HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/29/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 47~ June 29, 193L The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order 'by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following offioers present.- Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawk~ns. The minutes of the previous were read and approved. 1 Under the head of Introduotion of Ordinanoes the following Ordinance was Introduced, read in full and placed on Its First and Seoond !eadings,- AN ORDINANCE amending Seotion 1 of Ordinanoe No.928 entitled, "An Ordinance providing for a minmum wage rate for all persons employed by the, City of Port Angeles or on local or other improvement work done under aontract with said oity; providing for oertain preferenoes in the employment on all suoh work; prescribing the duties of the Comillissiouer of streets and Publio Improvements withnreference thereto; defining offences and providing penalties therefor; and declaring an emergenoy. 1 Under the head of reports from City Officers,- J~e 29,l932 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Gentlemen;- I beg to advise you that it is. now time to issue bonds in L.I.D.No. 145. Total amount of warrants issued Interest on warrants issued $3190.27 46.26 3236.53 Total amount of cash oollected during the 30 day period,inoluding transfer of $46.26 from the L.I.D.Gen.fund to cover into ---------------- 282.l0 2954.43 Balanoe for whioh bonds must be issued and whioh must be dated July 15,1932 May I have your order for .the transfer of ~~46.26 from the L.I.D.General Fund to the L.I.D,No.145? 1 Respectfully submitted Madge H.Nailor City Treasurer. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the above report be aooepted and that the City Treasurer be instruated to transfer the sum of $46.26 from the L.I.D.General Fund to the funds of L.I.D.No.145 to take care of the interest due on the warrants issued. And that the City Attorney bring in an Ordillnanoe authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds for said distriot. Seconded by Mayor Davis, On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor ~eolared the motion oarried. The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- J.V7.Robertson street Department Street Department \'I.~.O'Day Current Expense Fund Plumbing Inspector Pay roll Pay roll Speoial Police 40.50 1194.50 56.00 20.00 131 J ,"" Wa ter Fund Water Department Pay roll Light Fund 879.86 1 Light Department Light Department - Sales Division George Estes , Pay roll Pay roll \'food 67 g ,17 663.67 . 230.00 . 4.50 Park Fund Louis Huoke Ca rl Thorp Labor Labor ~'" ~I ~ 9.00 12.00 L.I.D.General Fund I Engineer's Department Pay roll 195.00 There being no further business the Commission 7z,,I?J,.7~ then adjourned. ~~ City Clerk Mayor ~