HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/24/2008
Korean Veterans
Remembrance Week
Amateur Radio Week
National Recreation &
Parks Month
Skateboard Helmet Safety
Port Angeles, Washington
June 24, 2008
Mayor Braun called the regular meeting ofthe Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:03
Members Present:
Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton [arrived at 6:07 p.m.],
and Councilmembers Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers and
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, T.
Gallagher, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, R. Bonine, K. Dubuc,
N. West, S. Sperr, and B. Coons.
Public Present:
D. Neupert, R. McCoy, T. Sanford, 1. Olsen, and 1. Schon.
All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Perry.
There was no public comment.
Korean Veterans Remembrance Week:
Mayor Braun read and presented a proclamation to Korean W ar Veteran Gerald Rettela,
declaring the week ofJune 23, 2008, as Korean War Veterans Remembrance Week. Mr.
Rettela, who was joined by Korean War veterans Jack McCann, Chuck Gagnon, Don
Roberts, and Mary Reed, provided background information on battles fought during the
months of 1951.
Amateur Radio Week:
Mayor Braun read a proclamation declaring June 23 - 29,2008, as Amateur Radio Week.
He presented the proclamation to Chuck Jones, President of the Clallam County Amateur
Radio Club, who was joined by member Jody Gray.
National Recreation and Parks Month Proclamation:
Mayor Braun read a proclamation declaring July 2008 as National Recreation and Parks
Month. He presented the proclamation to Richard Bonine, Deputy Director of
Skateboard Helmet Safety Program:
Fire Marshal Dubuc provided an update on skateboard helmet safety and the City's
educational efforts since Frank Russo's tragic accident two years ago. He displayed the
helmet that is being provided to users of the skate park free of charge. Educational
brochures will soon be completed and distributed.
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June 24, 2008
Olympic Medical Center
Resolution No. 5-08
At the request of Councilmember Williams, consideration of setting a public hearing for _
the surplus of the Niichel property was added as Agenda Item G.!.; Councilmember Di .
Guilio asked to discuss Community Conversations as Agenda Item G.2.; Manager
Madsen added a Resolution for the surplus of computer equipment as Agenda Item F.2.;
and a request to have the Mayor sign a letter of support for the Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cable Project was added as Agenda Item G.3.
Olympic Medical Center Levy:
Rhonda Curry, 1126 E. 7th Street, representative of Olympic Medical Center, addressed
the Council on behalf of Eric Lewis, Chief Executive Officer. Ms. Curry used
PowerPoint slides to provide background information on the decision to place a levy tax
increase on the August 19,2008, ballot. She discussed OMC's increase in bad debt and
charity care, inadequate Medicare reimbursement, increasing number of Medicare
patients, and reduction in operating margin. Ms. Curry indicated the proposed increase
is from $.11 per $1,000 in assessed valuation to $.44 per $1,000. She reviewed Olympic
Medical Center's action plan, as well as proposed uses of the levy funding, such as
emergency room, inpatient hospital services, and maternity. Residents currently paying
an average of $2.27 per month or $27.50 per year are being asked for $6.88 more per
Mayor Braun opened the floor to public comment.
Austin Lee, 1613 Port Williams Road, Sequim, spoke as a strong advocate of the
proposed levy increase, indicating everyone must take local responsibility. He shared the
distribution summary of tax on his property, noting that Olympic Medical Center gets the
smallest percentage while serving the highest number of taxpayers. Mr. Lee stated that
senior citizens, if they qualify, would be exempt from this excess levy. After. citing
personal experience with OMC, Mr. Lee asked the Council to write letters of support.
He added that the levy has been endorsed by the Economic Development Council, United
Way, and the Port Angeles School District.
Tim Morgan, 294 Cougar Ridge, Port Angeles, stated his dislike for paying property tax,
sales tax, and income tax, but he knows he must pay to fund services that are taken for
granted. Mr. Morgan acknowledged that a goodly portion of taxes go to subsidize others,
whether or not it is deserved, and he called these subsidies Social Security and Medicare.
He spoke in favor of raising the levy, emphasizing the levy rate in Port Angeles is lower
than in all other public hospitals throughout the State. Mr. Morgan indicated that raising
the levy will not solve the problem, but it will be a step in the right direction.
Dave Neupert, 403 S. Peabody, President of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of
Commerce, noted the two previous speakers had made some excellent points. He advised
the Council that the Board of Directors of the Chamber had just voted unanimously to
support the levy, recognizing the importance ofOMCI: in the lives of people making their
homes here, as well as those considering relocation oftheir homes and businesses to the
area. Mr. Neupert encouraged the Council to lend its unanimous support to the levy
Rebecca Redshaw, 713 East First Street, a member of the United Way Board, indicated
the agency members of United Way are very aware ofthe need for the levy increase. She
felt this is a social and health issue, and she encouraged everyone present to inform their
neighbors of the need for the services and the importance of getting out with a yes vote.
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Olympic Medical Center
Resolution No. 5-08
2008 Capital Facilities
Plan I Transportation
Improvement Program
Resolution No. 6-08
Resolution No. 7-08
June 24, 2008
There was no further public comment, and Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title,
entitled -
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
in support of the Olympic Medical Center levy for improvements to
, hospital infrastructure and services, physician recruitment and retention,
and financial support for uninsured and underinsured patients.
Several Councilmembers cited a relationship with Olympic Medical Center in one form
or another, inquiring if they should recuse themselves from the vote on the Resolution.
In each instance, Attorney Bloor responded there was no requirement for any of the
Councilmembers to recuse themselves. Councilmember Williams moved to passtlie.
Resolution as read by title. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, Attorney
Bloor referenced the clause ofthe Resolution beginning, NOW, THEREFORE, indicating
the second line should be corrected to read, "...declares its strong support for the Olympic"
Medical Center permanent levy increase of33-cents per...", and he asked that the motion
be amended accordingly. Councilmembers Williams and Rogers, as maker.-and
seconder ofthe motion, agreed to the amendment. Individual Councilmembers spoke
in support of the levy increase, after which a vote was taken on the motion, 1Vhich
carried unanimously.
{ .
Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:03 p.m. The meeting rec~nvene'd af
2008 Capital Facilities Plan / Transportation Improvement Prograi'n:. .-
As a follow-up to the presentation and public hearing held at the June 3, 206~; Council
meeting, Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler distributed some changes that had been
made to the CFP/TIPdocument. With the use of PowerPoint slides, he reyiewed all
changes, inclusive of those made to project allocated funds. Discussion was held on the -_
possible need for an overall technology plan, the existence of a Technology Advisory "
User Group, and the possibility of doing neighborhood LIDs for street improvements.,
Director Cutler indicated discussion will be held on a grant request for tp,e Dry Creek
Pedestrian Bridge/Trail Phase II, as there is a July 1 deadline for submission.', '
'. f~
Recreation Deputy Director Bonine provided a historical overview of the Waterfront TraiL
and expansion to the Olympic Discovery Trail, which is intended to span fia,m:Pm;t
Townsend to LaPush. An unfinished and critical connecting portion relates to a bridge
over Dry Creek, and approval is being sought to submit a State Grant application to
complete the bridge and then proceed to trail and trail head improvements. T.he ov,eralJ' .. . ,
projected cost is $759,400; the proposed grant i~quest is in the amount of $379,].00.- . - ,~.
Deputy Director Bonine discussed the potential match funding of $224,700 fr9m' other~
agencies and organizations. Discussion followed.
" ...~. ~..,
Mayor Braun continued the public hearing at 7:51 p.m.
Chuck Preble, 1792 Chicken Coop Road, Sequim, President of the Peninsula Trails
Coalition, discussed the topographical difficulties in the area of Dry Creek, as well as the
efforts for expanding the trail east and west. He emphasized that completion of the Dry
Creek portion of the trail is the highest priority in the region, even at the expense of
paving the trail. Mr. Preble supported the notion of completing the Dry Creek portion in
the same time frame as the Elwha Bridge. He discussed potential matching funds,
-;>~ "
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June 24, 2008
2008 Capital Facilities
... Plan / Transportation
Improvement Program
Resolution No. 6-08
Resolution No. 7-08
~. ~~
~~. .n
indicating the Elwha Tribe will save a great deal of money by the construction of this
bridge for their sewer line. He indicated this effort should not only be thought of as a
recreational activity, but also as a transportation facility and an economic development
Randall McCoy, 112 E. 11 th Street, a member of the Alternate Transportation Advocacy
Group, addressed hazardous conditions for bikers on Edgewood Drive, advocated for the
Dry Creek crossing, and addressed the challenges of the Bagley Creek crossing. Mr.
McCoy promoted the use of trails for the health of community. He felt the Dry Creek
bridge would serve as a thoroughfare east to west. He also supported the formation of
bicycle groups, as well as bicycle events. He stated his willingness to donate $100 toward
the project.
Dave Neupert, 403 S. Peabody, attending as President of the Port Angeles Regional
Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of the Resolution specifically related to the Dry
Creek Pedestrian Bridge. He noted the Chamber has consistently supported trails,
expansion, and signage, emphasizing the importance of the trails for events and new
visitors, which potentially increase hotel/motel revenues. On behalf of the Chamber, Mr.
Neupert encouraged the passage of the Resolution for funding toward this project. As a
former member of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, he noted the group often
considered the best use of lodging taxes to promote the use of the trail now and in the
future. Manager Madsen'advised the Council that Mr. Neupert had submitted a written
letter of comment.
Laurie Campbell, 2308 Freshwater Bay Road, recently started commuting by bike from
Freshwater Bay due to the cost of gas. She indicated Highway 112 is scary for bikers,
and she strongly encouraged the crossing at Dry Creek. She, too, said she would donate
$100 towards the proj ect.
Kathe Smith, 607 E. 4th Street, expressed hope the Council would authorize submission
of the grant application, noting there is no reason to pave the temporary route around the
Rayonier mill site until there is a straight through. Ms. Smith was pleased to see so many _
projects to allow designated areas for bicycles. She referenced a recent bike trip she led
with a group of Girl Scouts, and she expressed hope the trail can be used westbound out
of Port Angeles.
Fowler Stratton, 519 E. Park Avenue, thanked the Council for its willingness to fund the
pickleball court at Elks Field. He provided a status report on efforts for the children,
involving more students from the middle school. The group of supporters has talked to
the School District about the possibility oftournaments, and residents of Port Townsend
are very interested in using the courts as well.
Loren Olsen, 1132 Highland Avenue, reminded the Council of the need to have the south
side of Highland Avenue paved. He reviewed a chronology on what has transpired
~_rtinent to Highland Avenue, urging the repair and maintenance of Highland Avenue.
Clerk's Note: Mr. Jeffrey R. Bohman submitted a letter to the City Clerkjust prior to the
meeting. He spoke in support of the Dry Creek Bridge & Trail Grant Proposal. The
letter has been incorporated into the meeting record.
There being no further public testimony, Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 8:20
p.m. Discussion followed on the matter of Highland Avenue and possible solutions, to
include the Mt. Angeles RoadIPorter Street LID that has been made a part of the CFP.
Also mentioned was the possibility of bridges on 5th Street over Valley Creek and
Tumwater as an alternate route, the possibility of developing a Big Boy Park, the need
for a technology plan, and consideration of a policy on using LIDs for residential streets.
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2008 Capital Facilities
Plan / Transportation
Improvement Program
Resolution No. 6-08
Resolution No. 7-08
Surplus Computer
Resolution No. 8-08
Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cable Project
June 24, 2008
Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City ofFort Angeles, Washington,
adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement
Program for 2008-2014.
Councilmember Rogers moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Perry and carried unanimously.
Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
designating funds for certain capital projects.
Councilmember Rogers moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilmember Perry seconded the motion. Clarification was provided that passage
of the Resolutlon would be a positive signal for Director Cutler to proceed with the grant
application for the Dry Creek Bridge. Lengthy discussion followed, after which a vote
was taken on the motion, which carried 6 - 1, with Deputy Mayor Wharton voting
in opposition.
Surplus Computer Equipment:
Finance Director Ziomkowski submitted information regarding computer monitors, CPU s,
and printers in storage that are not in use or needed by the City. Declaring these items
as surplus would allow the IT staff to make the equipment available for purchase, thus
eliminating costs incurred in locating additional storage and disposal. Director
Ziomkowski indicated the proceeds of such a sale would go to the Food Bank.
Discussion ensued on whether the School District or some of the students could benefit
from this computer equipment.
Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City ofFort Angeles, Washington
declaring various computer equipment surplus property and authorizing
disposal of the same.
Councilmember Rogers moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Deputy Mayor Wharton and carried unanimously.
Strait of Juan de Fuca Cable Project:
Director Cutler introduced fordiscussion the Juan de Fuca Cable Project, a proposal that
would run an electric power line between Vancouver Island and the North Olympic
Peninsula. It is planned to transport power to tie into the Bonneville grid at the Port
Angeles Substation. Director Cutler reviewed the potential enhancement of the BP A
electrical infrastructure on the Peninsula, indicating the Mayor has been asked to sign a
letter of support for dissemination to the Governor, the Congressional Delegation, and the
Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration. Following discussion,
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June 24, 2008
Community Conversations
Surplus ofNiichel Property
Art Feiro Marine Life
Center Contract Extension
Councilmember Rogers moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of support for
the Juan de Fuca Cable Project. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Williams and carried unanimously.
Community Conversations:
Councilmember DiGuilio referenced the City Council's effort to communicate with the
public in a safe setting via Community Conversations. In that the effort isn't reaching the
Council's goals, he suggested a unique alternative sucJ;1 as that instituted by Moses Lake
where Councilmembers are present at the local Farmers Market to visit with the public.
At the Council's request, staff agreed to seek further information from Moses Lake.
Surplus of Niichel Property:
Due to the lateness of the hour, Councilmember Williams suggested that this item be
deferred to another meeting.
Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 9:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
9:16 p.m.
Mayor Braun announced that Finance Items J.1., J.2, and J.3. would be moved to the
Consent Agenda; and Item J.4. would be considered separately. Councilmember Rogers
referenced Consent Agenda Item K.I 0., asking that it be removed from consideration at
the request of the Economic Development Council.
The request was made that Consent Agenda Item K.6., the Clallam Business Incubator
Agreement, be considered separately. Lengthy discussion and debate followed on such
matters as a needed exhibit, the duration of the agreement, the similarity in function to the
Economic Development Council, the historical collaboration on the Business Incubator,
and the need to enter into a longer term agreement in order to qualify for needed grant
funding. Manager Madsen recommended approval of the agreement. The Council then
directed its attention to the remaining item on the Finance Agenda.
Art Feiro Marine Life Center Contract Extension:
Recreation Deputy Director Bonine presented information relative to the contract with
Peninsula College for the operation of the Art Feiro Marine Life Center. The contract
expires at the end of the month, and the College has expressed a desire to extend the
agreement through December 31, 2008. Deputy Director Bonine indicated the amount
of $45,000 was budgeted for this purpose in 2008.
Deborah Moriarty, 602 Liljedahl Road, provided the Council with a report on the Feiro
project, summarizing Board activities, 501(c)(3) tax status obtained, work underway on
a strategic plan, efforts toward grant funding, and programs conducted for school
children. Ms. Moriarty indicated there have been 8,000 visitors to the Center, and she
emphasized the need for City support. Following discussion, Councilmember Wharton
moved to approve the contract extension for the Art Feiro Marine Life Center
through the remainder of the calendar year, 2008. Councilmember Perry seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda Item No.6, the Clallam Business Incubator (CBI) Agreement, was
addressed by the Council. Coimcilmember Williams moved to approve and authorize
the Mayor to sign the contract with the Clallam Business Incubator.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion. Discussion followed regarding the intent e
and history of the CBI, as well as similarities to the agreement with the Economic
Development Council. A vote was taken on the motion. Mayor Braun and
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Nippon Agreement
June 24, 2008
Councilmembers Rogers and Williams voted in favor of the motion. Deputy Mayor
Wharton and Councilmembers Perry, Kidd, and Di Guilio voted in opposition. The
motion, therefore, failed.
Councilmember Di Guilio moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: (1) City
Council Minutes dated June 3, 2008; (2) Expenditure Approval List from 5/24/08 to
6/14/2008 for $2,410,193.63; (3) Renew Mutual Aid Agreement with Olympic National
Park; (4) Approve new Mutual Aid Agreement with Department of Natural Resources;
(5) Qwest Agreement / Pen Com; (6) Considered separately; (7) Port Angeles Forward -
Reappoint P ABA representative; (8) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointments;
(9) Public Safety Advisory Board Appointments; (10) Removed from agenda; (11)
Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Update; (12) Canyonedge Cable Repairs;
and (13) LeadsOnLine Agreement / PAPD. The motion was seconded by Deputy
Mayor Wharton and carried unanimously.
Mayor Braun extended congratulations to Councilmember Rogers, who was recently
elected President of the Association of Washington Cities.
Director Cutler reported that the Light Operations crew participated in the 4th Annual
Andrew York Memorial Lineman Rodeo in Wenatchee, Washington on June 21 and 22.
The team took second place in the Hurt Man Rescue event and third place in the Speed
Relay event.
Councilmember Williams moved to extend the meeting beyond 10:00 p.m. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Rogers and carried unanimously.
Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Braun announced the need for an Executive
Session for approximately 20 minutes under the authority of RCW 42.30.l10(1)(b),
potential real property acquisition; RCW 42.30.110(1 )(i), potential litigation; and RCW
42.30.140(4), planning the position to be taken in collective bargaining, with action to
follow. The Executive Session convened at 10:0 I p.m., and at 10:22 p.m., the Executive
Session was extended for an additional 10 minutes by announcement of the Mayor.
The Executive Session concluded at 10:30 p.m., and the Council convened in regular
open seSSlOn.
The Council considered a proposed Settlement Agreement with Nippon Paper Industries
USA Co., L TD, with regard to the Bonneville Power Administration Residential
Exchange Program, and the Standstill and Interim Relief Payment Agreement.
Councilt,nember Rogers moved to approve the Settlement Agreement with Nippon
Paper Industries USA Co., LTD. Deputy Mayor Wharton seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Gary Bra ayor ~
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