HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/21/1944 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JUne 21st 19~ u.,.....u""......r.....n._._..... 1:lt1,g ~ 13~ The CMllnission met in r.gular ....ion at 10 a.m., and wa. called to .or,~er by Mayor Robinscn. Roll c..ll .howed the following officer. pre.ent. Mayor Robinson, Ccmmis.ioners Beam and Masters, -, The minutes of the pr.?ious session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licen.e., the following were granted., I Gee. E. Hayes, renodel rooms., Hans Cullard, Construct Porch, D. I. Miller, remodel house, C. M. Marvin.. remodel house, Dog House -----restaur""t tt ft 80ft dr ink Lot 5, Block 413, Townsite. Lot 2, Block 198, Tcwnsite. Lot 8 ~ 9, Block 340. Townsite. Lot 20. Block 126, To..nsite $175.00 100.00 175.00 200.00 12.00 5.00 Under the head of introductions of Re.olutions~ I RES 0 L UTI 0 N ----------- . mlEREAS. The City of Port Angele. i. the owner of the following described real property thlich was regularly acquired for muninipld purposes, which ~re hov.-ever J no longer needed. Blcck Five (5), of Glenn Addition to Port Angele., Washington, and l\llEREAS, Under and by the instructions of the City Commis.ion. the City~Cl,rl/lofre",id thli above de.cribed property for .ale by issuing.. cs.ll for sealed bids for the purohase of the said property, bics to be opened .Tune 14, 1944. at which time the bids were opened and it was found that the bid of Edward A. White of '50.00 was the hie;hest and be.t ",fJler. and, l'IJIEREAS, The City Commission is of the opinion that .Ud offer is fair value and at this time should be aooepted and the .ale made. il Nail. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOJ~~D, That said offer b~ accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell said property to Edward A. White for the SUlll hereinabove set forth on the following terms:: $10.00 a, e, doW!! pa~'Y!lent and $5.00 on or before the 5th de.y of August, 194h, and t,5.00 on or ,"afore the 5th day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. together with interest at tho rate of 6% per annum paid en monthly balances with the monthly installment, that the City Attorney be inStructed to prepare a deed conveying said property to the purchasers; that tho City Clerk of the City of Port Ange,les be, end he is hereby instructed to execute said deed, and that the tlayor of said City be, and he I 10 hereby inttllucted to counter.ign said deed when the purchase price has been paid in full. I It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing rosolution be adopted. Seconded by Ma~ror Robinson.. 00 roll call all mom rers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of unfinished business: The following modification of contract with Blyth & Company and the First National B.nk of Port Angeles, I came before the Commassion for considnra~ion. June 20, 1944 MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT IT IS Il11lEBY AGREED by and betvreen the parties hereto that the Contrect dated May 16, 1944 for the purchase of the $572,000.00 City of Port Ane;eles Water Revenue Hefunding 2% Bonds dated July 1, 1944 shall be emendeo in the following particulars: Paragraph marked (3) is hereby WIlended to read as follows: "The proceeds of the sale of these hands, emounting to $577,720.00, together with the present eash balance of al'proximately ~13. 760.00 in the Elwha Ri.,.,r Extension Bond Fund. shall he placed imrneoiately in escrow ,.,1 th the' irst National Bank of Port Angeles for th~ sole purpose of paying: First: The $572,000.00 unmatured City of Port Anbele, Wator Revenue 6% bonds. dated Jc.nua~ 1. 1930 p presented for payment in accordance with the above issued call of same as of Jan\la~ I, 1945, I plus accrued interest. I Second: To the extent balance of funds permits for the purpose of i3~oviding payment of $23,000.00 of said bonds, maturinc Ja.nuary 1. 1945. plus accrued interest thereon." "On or about November 15, 1944, the City dll, from vl8.ter rentals collected from the industries 'I plnce in the above mentioned escrow fund, an additional sum of ~21.370.00 to be held for the purpose of providing funds necessary to pay the be.lance of the $23.000.00 of said bonds maturing ,ranuary I, I 1945. plus accrued interest thereon." T The remainder of said contract sh9.11 remain in full force e.nd effect. I FIRST NATIOlIAL BAllK OF PORT A11GELES and BLYTH " C0tPA~~ BY: C. VI. EASTER THE CITY OF PORT AllGELES. WASHINGTON by proper authorization of the City Cotmlission J BY: VERnON J. ROBINson Meyar IRENE TH OMPSOI, City Glerk It :B"~ re.cved by Commissioner Beam that the 'b~tite"'t~ Seconded b~r Commissioner 1w!astors. tr.e motion carried. foregoing Modification of Contract be npprcved e.nd ad- On rell call all members voted aye. Tlie M.ayor declarod ~ 14 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 21st 19. 44 The Commis-sion examined and allowed the followinl' claims and ordered warrants drawn for SMJe; Roy Spark" 4.20 CURRENT EXPEI!SE FUND Port Angeles Evening News Subs CI' il,tion 9.00 6.8; /I ~ 2.98 l' 14.89 \ 22.15 q\J 17.25 iO .77 40.79 10.00 I CITY STREET FUND Labor I WATER FUND Montgomery \'Iard & Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Switch box, Chlorine LIGHT FUND Chas. E. Beam Thomas p. W'indow Home Electric Co. National Cash Register Co. Contract CEMETERY FUND J. D. Pearce Rough Box PARK FUND Ci ty Treasurer Ci t)' Treasurer Peninsula Fuel l;;o. Purchase of Lots 1-4, inc. Blk. 152 Cash paid for cheesecloth Stove Oil '"' 217.46 1 .16 .~Q' 1;.J8 ; S TATE AID FU11D The 'Electric Co. Globes ViAR LIQUOR TAX FUili:' ,Joron H. Thatcher Johnson & Bork ,1 1," 20.00 ~ 7.57 Ra.dio Repair Service for June Paint & Terpentine L.I.D. GUARA1J;pY City Trea~r Assts. Lo1;s 1-4, inc. Elk. 152 /'" M rnlli.. "0';"" 'M '",",";M ",. .~,"m.'. ^~Tnl~ nIT CLEltK Mllr.ml 14;.52 I The Commission exammed and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND City Tree.surer Cash paid for stamps 5.00 ~ll!!E. Ci ty Trer.surer Electricill West. Rcmington Rand, Inc. WestJne;house Elec. Supply Westinghouse Elec. Supp1 Stamps Subsct'iption Light & Water Bills Meter Socke+.s Meter Sookets .rj t-/ Ilf 105.21 3.00 1,227.6; 114.50 22.25 PARK FUND Chas. B. Vail F. Hayden Marri s Ivan W. Lee O. H. Wintel"E Supplies Refund Parts Saws Filed ...,1/ obI ~ 51.00 1.80 6.92 2.00 I STATE AID FUND Ci ty Treasurer Cash paid for stamps 3.00 WAR LIQUOR_T~X.!~ I I Twin & Johns on Waitkins Supply Co. Nolson Equipmellt ~o. Shop Work Supplies Extinguishers ~l 11.07 '3! ~ .54 25.17 LIGHT INVESTMENT~ Ci ty Tre;.suer 2 Defens e Bonds 14. BOO. 00 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ~L ACTING C~LERK u~ /- or~ "'AYOR