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Mayor McPhee called the special meeting to order at 5:36 P.M. The purpose
of this meeting was to conduct interviews.
The Interviewees for Utility Advisory Committee: John Hordyk, Ken Schermer,
Sam Boddy, Jr., Norman Brooks, Jeff Rosbach, Carl Alexander, Jr., and H.
Duane Wright. Those interviewed for the Clallam County Fair Board:
Christopher Martin, Mavis Rosbach; not present, Robert Boyd.
Mayor McPhee called the regular meeting to order at 7:06 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Kathy Monds' Bluebird Group;
members Lisa LeVeaux, Sarah Hines, Jessie Monds.
Members Present: Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Hesla, Lemon,
Sargent, Stamon.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present:
Port Angeles, Washington
June 21, 1988
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Maike, P. Carr,
M. Cleland, R. Orton, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, D.
Wolfe, K. Ridout, B. Coons.
Public Present: C. Martin, Mr. Mrs. C. Alexander, R. French, D. Edgmom,
L. Lee, J. Ulsky, R. Schneider, S. Bonne, J. Noonan, E.
Hansen, H. Berglund, S. Johnson, W. Quast, E. Knight, P.
Western, M. Lock, P. McCauly, J. VanOss, D. Quast.
OF JUNE 13. 1988
Councilman Sargent moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
regular meeting of June 7, 1988, of the Port Angeles City Council.
Councilman Stamon seconded.
Councilman Stamon offered a correction to Register Page 1032, second to last
paragraph, to strike the first sentence of the paragraph and to replace it
with: "Councilman Stamon directed a question to Attorney Knutson asking
whether it would be possible for Council to get tdtgether as a committee to
review the ordinance and set guidelines for enforcement as a matter of
policy, or whether Council must follow the procedure of reviewing and
amending the ordinance." Also, on Register Page 1035, inserting a paragraph
to Item 4 on the Agenda: "Mayor McPhee appointed Councilmembers Stamon,
Sargent and Lemon to serve on the Committee. BREAK: Mayor McPhee recessed
the meeting for a 15- minute break."
Councilman Hesla offered a correction to Register Page 1035, ;.iragraph 8,
correcting the spelling of Fred Buck to Fred Bock.
Councilman Stamon offered another correction to RFgi.;ter Page 10LO, under
Item 10, second paragraph, stating the sentence F tim ld re.td: "Co
Stamon requested from the Mayor if he should recei «e infnrrrati -r
Mayor McPhee offered this be added to Councilman 'tamon's correction also:
if the City Manager sees information in the Mayor's m =ii that he
feels pertains to other members that he distribute it
Councilman Sargent offered a correction to Register Page 1032, sixth
paragraph, to add the words "some of so that the sentence reads:
"Councilman Sargent stated that she was in agreement with some of the
comments made by Councilmen Lemon and Gabriel."
Mayor McPhee requested that points of order be reflected in the minutes of
any future meetings, and Councilmembers concurred.
On call for the question, the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the June
13th special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council. Councilman Hesla
Mayor McPhee offered a correction to add a paragraph stating: "Mayor McPhee
asked that the Port provide more detailed information on the question."
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilmen Hallett and
Sargent abstaining, as they were not present.
Councilman Stamon moved to reconsider the minutes. Councilman Hesla
seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon moved to insert II, Call to Order, Members Present:
Councilman Gabriel, Councilman Stamon, Councilman Lemon, Councilman Hesla
and Mayor McPhee; Members Absent: Councilmen Hallett and Sargent. Staff
Present: Manager Flodstrom. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion
June 21, 1988
1. Consideration of Bid Award for Roof Repair of William Shore Memorial
Swimmine Pool
Councilman Hallett moved to award the bid to Schmitt's Sheet Metal of Port
Angeles in the amount of $52,323 plus tax, and direct the Parks Recreation
Department to seek a loan for the energy conservation measures. Councilman
Stamon seconded.
Councilman Sargent voiced her concern about the fire retardant and the vapor
barrier noted in the ARM Construction bid, asking whether Schmitt's Sheet
Metal Roofing Bid included these items. Deputy Director of Public Works
Ridout commented Schmitt's Sheet Metal roofing material was all inclusive of
the fire retardant and vapor barrier materials. Councilman Sargent further
directed a question to Deputy Director Ridout on Item No. 2, to furnish and
install 3/8" CDX plywood. This item was included in the bid and while not
required, would have added to the stability of the roof in the case of an
earthquake. She was concerned with whether or not we should leave this item
out during the building process and asked Deputy Director Ridout for his
opinion. Deputy Director Ridout replied he would recommend going with the
3/8" CDX plywood if the moneys were available in the budget. Councilman
Sargent voiced her concern with the possibility of at earthquake in the City
of Port Angeles, and she felt the additional plywood was an issue that
needed to be addressed.
Mayor McPhee asked staff why they did not recommend the installation of the
plywood. Councilman Sargent stated it was to stay within the budget of
$50,000 for this project. Parks Recreation Director Brodhun stated it
was correct and reminded the Council if they were successful in the pursuit
of the no- interest loan, this would get the bid amount down to approxi-
mately $39,000. This would allow for the inclusion of the CDX plywood to do
the job for less than $50,000, not including the loan amount.
Councilman Sargent offered an amendment to the motion, to include the 3/8"
CDX plywood in the roof repair in the amount of $6,652. Councilman Stamon
Councilman Sargent, in speaking to the amendment, stated it was because of
safety reasons as well as the recommendation of the engineer, and she was
concerned with the possibility of an earthquake in the area.
June 21, 1988
After further discussion by Council and staff, Council voted on the
amendment, which passed, with Councilman Gabriel voting "No
The question was called, and the amended motion carried, with Councilman
Gabriel voting "No
2. Request for Payment to Riddell. Williams. of 55.633.11 for Leval
Representation on the WPPSS Issues
Councilman Stamon moved to authorize payment of the June 1, 1988, Riddell,
Williams bill in the total amount of $5,633.11 for representation in the
WPPSS issues. Councilman Lemon seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Stamon moved to accept the items on the Consent Agenda as
presented, including (1) Request to call for bids on sewer jet foam unit;
(2) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (3) Vouchers
of $281,967.03; and (4) Payroll of 6 -3 -88 of $247,265.03; Payroll of 6 -17 -88
of $241,500.07. Councilman Gabriel seconded.
Mayor McPhee noted for the public and Council that he has a liquor license
coming up for renewal, included in the Consent Agenda, and stated that his
vote would not be considered on that particular item.
Mayor McPhee, in speaking to the issue for the application for Class H
liquor license by Casoni Sisters, Inc., for Harbor Lights Restaurant,
indicated that he had been contacted by the State Liquor Control Board
asking him to check locally to see if there was any resistance to the
application. He stated he had checked with several people, including the
President of the Chamber of Commerce and that the President had taken a
straw vote. The vote indicated there was no one in favor of the applica-
tion. However, Mayor McPhee stated even though the Chamber President could
not find anyone in favor of it, that did not indicate the Council could not
approve the increase in the number of licenses per population. He commented
on the letter received from Patricia McCauly, President of Casoni Sisters,
Inc., stating she had indicated he was in favor of limiting the number of
Class H liquor licenses and he was opposed to another license. He replied
this was not true, but he did report to the Liquor Control Board Enforcement
Officer there was some concern there were too many Class H licenses within
the City. He cautioned Council to be aware if another Class H license was
added to the area, they do not increase the number of jobs available but
possibly detract from the existing jobs.
Councilman Stamon, speaking in rebuttal to the Mayor's comments, stated she
felt it was important for Council to encourage new business within the City
of Port Angeles and one of the goals of the Council was to promote economic
development. Further, it was not a goal of government to provide protec-
tion for already existing businesses and she did not feel this was a fair
and adequate reason to deny the application.
Councilman Hallett echoed Councilman Stamon's sentiments, stating Council
should be supportive and do all they could to ensure the success of all the
business members in the community.
Councilman Sargent spoke in favor of the application approval, and ques-
tioned as to whether or not Councilman Hallett had a conflict of interest in
the item as he was the manager of The Landing.
Councilman Hallett then noted for the record that his vote on the Consent
Agenda does not include the item regarding the Harbor Lights Restaurant
liquor license application.
Councilman Hesla stated Council should do everything they can to enhance the
business climate and to encourage new businesses to come forward.
On call for the question, the motion carried.
June 21, 1988
Paul Dailey, P. 0. Box 1655, President of the Port Angeles Exchange Club,
cordially invited the public and Council to the dedication of the Freedom
Shrine located in the City Hall on Friday, June 24th, from noon to 1 P.M. in
the City Council Chambers.
Peggy Western, 1218 West llth Street, proposed to Council to enact an
ordinance prohibiting issuing any building permits for a 36 -foot wide house
on a 50 -foot wide lot without requiring a contractor to obtain a survey to
avoid any dispute. She felt the ordinance should be enacted to avoid any
hardship to another human being by the hands of another human being.
Councilman Stamon suggested that Council refer the issue to the Public Works
Department and the City Manager to contact Mrs. Western and then to report
back to the Council with a recommendation on the issue.
Steve Johnson, business owner, The Landing, spoke in support of the Harbor
Lights Restaurant. He stated he felt with the coming of the restaurant
there would be a real boom, not only for the businesses within The Landing,
but also for the City of Port Angeles in that area.
Erl Hansen, 121 East Railroad Avenue, Executive Director of Port Angeles
Chamber of Commerce, stated in regard to the Mayor's comments on the straw
vote by the President of the Chamber on the coming of the Harbor Lights
Restaurant, this was the first knowledge he had about the issue and felt
very strongly it not be on record that the Chamber was opposed to the
Harbor Lights Restaurant.
Council then placed on the Agenda the selection of the Utility Advisory
Committee and Fair Board members, Item 10 -A.
1. Discussion of Parliamentary Procedures Requested by Mayor McPhee
Councilman Hallett questioned the Mayor in regard to the issue, stating
Council had not received any information on the item to be brought forth and
asked Mayor McPhee whether it was true Council had agreed to a ruling that
Councilmembers would provide information to other members if they had
requested an item to be placed on the agenda in order for other members to
come prepared to engage in dialogue. Further, he did not feel Council
would be in order if they discussed the issue without background information
or without a special vote of the Council.
Councilman Gabriel moved to open the issue for discussion. Councilman Lemon
Mayor McPhee informed the Council that the four issues he wanted to cover
were points of order, the use of the gavel by the Mayor, and interruptions;
and that he would be referring to Roberts Rules of Order as well as Council
Councilman Stamon requested that a fifth item be added: participation of
the chair in debate.
Councilman Stamon moved to amend the motion to add her point to the Mayor's
four points of discussion. Councilman Hesla seconded. Council then voted
on the amendment, which passed unanimously.
Councilman Hallett questioned the motion, stating he would prefer the item
be tabled until the next meeting so Council can research the issue.
Councilman Gabriel stated he did not have a problem with members not pro-
viding information who wanted to speak on an issue.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilman Hallett voting
Mayor McPhee stated this was a reminder to the Council, the public, and to
the press of some very simple issues so Council can function better. He
stated Council is governed by its Rules and Procedures. He gave a lengthy
June 21, 1988
discussion on Council's responsibilities regarding Roberts Rules of Order as
well as other policies and procedures set forth by the Council.
Councilman Stamon voiced her concern over the degree of participation of the
Mayor in debate on issues before the City Council and felt Council should
make a decision as to how they wish to handle the issue.
Councilman Lemon requested from the City Attorney information from the RCW
regarding the participation of the Mayor.
Councilman Stamon moved to place on the July 5, 1988, City Council meeting
Agenda the issue of participation of the chair in debate. Councilman Hesla
seconded and the motion carried, with Councilmen Gabriel and Lemon voting
Councilman Sargent requested it be placed late on the agenda so City
business could be taken care of first.
Councilman Hallett stated he wanted the record to show he was disappointed
Council had proceeded with this issue, as the Council has adopted Rules and
Councilman Lemon requested the policy regarding items being brought to the
Agenda by Councilmembers and information pertaining to such items be
brought before the Council so that some revisions and /or some refining be
done to the policy. He asked this be placed on the agenda for the next
Council meeting.
2. City Councilmembers' Relation with Colleagues Joan Sargent
Councilman Sargent read for the record a memo she had directed to all
Councilmembers in regard to the relationship with colleagues. The memo
outlined her general feelings regarding the inappropriate behavior by
members of the Council and she urged Council to carefully consider and
implement the advice given in the Handbook for Councilmembers, especially to
re- examine page 18 of said Handbook.
3. Plannine Commission Minutes of June 8. 1988
A. Conditional Use Permit CUP 88(6)11 HO Donald Edamon 619
South Chase Street
Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and approve the home occupation permit to operate a beauty salon
in the RMF, Residential Multi- Family District, subject to the following
conditions: (1) One 1A1OBC fire extinguisher shall be installed; (2) The
hours of operation be limited to 7 AM to 7 PM, Wednesday through Saturday;
(3) Only two customers at a time shall be scheduled for an appointment on
the premises; (4) The parking plan submitted to the Commission is
acceptable. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion.
Councilman Gabriel stated in the last paragraph of the Planning Commission
minutes pertaining to the Conditional Use Permit, the Commission requested
the City Attorney be consulted as to whether the Council or Commission is
the final acting body on the home occupation permits. He directed a ques-
tion to Attorney Knutson, asking Attorney Knutson if he had come up with a
decision concerning this matter. Attorney Knutson stated that he had not
had a chance to discuss it with the Planning Director, but in reviewing the
ordinance, his interpretation is that the Planning Commission is the final
acting body on home occupation permits.
Councilman Hallett then questioned Attorney Knutson if the Planning Commis-
sion is the final acting body, what is the role of the City Council.
Attorney Knutson stated that he had not had adequate time to research the
issue; however, in his opinion, in reviewing the plain wording of the
ordinance, the Planning Commission is the final acting body and Council's
role would only be to approve Planning Commission minutes and not have the
authority to overturn the Commission decision.
Councilman Hallett furthered the statement by saying Council then does not
have the authority to add anything to the conditions that might not be in
the applicant's frame of desires. Attorney Knutson stated that was correct.
Following further discussion by staff and Council, Councilman Stamon
suggested acting on the motion, to then direct the Attorney and Planning
Director to come back at the next meeting with some formalization of the
issue which explains what the issue is and also to look at the issue in
light of the fact that Council had considered broadening the authority of
the Planning Commission in another area as well.
Councilman Hallett was in agreement.
On call for the question, the motion carried.
B. Interpretation
Councilman Lemon moved for discussion to agree with the interpretation of
the Planning Commission that an 8' x 16' mobile trailer operating as an air
gun arcade could be a commercial recreation establishment, such as an
arcade, which is a permitted use in the Central Business District.
Councilman Gabriel seconded.
Councilman Stamon voiced her concern regarding the wording of the Planning
Commission, stating this type of establishment as a commercial
recreation should be this type of activity as estab-
lishments tend to confer approval of this particular project and she
offered this as a friendly amendment. Councilman Lemon concurred.
Councilman Lemon felt this issue should be brought up at a public hearing so
the public would have knowledge as to this type of activity and the need for
more light to be shed on this issue. He then proposed to withdraw his
Councilman Gabriel did not believe that was necessary.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilman Sargent voting
C. Acceptance of Minutes
Councilman Stamon moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission
minutes of June 8, 1988. Councilman Gabriel seconded and the motion
4. Resolution to Set Hearing for Street Vacation STV- 88(6)6-
Cronauer /Whitman
Mayor McPhee read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition
to vacate a portion of Caroline Street
abutting Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block 32,
Norman R. Smith's Subdivision to the
Townsite of Port Angeles.
June 21, 1988
Councilman Stamon moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Gabriel seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
5. Request to Circulate Annexation Petition Schneider /Coman /Hoch
Councilman Hallett moved to refer the issue to circulate an annexation
petition for property located south of the City limits between Highway 101
and the Truck Route, to the Planning Commission. Councilman Sargent
seconded and the motion carried.
June 21, 1988
6. Reauest for Funding Assistance Port Angeles Hieh School Band
(Continued from June 7. 1988)
Councilman Sargent moved to deny the request for funding assistance because
of nonconformance with the funding request guidelines, specifically Items 1,
2, 4, and 5. Councilman Lemon seconded.
Councilman Stamon asked for clarification as to reasons for denial. Was it
because they did not provide a detailed financial funding request?
Councilman Sargent stated that was true; they had not explained their
intentions nor how they would be raising funds and what the amount would be
or how the community would be benefitted.
Councilman Stamon suggested instead of doing an outright denial to instead
table the issue until such time that the information was provided.
Councilman Sargent stated she was in favor of the motion as stated.
Councilman Hallett was in opposition to the motion as stated, as he did not
feel an outright denial would benefit the organization to come back with
the appropriate papers and information requested by Council.
Councilman Stamon stated since this was a youth organization from within the
community, that it was heavy- handed for Council to deny, but rather to
instruct them to come back to Council with information before action is
Councilman Hesla was in concurrence with Councilman Stamon's statement.
Mayor McPhee pointed out to Council that the Port Angeles High School is not
used only by residents of the City of Port Angeles, and for Council to fund
the organization, individuals must be residents of the City of Port Angeles
and he was in agreement with Councilman Sargent that the request does not
satisfy the funding guidelines.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilmen Gabriel,
Lemon, Sargent and Mayor McPhee voting "Aye and Councilmen Stamon, Hallett
and Hesla voting "No
7. Request by Hospice for Clarification of Maintenance Responsibilities
(Continued from June 7. 1988)
Councilman Gabriel moved to instruct staff to come up with an agreement or
contract that is mutually acceptable to both parties, to then bring it back
to Council for consideration. Councilman Stamon seconded and offered a
friendly amendment that the Real Estate Committee would be involved with the
process. Councilman Gabriel accepted.
Councilman Lemon commented that he felt the agreement should be drawn up by
the Real Estate Committee and staff.
Councilman Sargent suggested Parks Recreation d"Eo the maintenance in the
yard in the interim of the drafting of the contract.
On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously.
8. Recommendation From the Memorial Committee on City Hall /Community
Memorial (Continued from June 7. 1988)
Councilman Sargent moved to proceed with the recommendation of the Memorial
Committee; however to revise the wording to state: "To those whose
dedication and service have left their mark on this community Councilman
Stamon seconded and concurred.
Manager Flodstrom then distributed to the Council an updated version of the
memorial. Councilman Stamon stated she would like to see the initiation of
the memorial placed on hold until such time as Councilmembers have the
Policy and Procedures guidelines establishing the names to be placed on the
memorial in hand.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
repealing Chapter 3 of Ordinance No.
2050 and Chapter 5.12 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
June 21, 1988
Councilman Hallett stated the point was well taken and before names go on,
to make those decisions, the guidelines must be in place.
Councilman Gabriel stated that he was not able to attend this meeting of the
Memorial Committee, and after reviewing the information, would be in
opposition to the motion. He stated there were several reasons: (1) The
intent of the memorial was good; however, there are other service organiza-
tions and clubs that offer this type of service; and (2) he did not believe
it was a good use of public funds and did not see any public benefit.
Councilman Sargent changed her motion to state to proceed with the recom-
mendation of the Memorial Committee, revising the wording: "In recognition
of those individuals whose devotion to community service enriched our City
Councilman Stamon concurred.
Mayor McPhee stated he was not in favor of the wording.
After further discussion by Council, the question was called and the motion
carried with Councilmen Gabriel and Lemon voting "No
9. Consideration of Ordinance Rescinding Amusement Device Licensing
Requirements (Continued from June 7. 1988)
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
Councilman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Coun-
cilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
10. Consideration of Agreement with Lindberg Associates for Corporation
Yard Design for Service Garage and Water /Sewer Utility (Continued from
June 7. 1988),
Councilman Stamon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with
Lindberg Associates to complete the remaining work for the Service Garage
and Water /Sewer Building expansion, and also completion of the design work
for the future City Light facility at the Corporation Yard. Councilman
Hallett seconded.
Councilman Stamon, in speaking to her motion, stated the reason she offered
the motion was not in attempt to proceed with the City Light facility, as
she realized this was an issue that has been decided by the Council, but her
concern is in attempting to spend the funds of the City of Port Angeles as
wisely as possible and for wanting to look at planning ahead for a City
Light facility. This would allow the architect to come up with a design for
the area of the Corporation Yard that would includt possible future uses.
Further she stated it is not, however, in any way the intent of her motion
to proceed with the construction of a facility but rather to be a little
bit visionary in terms of what the future of the City may be five to six
years. She urged Council to carefully consider doing some cohesive
Mayor McPhee stated it may not be prudent to design something today which
might not be adequate at a later time, and he believed we would have more
flexibility if we have not spent the $60,000 it will cost to design such a
facility. He did, however, agree with the concept of looking down the road,
but Council should retain their flexibility by not designing something that
may be totally inappropriate later on.
Councilman Gabriel concurred with the Mayor's feelings, and stated if it was
not our intent to proceed with the issue, then why spend the money.
Councilman Hallett stated one of the goals of Council is to provide vision
and leadership, Council had agreed to revisit this issue also to have a plan
in place and carry out the stated objectives to provide cost effective
June 21, 1988
services to the community. He believed Councilman Stamon's motion was in
Councilman Stamon, in providing further insight to her statement, commented
because we have had an inordinate amount of interest in the particular City
Light facility and because one of the prime goals of Council is economic
development, Council needs to give themselves the tools to be able to move
ahead in a fairly rapid manner and to make use of those facilities that the
City of Port Angeles owns. Planning ahead would allow for the ability to
move out of a current facility, if that facility should be sold. She
believed it would be in Council's best interest to have in place a plan
which set forth the ability to effect some changes.
Councilman Gabriel stated the Council had decided there was no benefit to
move the Light facility up to the Corporation Yard because the cost of the
building would never pay for what we could sell the current facility.
Councilman Hallett stated the Council did not determine this would not be
cost effective, but the decision was made to not proceed with the issue at
this time. Council did agree to revisit this issue and to explore whether
or not they would proceed with construction on the upcoming budget cycle.
Councilman Lemon stated he totally disagreed with Councilman Hallett's
statement and Council was going to bring this subject back as a workshop
and discuss it. He concurred with Councilman Gabriel's comments.
Councilman Gabriel stated another reason why he was not in favor of the
motion was there were no dollar figures to look at in regard to the
consultant work to be done and until such figures were available, he would
not be in favor of the motion.
Mayor McPhee asked Councilman Hallett what the cost would be to design the
building. Councilman Hallett stated costs for services is per the original
Councilman Stamon offered to amend her motion to direct staff to bring back
information of costs prior to enactment of the contract.
Mayor McPhee stated Council wanted to provide cost effective services and he
believed if we could use a building that we already own which is in very
good shape, that would provide more cost effective services than moving
into a more expensive building. Further, the motion suggests using an
architectural firm that was involved with the construction of the City Hall
and because of dollar figures given during the building of City Hall, he
hesitated to use the architect being recommended, but preferred bringing in
other architects to evaluate who would design the building. He stated he
would -be voting in opposition to the motion and urged Council to open up the
project to other architects in the City.
Councilman Hallett stated the issue had already been open for invitation to
bid and asked the Mayor to clarify whether he was or was not in favor of
Lindberg Associates proceeding with this.
Mayor McPhee stated he was not in favor of Lindberg Associates proceeding
without considering at this time the other architects available within the
Councilman Hallett replied that had been done. Lindberg Associates were
the chosen architects and all Council was asking was they pick up where they
had left off in regards to this project.
On call for the question, the motion failed, with Councilmen Hallett, Hesla
and Stamon voting "Aye and Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Lemon and
Sargent voting "No
Councilman Stamon moved to agree with the recommendation of the Public Works
Department and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Lindberg
Associates to complete the remaining 80% of the work for the Service Garage
and Water /Sewer building expansion. Councilman Sargent seconded.
June 21, 1988
Mayor McPhee, in speaking to the architectural agreement, stated the cost
over -run on the project was 42% and he did not believe had past Council
realized the cost was going to be that far over they would have possibly
chosen a different architectural firm.
Councilman Sargent stated she was in favor of the motion, as Lindberg
Associates had already completed Phase I of the project, which is approxi-
mately 20% of the work to be performed, and they are already familiar with
the building. She believed Council needed to stay with the continuity.
Councilman Stamon stated she wass to the 42% cost over -run and stated X
for the record she questioned the figure.
Mayor McPhee spoke about the cost over -runs and the original history of the
Councilman Sargent asked for a point of order, stating Council was getting
off the subject and requested the remarks be addressed to the Corporation
Yard modifications Council was considering.
Councilman Gabriel stated he believed it was all within the realm of what
Council was speaking on and stated he preferred Mayor McPhee continue.
Councilman Stamon appealed to the entire Council to put the issue to a
Mayor McPhee asked Council to vote on the issue whether he should refrain
from continuing. The motion carried.
On call for the question, the motion authorizing the mayor to sign the
agreement for architectural services carried, with Councilman Lemon and
Mayor McPhee voting "No
Councilman Stamon then requested if the Mayor speaks on an issue that he
cast a vote on the issue at the end.
10A. Selection of Members for the Utility Advisory Committee and the Fair
Utility Advisory Committee: Citizen at large. Councilman Hallett voted for
Carl Alexander. Councilman Hesla, Carl Alexander. Councilman Gabriel, John
Hordyk. Councilman Stamon, Carl Alexander. Councilman Lemon, John Hordyk.
Councilman Sargent, Ken Schermer. Mayor McPhee, John Hordyk. In order to
break the tie vote, Council decided to vote in favor of one of the two ties,
either Carl Alexander or John Hordyk. Councilman Hallett voted for Carl
Alexander. Councilman Hesla, Carl Alexander. Councilman Gabriel, John
Hordyk. Councilman Lemon, John Hordyk. Councilman Stamon, Carl Alexander.
Coungilman Sargent, Carl Alexander. Mayor McPhee, John Hordyk. Carl
Alexander was appointed to the Utility Advisory Committee in the citizen at
large position.
Council then voted on the position of industrial Member to the UAC. Coun-
cilman Stamon stated, as a point of order, she and her husband are engaged
in a real estate transaction with Mr. Wright and she declared that publicly
for anyone who has objection to her participating in this particular issue
to come forward and ask her to step down. There was no member of the
audience that requested she step down.
Councilman Sargent voted for Jeff Rosbach. Councilman Lemon, Jeff Rosbach.
Councilman Stamon, Jeff Rosbach. Councilman Gabriel, Jeff Rosbach. Coun-
cilman Hesla, Jeff Rosbach. Councilman Hallett, Jeff Rosbach. Mayor
McPhee, Jeff Rosbach. Mr. Rosbach was appointed to the Utility Advisory
Committee as the industrial representative.
Council then voted on the Fair Board representative for the City. Appli-
cants Christopher Martin, Mavis Rosbach, and Robert Boyd. Councilman
Hallett voted for Mavis Rosbach. Councilman Hesla, Christopher Martin.
Councilman Gabriel, Mavis Rosbach. Councilman Lemon, Robert Boyd. Coun-
cilman Stamon, Mavis Rosbach. Councilman Sargent, Mavis Rosbach. Mayor
McPhee, Robert Boyd. Mavis Rosbach was appointed as the new member of the
Fair Board.
June 21, 1988
Mayor McPhee then recessed the meeting for a 10- minute break at 9 :55 P.M.
11. Presentation by Fire Chief Glenn Oil Spill Response Plan (Continued
from June 7. 1988)
Mayor McPhee stated there was a misunderstanding as to the type of presenta-
tion. He had hoped to be presented with some type of disaster plan and
asked Chief Glenn if he could ask him a few questions. Chief would then
Councilman Stamon asked for a point of order, as she, personally, wanted to
hear the presentation on the oil spill response plan and requested that the
Chief shorten his presentation to make it as brief as possible.
Chief Glenn gave Council and the public a brief history on the oil response
plan by the City of Port Angeles Fire Department, stating the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles had designated the Fire Chief as emergency
services director for the City of Port Angeles, and along with that desig-
nation went the responsibility to formulate a plan that would utilize the
City's resources in an efficient manner. The plan became operational in
September, 1982. The plan the City of Port Angeles has is actually a group
of plans which covers harbor, fire and explosion, hospital disaster and
emergency relocation, hazardous material incidents, transportation spills
and incidents, and most importantly, marine hazardous material spills, now
more commonly known as the oil spill response plan. He stated our disaster
response plan is a living document which changes and updates are made
annually, as well as major training exercises held each year. In closing,
he t ed he did not think our incident response plan is an answer to
-a g but it addresses the things that need to be done in the first
minutes of a disaster, if and when it happens within the City of Port
Council and staff discussed further some of the aspects of the oil spill
response plan and also asked for information regarding disaster plans
concerning chemical spills, who the responsible parties would be in such a
disaster, how people of Port Angeles would be contacted, and what the
procedures were. Mayor McPhee requested the City Attorney provide Council
with information pertaining to its role and responsibility in the event of a
12. Consideration of Contract With Clallam County Human Services Funding_
for 1988
Councilman Hesia moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with
ClalIam County for Human Services, as approved in the 1988 budget.
Councilman Sargent seconded.
Mayor McPhee stated he believed this to be a County responsibility and the
City taxpayers were paying twice but it was 'a budget item that has been
approved and he would not dispute that; but the City should let Clallam
County know there will be some discussion of this at the next budget hearing
On call for the question, the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon reminded Council of an upcoming meeting of the Human
Services Committee at the County to allocate funding for the 1989 budget.
She asked for another participant from the Council.
Councilman Sargent agreed to participate in the Committee allocating funding
of the Human Services.
13. Update Fair Toll Coalition (Appeals to Court Decision)
Manager Flodstrom gave Council a brief history of the Fair Toll Coalition
and an update of the Coalition. He stated there would be a meeting of the
Fair Toll Coalition Board on June 27, 1988, at 7 P.M. in Sequim City Hall.
June 21, 1988
Councilman Gabriel would be representing the City of Port Angeles and agreed
to bring a report back to the Council at the next meeting.
Councilman Stamon, as a point of order, moved for continuation of the
meeting, as it was now after 10:00 P.M. Councilman Gabriel seconded and the
motion carried.
14. Consideration of Process to be Used for Review of the City's Nuisance
Ordinance. per Council Action of June 7. 1988
Councilman Sargent stated she did not believe at the last meeting it was
Council's intention to suspend action on the total ordinance, but only on
the four violations brought to Council at that time. She then moved to
reinstate the nuisance ordinance, pending Council's review of said
ordinance. Councilman Stamon seconded.
Councilman Sargent suggested one of the items that could be changed in the
review of the ordinance is there be two written complaints by citizens prior
to any enforcement action.
Councilman Stamon, as a point of order, requested the motion be voted upon.
She questioned as to whether it was appropriate to discuss the ordinance now
or after the motion had been acted upon.
Mayor McPhee stated he believed Council should discuss the issue before the
motion was voted on.
Attorney Knutson suggested to Council that they change the wording, instead
of using "to reinstate the nuisance ordinance but rather to clarify the
intent of the original motion that it was not to rescind or hold in abeyance
the enforcement of the ordinance in the meantime.
Councilman Hallett stated he believed the action of the City Manager was
correct in the interpretation of the motion made; not that the ordinance was
rescinded, but because of the ambiguous comments at the last Council meet-
ing, makes it very difficult for any enforcement proceedings. He stated he
disagreed with the City Attorney and that the actions at the last City
Council meeting left staff no choice but the need of further clarification
from this Council as to what it is Council intended to enforce, if anything.
Further, he stated the first priority should be to put the enforcement on
hold until Council takes a leadership role and gives a clear sense of
direction to the staff and the people who have to enforce the ordinance.
Councilman Sargent was in disagreement, as she saw no reason why Council
could not review the ordinance while still making enforcement actions.
Councilman Stamon stated the Council is the final arbitrator in terms of
what to enforce and what not to enforce, and she thought Council needed to
direct staff to continue to enforce the ordinance as written.
After lengthy discussion by Council and staff, the question was called and
the motion carried unanimously.
15. Consideration of 1988 1990 Labor Agreement With Teamsters Local i589
Sworn Officers Unit
Councilman Stamon moved to approve the labor agreement between the City of
Port Angeles and Teamsters Local #589 for the Sworn Officers Bargaining
Unit, effective January 1, 1988, through December 31, 1990. Councilman
Sargent seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Stamon in speaking to her motion, noted that the bargaining unit
has ratified the agreement and has agreed to the terms.
16. Consideration of 1988 1990 Labor Agreement With Teamsters Local 14589
Clerk /Dispatchers Unit
Councilman Sargent moved to approve the labor agreement between the City of
Port Angeles and Teamsters Local #589 for Clerk /Dispatcher Bargaining Unit,
effective January 1, 1988, through December 31, 1990. Councilman Stamon
seconded and the motion carried.
June 21, 1988
17. Consideration of 1988 1991 Labor Agreement with IBEW Local 4997
Councilman Hallett moved to approve the labor agreement between the City and
IBEW Local #997 for the contract period covering April 1, 1988, through
March 31, 1991. Councilman Gabriel seconded and the motion carried.
18. Consideration of Salary Ordinance for 1988 Teamsters and IBEW
Represented Employees
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing a pay plan for the employees
represented by IBEW Local #997 for the
period of April 1, 1988, through March 31,
1989, and providing for the payment thereof.
Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Gabriel seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor McPhee read the next Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing a pay plan for the employees
represented by Teamsters Local #589
(Clerk /Dispatcher and Sworn Officer
Units) for the period of January 1, 1988,
through December 31, 1988, and providing
for the payment thereof.
Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Gabriel seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Sargent moved to publish the ordinances as presented,
a summary, because of the shortness of the complete ordinances.
Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
19. Real Estate Committee Recommendation
A. Use of City Light Building
rather than
Councilman Sargent moved to lease the City Council Chambers of the old City
Hall'-and provide monthly utilities to the Food Bank and to make some
modifications to allow delivery access to the rear of the building, in case
it is necessary. Councilman Hesla seconded.
Councilman Sargent then restated her motion to the City lease the City
Council Chambers portion of the old City Hall and provide monthly utilities
at no cost to the Food Bank and make modifications to allow approved
delivery access in the rear, if necessary, subject to the Food Bank pro-
viding their own insurance coverage and until such time as the building may
be sold. Councilman Hesla seconded.
Councilman Sargent stated when the personnel from the Food Bank saw the
facilities, they felt it would meet their needs. She stated she felt
strongly about this issue, because she recognizes there are many citizens,
approximately 2,000, who are being provided food by the Food Bank and she
felt this to be a good gesture for the City to make.
Councilman Hallett stated he was not opposed to being of assistance to the
Food Bank, but he did have questions and wanted clarification from the Real
Estate Committee as to why the building that is for sale versus the build-
ing that is not and how the Council will address long -term considerations
and the cost implications to the entire City for supporting a City /County
June 21, 1988
Councilman Sargent replied when the Real Estate Committee had first looked
at the City Light facility, the rooms that were being requested would have
needed some major modifications; and also there are current City employees
working at the facility, it was the feeling of the Committee that municipal
employees and recipients of the Food Bank did not necessarily mix well.
Also, Jean Kerner, Food Bank representative, when seeing the old City Coun-
cil Chambers, felt the area would meet their needs better than the old City
Light Building. She also pointed out the Council Chambers in the old City
Hall are heated separately from the rest of the building and therefore did
not see a problem with heating that portion to the building. In response to
Councilman Hallett's question on the long -term effect, Councilman Sargent
said the Food Bank was aware of the building being for sale; however, since
the City has not had much interest in the old building and even if we did it
would be possible the parties involved would be willing to make an arrange-
ment with the Food Bank for the space.
Councilman Lemon voiced his concern over the amount being allocated for
utilities and questioned as to what the figures may be for the heat bill in
this portion of the old City Hall. He believed there should be a cap placed
on the amount paid by the City.
Mayor McPhee asked whether the Food Bank had approached the County for
assistance in this project. Manager Flodstrom stated he did not know.
Administrative Services Director Wolfe stated he believed the approximate
cost for heating that portion of the building would be $1,000 per year.
Mayor McPhee stated this was a County activity and therefore should be
funded by the County, at least in providing part of the utilities. He
reminded Council that the motion on the floor was open -ended price -wise.
On call for the question, the motion was denied, with Councilmen Hesla,
Sargent and Stamon voting "Aye and Councilmen Hallett, Gabriel, Lemon, and
Mayor McPhee voting "No
Councilman Hallett then moved to direct the Real Estate Committee and /or
staff to bring together more details and come back with a contract, with
some verbiage that clarifies the intentions of the issue. Councilman Hesla
Councilman Lemon stated that the concern that he had was with the open
endedness of the utilities cost.
Manager Flodstrom asked Council if they would be more comfortable with
lidding the amount to be paid out.
Councilman Hallett then restated his motion. He moved to provide space to
the Food Bank and instructed staff to come back to the July 5, 1988, City
Council meeting with a contract that includes a lid on the utilities.
Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
B. Elwha Water Line Right- of -Wav Easement k
Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of the Real Estate
Committee to authorize the Mayor to execute the easement for the water line.
Councilman Lemon seconded and the motion carried.
C. Other
The Real Estate Committee set a meeting date for Thursday, June 23rd, at
noon, at the Hospital Cafeteria.
Manager Flodstrom also asked Council to clarify their intentions by removing
the City Light Building from the market. He stated his interpretation was
that the building was no longer for sale.
Councilman Lemon moved that the interpretation of removing the City Light
Building from the market would include lease, rent, or sale at this time.
Councilman Gabriel seconded.
June 21, 1988
After some discussion, the question was called, and the motion carried, with
Councilmen Sargent, Gabriel, Lemon and Mayor McPhee voting "Aye and
Councilman Hallett, Hesla and Stamon voting "No
20. Consideration of Appointment of a City Member to the Salary_
Study and Compensation Review Committee
Mayor McPhee appointed Councilmen Gabriel and Stamon to the Management/
Administrative Compensation Review Committee.
Carl Alexander, 1712 West Fifth Street, asked for clarification on Item 14
on the Agenda, as to what Council had decided for their process to be used
for review of the City's nuisance ordinance.
Councilman Stamon moved that prior to the next City Council meeting on July
5, 1988, Council will provide the City Manager with particular individual
concerns with respect to the nuisance ordinance, and the City Manager would
reduce those to some type of written document for Council's consideration.
At the July 5th Council meeting, a public hearing will be held allowing
members of the public to express their concerns with respect to possible
amendments to the ordinance, and at that point Council would take those
items under consideration and draft some possible amendments. Councilman
Lemon seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Knutson provided Council with a proposed ordinance regarding
easement interpretation on "F" Street vacation. The easement had to do with
Daishowa America acquiring the M R facilities and assets along the
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending the scope of the view easement
required by Ordinance No. 2441.
Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Lemon seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon noted that the UAC meeting has been changed from Thursday,
June 23rd to Friday the 24th at 3:00 P.M.
Councilman Sargent requested that Item 8 on the Information Agenda, draft
ordinance establishing a fee for non resident users of the Medic I program,
be placed on the Agenda for the July 5, 1988, City Council meeting and that
a public hearing be held at that time. Also, on Item 16, parking ticket
computer program, an ordinance revision, Councilman Sargent recommended that
Council consider this issue also at the July 5th meeting.
Mayor McPhee adjourned the regular session to executive session at 11:45
P.M. to discuss an item of litigation. The length of the session was
estimated to be approximately 5 minutes.
The meeting returned to open session at 11:50 P.M.
The meeting adjourned at 11:51 P.M.
Clerk Mayor
June 21, 1988