ending June 50, 1959, one bid ...as on file as follOJ<s: r1/fo June 19, 1939 Gentlemen: Pllrsuant to published oall, we submit the following as our bid on the City Printing for the year 1959- 1940: Seven cents per nonpareil line, single column measure. Fourteen cents per line, single column measure, for tabulated matter when published only one time. If published two or more times, tabulatedmatter also at seven cents.a line, single column measure. w~ will file a good and sufficient bond in the event of our bid being accepted. PORT ANGELES EVENING NEWS ( Signed) By John Schweitzer, secy. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the bid of the Port Angeles Evening News for doing the City printing be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clem be instructed to sign a contract with them upon the filing of a bond approved by the City Attorney. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants draym for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Bancroft-Whitney Company Olympic Stationers n Book 15.00 Supplies 5.57 a 4.79 a 2.14 Special Police 18.00 Weiners 5.67 Tire Paint 1.95 Supplies 6.15 Parts & Service "IV 14.82 Padding 71 ~ 1.63 Grease 2.30 Parts & Supplies (./0 6.94 Parts, etc. 1/7, --- 14.42 Shovels 49.98 Pipe 2797.15 Valves oj,. 242.00 Chlorine 14.84 Pipe g~ \1 5854 .41 Drill & Tap 10.57 Wood !U.cohol .51 Pipe Fittings 2.44 Kerosene 7.16 Paper Towels, etc. 9.61 Supplies 28.40 ... H. L. Banderob Sequim Meat Market Angeles Tire Recap Service Olympic Stationers Automotive Parts Service Kaufman-Leonard Co. CITY STREET FUND The T eXSS Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Automotive Parts Service WATER FUND 5chwabacher Hardware Co. J ohns-l.Ianville Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Hooker ~lectrochemical Co. Johns-Manville Co. The Mueller Co. Fry Drug Co. Rayonier Inc. Union Oil Co. LIGHT FUND Zellerbach Paper Co. Olympic Stationers "-66 .TunA :;>1 J 1 9~Q Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ Il.. Atlas Packing & ~bber Co. Line Material Co. Automotive Parts Service Tape Tools Truck Repairs PARK FUND Port Angeles Iron Works J ame s Hardware Co. The Grange Warehouse Co. Schlager Bros. The Krider Nurseries, Inc. Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer Epper s on & Sons Henry Mangano James HardNare Co. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Co. Fireplace Crane, etc. Hardware, etc. Wheat, etc. Shrubs Spirea Van Houttei Tennis Nets, e tc. Lights and "ateI' Lumber Installing Barbecue Equipment Flashlight, etc. Installing Sprinkling System CITYVITDE SID~"ALK CONSTRUCTION FUND Eva L. Dalton Deposi t Refunded L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND Ci ty Treasurer Taxes There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 'JJ~cmL , ' City Clerk g'735 8.94 39.06 1.58 4.59 5.50 55.50 91.20 8.00 59.65 16.28 76.46 "l' 87.86 ''l3./ .99 J 18.36 I 42.00 I 586 . 99 17 ..9~ Mayor I I I