HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/26/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'lIIl 303 .T"np. ?F.. 1 q::\.r=j 193_ 1 I 1 I I was oalled to order by Mayor V~yor Davis, Commissioners The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and Davis. Roll call showed the following offi cers pt'esen t: Lutz and W~sters, Attorney Plummer and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head uf Applications for Building Permits and Licenses, the following were granted: $ 50.00 350.00 60.00 7.00 ,/ 50.00 10.00 15.00 20,00' 25.00 Dean MoLean, Addition to House, Lot 14, Blk. 206, Townsite S. S. Mullen, Remodel Building, Lot 2, Blk. 16, N, ,t. Smith's Sub, Harry Higdon, ~arage & Woodshed, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 395, Townsite Eva M. Swanson, Hotel License, (Home Rooms) 7 rooms Norman Goff, (Club Billiards) 5 Pool Tables Norman Goff, (Club Billiards) 2 Card Tables Norman Goff, (Club Billiards) Restaurant T. M. Sawby & Son, 4 Card Tables Merchants Hotel, 25 Rooms Under the he ad of Unfinished Bus iness: The City Clerk reported that pursuant to the call for bids to do the City printing for the year 1935-1936, two bids were on file, as follows: Port Angelj!s, .Iash. June 24~ /1JJ City Commissioners, Po'rt Angeles, 'lash. " ,,", I , L!lGALPUBW:CATIONS "'1 ~ "1q; ~"t, l<'O;H~~.~~r"\'ltOH (tIT)",: ' "NQ'l'lCl:i 1S HBm::DY G 1 V l.': N "I'but !;('[lle.d bids will he n'c"i"~11 ill 1110 oi:fic(>uf 1Iw CltY,Clerl;; ;)e t11e Cit\', uf I'ud AUKeles lip to 1~ t.;l~l.ljl%Lloi~~~~~~~('~)(:,rl\'iil{~"O\~ _~~~ l2i~~ of Port ."\ngeles rOT' t.h~ ~dllJ.1" com", 1l1(';lring .111]" L H:J." The Pdllt~ ill~' to he in '11011 lJlll'dl or .six 1101.11- . ~~;~~ ~r(lh~~{~;~~~~~~('~l:l\~;h~~t~~i,rBul:h 1 ~~~~~'.'l~\: ~~~~p,~~ ~'~e~.u;nl~lt~~d,~~II~ Itract nno h()lld ill jhe~'>'lll,m' of- I $10UO.0tl for tlro t'allht,lll 'll~rfU~'fll':- ~~fl~~\l~f ~1~,~ ~?~~\\:'f~~i~\~ ll;:t~'r.;:~; the l'igltt to' "f'joctallX: Hnc1 A.ll hlr11t. I' Dated thi:il'~1~tf1 (1:1 ~f;.'}..wl(,,' 1flsr."j' . N, :\r: .nX\\lCI~:::;, . 'CHI' Clerk,' ";~Ih. J"um~:~'~_,' f Gen tIe men: Pursuant to published call, we submit the following as our bid on the Oity Printing for the year 1935-1936: ~- '2.;:-31. 7-1'~(' Seven cents per nonpariel line, single column measure. Fourteon cents per line, single oolumn measure, for tabulated matter, when published only one time. If pub- lished two or more time s, tabulated matter als 0 at seven oents a line, single column measure. Vie will file a good and sufficient bond in the event of our bid being accepted. PORT ANGEL'<;S IGVENING NEVIS By John Sohweitzer, Mgr. Port Angelo s, ~Iash. June 26, 1935 Hon. Board City Commissioners, Port Angeles, "ash. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your published call far bids on the City *rinting for the year 1935-1936, we beg to submit the following bid: Three cents per line, single column measure; three cents per line for tabulated matter, single column measure, when published one time. If published two or more times, two cents per line. The Clallam County Journal is a legal paper, with 1,078 paid subscribers. If our bid is accepted we are prepared to file a good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of the services required. Respeetfully submitted, CLALLAM COUNTY JOURNAL By Chas. L. Vaughan, Publisher and Owner. After duly considering the bids, taking into consideration the circulation and the service of a daily newspaper as compared to a weekly newspaper, the Commission unanimously awarded the contract to the Port Angeles Evening News. The City Clerk was instr~cted to issue a call for bids to furnish the various departments of the ~ity with series and multiple Mazda Lamps on ~e basis of $1200,00 net value for 1 year, beginning August 1, 1935, said bids to be opened July 17, 1935. Under the head of New Business,- The Superintendent of Utilities having presented to the Commission an approved Con~raot Permit with the Pacific ~elephone & Telegraph Company to attach wires, crossarms, etc., to 5 poles belonging to the Port Angeles Light Department, being 5 poles located along the east side of lclarine Drive, numbered A135, B-135/ A-136 , B-136 and D-136 , at an annual renta~ of One ($1;00) Dollar per pole, payable ln advance, beginning July 1, 1935. ~ "... 304 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 26. 1935. 193_ ~ ! I able sign It appearing that the permit was iij proper form and that the execution was desir- and for the best interest of the City, the Commission instructed the Mayor to the said permit on behal f of the Ci ty. '" The matter of fixing the rate of interest to be paid on registered warrants, came up. Commissioner Masters moved that the rate of interest on all registered warrants of the City be fixed at 4~ per annum. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions, the following Resolution was i introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on or about the 15th day of Maroh, 1935, a break occUrred in the munici- pal water main causing damage to the stock of goods of the Fry Drug Company in an adja- cent building; and the said Fry Drug ~ompany has filed a claim for damages against the Ci ty of Port "ngeles, and NHE~EAS, it appears after due consideration by the City Commission that parts of the sa~d claim for damage are proper and reasonable and that, in the event suit is brought on the said claim, it is likely that ,a judgment for damages could be recovered and that it is for the best interest of the "ity to compromise and settle said claim. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM}jISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, that the claim of the said Fry Drug Company to the extent of ~225.00 is proper and reasohable and should be allowed and paid by the C"ity of Port "ngeles. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the claim in the amount above stated be and the same is hereby allowed and ordered paid by warrant drawn on the M~~icipal Water Fund. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Mayor uavis. On roll call allmembers voted aye. ~he 1myor dec~ared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: ' CURRENT EXPENSE Street Department Washington Pulp & Paper Corp. \Volten LZrocery \;0. 'tV. J. Ware 1006.98 20.70 .50 35.60 Pay Roll Hardware Soap Insurance I "L.3~ 'il WATER FUND ~Ia ter Departmen t Francis Street Gro cery Fry Drug ~ompany , r.S,,<-i l' 168.00 2.04 225.00 Pay Roll Kerosene Damages .!dQ!!T FUND VI. Sherman Assoc ia ted Oil ~o. .:. Services as State Examiner sS- 69.00 Fed. !t'ax 1933 7'" - 1.85 PARK FUND Park Pay ROll 172.91 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 1) 'm;J~~ City Clerk. ,/ I <~ -"''" I 1 1 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 26. 1935 193_ "III ,~05 I MINUTES OF THE FIRST ~rnETING OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELE S The Finance Committee, heretofore created by resolution of the City Commission, met at 1:30 p.m. The following ~embers were present: R. E. Davis, Mayor; S. J. Lutz, Commissioner of Finance, ex officio ~reasurer and Finance officer of the City; D. A. Masters, Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements. On motion duly supported, R. E. Davis, Mayor, was made Chairman of the Committee, as provided by Statute, S. J. Lutz was designated as Secretary of the said Committee and N. M. Hawkins, Assistant Secretary. The matter of the rate of interest on public funds deposited in the First National Bank coming before the ~ommittee after consultation with Mr. Benjamin Phillips, President of the First National Bank, and after due consideration, the following resolution was offered and adopted: I RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Chapter 45," Session Laws 1935, seek to provide that the ;,'inance Committee arrange for contraots for the payment of interest on public funds: BE IT RESOLVED, That the rate of interest on public funds deposited in the First National Bank in Port Angeles be and the same is hereby fixed at one per cent ,per annum to be paid on average monthly balances in excess of $1000.00 as provided by ,Statute: BE IT RESOLVED, That th~ ~ity Attorney be instructed to prepare a necessary and proper contrac~ with the said Bank to carry out the put.poses of this resolution, and the Mayor and ~ity Clerk be authwrized to execute the same on behalf of theCity. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all mem bers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further bus~ness the meeting then adjourned. ;Pdllfir~~~ ~ , ' Secretary. ~~ Ohairman. 1 ; I I ~