HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/22/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 45~ June 22, 193~ T~'~.' . ~U'~A'. OEATn.C. .rATIO"""'" '.'..,".". .'.U The Commission met in Regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. "The minutes of the previous session were read and approved, Under the head of applioations for liaenses the following were granted,- 1 Harry Andrews Ha~ry And~ew3 "Due-Drop-Inn" "Due-Drop-Inn" Resturant Soft Drink :i~ 15.00 10.00 "Under the head of Introduotion of Resolutions the following Resolution was Introduaed, RESOLUTIorf BY THE CITY COW~ISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES RELATIVE TO UNEliIPLOYl'mNT RELIEF, ' 1 \TtiEREAS, It is evident that the need for publio relief and aid for the unemployed oontinues', and . Vmereas, It appears to this Commission that there is at present no speedy and satisfaotory method of providing the neoessary assistanoe, . NOW, THEREFOREi BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~iISSION IN REGULAR SESSION ASS~(ffiLED, That the Honorable Roland H.Hartley be and he is hereby respeotfully requested to immediately oall an extraordinary session of the state Legislature for the purpose of enaoting public relief and unemployment legislation, " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a aopy of this resolution be forwarded in due oourse to the office of the governor of the State of ITashington. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing Resolution be adopted, Seaonded by' Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Current'Expense Fund street Department Pay roll $20.00 Park Fund IS. J.Rhodes Labor 12.00 Louis Hucke Labor 15.00 I J.R.J3artlett Labor 5,00 Carl Thorp Labor 42.00 Bob Yonliok Labor 33.66 A.O.Smith La~or ! 1 If f: D 7.00 The Commission then adjourned to meet at 2 p.m. The Commission met'pursuant to adjournment at 2 p,m.,all members being present and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Under the head of Intrmduetiontof Res61utions the following Resolution was Introduced,- RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY TH3 CITY C01Th[ISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Seotion 1. ,lhereas "d\lecto business conditions and the shrinkage of tax payments, the avaiable revenue for aity purposes has been greatly impaired and for thds reason it is neoessary to reduoe expenses and to make reduations in the salaries and wages paid to the offioers and regular employes of the City of Port Angeles and its Publio utilities, 1 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That on and after july l,1932, the monthly salaries or daily wages paid for services rendered by the offioers and regular employes of the said City of Port Angeles and its utilities in thier respeotive positions, shall be and is hereby deolared to be as fol10ws,- 1 J.Iayor Commissioner of Finanoe Commissioner of Streets and Publio Improvement Clerk Deputy Clerk Treasurer Deputy Treasurers ,each Attorney Engineer Chief of l'olioe Patrolmen,each Motoroyole Patrolman Chief of Fire Department Assistant Chief of Fire Department Truakmen,eaoh Health Offioer Sanitary Inspeotor Police Judp;e Street Foreman' Janitor Per.J.lo. " " }150.00 l35.00 135.00 157.50 l35.00 157,50 135.00 180.00 200.00 l.57.50 135.00 l35.00 157.50 l35.00 135.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 100.00 4.0 . 00 ~ ,.. 46 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 22 1933- lIr.... f Traotor Operator Grader Opera tor Truok Operator,eaoh POVlderman Laborers Maintainer Operator street Flusher Operator Assistant Engineer in Crarge Inspectors,eaoh Superintendent of utilities Foreman ~ . Troubleman Meter Reader Linemen, eaoh Truokmen, each Salesman Clerk Foreman Care-taker at Intake Servioe Man Pipe fitter Pipe fitters helper Pipe layers, eaoh Librarian Assistant Librarian Children's Librarian Jani tor Caretaker Caretaker Superintendent Caretaker street Department " Per day II 1! 1! of Streets Engineer Department 11 Tt Light Department 1! 1! Per Mo. II Per day " Sales Division 1! 1! Per Mo. Per day Per :!\Io. II Water Department " Per day " Library II Per !.lo. " Park Cemetery ~ 5.0r) 5.00 4.25 4.25 4.00 5,00 4.25 150.00 4.00 270.00 200.00 170.00 135.00 7.00 4.25 135.00 2.25 IBO.OO 120.00 6.75 5.40 5.00 4.25 140,00 67.50 45.00 40.00 90,00 67,50 54.00 72.00 Seotion 2. That the soale of salaries and wages heretofore set forth shall prevail until thetfurther'aotion of the City Commission thereon notvlithstanding any of the provisions of Ordinance~ No.922, Ordinanoe No.966 or any other ordinanoes of the City of Port Angeles and any officer or employe aontinuing in the employ of the said city or its utilities shall be deemed to be performing his Vlork and rendering the oervioes in oonformity with this resolution and to acoept the said payment of salary or wages in full satisfaction of and oonsideration for his said work and shall waive all rights whioh he might or oould have by reason of Ordinanoes of the City of PODt Angeles fixing a differant and higher soale of salary and wages. Section 3. This resolution applies only to regular employes of the City of Port Angeles in the various departments and for the regular maintanance and repair of streets, maintenanoe and repair of public utilities and shall not be understood to apply to any Bpeaial work which may be oreated in any of the departments of the City for unemployment relief or other speoial repair or maintenanoe work. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seoonded by lJayor Davis, On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. =t(~~ ?I,>>t[!~ City Clerk lilayor ot 1 I I I I