HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/29/1921 ProCt't'dill.l/S or tllt~ City COllll,:il or III..: Ci(v or Port AtI.l/dt'.\. W.lshitl.l/lotl <'. 1);) ~/11.::J.I. "7 "',,.. ;::,!'""",,'. -, 331' r r r/ . > I' \l?I"JoJ/..,o-"',H,.."//f.bl.....\ 11(,1...j,.,,~- :j..~.",...~\ a"J 'v,...." ,~"...tG.~' ~(::' 6.,J..- ~D )) I ''d..... ::- ~.f:.-. 0:'~ <!.'u.l'l ~\ /... ,....;. )v;':'.~~ 1t1.I{~"\F':q ~!~'~;-.~.l:t~.~..:.: ~.,~~)~;ib:~. ~:.-~, 0 (!: ,:.' "'f; . e7. :~~: >;;;~t; " -- ')~.\.,.>I..1,..... (> b .11,..11_ r,r1" t"." Sr." J ""', /.~f..,[.d" .-< l " J. ,/,.-,h.I.. 01.f)jll~~..~r-...., f't d(\..{~e"'d""'>^' ,.-.....p(;)J.,(/I/:./ ;J;-: (,"V (;-tf.:..-.~- '-f' d',," ..:~p ~"''',':^,'' '''p, J'r... ,:1':;:,., /J," .i_ ~ rr.-::,., /' ,..1'../.- I,~.,..... ", " ....p I ,1/"1',. CO "I." ,.J'. ..{ It:..; . I '/' , . , f) ')' , 'T . IJ ( () (' t>e,t'.;j "(..)i},,. ,(.t"":I','..'H. ';;.r:l"v~ '..::. -.".........~--{.- -n'H'(I"'~":J' . '7 . . V '1/,- .' . " ( -/ . .tY" /-" ,)'; . i '7"1 t, " '" i (J ,. ~.I 'oj (I "'-- ,--"... ....... " \ '." \ ..-.-.,i',~ "- '_"h,'\ I ~." ....-T..... \ ('. 'J I .... -II f'I , .. .. .. ,.~ " f::' () I "'~ ~ 1> \. n {J' -. 9. 'j' .,' . . Q. I I r f-!. ~'.'I" -.. . '1 tl', "C.,..<. ,,~,...(. ''''. U (;"J' , -..-.. '.'~r/Y"''-'I " /./7,,(1 '1) n oJ ", ~~{-n.-(t"""" "d (, P I-~ ., ('. . / V r aft rI":"': "':J ".. -! (( ~,.-, fa': ;r;/~/r'--:J ~ "'-'... - (--,.,-.. ',.", ........ ~ ..I . \ ._'::;"/..'<.- j ~j",,~,'..n'."j Ci-...-.l...:c. ..-f.-::; 'n, f,..- 0<. -' ~..J".r)'... .-..} -t(:J {J () .'" , ~tf-~ , ,_} ....1 ~ _,,,. V ...t11 "_f ;t...,.-- _ X,j-~.....("",C "'-~/'''I.-l..-.-\ .~.~;~~.::'~~~~~!;1i.~~!f~~~~~:i~jl.~::::;::lr~u~t~~'BO~1r}:o'~'~:~~:~~'~i" .... -.....'" ..: ~1ollnood' to ,'tranllllot ,businllall undor. tho lo.W...f tho "'.. t.' ''''..h,,;;l.. · -"ir,;.I, . .' and oelli118' IIlootr1a onllrcy' to. tho:. 01 ty 0:1'. Port Anr;olflo by virtuo 101;..} I .~\!~~~;~;~.:t~~~:~~;~it\~~~~,r ~~r.:.~:~~~;t~~~~~~~~~b;o~~rnt~oll on tho' 2~rd. '..~ 1 i .:. :-.-,-~tfl ~h~r~~o: ,j3~~t1~n' 6 C ~:1" ~~1d'~:j~d1naJ,,~oe'prO~4~that: the '~'~nteo, ~'lli'" ., t. j moJro c.ll,reo.Dono.ble e:1'forto to m'!Lintain' an.um.ntorrup'1l1l4' sorv1oo to:tho '~, elitYI [, tho I 0.0 to of God; tho publio I, enllmY.Ol'}Oo.UJ.1Bo..b.eyond. 'i to' o.o.ntrol ", .'. ".J...'- o:moptod.'ond .. .1t;'t{'iif,U;Y/,;"'~ :'<Jj'J''1t! ~"-'i '.'. ' "'~l. L.~ 1-' .......~. "'''f · . \'Iho~'ona: ~ho oloot:do O\u'::,'ont tl(lliVO~',.d to tho Gi ty 0:1' ror~ AIl!:clcn. :.':.....~:.' ;_.l.. I <,by oo.id OOl'P01'o.tion ,tt'rlnc; thu :paot nud n]? to tjlO ~(jth.dQY of JVJlo'l?lll "~.,. ~ hUD. boon l;'Toooly intorruptod;oauoinr; 'lUUIOYlU100 ~inoonvoniolloo und' finano1 !'1 . . lOBO to tllo Oity o.nd tho 1l00ra o:t oloot~'io: ourl'ont;both forlig1it, U%1U".I:' .. ,0' ,.....~ol'lor. ~ho.t 0.11 o:J:' thooo intor::.'nptiono Y!O,,'O not oauoou 'bYe o.ni of' tho r,?,.: '~ 0. :enoioo o.bovo montionod, but by tho IHUla[;o:nollt, or lo.o~' of mnna[;emont of J i 'tho"oorvioo by tho 01yrl':io !'ol'lor Ootlpnny'.thel'oforo .. ..,' ,:~ '1 , ...,.... '''.- . -, i~ I neeo1vod: ~ho.t tho Gity Oot1J:1iooion,of;,thoJlity_o:i: l'ort,An:oloo..t;rotoot ~""',ii!" i ,,' 1l.C:;ll.inot: tIIO' intol'rUIJtiono to tho. oontinuouo f10vr of olootJ~io onc~'G;r ua~!' l tho Do.t'lO hue o:~i[]tod', in tho ];.aot c.:.ld roquo::Jt' thllt theno intol'tlittont .. ... i:n~e~'P~.l!,~~fnallo obviatod c.nd ontiroly B11I:linll;tod" in' thorut1ll'o~fur~.hol~ . . ,,' -- ';,1 .'. f ' ,. ,I. ',;j" :lj .. .." I '.:' ."~~:~~~~~~~~~.~:;~ll ~i?;~~~} rJro::;...t~;::.te.:.,~o., ';h8_: Of.fiooro t , ! I I, I i j 11 . .....t 'J -;'.:7' ._sY--;: <- . .(le:. ,,"t>-e~ ..:/;...., t:<r;<.. '" .. v- ~- ~ ~r:"/I~-'" ...! C:..J A(." '- ."_"'1._ t-- ~_..,.. L~_-'; L',ri'C lI-1' ;'l<'~c." ~r,' .-,-, -_,-":_-,.t.-<-"">:) c-. . '7':' . . J j 'C' _V.1;.,<-._ -.:,,;~~:1.,,:.:.':._l..u?~.'''C-~.-.~o.J-~;-- lV=;;",,- -if '-"'-.~:::' ~ -;.-~ I " -r:- ......-.1 A.j-' ,_,' (f:: "'.' . ,. -, - y-- -,--...-.-"",.. v~.~ -,,' . '-~ "....: t..._____Jt._-:...'-_~-~'"'---'---~. v--p--l...~ v""O" , } .:y,f-:' C //1 c ?'>! ,~;; <L-<Yt 7,. ? ~..-.- ,J:;.....,h.t_J~ u: .~v/ oJ... '~J /. ",-~.j r- >::/1 .......&e.c... ~./l--fn~"~'--"'- /{?"'~~-~. .,_..._________.___. __... n"_ ' --+ '.'~~t :.2~.~~t-:~= ',-------?~-;:~~__= . kc--/~~.-...c~...~ J. ~ ~~~v. ~~-~~ ..j). (?)l:(~ d_*.(t~dv-:: . .3..c..~.c~_:z_<0'rf_.,_u:.':'::,f_~if-..cJ!":~hl _(j;f."..~.._Ci:_i~i....... ....._?!!:~~_.. ~:!;~t~. u::~,J. c.(\'.l:<:~_ .4~:=""'1 _.~t--~~.~zQI?~te_i~ 0. V.~:.~(_.y~~-~ .4c~fJ'~Jf~~' .~~'-'.. ~(J.. -,.cf-.- v{;.......~':-~~._2!(~-~-l~~ f2.?/:~,:,~~.- --?-~----..:... Iffi:tkj~~.~.~.;._~.=-~_.2-t:J~..~.-~~=--=--=~ t2,,:~ ~~ !.u,~..~......_ . ~/~~...:::~~~~._--- I ,{ I \ 1 ! I -1 " I , ! i' I "I , I ~ J' J , i t ~ ~ j .. ~ ~. ~ ill J I ~ ~ ' ii ld 1 '1 ~ .~ ~ l: ~