HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/29/1927 .. 192_1 Proceedings of 'the City Coriunissionof the City of Port Angeles, Washington Z q-~ ~'t- _ \ " 237 I Lrvv-- ~ ~.;:t-...:.. I~-~ +--<> ~~ ~ lAfl-<<- t~~\ ~~ (r~-'/~' l(j-~---~ ~ ~ ~C~ ~. ~ G~. I \ i r,,- ~'-= ! -"'--= "-...~. I ! I I I ! ! I i " R I I ! I \ I ! ~ ~ II " ~ ~ ~~",-~A~--1\ ~k~ ~ -t/l-"">- -~-CJ~~ -,u1-'L ~D'--'-r~ /L_'___'~_a-C,~~~ ~,.- -JO-J-c-a-=-f'\c-~ l~ C~~~.'i.A- d-<(-~.--<-"-~~. ~~ /I---L{. "'-<'.~\ i l-t'~~'- ~ ~G~~~~~\ Ih7;:..J\J t~. - C~~~ d~~col~ ~c;f ~. i 017__/11' 10 ~ '\ (t--o---~ -Ik L. r-LJ"~Q~ . r::==; ~~-~:~ ,:~~.::^~ =ct:~':::~ L (), ~r~'<--Y;f. _J-~~- -('-''-- ~ tJ~L~ ?ttVL- '.j-~.. --1L~r~~"L- c~. ~V~'~- (0-. ,t.TL--,-=- ~~~ 1J>-1 --~~~~~J) ~ ~~"-i __G"~ IL,- <>.~~. 6. .... J,~ ~''',i'~~LJ~;L-~ -J.:;.. {~"- ~ crv-~~~! I~ ~~-f~~,-)Jl_ ~~ ~'I-~U 'S~~~rJ~'~~ . }.. .~ :A/1.L-., ~VVl- }-y-..~ k ~ ~~,'n-..-.,J1 ~.~J~ ~"ra~~, ~ ~. ~~-t I ~~~~_.~~, L.~.~ ~ ~..H I ~ I - i 1 I ;q : I .it- 1 I f~l . ~ 'elL. I ' rl fI ,- I l~ . I r l , , ~-JJl,- 'If oJ ""'- /l . T~C-L,.r~ _!.!~I.ltt~.~:t:~rr~~~~~TJ~,~ ~I ~E J IT11U~SOLVEO t by the. City! Commlulon' of" tbe CIITyt, I.or' .\~- fOeles: .'~ . - l~ ,:,'4" -.,. -..'. .. FlltST:"" Thill il"b~ the,'lntentlon of the- elh' COh1ID.1ltalon I){ the City of Port An~el".. to order Ute foUow- llng'descrlbed . ImprQVementa1 In ~ the 1 followlnc '. d~ed . porUon of the CIl)' of Port. ..\ntll!l~. - to., wit: Tho Ilrnpro'l\l;mcnt or a llOrUon' of Third I Street. ,and' Tlllr" Street !\orth.L by \ ~:i~t~~~I~ .~w~~!l:~':~~hc~I~~~~ ruA.rgln of ,Thll.(1 Street from a lwlnt n-pJ'lMlxlnlately _ in . Ute. eonter line or '.e-' 8t.~t.t.o a point_on Third, Strl'ct NQrth' .OlJllroximntely . tbroe pUPflrcd rf'el 'WOltterh. trnm. the "'!:!lilt nll..,."ln, oJ "n" Ht~t. whlQll !1'ld "ewer tthnll ~rnn~~n~t Iblbot~tnlg:rt~W:ito~'r ~ ~1~~1 s~~\~; '::~~~I~~ o?~~hr:lllie~t~;~';: ~~~~ ~~Il~~~~~~, -I:~'~~~'l~~dhe:ll~). a't:~~~~~:: }:.,J~t' ~~t::~~~gU~~)~~ ~~1nt't~~I'r~'~\:. rnatp.ly two hundrell '~fe-nt,it'e"'l'It~rJ~ from tin..' casterly "margin - of 11' 8tr~ct runnlnf;' lhenco, northerly thral -i::e~IF~':.;)~:.oX~~~:ly~I~,:c~ n ~II~I~~I . Ilrfld '(oct'~I()l"ort .1.nccll;1J narbor:l ~~I~~~-;:t~~t~ln~~~I~hl~ll~~:r;:::::d" ~r.~~I~I~g~~O:r~t~~rl ~~ 1In.~g) ! ~~n:a~~~t.l~~v~ a.l:'~e~rb~ Im~Wr::~~~} ~ Thl~1 stroeo.t And, 'Ifhlrl1 Street. Northl I by ... tho COlltltrUctLon.' lhenon . of a stAndard wooden .sidew..lk "lon,;o the_ ~outherl). ., t1hlC . lhereof !!Ilx feet" In wJcll-h ..butllng. ~OlL " the' Soulherly G~~::r~~n~:l.(r 8~r::rVl~rtVl~ '!~, '" -3E'COZCD:.- Thot the eo8'l. alld IJX- J>cnlle . ufthe . above, described ~ lm-' IlrOVcmelltll }'IhaU - bo bortle. by Itnll\ ","8C",. cd ,ngalbst tbe prOI)Crty which ~J:Jl.'hWh~~r.e~~~~cr~~' 'r:'i~~::,nJ;ud;: ~Iarf!d: '- tn he the, property l1butUJl~ ~r::.. I~d ~.fh~d ~[r~:t ~ ~r.ih~~~~_ I ... U ~ I --n , ' ~ Ii ,I f ~ L (" rl [ ..?-'-"_~~-...;:,. o--.)~ '-<J-~ ~~~ ~.I\. ~~~~. 'R;..-U ~~ .<r'l~..~ ~I~~' Cot~~ hvu. ~~~ <<-- J, Ge-<-~. G.L..-"":"__ C .~..uI<K. 1- <--V1 C)--..... "<--J~ ~ '<- -r~~. ~-~-~~ ~:c r' ,tween t tll'" terminI of. the' Bald I Lm-l ! pnwem8nt. .and t!)e City 0:' Port Au. 't::o]ClI shall nol' be liable' (or an)' llOr- I lion oC said Oftat and ~118e or -.Id hnp1"overnen,,~xoept In so tar as tho Il'ald City Is made liable by ,.Irtuc 0(',' the .tatute.. ul. t.M. Stllte - oJ 'Vallhlng- ton In Edch casea-. made':aDd. provided. And. parUcularly thos& lllatutc" pro...l \"ldlng ami dlnH:ttnK' thnt. tho City of; Port Angeles c:,eate a Loconl Impro,'e-l ~::(,. 'o~u~~:::~te~r:~~ r :~r t1~~I~ e1t:~tj ~t such '14nd and In the manner pro. 1 vJdCfl"&,bj' .-thelaw. lho..JNlYment. OCI :~\to~DI\l~~~.r~~1~ro~~~de~t~BlI:~dler:;J ! b"T::~~t~~ldT~:ral;' p;;~n's ";';;;-.II';'! f1lre. to object to the said hRl>ro,'e.! ment. or' to. an", part thereor.. a~e: ~1:~~b~ucr.O~~)~(:'t1~~.~a:te:r ~::t~ni'r ui I ~r:~ cm-~~nm~a:~ond[; :l~~l c:[m~rlll city of Port Au(l;elea-.o., the 13th da): :g~'l:~:i~-~t~~... ~~ti~~,~~~~~t~~ c:.Oy~ ""'hleb 'time '~nd' pt&ce 'are:bereb)" fb:ed .f~r Jl~~~r!~~O:~~'CI~ I~~~';~e~l~~~~~ all' ittJJCCUOll1I thormD.' :J.nd t1JT -de,,: U1rmltila4;..1lIe ,method or,payment for .t.hFbu.R*i:l: ~ TlIR, th~', Clt). E-;;~I-;;~ 11I"i~e",bY Instruc~':to l'ubmLt to tho ~ld.':~~hl1dl~I"~ J~y~rl,r~.lo'el~~. U~: ......Le tlxe<l. ~or the-.hearil1lt aforesaid. :ill~dala and information r'!'tlulrc(l 11)' law to be' .eo- eubnlitted. -'.' ..... ~"~'_~' . Pa~et1.b)' tho ell)' CommllUllon :tilt! ~}K'j~~e~~"19~~~.._~~~)'?r. thllS i, ~9tl~,~~Y;, _'N'~-"" W. D. HEDRICK, . J'!l' '.....,...,..~i)'ik(:."''). ~,.",...' .-, lln) or, ,- AUellt: '~'.'.""'rf,';~" ,': 1~1flc~r; gie~~~l:lon. .,:~J:.l Ii .\f)pro,'cd l~~h~';'!?...r,~~~: . , ,CUy '.Attorncy J '"' approved L~ .~O~n. '-D:ie ofE!f;II~~e~Ubllcutloil, June .:10.' au. -~-.,~ June _:io-;~i: J~