HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/24/1936 II""" 398 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 24, 1936 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioations for BUilding Permits and Lioenses the followin&were granted: 'Joseph Bruder, Building, Lot 3, Blk. 30, Thompson and Boodwin Subd, Union Cafe. Restaurant Union Cafe; Soft Drink IUnder the head of New Business, the following Resulution was introduoed: 2000.00 2.50 .83 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANrJELES WHEREAS, there was on the 16th day of January, 1932, stricken of to the City of Port Angeles under and by virtue of prooeedings for the foreolosure of assessments in local improvement districts No. 118 and 119 in the City of Port Angeles the following desoribed real estate, to-wit: The North Seventy-five feet of the I'lest Half of Lot Nine and the North Seventy-1ive feet of Lot Ten, all in Block One of Tidelands West of Laurel Street, in Front of the City of Port Angeles, in Clallam Coun~, Wailhington, And, VffiEREAS, a deed was issued to the City of Port ~ngeles on the 29th day of February, 1932, whioh deed was reoorded in Vol. 126 of Deedil, page 654, and oonveyed said property, subject to lien for general taxes, and WHEREAS, said property thereafter was under general foreolosure for taxes on the 20th day of December, 1932, deeded to the County of Clallam, and WHEREAS, said property was thereafter, under authority of ~ec. 9393 of Rem. Rev. Stat., Chap. 143, and Laws of 1929, again acquired by the ~ity of Port Angeles and deeded by the said county to the said city, and ,WHEREAS, Thomas T. Aldwell has made an offer for Baid property to purohase the same free land olear of all assessments, which offer is not disproportionate to the value of the ,property and is a fair and equitable prioe, therefor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY '!HE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANrJELES That the offer of Thomas T. Aldwell be aocepted and -~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Said property be sold at private sale to the said Thomas T. lldwell for the sum of $2250.00 and that the City Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to draw a deed for the sale of said property to Thomas T. Aldwell, free and clear of all assessments and taxes and that the City Treasurer be and she is hereby instruoted to ex- ecute and deliver said deed oonveying the said property to Thomas T. Aldwell upon the reoeipt of $2250.00, all of which is under and by virtue of Chap. 275 of the Laws of 1927, inoluding Section Four there of. It was moved by Commissioner ~~sters that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Unfinished Business,- The Iii ty Clerk reported tha t pursuant to the call for bids to do the City printing for the year 1936-1937, one bid was filed, as follows,- GAI.J, Fon IUDS FUR UJ'I'Y PRIN'l'IN(. Notice iEl hereby _given UlI\.t FlBal- ed bids will be recelW!d In the of., 1 flep. of thp. City Clerk of the City I, of Port Angples up to 10 :t.m., on I "'ednesda.y, June 24, 19:U.. fflr the official llrtntlng of tllf:' ell)' of Port ,Angele~1 for the year commenclng July 1, 19~6. The prlntlng' to be in \ nOI1 pareH or fllx point b'lle and,' published In regular ls:\ucEI of the neWSpaper awa.rded such cClntra~t. ~~d~h~~ge!)~'t>~~btr~~~,~d cg:~tr:ctb~~~~. 1 bond in the Elum of $1000.00 for the,; l~~~h/~lIre:;~[)r~~~freed?! ~~~s C~6~= mlsslon rt:lIerv<!S the right t(l rC. jeet an)' And nll bidll. Dated this lOth da;.: of JUlle'1936"j' N. ~r. HAWKINS, City Clerk. Pub. June 11-18-22, 1936. Port Angeles, Wash. June 19, 1936 Ci ty (;ommlssioners, Port Angeles, Washington. rJentlemen: Ii Pursuant to published oall, we submit the following as our bid I on the City printing for the year 1936-1937: ,Seven oents per nonpareil line, single oolumn measure. Fourteen cents per line, single 'Ioolumn measure, for tabulated matter, when publi shed only one time. If published two or more times, tabulated matter also at seven cents per line, single column measure. w~ will file a good and suf~icient bond in the event of our bid being accepted, PORT AN GELES EVENING NEWS, INC. By John Sohweitzer, Manager ,It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the bid of the Evening News for doing the Gity ,printing be accepted and that the Mayor and (;ity Clerk be instructed to sign the contraot I ith them upon the filing of a bond approved by the City Attorney. Seconded by Commission- ler Lutz. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. \The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: ~ ,CURRENT EXPENSE FUND raShington Flag & Deoorating Co. Decora tions 3.50 I I ,; I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .rune 2A, 1936 193_ ""'lIl 399 1 1 1 .1 1 WATER FUND Rensselaer Valve Co. Epperson & Sons LIGHT FUND I A. S. Knight Co. Westinghouse Eleotrio & Mfg. Co. rJeneral Eleotrio Co. Hydrants and valves Material (~ 3 'r Meter Boxes Meter ;';ooke ts Meters 1& ;N1 - There being no further business the ";ommi aaion 17m1~i/J1~ City Clerk then adJourne~d' ~,f)~ / / Mayor 317.22 2.46 39.91 19.07 129.20 ~