HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/23/1937 ,.. 500 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 2:3, 1937 193_ '~he ()ommission met in regular session at 10 A.M. 'and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: !.Iayor Davis Commissioners Henson am Masters t Attorney Jonniff and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of "pplications for Buildinf; .2ermi ts and Licenses the following were gran ted : T. M. Sawby and Dennis ~awby, 4 ~ard Tables Elite Beauty Shop, 1 Beaut~ Parlor Chair Guy ~atsont Garage, Nt Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 247. Townsite 20.00 1.00 100.00 I Under the head of Unfinished Business,- 'r~~~r ~ (..~1.1'.' .f.:~R'~~il~S pOR ('TTY ',' r-;()Tli~' f~I~117~~:t1,nlY n,'r:~. r.'~ Thllt. Aenlt>il.bld.' '."JII IH' '\'f' '.'.'."1"(.""1. the ~IUicl'ot Hw t'it~. Clf'l'k (,.r Uti" ;~lt\~~\l ~~~'Jn:~ ,11 ~r~~~~. l~~. I (ll..N~ ,a"f~" the nfClclal.}Il'lntl)lg of th(>. I:'jlv of 'Port Al\gelf'fl. rtw ,t-lIP )'~Ilr <,om. ml'nclnJ..:" .luly 1,. 1~:l7. The Iwlnting to lit' In non-riru'ell 0\' E.l)!:. [.uiflt lYIW nllt! puhlJ!.liw(l hI J'~6\:llllH' iFl. Inll'~ or Ille ll~w~Jlal)f'l" nwartlNl" ,~H1ch contnH:t. mill! 10 b~ fHlbmlth.d! [)II :-\ bR-Slfl (}r ~('hnrge ")"'1' lln~," I Contract ::lIId honrl In th~ ~11m orl $10.00,UO fl\'" the .falthfl1l pl'rtol'm.1 ntlN' of tl1l:\ C'ontrllC't ..'111 In' 1''''- IJUIl'ed. '1'11'1 CptnmlS6[on l'p!ip>r\'W! the "11th!. to rejl-'ct UII," 11l1l1 lIlt hid..., pElletl lhl111llth d1L~' otJUIl{l.~ H!7.'! ~h~1'd'~~,!~'KJ:-';S. I Puh. .hlne lO-1Ii-22. I The City ':lerk reported that pursuant to the oall for b1ds to do the City printing for the year 1937-1938, one bid was filed, as follows: I Port Angel~s. Vash., June 17. 1937 Ci ty Commissione 1'S, Port Angeles, .iashington Gentlemen: Pursuant to published call, we submit the following as our bij on the City printing for the year 1937-1938, seven cents per nonpareil line, single column measure. Fourteen cents pel' line, single column mensure. for tabulated metter when published only one time. If published two or more tim~s, tabulated matter also at seven cents a line, single column measure. Vie will file a good and sufficient bond in the event of our being accepted. PORT AN G3LES EVENING NE';/S I By John Schweitzer It was moved by Mayor Davis that the bid of the ~vening News for doing the City printing be accepted and that the Mayor and ~ity Jlerk be instructed to sign the contract with ,them upon the filing of a bond approved by the City Attorney. Seconded by Commissioner IHenson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. !The Commission examined and allowed the following bills and ord~red warrants drawn for I same.: CITY STRE:<:T FUND I Grange Warehouse IVashin~ton Pulp & Paper vorp. I \/ATER FUND iHooker Electrochemical Co. ,Seattle Plumbing Suppl~ Co. .City Treasurer I 'LIGHT ~'UND Clove Seed, eta. Lime & Mate rial ~<I b'" :-- 8.10 56.64 Chlorine Pine Cash Paym!n t bOY !;'~ - 14.86 4:0..01 c.55 I Ci ty Treasurer West~nghouse Electric Supply ~o. Burroughs "dding Machine Jo. United States Pencil Go. I Quick Print Burroughs "dding Machine ";0. I PARK FUN1l I Hall Stark 'Gran,!le ;.Iarehouse Co. \ GUAR,d,TY FUN D I cnyTreasurer n II I There be ine no further business tile Comrnissivn then 'ldjoUl'neo. , I 'I Misc. Cash Payments Supplies Coupo~s for ribbons Penc ils Printing ;;ervic e '. '), :\9 7.<.7 8.16 9.41 23.00 7.75 I 58 ~~ Labor ilheat, Cement ~ '3'1 18.50 18.50 Taxes Assessmen ts 1J. 7.8 46('.97 247,7.. ?7 ?71{)~ ~. /,^,~ od~ Ci ty "Ie ok Mayor It...