HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/22/1949 ,I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 557" June 22, 19~ ..""'....~.......,..............._..-n... 1.17. ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commis,sioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trwnbull, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I Un.der the head of applications fo; building permits and licenses,. the following were granted I 0::: "fuilding Permits: '/1?5 Townsite 'M. A. Moen Move ~xisting House on Lot; Construct Foundation; Lots 15-12, rllk. 286, 625.00 I 'Roy Erickson ' Move House; Lots 5 and 4; Blk. 184, To,msite 750.00 I II Frank Fisher, Jr. Reroof Existing Dwelling & Remodel; L,ot 9, Blk. 52, Tovmsite. 500.00 I Fred Walker Reroof Dwelling; Lot 13, Hlk. 1, Hartt & Cook Add. 100.00 j I Samuel A. Palmquist /.love Existing Dwelling; Construct Foundation; Lot 15, Elk. 317, Townsite 2,000.001 , T, E. .Piper Remodel Existing Dwelling; Lot 8, Blk. 173, Townsite 1,000.00 'I Licenses: ;JO ~(.. I Rex'S Radio cab Taxi 14.561 J Olympic laundry & Clean ers Cleaning & Pressing 5.001 'I Lucille's Beauty Shop Beauty Operator, 1 Chair 1.00 I Under the head of unf1n1shed bus1ness, ?nDther pet1t10n was presented, requesting installation of a trunk sewer on South Pine Street by creation of an in~rovemant districtl The petition was referred to the , Engineering Department. Commissioner Taylor informed that the recreationel program has been arranged, and employees will be on Park payroll for a portion of their salaries. Under the head of new msiness, Francis Wood.and others appeared regarding drainage at Seventh and Peabody Streets. The Engineer was instructed to correct hazard immediately. . /.lr. Smith spoke regarding mood damage and erosion at Ocean View Cemetery. Commissioner Taylor infonned I that the City is aVlSre of conditions, and will take action as soon.as possi.ble. i Mr. Fitchard and other service station operators requested that the Commission adopt an ordinance or regulations prohibiting operation of self service ..>as dispensing stations. The matter was referred to the Fire Chief and City Attorney. Fred Hipkins representing Clallam County Soft Sall League requested that rest rooms be installed at Pine Hill Ball Park. The Park Board will be advised of request, and if satisfactory, will arrange 1m include in thefudget. The Commission discussed use of the City garbage dump by the County and reimbursement to the Ci4Y for the same. There having been no appropriation in the current County budget, it was moved by Mayor Feeley that the County Commissioners be reminded to include in the 19S0 budget, rental for use of the City Dwnp. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion oarried. I Chief Ide informed that Rex's !ladio Cab is using First and Laurel as permanent cab stand when approved only I as temporary. It was regularly moved and seconded that Rex be permitted to use the stand one more week, i after which further use will be forbidden. Commissioner Taylor spoke regarding rate schedule for water service to Bonneville Sub-station. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that nine copies of commercial water schedule be sent to the Bonneville .\ Power Administration as requested. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. jUnder the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. /~O AN ORDINANCE vacating a certain alley in Block (lne Hundred Twenty-r"1ve (125) of D.W. Morse's Subdivision of I Suburban Lot Eight (8) of Port Angeles. I It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be ptissed first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 71>J..~ CURt1EllT EXPENSE ~UND: John T. Trwnbull We sley Smith ~"irst Nat'l Hank Jack T. Ranken Co. Schreiner Chev. Co. K & K Fine Foods Clallam Grain Co. Eastman Kodak Co. Thompson Studio Puget Sound 1'ent & Duck Co. Seattle Radio Supply Co. llaturd Gas Corp. of Wash. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Irwin & Johnson The iDexas CO. I' Port Angeles Upholstery & Furno Co. I: Smith Ice & Bottling Works I Clay Wolverton Kauflnan Miller Co. 1 Traveling "'xpenses State Examiner Salary & Expense Income Tax Plumb Bobs & Points Parts & Labor Dog Food One Bale Straw Developer, Printing Paper, Film Printing Paper Red Stop ;;'lags Supplies Gas Service 3309 Parts & Labor Motor Oil One Sea t Upholstered Extinguisher Refilled Express & Frt. Chgs. Lamps 22.55, 183 .85: 14.951 5.05 50.781 6.161 2.4~1 7.44, 1.651 39.86. 75.64 I 20.97i 31.54 124.89. 3.97" 51.07 : 3.35, 14.881 61. 29 :z:z '/. ~ i 36.00! 45.10 15.44 SO.OO 12.75 CITY STREET HIND I Olympic Seed Co. Port Tie & Lwnber Co. Willson Hardware Co. Hugh Govan-Contractor \lestern Tractor & Equip. Co. Lime Lumber 1 Doz. ]<;x-Burners 1 White Motor Elements, Gaskets ~ ,... 558 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 22, continued, 19~ CITY STREET FUND. continued: IHarris & Schuller Irwin & Johnson Willson Hardware Co. las: < WATER FUND: Clallam Adj. Corp. Headrick Repair Service 101ympic Printery Pacific Water Works Supply Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. 'Western Utilities Supply Co. Johns-l~nville Corp. federal Pine & Tank Co. Seattle Pl~bing Supply Co. ~. N. Hallgren Co. Hersey Mfg. Co. 'fS'5I.:E.. LIGHT FUND: City Treasurer Clallam Adjustment Corp. Waitkus Supply Co. ,J. J. McLean 'Hillyard Sales Co. Line Material Co. Mrs. Sam Rand Home Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Gould Storage Battery Corp. 'Rayonier, Inc. Line Material Co. James W. Caven Frank Pollow SANITATION l'UND: . 7S ~ "Clallam AdjustlOOnt Corp. PARK FUND: 'tS~,~ A. Contesti Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Angeles Pittsburgh Paints James Hardware Co. "Radio Service Appliance Co. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: One-O-One Garage I 7. ~ James Hardware Co. Screen Basket Service Tools and Hardware Collection Com. Repairs Supplies Parts Chlorine Pipe, Clamps, Fittings, Repair Clamps Couplings Pipe Saddle Fittings Fittings Meters State Exam. Expense Collection Com. Test-clips Traveling Expense Cleaner Tools Poles Hardware Wire, Cur l'ransf, Ells, Jars Fittings Ha rdwa re Fittings Moving Trans f Collection Conunission Septic Tank, Per Contract One Drinking Founta in Paint Weed Killer, Light Globes Radio Filter Condensers Parts & Labor One Screw Driver CITY OF peRT ANGELES FIRE & POLICE STN., oTATE DEVELOPJ.ENT FUIID: Ivan M. Anderson /~(".~ Carpenter Work First Nat'l Bank . Income Tax " 'There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. f) C ;;€~, rf City Clerk ,-tt~d /7 ~ 38.291 2.061 51.65,! I 3.57 91. 54, 23.59, 15.95, 34.16' 876.22' 97.59 23.70 40.28 564. 52 154.01 156.50 4.55 3.50 16.65 59.40 7.21 581.57: 144.56' 3,940.50 6.14 5.24' 45.54 4.97' 76.00 i .75 , 390.00 23.70' 21.52: 12.54 4.95 I 16.44 1.29 158.62 8.20 Mayor I I I I I I