HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/23/1955
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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The City Councilllll!t iu"specii3J. session at" 7:30 P.M~', arid 'was called to order by May6rSfuith. Officers
present' were Ma;yor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Sandison ,and Wolfe, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and
Clerk Law. '
Pursuant to Re~,olution previously ~dopted, Ma;ro~Smith ,announcedh~a.ring op'ez: on L.I.D. No. 169.
Engineer Ahlvers discussed the project, informing Why cost is more than first estimated, also exhibited
map' showingpro~erty effected including main tr:unk w.hi.cn, will connect at Geori?iana and Francis Streets.
Don Morrison, Sanitarian, cited elimination of laterals from First to Third Streets as reducing cost of
proj eot.
Discussion followed' concerning cost estimat,e, laterals not included, percolatio,": of septic tanks, also
control pf s,topm, water. '
Fred Strange, Chairnianof' Planning COrmnission, expla;lned,"that after final'assessment roll is"completed
the Council " will hold hearing as equalization board at whioh time property owners may be heard concerning
actu~ cost. ' ,-, -
lBotests opposing the 'project were filed as follows:
Joe Ziccardo, Lots l'to 4 incl., Block 1$5
Harold H. Hartman, Lots 1 anp. 2" B;Lopk A
Laura D. Lowry, Lots 1 to 9, incl., Block 3
Lots 13 to 22, incl., Blo" ck 3 and Lots 1 j".o 22, incl., Block 4, Virginia Park and Terrace Md.
Andrea Casilio, Lots 9, 10, ll~' Block 117,' Richa.rdsoil add. "
Luigi Pieri, Lots 1 to B, Incl., Block 117, Ricl1ardson Alid, _ "
Gunder Birkeland, all or Block One, and all of l-ots 1, 2, 3, 4, and that portion of Lots 5, 6: 7, 8,
j9, ':i;y-ing and beiiig north of theOlymp:l.c Higlmro-- ill inBlock 2, Green's Belleview Addition. All of that
IPortion of the north two acres of Suburban Lot 13, Townsite of Port Angeles, Being North of Olympic High-
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William R. Rutherford, Lots 31, 32, 33, Block-1ll5, Townsite
Norman'F. Johrison, Lots 6, 7, 12, 13, Block"A., Glover's Addition
John A. 'llOberl.s~ Lots 1 to 14 Incl., 20, 21, Block 216, Townsite, Lots 24 to 30, incl., Blk'-lS5; Town-
"site'''' ,
John"A. l%lz, Lots-12 to 17,' Incl., Bbck 117, F.G. Richards, Jr.
Francis M. Beckett, Lots 1 and 2;" Block 183, TownSite
Grace AnderSon, Lot 10, Block IB4, Townsite
Cherpeske and Heriart, all that, portion of Virginia Park and Terrace Subdivision of Suburban Lot
,Twelve, of Government Townsite of Port Angeles, Lying Northerly of Highwa;y 101 as now established.
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:From the foregoing objections filed, percentage of protest was 29. 763iJ!, "opposed to improvement.
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~ter fUrther diSCUSSion-am explanations, the following protests were withdrawn with understanding"that
additional lateral connections will be permitted after completion and acceptance of ,the trunk s-ewer.
I' Laura D.Lowry
Andrea Casilio
Harold H. Hartman
Cherpeske 'and Hariart
(l'he foregoing 'withdrawals'showed only 1$.64% opposed to improvement, therefore the hearing was closed
without action until the next regular meeting.
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i-emoval, citing progress to date, plans for future construction, and soliciting cooperation of the Council.
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71 City Council
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Blds wIII be accepted up to'S:OO
p.m, JUly 14th at the of.fice of
City Clerk, 14{) West Ii'rant 8t
E.~tl~hf';~~: Wash, for turnishmg
500 ft. 4-(] stranded, Ungrouncl-ed
Cable, OE 58040 or equnJ
lOOn fl. 500.mcm strll.lldc.a cable
GE 58008 or equal .'
120 It. 4 inch galvanized conduit
6 11n~~Ch galvanized conduit coup-
12 %x12 eopperweld ground rods
12 % lnch ground rod clamps
14 Cable terminals 1.37 lnch OD
,2 Cable terminals 1.67 OD
G, S, VB W:w
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