HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/26/1933 I I I I I '.r' 1~ ""'lIll 12~ Proceedings of the City Commissi~n of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 28,1933 193_ '~ICK . "YR~'V, IUlTU. IITU'QNER~. PRINTtP8. Bl~~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by l.:ayor Davis. Roll call showed the folloYling officers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Applications for building permits and licenses were granted as fOllows,- Harry Andrews, addition to N.Qoff,-Club Billiards, rr 11 building, Lot 1 Block 167 Townsite 5 Pool tables 2 Card tables Soft drink Resturant Resturant Soft drink 4 Card tables 1 Pool table Peggy Fosses,-Rainier Rooms Hotel (10 Rooms) Ida B.Lowry 1 Beauty Parlor Chair Mrs.O.E.Vfuite and Gladys Buohello, Resturant at foot of Lincoln Street Beer and Wine Licenses,for 1 year ending June 30,1934,- N.Goff, Club Bl11lards, Retail WhlCh may be oonsumed on premises I Harry Andrews, Devi-Dr op-Inn, rr IT 11 II II Mike Pappas, Loop Cafe, lB & M Qrocery Retail not to be consumed on premises I National Grocery Co. Hholesale to licenses retailers 100.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 15.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 35.00 100.00 Harry Andrews,-Dew-Drop-Inn, Mike Pappas,- Loop Cafe, J.M.Sylvia,-Big Place, 11 tl Under the head of new business the following resolution was introduced,- RESOLUTION ORDERIIIG NOTIFICATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS ON APPLICATION FOR COnSTRUCTION OF SERVICE STATION AnD STORE jTrITHIN. A DISTRICT RESTRICTED AS TO CONSTRUCTION UNDER ZOnINQ ORDINANCE NO.911. WHEREAS,HErTRY REIS,has filed an application for permission to construot a servioe station and store on portions of lots One (1) and Two (2),Blook Three hundred eighty-six (386) ,Townsite of Port Angeles,which property is within the boundaries of the district restricted as to class of buildings under Ordinance No.911,City of Port Angeles ,and VffiEREAS,it appears that said use of such property may be permitted under local option regulations of said ordinance as amended by Ordinance No.987 of said city,and VffiEREAS, the application is in proper form and contains the neoessary description of the buildings, together with their use and the names and addresses of the property owners and a list and description of all parcels of property within a radius of two hundred feet from the property in question,and under the provisions of the said ordinances,the City Commission is required to notify all the owners of pro,erty within the said radius and give said owners an oppertuity to make protest against the said proposed construction. ~IEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,That the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to notify the owners of all property within a two hundred feet radius of the premises for whioh said use is contemplated by letter requiring suoh owners to file their protest if any there be against such proposed use within ten days of the mailing of the said notice. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Comissioner Filion. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Hayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of new business,-, It was moved By Commissioner Beam that the City Clerk' be instruoted to issue a call for bids to do the City Printing for the year ending June 30,1934. Said bids to be opened July 12,1933. Seconded by ]~ayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The IJayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of reading ordinances the following ordinance was placed on its Second Reading,- An Ordinanoe Providing for licensing and regulating the manufacture ,distribution and sale of beer and wine for the purpose of regulation and of revenue; Providing for the suspension and revocation of licenses; Defining offenses against said ordinance and ~roviding penalties for the violation thereof; Repealing Ordinance No.985 and deolaring an emergency. It was moved by Mayor Davis that Section Ten (10) of the foregoing ordinance relating to the regulation and sale of beer. and wine be amended to read as follows,- Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or serve beer or wine between . the hours of 1 o'clock a.m. and 7 o'clock a.m. Provided,however,that on Sunday beer and 'tYine which is sold to be oonsumed on the premises shall only be sold in connection with unches or meals purchased and served therewith. Commissioner Beam seconded said amendment. On roll call Mayor Davis and Commissioner I' earn voted aye. Commissioner Filion voting nay. The Hayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances the following ordinanoe was read 'bY title and plaoed on its Third reading,- An Ordinanoe Providing for licensing and regulating the manufacture,distribution and ~ale of beer and wine for the purpose of regulation and of revenue; Providing for the ~uspen~ion and r~vocation of ~icenses; Defining offenses against the said ordinanoe and wrovldlng penaltles for the vl01ation thereof; Repealing Ordinanoe No.985 and declaring an emergenoy. ~ It was moved by Hayor Davis that foregOing ordinance be placed on its final passage lnd adopted. Seconded by Oommissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. ...... r' 126 June 28,1933 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ lirl... Current Expense Pund The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- City Treasurer H.P.McNutt street Department Supplies Sharpening pick,etc. Pay roll Via tor Fund Water Department Pay roll Light Department Light Fund Pay roll Guaranty Fund Ci ty Treasurer Taxes , The Commission then adjourned to meet June 30,1933 at 2 p.m. l)fr},~~ City Clerk 1f \ 04) /' l€~~ Mayor 1.00 17.85 1023.00 707.03 I 751.49 40.67 I I I I