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Minutes 06/25/1918
/' .4~30 ProceetUngs oJ City Council of the City of Port Angeles, JVllshington ~~t\- 191!J ~~ ~ ~ ~~""" ~<s-;, ~,--7: 3C\_~.\1\. ~,\)s<>J1:. "-~ ~ ,~ ~ 'N\.~~~~ 6.~._,__ \\~ \.~ ~~ '0.~ ~~~-~Y-~ ~~\., ~~~~IJ'<'.. I{=~"-,,..,,~~.~~~,~~~~~W'<'\.~~~. - "'~'" <.)\~ ~~~ '-J'\&.~"-' ~i,,-~~ ~'-"~ ~,J'-'>..~. . _ ~~ ~_~~ ". ~",--\",~"y"". ~~'-SU:, ~~ ~~~"-s>-~. ___ J~ ~~". ~~"" ~<~ ~<':~I. on __ -- -~~'.- --\.\,""-. ~~~~=-~~-t-c ~,),;..~ 'to ~~ ~ ~~~~ LN--., ~ '--~ ~&~ "'\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~"-,,~ I +lJn".~~/O~ \:-Q._~ 1~'ti.c.'lrn.~"""",-,'~ ~ ~ \h.-\"-~'U-."-\. ~-~~~~~ '~~ ~ clb ,~~ ~~ 't, _~"-~ """ "'- ""''''-~ ~0.. ~~'-~~ ~ ~ \}Oc.~~ ~~~'-~,~ ~~~1F--\......~~~~~' ~~'--~~~, N.N.U""" ~.,.~, ____ .._________.____________._________'____. ___, n" _____ Q~ '1 J;4~ ('(/'('fu~, ~ ~ """-~~~ ~~"'--"^.. ~IS<>. a<>-\. ~ ,,""'~ ~ ~~ \N'>..h t"'- ~ ,-,,~\\. Lk~~ ~-':)0~~~~~~~..\:..~~. -. ---..----- - .P t.,~.~~~;~~~~\..<> ~~ "'~~ ""'~~ \ .~, I 'J~~~-'t,.~~ ~#~()06~a~Q \:c ~~ \..~ ~~ ~~~. ..\-ts..-\n_~~~%"_~~~~, )t~_~~ ~~~\J<l-N'.~\..:uw.t~ ~~-~, ~~~~~~-~IJY'.,.~~.--. -- \.k~~I'k~~ Jt-~,-c\..~4JJ' '" ~ ~~~~\:.Q-~ ~"""-~"-~\""-~".~,~~ p;m.; JUDe 25th. 1918. for ~tbc malal! _t~~~~' ~~ ~ ~. 1aUon of lL heaUng syate1WJn the carl ~ " :. nagle Library building. ..,,.,:' 'i:r;-'1>.J, ,J't. ~ 'N'-..~ "',,:, ~~<>-No." ~""'o'~ ~ ~ ~ Spedflcatlona and. plans. may ~ be I -^""-~ ~b:~'~."f~,.~n,~,i~,1~r.,v e,.1".., d",~,};r,~;',""J,;.,~-- ~~. .---------------., --'--.---,--' ..--------"--~----"-.. ,.-,.-,---~--- ~'.-"- - "'!!,~ldS".~t):b~,%\}{";iW."";.'.M:i:;f Q' \, \ '\." ~ l,"'" n' \. If:.B)' order 'of the city ~~uncll." June I ~'--~~ ~ -~ ~ .~. -~~ ..- .;itlr. .'. , ' _~~C>-~~~~~~\, __.u______...." , ~ ' ' ., " tt:::;:::l~'i~~i,'- \).h--\~~~ J..~~ _~~~. ~,-, _m _ _"'- (" 75.tJ/J n _,d! i."J~ _ ~ \'\~, ..kc . .., L .m__ _m"__ ' , ..._' on__ __ _ _,,':._ _ 0, __ _ ~u.t. JKj _.._.__.___.._ _ ~~i--.l~~ ~,_.___~,.._.,__m_ . -&& I,Oil _ " _...__._....___.. ,_..~J:, uJ;'~ ' no ~ tJ 5, tJiJ Jt \J-.)-oJ<.""'~ ~~~ ~~.~"t ~ ~\St~ ~~'.l~ ~'.,~h.~,-. ~,.~~_~~.~~"'.'\---~~ ~ ,,,,"-~~~,'~ ~.,- .~ .~~~~ ~~~~ cb ~~ ~ D-\-""'~ ~~oi '\.4 ~~ ~~~~DJ~~W~~~,~. 'On' 7 a ,/, tJ J _ _t, '15,()(j