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Minutes 06/28/1922
~o :; ~I' "', ; ~J ~i: ~! fil "I " I ! \~ ~J fl :11 ~ ~ i f I Proceedi11gs of the City I=-.ss~of the Cit~:~'~/PortAngetes. Wa;hiJigton r ;' ',,~J," .\ .:?3"~ 192.c:( . ...~, ..... .. , 1/, , .' . . ;::b~-~_~_~.._~ ~.~_ -~-/:;-.,~._~~_. ~~,-~-~-~---~ '. ::-~ ~ c:- I? " ~~__~_(J~__ '7r-._<:7'~~--- .- A/ ~.L...f'.__ ..e......-- ~ . r~ ~<7 J.. ~ ;or~'~---rrr-- ~-:-'{-~- ---~--~-- '_ ~ 1'~~P~. Q<'-:.,"'d-~~_~_~_~,______ "_CALL~IO!Y~ti/;>> ~~-~-~-~-r-:-~- ~...~"~;:~~;h~taM1CI': ~~. _~_~_'~__'~_____ ~"bl4a will be recell'ecl b,. th" ~ " ' ,/J:~ - - - . 0 ~ -- . - , c.~'ot the-CIty of Port Au&eles. ~ .'. -r.- ~' .,. ~ f7)~ . . Jt 0 ~~.,:UDW.J'~e!8tb.'19J!. "~_H___ _~ ,J--"":~_ .util'10 IL J(..: (and Dot ~t~r) . at , .; D~ ". ~:C1_ _.Iit the Clt,. Han fD n : - <>--L .._ I-1 ~ 17 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1l-fJ~....:. cif'Sa!dCltyforthetunl!&"1asof ~-rr----~-'-~- -------- -- -f)------~ 011:1 a_rr! labor ,.and : _tortal y ~ / _ ~ ~ 'f."",l4te!CODl!n1. eUo.a Of~..'.laterol. 01/. \.2)~ ._L-_~_~_~~'i.7l>,v-r 8e....lfn\the ~Ien: thru.btocb ~ - 0 . or_ 17. ~.~.i7l"1';.7' 1~'.." bet_. af...rtb i; <9 P -' . 'p p _ '.'. t, I ;J b 4~ ...~ rtrth ~ta, fnlm. the ~ela - -.. ~ . =-=""'( . - '. t .tniet'Tnlilk _ c _ JO Jon.. . '.' '. , silMt.l!l!<1.'~7Wi~~;;ro ;C; ~ ~ .. fl) ~', 4 <:1 I 7 \T""~ f.'..All'lIldelm...t'i1l81.....om.pa..nlod -- --:., -~ ..1. . '. .1' llr.. -urtod 0110010 In · S1UI1not. y:> " fl) . A' (lJ..p _ . " tiioI U,an n...~per!eeJit.~llf'th~ ..::!!.~_~~~__. \5o.J_1;r~ iiDiinmt hld,"imd made JlQallle In .' " ,. ,. . I !iI. i......Ord....!r.or the''?tt:r,~.11I'8I" of Ie.. f).G.'. ~~.. e,... .~.~~ 6. ""':?.ro the,9Itycit, Port Au&e1... ,.~ tile -"":,' n Q" ... . --::- . , I IIId 'wllI nol lie co...tderod.jjBond ."C' . .'~ / . fcir.ttrtY,JJ8r..\'eentiof the. _""nt ~:.& (p. ~~--'--..., ". '=' 1.3._,,-~~ IlIld; mll8t lie fumlahed II,. the 8U"" -. - '\1_, '.' . - I l'~:~..'m.~.~ ~~.. ~2'Z;~~.7.' 'DolIat8'tOl',~ereturnofthel&llle, ~~~--7---_- ,,-(f~{I- ..-~ --. - '- --'- which ..ill'lIe refoaded If the plans ./ ' >. '. ~. /1 .)( p .. J. ' 0 )" L7 } ~nd~~eclt~Ca~o~..~~'returri~l!'to .__~~~_~~~_a-~~~~~ the:Cl,ty Cler~. Oftlce before, time , ~- - .,,',' .,' ..'. ,,~ .;r..... '..O.p".nln1illlda.'t4,TI10.ICIt,.iC<nn-. ,.... ~ 0 (/J t1 '..c..., ~ ~" ...4:- _" ..'n .~"...tholrfl._. h.:1to ~.'_ _.~_~.. ..\ _. _ ._ ___ _ "eet'....,.""d.l1 hld&.'. . :,. ... . 'iI'fl,C. D..;uES'1'. _ ~ ~ . 0', . ~ ~' n~~~iia C11,.ClorL -~~ - ~:;~,_~_n -:.-' -'M ~-- "'" ----.-~b~~~~~-a-:!:::~- _~tA____ ___ _~_k_~.:r:;.-~_~Gct~ ,'f.e_____ ~-~.'~~-~7Jdf.~-.~ I ~..-~ ~_VE~ ~-~-~~a.-7" ~~, Ie" . . .,.~'" '" CALL ; lOR BIDS :;'~;<\ik~1 Notice Ia.hereby given that seal- r-:-D . , . .x j':I -~", -/ ' A edllld.Wlllberec.eIVedb,.tbeCltyl_V~~~_ _.. ~_~-,-4-.-_...~ Clerk. of the City of Port ~ Angeles, , ,. '. f) . - . :"':~t~:t~:'~nl~a::n:OI281~~r~9~~ _~ _~_ ~ __ ~ _ ~ __.t-.-e...J. '.. the Clerks ottfce In the City' HalL of 0 - ... - said City far the turntablng of all ~8cessary [labor ~'aDd ,j material ~ tor .'~e~. Improvem~Dt ~ of :Valley ~ Street J.A A . _~ --#-_ ' 1>- from 'tbe . South " margin of second I ~(.o_~ ~~., ____ _____u___ -street to ,the tQ ~orth ~ margin t~ of thirteenth street. tiy, surface grad",: lng, 'f vUe ~ bridging,' ~ graveUnt. u5~:~ IIAU bide mllal be. accompanIed by, a cerUflod. cheek In a sum not less than' five :per_, cent" of. the -amoUnt btd. 'ond ; made ~! payable I to :" the Older o.t the City ~Treasurer of the City i of Port' Angeles, 'lor the bid will - no.t " be . conaldered:r;i Bond ~ for fifty lieI' CeDt < of the ~ amount - bid. must b~ f~rD18hed. t by the succeas- ,ful . btd~er.'t~q:'~~~~\::)~~i#j':~1'...1't j PJ8D~ and apeclt1catlol18 may: be ~)ht"IDe(I from the_ City _ Clerk UP~'D: the depositing ot .the Bum._ ot ' five lioUanfor the return o~. the Bame," 1fhl~ wj\l II~ ioiunded It the p'';',. aDd ~ .~Iflcatlon. are rfturned:: tr. ~~n~:i...~~.I;::~;~I:~ '. ;:..ka.~.~':! lherlght .10 reJeel any and oU bid.; '7~D.~~~s1'.'i .i/..1~ "7--v7 .,h ~ vF"../.., ~ ~ .... . ~~7-~--="'rr--~--;-. --;- ....~-~~ .Y-:-~~.~-~. ~-:."1g-~ -~~~~--.-- ~ ~.' --fk-'~._~.,1.~l_~_~~